"Do you think you could...walk me through it?"

Castiel saw no reason why he shouldn't, although the fact that Sam was asking in the first place likely meant that Dean had yet to tell him anything. This didn't surprise the newly-promoted archangel in the slightest, but he couldn't help but wonder why Dean hadn't said anything (the man did have a tendency for hypocracy, though, he remembered).

So Castiel told him, everything. Everything he knew, at least. Everything he did and said to others, to Dean, to Bobby, to Castiel himself. Because even though he should be up in Heaven, maintaining what semblance of control he'd managed to obtain, Sam was his friend, and he deserved to know.

And when Castiel was finished, the look of disbelief and remorse on Sam's face almost made Castiel want to take it all back. But he didn't. Instead, he leaned down and wrapped his arms around Sam in what he hoped was a comforting embrace.

This time, Sam let him.