A/N: Thank you all so much for the kind reviews! I really appreciate feedback from you guys (especially when it's something I'm not used to writing). I hope you all enjoy this chapter.


Chapter II

After Luke had defeated Kronos and Gods spared his life, Luke was taken to Camp Half-Blood to continue healing. There, he remained unconscious for almost three weeks. Even with the help of the Gods, Luke's injuries were severe. When Luke had stabbed his weak point (just under his left arm pit), it was a traumatic blow to his body. Anyone with the Curse of Achilles has one weak point on their body that it extremely sensitive…and it if that spot were to be injured, the person died instantly. Luke is only known bearer of the Curse of Achilles to have lived once their weak point was struck.

Luke was given small amounts of nectar daily, which was risky in of itself. Since Luke was demigod, too much of the drink would make him feverish (and could possibly incinerate him like it would a mortal). The most skilled healers were used to treat Luke, and many were beginning to wonder if he would wake up at all.

Percy tried his best to cheer Annabeth up. It was very obvious to everyone that having Luke at camp was making Annabeth anxious. Even after sharing that amazing kiss with her underwater, Percy couldn't help but think that Annabeth still harbored feelings for the older boy. Secretly, Annabeth would creep to the infirmary at night and keep a constant vigil at Luke's bedside. Percy eventually caught on to what she was doing, but said nothing.

One night, after Annabeth had left Luke's bedside, Percy snuck in to see Luke himself. Percy couldn't help but feel strange going to see the son of Hermes like this, under the cloak of darkness. He had gone occasionally with Annabeth during the day to see if Luke was alright, but that was it. He had never been by himself.

Quietly, Percy claimed the chair that Annabeth had been sitting on. He looked around to make sure no one was there, and then gazed down at the sleeping Luke. He was very pale and, despite sleeping for weeks, had dark circles under his eyes. Normally one looked peaceful when they slept, but Luke had an almost pained look on his face. Percy wondered if Luke was having a nightmare, or his appearance was a result of his injuries.

Percy noticed Luke's hand lying on top of the blanket. For some strange reason, Percy felt an almost over whelming urge to grab it. He shook his head and thought, 'where did that come from?'

Suddenly, his mind raced back to the night four years ago in his cabin, where he and Luke had almost kissed…or sort of like that. He could almost feel Luke's strong arm around his shoulders and his calloused hand pressing into his arms. It was…almost like it had happened yesterday. He remembered gazing up into Luke's brilliant blue eyes, their faces mere inches apart. His stomach began to feel jittery and his palms grew sweaty. Like a wave of nostalgia, his old crush on Luke washed up and over his entire body. Sitting next to him…just looking at him made Percy's face flush. Despite everything that had happened…all of the fighting and the lives that had been lost…Percy's old feelings for Luke began to reemerge.

Luke shifted in his bed, breaking Percy's train of thought. For a moment, he thought Luke was beginning to wake up.

"Luke?" Percy said quietly, waiting to see if Luke opened his eyes.

The son of Hermes shifted once more, and again was in a deep sleep. Percy sighed and was almost glad he didn't wake (it would be kind of awkward to explain why he was there in the first place). Percy sat back in his chair, but couldn't help notice Luke's face. It was more calm than before…he looked as though he were having a peaceful dream.

Percy stole another glance at Luke's sleeping face before quickly making his way out of the infirmary. It was late, and he knew the harpies would be out this time of night. But, seeing as he also had the Curse of Achilles, it's not like they could do much damage.

Once in his cabin, Percy tried desperately to forget everything he was feeling and go to bed. Again he was reminded of that night…and again his dreams were filled with Luke

The next day during free time, Annabeth and Percy were lounging by the beach, laughing and sharing kisses with one another. Percy really liked spending time with Annabeth and was a really amazing girl, but soon she would be heading to Olympus to help with the rebuild. That would take a lot of time, and Percy honestly wasn't quite sure what he would do when she wasn't around. Plus, his feelings about Luke weren't making his life any easier.

Percy caught Annabeth staring off into the horizon, concern etched into her pretty face. He could tell something was wrong.

"What's the matter?" he asked, lacing their fingers together.

"…What if he doesn't wake up?" Annabeth said softly, her gazed fixed on the water.

"I'm sure Luke will wake up in time," Percy reassured. "Come on, look what happened to the guy. It's going to take awhile to fully heal."

"I know. But…when he does wake up, what do I say to him? After everything he's done…I'm afraid of what I'm going to say. I don't know whether to hug him or punch him in the face!"

Percy laughed, "Trust me, you're not the only one who wants to punch him."

And it was true. Despite the growing affection Percy felt for Luke, he would love nothing more than to deck him right in the face. Everyone knew how much Luke's betrayal had hurt Annabeth and Thalia, but no one really knew how much it had hurt Percy as well. Luke was one of his first friends at camp, and he trusted him. He looked up to the older boy and knowing that Luke betrayed them all left a burning anger in the bit of Percy's stomach. He found himself wondering how he himself would act when Luke finally woke up. How would the rest of camp act?

Annabeth looked back at Percy then, her stormy eyes wrought this sadness, "I wish I could have helped him, Percy. I wish that I would have known what he was feeling…maybe I could have turned him away from Kronos. Maybe…maybe he'd still be the Luke we all remember."

"You're hubris is showing," Percy joked, trying to lighten the mood. Annabeth just smacked him in the arm. Then, Percy cupped Annabeth's face in his hands, "Don't dwell on what could have been, Annabeth. You'll never learn to move on if you can't get over what happened. I mean, I'm angry at him too….but the Gods somehow forgave him. Maybe we can learn from that."

Annabeth smiled, "You can be pretty deep when you want to, Seaweed Brain."

Percy, happy that he made Annabeth smile, pulled her in for a slow, sweet kiss. He ran his fingers through her blonde hair and admired how soft it felt. They kissed happily for a few moments until they heard a slight cough from behind them. They broke apart and found Chiron standing behind them.

"I'm sorry to interrupt," said the centaur. "But I thought you two would like to know that Luke is finally awake."

A/N: Chapter II done! I hope you all enjoyed reading it! Please review! Hopefully I'll have the next chapter up soon!