[[Summary: Cat demons generally can be compared to wolf demons of these lands. Well not for this one, Makoto, a cat demon seeking to escape the ways of his people, traveled from another continent to the western lands in hope for peace...Which he won't find. The demons of these parts aren't use to a cat demon in heat. And what if he was to trip upon the western land's Lord? A powerful demon that Makoto would never be able to fight off as he did to the ones of his village?

Will he ever find his dreams? Could he make the best of things? Maybe...]]

Chapter 1: Welcomed

It was spring time, for many different species of demons it meant mating season, for others it just meant yet another season had passed and another was to begin. From freezing cold now to the wretched heat. But it also meant comfort, in temperature which was not too warm, not too cold, the snow was going away and now beautiful flowers covered the newborn green grass.

All was peaceful, well, except for one specific Youkai's mind whom was usually one to never have much of a disturbed mind. The disturbance in the usual peaceful stream never showed on his face, what good would come of him showing such disturbed emotions? No... Instead, he kept quiet about the situation, and every morning when Rin would run off to go meet with that new...disturbance, he'd simply follow.

Quietly, step after step until he came to a halt at a distance, far enough where he'd go unnoticed, and close enough so he could observe Rin and make sure the other Yokai wasn't going to harm the girl. Was that really the only reason he was following? Or was it that curious fragrance that came from the Yokai that peeked his interest. It wasn't clear, but he could see that the demon was male, but yet this odd fragrance still flowed with the wind. It wasn't so much the Yokai whom was picking flowers and making crowns for Rin that bothered him, but that scent... Which could easily attract any other nearby demon whom lacked control.

Though demons of his kind, female or male, have no worry over being entranced by such scents from their own kind. It was strange for him to come in contact with a demon who's scent did indeed bother him slightly, so he could only imagine just how strong it had to be for weaker species.

And just to what extent demons would go to possess the demon for their own.

He cared not for the demon, but just what could happen to the girl if another demon was to approach these area's... That wasn't welcomed.

But yet the foreign demon did also peek his interest as much as he hated to admit it. The demon had ears AND a tail, but yet did not smell like a half breed. And this demon probably didn't have the strength to have a full form for a disguise. Cat demons around these parts only had a tail, same for the wolves, but not this creature, whom obviously did not come from these parts. If the demon traits weren't enough to convince him, his clothes did.

The shirt did tie itself at the front as most Kimono's did, but the sleeves only hung around his elbows down. The shirt also cut off right bellow his rib cage, revealing his stomach and there was sash around his waist yes, but then shorts underneath and striped stockings from his knee's down, with little boots clinging around his ankles. His outfit was mainly coloured in warm colours, along with browns and some black and white. Mainly like the streaks of his hair. In thick and thin streaks, his hair was a rainbow of brown, orange, white and black streaks. With bright green eyes that hid behind the bangs of his hair as he looked down to show Rin just how to tie the flowers to make an unusual shaped crown, which was different from the way she usually made them.

"And that's how you make it."

The Cat demon smiled brightly, before plopping the crown on top of Rin's head which made the girl giggle and then reach over into the large pile of flower's they had gathered: "Alright now my turn to try!" The cat demon smiled and nodded, sitting down before folding his legs over, resting his elbows down onto his knees while watching the girl.

It was surprising to him to see the girl had just walked up to him that day when she found him laying in the field of flowers. This very field actually, after a day of running around avoiding just about any other living being like the plague... He thought it might have been safe here, much safer then back home.

Alas, he was wrong. It was just as dangerous here as it was back there.

So when the girl found him, exhausted and scared, it was refreshing...Even if she was a human, to be able to have social contact without the risk of being chased in the end. He couldn't wait until spring was over...Though when he was younger, it had been his favourite season. The scent of new leaves, new grass, new flowers and bloomed apple tree's. He loved it all, but now that he was of age, it only meant another season of hiding and lack of control over his own body.

