Sneak Attack
A/N: This story was inspired by something I witnessed my sister and brother-in-law doing. Needless to say my nephew is a bit of stickler when it comes to medicine.

"Do you really think this is the best way to do this?" Tony asked.

Ziva surveyed the scene in front of her. The target was fully distracted and had been neglecting surveillance of his surroundings for a while. The entertainment in front of him proved to be enough to keep his attention away from the impending attack. "It is our best bet. He is distracted."

Tony nodded in acquiescence. "He'll never see it coming. Go ahead. I'll be on your six."

Ziva glanced over her shoulder at him and nodded. Slowly the pair crept forward, careful to avoid the more vocal of floorboards. They covered the distance in a few short seconds before crouching down behind a makeshift cover. Ziva ticked off the seconds on her fingers, springing into action upon reaching three.

Tony leapt up and grabbed the target's arms, pinning them to the surface below. Ziva was right behind him securing his legs before he had a chance to kick her. The target immediately began to protest and squirm, trying in vain to throw his attackers off his body.

"Hurry up!" Tony yelled.

Ziva pulled the bottle out of her pocket, made quick work of the cap and poised it above the target's eyes. As the liquid dripped down the target stilled and whimpered.

"Mission accomplished," Tony breathed.

Ziva smiled sadly before she was attacked, a pair of small arms encircling her neck. Immediately she felt the wetness of tears against her neck. "I'm sorry Isaac," Ziva whispered.

"There's gotta be a better way to do this."

Ziva sighed, stroking her hand up and down the little boy's back. "He won't let us near him if he knows it is coming and it is the only way to treat Pink Eye." Her cheek pressed against the boy's head as he curled into her embrace. Ziva's lips pressed against the mess of brown hair that stuck up in every direction.

Tony watched the scene with a mix of amusement and regret. Isaac was lucky enough to get both he and Ziva's good looks with dark curly hair, shining green eyes, and strong facial features. Unfortunately it was a package deal, meaning that the boy was also born with a stubbornness to rival both Tony and Ziva's combined. It made life that much more interesting.

"How long do we have to keep doing this?" Tony asked.

"We have to keep giving him the drops until the pink eye clears up. Hopefully it will not last much longer."

"Mommy?" the little boy leaned backward and peered up with blurry eyes.

"Yes baby?"

"I'm hungry. Can I have a snack?"

"Sure," Ziva said standing from the couch with Isaac in her arms. "My God you are getting heavy! Have you been sneaking cookies again?"

Isaac laughed. "Not sneaking. Daddy gives them to me!"

Ziva shot Tony a look to which he recoiled. "I have no idea what he's talking about," he denied taking his son from his mother's arms. "Little snitch. You're gonna get us both in trouble."

"Sorry daddy."

Ziva shook her head and followed her boys into the kitchen. Her life certainly was not how she had imagined it. It was crazy and hectic and out of the ordinary. And it was exactly what she needed.

Short and sweet, I know. But let me know what you think!