Ok so I'm writing another story. Those who read my other story 'nothing to loose' don't worry I'm still writing that too! Anyways thanks soooo much to 'The-Gallagher-Girl-Zammie' who gave me the general idea for this story. I would have never thought to make Cammie a…well you have to read to find out. Thanks so much and enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own the Gallagher girls. Sadly.

I stepped into office; she was in charge of the orphanage. "?" I called into the room.

"Cammie dear come in, come in! I have some very exciting news for you!" she exclaimed. I eyed her warily, but stepped into the room anyways. "You have been adopted!" she proclaimed smiling broadly. Adopted?

"Already?" I asked confused. I'd only just gotten here two days ago, after having been in the hospital…

"Yes! Isn't it wonderful?" she asked seemingly giddy. She was probably just happy to get rid of me.

"Um, yes?" I said the words coming out as more of a question.

"And so soon too," she murmured looking down at her papers. "He will be here after lunch to pick you up," she said as she smiled and looked up at me. It would be lunch in an hour.

"I should go pack then," I mumbled and headed back to my room. I was still in my pajamas. I brushed my teeth and took a quick shower, washing my hair. When it was dry I grabbed a pair of jeans and a tank top. It was nice out, a crisp fall day, and the shining sun warmed the world. I smiled slightly as I looked out of the window, my body begged for exercise. Fall was my favorite time of year, the crisp air always made me feel good. The sun warming me as the wind made sure I didn't overheat. It was pure perfection. Plus all the colors of the leaves, there was just something so peaceful about it, so carefree and lazy as the leaves fell and drifted slowly to the ground, seemingly unaware. Of course they didn't have feelings and so when a boot came down, crunching them into oblivion, they felt nothing. I wonder how it would be, to feel nothing, know nothing. Not be able to think. The saying ignorance is bliss, so true. If you didn't know what would happen-couldn't think of the possibilities, then there was nothing to fear. But at the same time not knowing almost made it worse. Always that aching, itching feeling, that something would happen, and never being able to know. That's how I felt. I hadn't known what would happen. Never could have expected it. I'd been ignorant to the world. Of course I'd known death, but the thought that it may happen to me. Death. So close that it had brushed me, taken me, and then dropped me almost as suddenly. That night, that night had changed everything.