Title: Dancing In The Rain
Pairing: Shizuo x Izaya
Disclaimer: I own none of these characters!

Shizuo's POV

His laughter is so contagious that I can feel the corners of my lips perking up.

"But it's fun!" He exclaims.

I sigh.

"That's a little fucked up," I mutter. Feelings are not exactly the best things to joke about, and I definitely don't appreciate my own being undermined.

"Aw, hey, I didn't mean it like that," he says, tone a bit more resigned. I glance over just as he's pulling his feet up on the edge of the couch, wrapping his arms around his knees, "Guess I don't really know how to react. It's weird knowing that you like me."

I stare at him, something akin to wonderment and curiosity swelling in my chest. The thought of just leaning over and kissing him crosses my mind, immediately followed with a million objections and the rapid pulsing of my heart.

Damn it, he better not be messing with me, but even though he looks unsure, he does not look opposed to the idea. Or maybe that's just me being hopeful.

Or maybe I should do something to help him decide.

… damn it.

I listen as Trouble scuffles around, probably moving about in his sleep. When he becomes still again, I take a deep breath and speak.

"You say weird," I comment, sitting up just enough to stretch my arm and reach Izaya. Taking hold of the wrist closest to me, I'm relieved when the arm is lax as I drag it over and settle it between us. Looking away from him, I intertwine our fingers together and rest them against the cushion, "But you let me dance with you. And you still chose to stay."

Hey, that wasn't too bad.

Hand holding is more subtle than a kiss. Wouldn't want to freak him out. Not to mention, I added a little hint there.

I feel quite accomplished, but still not sure enough to look at him. His palm is warm within my own, and my breath hitches when I feel the fingers between mine twitch.

Ah, don't pull away...

But they don't. In fact, they merely slide further into the nooks between my own, holding on tighter.

"Guess so," he says in a tone that reveals absolutely nothing to me. I'm not terribly concerned, however, still too caught up in the feeling of our hands pressed together.

After a few seconds of just sitting like that, I hear him move.

I nearly have a heart attack when I feel his weight sink into my right side, our joined hands now at rest on my leg. My head whips in his direction, only to have his hair tickle the bottom of my chin.

I'm kind of glad he can't see my face right now, because I'm sure I resemble a fish with the way I keep trying to talk.

"If we're going to sleep, I'm using you as my pillow," he says, warm breath seeping through the material on my shoulder.

The Hell you are. I can't sleep like this!

The heck is he trying to pull, snuggling up against me like this?

Does he want to get jumped?

No, no, down boy.

I take a deep breath to calm myself. I should have never, ever said that line that conjured up so many inappropriate images earlier.

This is a good thing. I'm supposed to enjoy the fact he's snuggling up to me.

And I do.

A little too much.

He moves again, and I become stock-still when he lifts his head. A frown is decorating his lips, scarlet eyes glaring at my arm. His fingertips suddenly start pushing into my biceps.

"Actually, you don't make a very good pillow. Hmph, I'm jealous of this muscle," he says, and my gaze is glued to his lips.

Oh fuck it.

I'm going to drive myself insane if I let another opportunity slip away.

The move is quick, leaving him no time to even think about backing away before I'm swooping down and stealing his lips. The jabbing fingertips on my arm instantly become limp, quickly followed by him jerking his head back, still staying close, but just enough to cease contact between us.

My eyes open, alarmed.


He just pulled away.

I knew I shouldn't have done that. I knew it, I knew it.

Saying he looks surprised is an understatement.

"Sorry," I mutter, untangling our hands and looking away from him. My body even leans to the opposite side on instinct, skin burning in shame.

You went for the hand holding because you said kissing was too risky, and then you kiss him? Ugh.

My eyes land on the sleeping dog and I glare at him. He's a carefree mutt that doesn't have to deal with forbidden love affairs.

"I really do think I need some sleep. Forget that," I say quickly, ready to make a hasty exit and meet back up with a friend called rational thoughts.

I really need him.

Unfortunately, in my effort to get up, something grabs my t-shirt and yanks me back on the couch. Then fiery eyes are glaring at me.

"The heck.. stop doing things and then telling me to forget about them!" He exclaims. I cower at the claim.

"But I don't want to do something you don't like!" I say quickly. The very last thing I want is for you to feel troubled by me or even worse, hate me.

His glare softens, and then with a soft sigh, he places his hands on my shoulders.

"Sit up," he commands. Something in his gaze has me following the order immediately. Watching with terrorized wonder, I try my best not to hold my breath when his finger travels along the edge of my jaw, and definitely not when he's leaning in closer, slipping those eyelids shut.

Oh my God, he's leaning in closer and shutting his eyes-!