He was a rare find yes, but he hated himself for it... Males of his kind usually don't go in heat, females do...Though because of the imbalance in his hormones, he's not only infertile, but, also gives off the scent of going in heat. Back home, there's also tales of males of his colour pattern being able to carry children, which is the reason behind the strange smell that comes from him.

So what is that scent? No one is able to tell, it's any male's favoured scent that comes from him or any female of his kind.

"Makoto?" The cat demon snapped out of his trail of thought, having been wondering what to do from here, his escape plan obviously didn't work... Though he was out of that country and away from...Him... He still wasn't safe, safe to live his dreams... Of a hopeless romantic: "Oh sorry I almost dozed off, I probably need more rest." He laughed nervously, before glancing down to the complete crown Rin was offering him with sweet large curious eyes: "It looks great!"

At the praise, Rin giggled and smiled brightly: "It's yours, and don't worry, you can rest here! Lord Sesshoumaru will make sure no harm comes to you!" Makoto paused then gave a worried smile before nodding. Yes she kept on going about this 'Lord Sesshoumaru' whom supposedly would keep him safe...But he wasn't sure about this. The mentioning of the name was just enough to send chills up his spine, knowing a demon of great strength was about these area's.

But yet, he's been remaining in the parts for the past week and his scent had only grown stronger...But yet still there was no signs of a demon stalking these parts. Maybe he should put more trust in the girl.

"Thank you, Rin." The Cat demon smiled, no, he hadn't explained his situation to the girl. Obviously for one, she wouldn't understand, and two, he didn't want her to understand it. So avoiding the topic completely and blaming it on an 'illness' was the safest thing to do. He sighed: "But I don't think I can stay here for much longer, I do like you, and I'd miss you terribly, but, I'm sure we'll meet each other again one day, okay?"

Rin glanced up to the cat demon with large curious eyes, before tilting her head in a questioning motion: "But you ARE safe, if you'd only let me introduce you! I'm sure Lord Sess-" Makoto quickly shook his head and interrupted: "No, you can't! Please Rin promise me you won't mention me to him!" Rin, startled, jumped slightly, before frowning: "You can't run forever Makoto, please, you'll be safe..." The cat demon shook his head, before sighing and placing down the bouquet of flower. He placed his hands on the little girls small shoulders, before staring down into her eyes so she could see he was serious: "You need to trust me, I'm running for a good reason, but, if I was to join you and your friends on their travels, it wouldn't be fun. There's just some things nature gives us only to torture us it seems, though I wish I could join all of you, I can't...Nor will it be possible for me to meet you tomorrow as I should..."

Rin's eyes watered, before she shook her head: "No! Can we at least meet tomorrow? Lord Sesshoumaru said something about leaving the day after tomorrow, so, if we can at least meet tomorrow! Please... I'm sad that you have to go, but..." The cat demon paused as the other mentioned she'd have to leave the day after tomorrow anyways. It'd be a lot easier on her that way, and though it was risky...Should he avoid it? No, Rin had already done so much for him, and was obviously only worried for his well being despite the fact that she was attempting to put him in more danger then he bargained for.

Little did he know, just showing up tomorrow was going to throw things overboard. When he nodded his head and agreed to meeting tomorrow as they had for the passed week... He was throwing himself into an awful lot of danger. He had no idea of what was hiding itself in the woods surrounding the meadow, he had no idea that demons were only waiting for that small bit to throw them over and for everything to lose control.

On the third week, the scent was at it's strongest point, and he knew the third week started tomorrow. This was the danger zone, where demon's lost control. Makoto though nodded to the girl, agreeing that they would meet in the meadow one last time before Sesshoumaru and herself would have to continue travelling, and he'd need to find a safer place for himself. Luckily, maybe he even miscalculated his weeks and he could be spared the last day.

