It was a normal lazy dog day afternoon. Little Alfred Jones sat playing with his stuffed animal rabbit outside. He had been told to stay outside after being admonished for wetting his bed early in the night. It was not something a seven year old should have been doing anymore, but sometimes he could not help it.

His older brother England, more commonly known as Arthur was in the large mansion house that he owned. He was entertaining his two good nation friends Finland and Sweden. He was also going over land owning, and depositions and other conflicts of interest. America craved the attention from his older brother, but England never had the time or patience to play with him. Playing in the house was absolutely forbidden unless it was in the child's bedroom or the nursery. Alfred liked to sometimes test the limits, but Arthur made sure it was branded in his mind that the child was to obey, otherwise he would be punished.

Alfred got up from where he was sitting, and suddenly felt hungry. He was sent outside not more than an hour ago. He grabbed at his stomach and spoke to his small little stuffed friend.

"Big brother sent me outside bunny…I was naughty and wet the bed last night. He never wants to play with me, and is always so busy with talking to other big nations. Maybe if I had a friend, then we could all play." He stroked the animal's fake fur, and then smiled. "Hey, let's go inside, and maybe Arthur will give me some cookies and milk." He got right up and ran inside. One of the maids, Francine greeted him at the door.

"Hello young Master Jones…did you have a nice time outside?" She took his jacket and he stood and stared up at her with innocent eyes.

"Yes…um, is big brother done with the other nations…I am hungry?" He waited for an answer, and she smiled down at him.

"Yes little one, actually Mr. England wanted me to come and get you, but look at you, all ready on your own. Come along love, let's go into the dining room and we'll see about getting you fed." The boy took her hand, and the two walked until they heard loud voices.

England was laughing at something Sweden had said. Finland sat close and smiled at the two also sharing conversation. All three looked up when Alfred walked in with Francine. England nodded at her and motioned the child over.

"Come here Alfred." He stood up and held one hand behind his back as the child walked to his older brother. Bending down to the boy, he tousled the boy's hair. This was a sign that England was not mad at him anymore, and that made the boy happy. "Hello young nipper, say hello to Finland and Sweden, and then sit down."

"Good afternoon Mr. Tino…Mr. Berwald." The boy bowed, and then ran to his seat and was helped by one of the male wait staff standing by. England motioned to the butler and snapped his fingers.

"Hughes…please bring the child a watercress sandwich and some milk."

"Very good sir." Hughes walked off and Alfred looked up at his big brother.

"But…but Arthur…I want cookies! Francine said I could have cookies! I want cookies big brother, I want them, I want want want them!" The little boy, who knew better to behave than a spoiled brat, and in front of guests banged his hands on the table.

Finland and Sweden looked at one another…and then at England who's face was becoming redder and redder. He swiftly walked over to the boy, grabbed him by the arm, and having the child still shouting, glared at his guests.

"If you will excuse for one moment gentlemen. I am extremely sorry…and very, very mortified for this child's actions right now." He held the boy firmly who was struggling to be released. "Come along Alfred…" He walked out of the dining room through the door, and down towards the hallway. Once he knew there was no other person around, he delivered two single swats to the boy's backside. He yelped and stamped his feet in anger.

"Alfred Frederick Jones!" England said this through clenched teeth.

The boy was being still being quite difficult. Safe away from England's guests, he knelt down to the boy. "America…you WILL cease this behavior at once!" The boy had caused himself to get very upset that tears streamed down his face.

"Big brother…I wanted cookies…its not fair!" He wiped his nose, and hung his head down. He knew he should have been punished further, and England had every intention of giving it to him, but something stopped the man. He looked at the child with compassion.

"Something tells me this is not about the cookies young man…its something else." He gave a semi smile, and Alfred choked on his tears.

"I want to play with big brother, but you are so busy all the time. I was telling bunny." He looked around, and then got nervous. "Oh no! Oh no, Arthur, bunny…where is he? He got lost!" The boy went to run down the hall, but England held him back.

"Bunny is not lost, you must have left him outside. Now…I had better never see that kind of behavior ever again, unless you want to be well spanked." He cleared his throat, and stood up. Taking the boy's hand, he walked with him down the hall back to the dining room. "I will have you eat your lunch, and then you may have one biscuit…and I am sorry, I need to finish business with Finland and Sweden, so you will have to go outside okay?"

"Okay…" He said in a sullen response. The two then walked back, and Finland looked up with a smile. America was lifted into a chair, and his lunch was set in front of him. He ate it with mild enthusiasm, only waiting for it to be gone so he could eat his cookie. Once he was finished, he was given the cookie, and then, he had to go back outside.

It was still nice outside, and just as he was told, bunny was laying in a small pile under a tree. He was about to dash out, when he heard someone behind him. Looking back it was England.

"Alfred…don't go too far please. I want you to stay within the garden. Just be close so you can hear Hughes or Francine." He then turned around and went back into the house without the child agreeing.

