
Rating: NC17

Pairing: Smoker X Ace

Author's Note:

Okay… in the moment I'm working at about 10 fics (okay more like 30^^') at the same time; not that this stops me from starting another one^^

Please don't take it too seriously though, I was rather high on meds as I got this idea^^


Set round a bout a year after Impel Down – Ace has hunted down Teach and had actually defeated him, unfortunately for him Van Auger had shot him with a new kind of bullet one with rather interesting side effects. The day after as he presented Teach's head to his sencho Whitebeard wonders why Ace sported cat ears and a tail^^

Speaking of annoyances Ace came to realise, that he had gone into heat! Guess for whom^^

Oh yeah, one more thing, I do know that there all kinds of crazy humanoids roaming freely in One Piece, so Ace problem would not be really so special. Just work with me for the stories sake^^


The air was still hot from the former fight, though he actually just used his fire based attacks on Van Auger and the others of the crew and not on his real opponent. Wiping blood out of his eyes Ace looked down at the dead body lying to his feet. It had been an ugly and straining fight but he had learned from his former confrontation with Blackbeard and in the end he had managed it. Teach was finally dead; Ace had fulfilled his duty and avenged his nakama, now it was time to return to his sencho.

With slight disgust but no further emotions he began to remove Teach's head from the body to present it to Whitebeard. He felt exhausted and his powers took their sweet time healing his wounds; especially the nasty cut on his forehead and the wound in his shoulder were one of Van Augers bullets had in fact hit the Firefist bothered him to no end.

The first one simply because the still running blood were stinging in his eyes and disturbed his view; the second one wasn't really hurting but it stung like a bitch and it made the pirate wonder what the hell the sniper had used as ammo for his last shot. Usually normal weapons couldn't' even touch him let alone hurt him. It wasn't seastone; this Ace was sure off, because he still could use his powers so it had to be something else but what?

Bah, it didn't really matter, the gash was already closing and he could ask one of the captain's sweet, little nurses to look at it, should it still hurt at his arrival. A smug smile played at his lips, not that he had to be in pain to have one off them take care of him, they were all too eager for his attention.

With a final cut of his trusted knife he finished his job of severing Teach's head off and put it away in an extra bag. It was time to return to his captain and his division. With an elegant jump he landed square on his Striker. With nothing more than a thought his feet and calves became flame, fuelling the boats engine and not a second later the commander of Whitebeard's second division was raging over the deep blue sea.

With a smile, well hidden by his big moustache, Whitebeard looked proudly at the boy before him. Ace had entered his main ship in one of his usual showy ways and was now standing before the pirate captain. The boys face hold a grim smile that did nothing to hide the satisfaction in the boy's eyes as he presented Teach's severed head to his Sencho. But Whitebeard didn't spend more than a quick glance for the traitorous scum, he was dead now and so was the traitor's crew – which he was sure of knowing the lad.

"Well done my son."

Ace was practically aglow, basking in his captain's praise a broad smile on his lips that even reached his eyes, something that had not happened in a while now. Whitebeard could feel relieve wash over him, after his first fight with Blackbeard, his defeat by aforementioned and the resulting stay in Impel Down the boy had become more demure and silent, his smiles a mask looking more pained than anything else. Maybe now the fire user could go back to his old form and personality – frankly spoken the captain missed the old Ace, he was always startling refreshing in his easy, outgoing ways. And yes, even if Whitebeard would never say so aloud, Ace was definitive his most favourite son among this crew of his. And so with an afterthought:

"I am very proud of you!"

Okay, maybe he had overdone it with this one. Whitebeard had to stifle the loud laugh that threatened to break free at the look on Ace face. The boy's eyes were wide open and bulging, mouth agape and a flush bright on his cheeks. But as usual Ace had his control back within seconds, just a pleased smile remaining and with his usual respectful and polite personality he thanked his captain graciously. Hell sometimes he wondered if the whelp had been right in his decision of becoming a pirate – sometimes he was just too damned well-mannered to be true! Smirking the big man grumbled:

"Go on kiddo, grab yourself something to eat and get some sleep."


And so, grinning widely, Ace made his way to the galley winking at the nurses and shooting them a suggestive smile. The women started giggling and blushing, all of them more then ready to give into Ace advances, should the boy really make a move. Even the head nurse whose normal personality was cold as ice and more frigid than a nun was blushing madly and fluttering her eyelashes at the brat. Whitebeard groaned at the females who were still looking at the door Ace had disappeared through – hell but the boy was way to charming for his own good.

The old pirate shot a last glance to the door before taking a huge gulp of rum mainly just to have the nurses' attention back for himself. But as the woman started pampering him again he couldn't help but wonder, today something was amiss with the boys appearance he just couldn't get a hold on it.

Blinking his bleary eyes Ace woke up slowly. Damn but he had needed this nap. Stretching his long limbs catlike Ace came up leisurely. Swinging his bare feet out of his hammock and starting to strode for the small bath attached to his cabin Ace could feel his head and lower back itching and tingling. Strange.

Stepping under the spray the pirate let the hot, hard stream press into his flesh, relaxing his sore muscles. Streams were running down his toned body while steam started to fill the small room. Hell but this felt good. Grabbing a bar of soap Ace started to lather his body, running his hands up and down his well defined abs and lower to his filling member. Quickly abandoning the idea of a short shower, Ace put the soap aside and the mera mera user grabbed his penis in one hand and began a slow, smooth rhythm adding only the slightest pressure. Pressing his forehead to the cool tiles his other hand started to tease his nipples into hardness, altering between twisting and pinching the nub of flesh or just teasingly stroking the flesh around it. Already his breath had become short and ragged; his skin was flushed with a dark pink that had nothing to do with the water's warmth.

Widening his stance Ace strengthened the grip on his, by now, painfully hard penis and used his left hand to steady him. He was biting his lips hard enough to draw blood by now and squeezed his eyes shut tightly. Ace stroked himself a few more times until he came with a strangled groan, hot cum hit the tiled wall and was washed away by the running water. Gasping hard for much needed air Ace stood under the cooling stream and tried to regain his composure. Damn this had been intense.