The kiss is gentle, exploratory. His soft lips slide over my own, and after he tilts his head further to the side and connects our mouths again, I am over the shock and more than happy to respond. With my heart on the edge of bursting, I lean into him, placing my hand on the back of his head. Within seconds he's pulling away again and I have to swallow a protest, blinking my eyes open, unsure.

He stays hovering close, both hands perched on my shoulders and a small smile playing over the lips I was just kissing. I'm seriously trying to look him in the eyes, but my lazy gaze keeps dropping to those lips.

"I didn't particularly dislike that," he suddenly says.

It takes me a few seconds for my mind to process the words.

I don't think I've ever felt this giddy.

And, as incredible as it may seem, I don't think I've ever wanted him more than I do at this very moment.

So many things are swimming in my head that I don't even know what to do. Or maybe, there are so many things I want to do that they're just crashing together and I can't focus on any details. The only thing consistent in these jumbled thoughts is Izaya, who is still staring down at me with that gaze that's telling me it's okay...

With my actions being even quicker than my own thoughts, I'm leaning forward again, taking his mouth captive.

And he lets me.

He lets me bury my fingers in his hair and coax his mouth open so I can glide my tongue inside and taste him. Truthfully, I can still taste a hint of tuna from his pizza, but that's completely fine, so long as he keeps moving his tongue like that...!

I knew my body was moving, though I was too intoxicated to really keep up with what I was doing until I realized I had pulled Izaya onto my lap. He gives no protest, just wraps his arms around my shoulders and breathes small puffs of air against my lips before kissing me again.

It's hot. I don't know if it's the temperature of the room or our bodies pressed together or the negligence of oxygen, but my body feels like it's on fire.

It takes a lot of willpower to pull back from the kiss, but I do, and bury my face in his neck, running my nose gently along his adam's apple.

"I love you," I breathe against his skin.

Finally.. finally I'm able to say the words I've kept inside for so long. How good it feels to say them is indescribable.

All is still for a moment. It's warm and comfortable with his body curled into mine, and I can feel his pulse beating beneath my lips. His weight is gently sinking me down into the couch cushions, the soft material of the over-sized t-shirt's sleeve is lightly tickling my forearm, and I close my eyes contentedly.

This was going to be a moment I would remember forever.

His arms were suddenly in motion, sliding over my shoulders and around the back of my neck, holding me tighter. I can feel his warm breath on my head.

"I've definitely never had someone say that to me on a first date," he says with a soft chuckle. I grin.

"We've known each other for almost eight years now," I needlessly remind him, resting my forehead in the junction between shoulder and neck, "And this is not our first date."

"Oh?" He questions in a curious tone.

"Nope. I'll take you on an official date soon," I say, lifting my head to give him a quick kiss on the lips. He doesn't pull away this time; in fact, he grins and dips forward to kiss me again.

"Soon? Friday?" He asks when he breaks the kiss.

The end of the week being mentioned unfortunately brings back the memory of the damned textbooks lying some feet away. I glance at them warily.

"Um. Maybe.. after finals?" I ask with a nervous laugh. Izaya snorts and shakes his head disbelievingly.

"Hey, you've been crushing on me this long. Can't be too hard to wait a little longer," Izaya says with laughing eyes.

"Ah, a date is nothing compared to today, though. After all, I managed to sweep you off your feet... quite literally," I jest with a raised eyebrow.

"Of which you will never do again," he replies with a daring glare.

I grin and grab hold the underneaths of his legs and arms. Really, the way he's sitting in my lap is perfect for this.

"Yeah?" I question, and his body starts when I suddenly stand, lifting him up like a princess. His eyes grow comically wide for a split second, before narrowing into slits.

"Shizu-chan, I swe-!"

With him securely in my hold, I raise his legs and lower his shoulders in a perfect air dip. He yelps something intelligible with a death grip on my shoulders.

He's really light.

"Shizu-chan! This is not fun!" He yells, and I laugh as I set him right again, though still keeping him cradled in my arms. An adorable blush is creeping up his cheeks.

"I think it's fun," I say, laughing. He pouts for a second, and then deflates as if he's given up. In a movement that surprises me, he cuddles up to my chest, resting his head on my arm.

"Yeah yeah. Do it in public and I'll kill you."

I smile widely, and stare down at his half-lidded eyes.

"Getting tired now? Let's go to bed," I say, lifting my foot to jab the OFF button on the TV remote.

"Look at you, already trying to get me in your bed."

I flush.

"I didn't mean it like that!" I exclaim.

"Hmm. I'm not convinced~"

"Well be convinced. And actually.. will you sleep with me?"




"...! Not like that! Sleep! Literally!"

With myself blushing up a storm and Izaya laughing at me, I carry him into my bedroom and shut the door behind us.

We eventually fall asleep with our fingers intertwined and the steady sound of the rain falling on my roof.

Complete :3! Hope you enjoyed this fluffy little thing, and I'm sorry it took so long to get out!