Alfred continued on his main focus, being with bunny. He ran to the tree, and grabbed the stuffed toy by the ears. Rejoicing and laughing something seemed different though, like he was being watched. The garden was extremely large, and located in the back of the mansion. Part of it was fenced off, but not all of it. There were several fountains and large topiaries of different amazing creatures. Millions of wild flowers sprouted throughout the lawn. It was like an Amazon forest to a child's large imagination. America looked down at his stuffed rabbit and spoke to it.

"Do you think someone is watching us? Wait…I think I hear something, it came from…oh no! Over there!" The little boy ran to see a large bush that was shaking. There was obviously something there. Tip toeing, he shouted to the greenery. "Hey…hey I see you little eyes…what are you doing at my house?" Alfred watched as a small figure came out from the shrubbery and his eyes widened. It was another little boy, and he was dressed in the most peculiar outfit. He approached America and spoke in a soft tone.

"Hi…my name is Matthew…um I runned away from my home, and uh…I came here." He was wearing a brown outfit with an orange sash wrapped around his waist similar to a belt, and little brown moccasin boots. He was from Canada, but this didn't matter to America. In his arms he held a stuffed animal bear, and looked as if he was about to cry. His dark blond hair fell into his eyes, and he had a curly ahoge that sat on the top on his hair sprang back and fourth. Alfred smiled and reached out to him, grabbing his arm and shaking it.

"Hi Matthew…my name is Alfred. You have come to play with me then?" The intensity of America caught little Canada off guard. He stepped back and became frightened. "Come on Matthew…I am not going to hurt you, I just want to play! Come on let's play." He held out his hand, and after slight hesitation, the boy took his new friend's hand, and the two boys ran off towards a large grouping of stone archways.

Meanwhile back in the mansion, England was exhausted from going over things with his two guests. Hughes came by and offered tea to all three of the men. England exhausted spoke up.

"Oh dear me Hughes…is there any way you can grab us a couple mugs of ale, I think its well earned at this point."

"Very good sir, right away." The old butler left the room, and went into the kitchen. Finland yawned and Sweden patted him on the back.

"Don't vorry my sweet…we'll be getting home in a little vile." Sweden's patting turned into rubbing. Finland cleared his throat and looked a little uncomfortable.

"Er yes…yes Berwald." Casting an eye over at Arthur, the man did not seem to care. He then looked up at Hughes walking over with a tray and three large mugs of something very tasty. He passed them around, and each nation took one. England took a large swig, and then put the mug down.

"Bloody hell that's good stuff, exactly what I needed. Come on boys, here's to the day being over…being its only two in the afternoon. I need to see what Alfred is up to, he's been outside for a long time. So, finish up, and I will see you two in a couple of days."

He watched the two men finish their pints, and set the glasses down on the table. Walking them to the front door, he bid them goodbye, and went to find Francine. She was sitting in the library dusting some books. She turned to him and gave him a delightful expression.

"Hello Master Arthur…how can I help you?" She put down her duster and awaited her instructions.

"Good afternoon Francine…would you be a dear and go and fetch Alfred…he needs to attend to his Geography lesson." Arthur stood with both hands behind his back in the military stance. Francine smiled, curtsied and walked towards the doors to the gardens. Arthur then walked out of the room towards his study.

Francine walked to the door, heaved it opened and called out for the boy. Being that the garden was vast, she had to call louder each time. With both boys playing, Alfred did not hear, but Matthew did. He listened closely, and he could tell it was an adult. He stopped what he was doing, which was digging a hole. Alfred looked at him.

"What's the matter Matt?" America had a perplexed look upon his face.

"I hear someone calling you…who is it?" The boy's blue eyes eyed his friend. America leaned an ear out and recognized it was Francine. Not wanting to cause any problems with not coming when he was called went to run, but then stopped in his tracks and looked back at Canada.

"Come on…big brother will say its okay for you to stay. You are my friend, come!" He took Matthew's hand and the two ran to the entrance to the mansion. Francine was extremely surprised to see a new little guest. He beamed at the maid and spoke a million words a minute. "Francine this is my friend Matthew, and he was in the bushes, he ran away from home, and he played with me, we built a fort, and dug some holes, he has a stuffed bear and look at his shoes, oh my Francine, isn't he neat?"

"Whoa…calm down love. Let me just go get your brother. Stay right here darling." Looking slightly worried, she ran inside the mansion, and towards England's study. He was busy at the desk when she barged in. "Master Arthur…Master Arthur!" She frantically flailed her arms, England just looked at her with a surprised gasp.

"Francine! What it the matter?" Is Alfred alright? Is he hurt? What happened…what has he done?" England got right up and walked to her with comforting solace.

"He is fine, its just, you need to come right away." Nodding quickly, England ran down the hall, with Francine tailing after him. Arriving at the door, he stopped short and looked to see his younger brother and a new little guest. He stood staring at both of them, and a excited Alfred looked up at his brother and smiled.

"Hi big brother…this is Matthew…can he stay?" The boy held onto Canada's hand, and left England with a very compromising situation.