He should have never left his country, sure it was hell there was well, but at least the demons there were use to the scent and it didn't get to their head's so much. Meanwhile, in this place, demons weren't use to the scent and so went crazy over it. Sure the demons were weaker...Exception, the few he had never met before. But maybe he'd reconsider returning to his country, where he had better chances at finding someone who'd love him and not use him.

His mind swimming in cute tales of love and a perfect life he wished he could have. His green eyes fell shut as he found the floor of the cave he adopted, curling in fetal position with his arm underneath his head, in slight attempts to get some sleep. Until finally, he found his land of beautiful lies, and anxiously tried to avoid the coming day, and hope he was wrong.

During this time, Rin had returned to camp where Jaken and Sesshoumaru remained. Of course, Jaken was the one to break the silence: "Where have you been girl!" He barked at the young girl, whom only smiled sweetly: "I was meeting with my friend, the one who's been showing me how to make these crowns. Aren't they beautiful?" Jaken paused, made a face that made him look like he was about to hurl...The green didn't help. Then once again began barking: "You've been meeting with a demon! And putting us all in danger." Rin withdrew the crown she had made for Jaken, and almost glared down at the imp creature: "Hmph, he'd never hurt a thing." She tilted her head, huffing before wandering over to where Sesshoumaru was pretending to be asleep.

Why didn't he want the help? That Cat demon... No harm would come to him here, she knew this! There was nothing to worry about. He was probably just scared of Lord Sesshoumaru like so many others were... But since she had promised not to say anything. She simply dropped the crown at the top of Sesshoumaru's head then wandered off to find her own spot to fall asleep. Why were they waiting here again? Then again Lord Sesshoumaru hardly ever explained why they did pause when they did... Actually he never said anything, so it was best to keep it at that. She closed her eyes and slowly began to drift off to sleep.

When the morning came, Rin was up and about early, surprised to see that only Jaken and the twin headed dragon Ah-uhn were the only ones remaining at camp. Where did he go? Oh well, he did his own things right? She got up, dusted herself free of the leaves and dust before skittering off towards the meadow, as every other morning.

She knew the way there by heart, and really hoped that she could convince Makoto to join them on their travels today! But stepping into the meadow, it seemed like all of her hopes shattered at the sight of a rather horrified Hinata: "What's wrong!" The Cat demon, trembling and wrapping his arms around himself, only quickly hurried over to the young girl and once again glanced at her with serious eyes: "Rin listen to me, you can't stay here, demons are chasing me and I only came here to warn you that we can't meet anymore, got that! I don't want you to get hurt because of me, stay here, with your Lord, safe and maybe we'll run into one another again in better circumstances." Rin's eyes widened, shocked by the sudden outburst of the other, she had no idea what to make of it: "Wait! Wait..." But before she could say anything, the demon had turned and was already running for the forest, and just then a large unidentified demon came from the opposing side of the forest. It was large, followed by multiple small demons, which left Rin stuck in place. All running towards the same direction, until a burst of light came and all demons collapsed into pieces. Rin's eyes became even wider at the sudden change of events, but when the tall white demon came into sight, she knew who it was defending her new found friend: "Lord Sesshoumaru!" She cried happily. The demon landed, and sent a glare over to Rin: "Go back to camp..." She commanded to the girl whom didn't question the command and ran.

Lord Sesshoumaru was going to take care of Makoto, she knew this! Of course she had no idea what kind of danger the cat demon was in right about now. Because of this said demon more then ever now, but in her mind, everything was going to be okay now. Lord Sesshoumaru was going to come back with Makoto and they'd all travel together like a family! Everything was going to be fine...

She hoped...

A/N: Bah! I haven't even touched Inuyasha in ages! So I can't remember half of the important details to make this fic interesting. I hope everything suits your fitting though. If I get reviews, I might continue the fic. Since this was all summed up out of a dream, I'm trying to make enough sense of it to write a fic about it. I have most of it flattened out, but, once again, I fear InuYasha might be too old for people to pay attention to it.

Yaoi Lemons next chapter, M-Preg warning...Depending on how adventurous I feel for much later.