The busy atmosphere along with the upbeat music heard in the Mystic Grill didn't cover up the underline tension that came from the direction Elena and her uncle/father John stood. Bonnie was having a burger with Jeremy when she saw the confrontation between the two and she couldn't believe he was back and trying to be Elena's dad. Protecting her? Bonnie wasn't sure who to trust, who to believe but she knew one thing. She needed to keep her sister safe and that meant working alongside the Salvatore brothers and being weary of John, the warlocks, and the werewolves, which now included Tyler. She was devastated at the turn of events her life had taken. It wasn't fair but she knew that sometimes life threw you curve balls and she just had to take it one at a time. Right now she had to see what was bothering Elena so she told Jeremy she had to go talk to his sister and left his side.

"Hey you okay?" Bonnie asked a pissed off Elena.

"No, Damon and Stefan are off searching for Caroline who's captured,-" and Bonnie didn't let her finish the sentence. She grabbed her cell phone from her back pocket and ran towards the door. Caroline is captured, by who? Bonnie didn't know but she wasn't willing to lose her. When she passed Jeremy she heard Elena call her name but she ignored it and told Jeremy to take her home and not to let her out of his sight. Elena wasn't her only sister in this, so was Caroline even if she was a vampire. Caroline needed her right now.

Surprisingly Jeremy did what she asked and when she was out the doors of the Mystic Grill she was dialing Damon's phone number since Stefan wasn't answering.

"Little witch… right now isn't a good time. But if you're willing to come fight some werewolves who have been torturing Blondie, I'd be more than happy to see those judgy little eyes as you help me kill them," Damon said when he answered his phone. He gave her directions as to their location and she drove as fast as she could. I'm going to kill them was the first thought to pop into her head as dread filled her being and then tears filled her eyes at the thought of Caroline, one of her best friends, a girl she considered her sister, being tortured. It didn't matter that she was a vampire, right now she wanted to save her. When she pulled up into a clearing where she saw a truck and an RV and heard grunts and growls she knew she was in the right place.

As she ran into the scene she began to project the aneurysm she grew to be a master of after giving one to Damon almost every time she saw him on every stranger she saw. She walked deeper into the clearing she saw the girl she knew was a werewolf holding Caroline against the RV with a gun to the back of her neck and Tyler just staring at her doing nothing. The asshole was going to let Caroline die after everything Caroline had done for him! She looked over and saw a man over Damon with a steak in his hand ready to kill him and Stefan with a steak on his side. She made sure those holding down her friends, because yes she considered even Damon one of her own, that they felt the most pain. They all fell to their knee's screaming in agonizing pain and then passed out. Damon, Stefan and Caroline made their way over to her and all Bonnie could do was leap into Caroline's arms and hold her tightly.

"Are you okay?" she whispered and Caroline sobbed but nodded.

"Let's get out of here," Damon said and when Bonnie's green orbs met Damon's blue one's he gave her a nod and they shared a connection of sorts. It wasn't a friendship, nowhere near it, but it was an alliance. And like her grams once told her, a witch will protect her own. These vampires were her friends and allies.

"Bonnie?" came Tyler's voice from where the bitch who tried to kill Caroline layed.

Anger heated her blood at the sound of his voice and although she heard Stefan's protest, she stalked over to the guy she once considered her friend and out of nowhere she felt a surge of power run through her.

"You were going to let her kill Caroline you filthy dog!" she screamed as she swung her hand casting him against the RV creating a huge dent on the side of it. "After everything Caroline did for you, YOU WERE GOING TO WATCH HER DIE!" she screamed and Tyler's fear-filled eyes widen.

"I didn't know what to do Bonnie. I don't know who I could trust!" he screamed and then looked over Bonnie's shoulder to where Caroline stood in Stefan's arms. "I'm sorry Caroline, I just don't know who to believe!" he exclaimed making Bonnie's anger peak and she gave him an aneurysm that made him fall limp to the ground passed out along with the rest of his pack of dogs.

She felt two hands on her shoulders that rubbed her biceps up and down. "I knew you were a sadistic little witch," his teasing voice filled her ear as he pulled her away towards her car. She leaned into Damon's body after using up so much power in that little stunt with Tyler.

"I didn't know I could do that," she managed to whisper as they made it to her car.

"A wise woman once said that worry and anger fuel a witch's power" were Damon's words and Bonnie felt a jab at her heart because that was exactly what grams once told her. She had forgotten about that. Damon's arms tightened around her and she couldn't help but feel protected. Bonnie had left the vehicle on so after Damon helped her into the back seat he slipped behind the wheel. Once Stefan placed Caroline in the back as well he settled himself in the passenger seat and they made their way back into town. Bonnie reached over and pulled Caroline to her and just held her as the blonde vampire sobbed into Bonnie's arms. They drove in silence to Caroline's home and when they arrived Stefan helped Caroline out and Bonnie was pulled aside by Damon.

"I know you saved us for Elena, but what you did tonight-" he started but she looked away shaking her head.

"What I did tonight has nothing to do with Elena. I did it to save my friends Damon," she whispered and looked up to meet his gaze. "When you asked me at the hospital if you gave Caroline your blood if we'd be good I knew I didn't have say yes because you would do it for Elena. You didn't want to be good with me; you wanted to be that good guy in her eyes. I don't need you to be a good guy, I need you to be straight with me and we'll be good. You've been yourself. This isn't about bad versus good. This is about my friends and my enemies. You're my friend right now Damon and I'll be damned if a bunch of dogs kill you," she whispered and then a sarcastic smirk graced her lips. "Maybe you're right. I might be a little sadistic, because if you died who would I torture with my little headaches?" she teased as she turned around and sashayed towards Caroline's house where she saw Stefan leaning against a pillar with a smile on his face. Her green eyes met his hazel ones and she knew he heard what she had told his brother. He mouthed Thank you to her as she grew closer to the house. As she passed his side and reached over and gave him hand a little squeeze and kept walking. Before she could enter Damon was in front of her with a conflicted look in his eyes.

"I'm not good," he seethed.

"I know that," she whispered back trying to search his eyes.

"It's my fault your grams is dead," he provoked causing her heart to constrict. The thought of her grandmother; lifeless on the bed and the pain she had felt made her look away from him and to the ground.

"And I'll never forget that but Damon," she whispered as she looked back to meet his gaze and reached out to grab his hand. "Sometimes who you are now matters more than who you were then." With that she left his side and made her way inside where she walked up to Caroline's room. When she walked in all thoughts of the sadness and emptiness she saw in Damon's eyes vanished at the sight of her friend curled up on her bed.

"Bonnie," came the hushed plea from her best friend and Bonnie went to her and laid down next to her holding her tight. She knew that Damon may not be an angel, that Caroline has killed several people, but they were the ones she could trust on when she was in a bind and they could trust her to come for them whenever she could.

"I'm here Car, I'm not going anywhere," Bonnie whispered as she rubbed Caroline's back and they fell asleep like that. A weeping vampire and a sorrow-filled witch brought closer together because of a war that Bonnie was caught in the middle of but the side in which she was on was clear. She was a the vampire's witch, as long as said vampires was this lovely blonde and the two Salvatore brothers.


I know I know… I shouldn't have started this new story but after all my screaming and jumping around last night because of the episode I couldn't help myself. I mean … I think Jeremy/Bonnie is cute and it's growing on me but I'm a diehard Bamon fan. And when Jonas came and saved C/S/D… I wished it was Bonnie! Which was why I wrote this up. Just a one shot.

Now another thing. I hate how Elena was always like "be a better man" WTF! First of all … I'll take my Damon homicidal and sexy to go please. I mean… if Damon killed me … well what a way to go… LOL anyways… I digress… I believe he was changing you know… and sure it may have been for Elena, but if she kept pressing him to change (to be the "better man") because of her she should be drained and forgotten already! I mean… I believe that a relationship should be about loving each other despite our flaws, and if we want to change (for good) for that person it should be for them, not because of them. Does that make sense?

Anyways, my ramblings are over.

I hope you all enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it.