Point one; Use of air quotes

Point two; Calling Sam "Boy".

Point three; Kissing Meg

Point four; Understanding humour- bad joke

Point five; Kissing Meg! (Written twice on Dean's insistence)

Point six; watching porn

Point seven; attempting to hug Sam

Point eight; Making out with Goddamn MEG! (in Dean's handwriting, added without Bobby's consent)

Bobby scratched his chin with the end of his pencil, looking across the table at Sam.

"Anything else you can remember?"

"No... But then, if you want memories, you're kind of talking to the wrong person."

"Mm... I spoke to Dean already, and between us this is all we could come up with." He looked down at the slip of paper, debating whether six points was a defendable case. "Well, that and the incident that started up my suspicions." He added "requesting alcohol" to the list. On their own, none of these were notable changes in behaviour, but when you put them all together, he was starting to suspect something was up.

"Maybe Dean will have something else when they get back." Sam shrugged, moving to the kitchen and making himself some cereal.

"Where are they?"

"They went to the museum. There's an exhibit there that Dean thinks might help with this "mother" thing, but he needs Cas to translate it."

Bobby raised his eyebrows and shifted in his seat. He looked down at his list, scratching his chin again. Something, he thought, was most undeniably up.

Across town, a dispute had broken out next to a hot dog stand.

"For crying out loud, it's a hot dog." Dean sighed, glaring at Cas. It was typical of the angel to ruin their lunch by standing there staring at his food like a dim-witted pigeon. Analysing it like a...

"I know that." Cas sneered, raising his eyebrows at Dean. "I'm just reluctant to eat something that was 99 cents from a guy on the street. How much of this do you really think is pork product?" Cas threw it into a nearby bin and then, as an afterthought, snatched Dean's burger away and threw that in the bin too. "Can we get sushi?"

Dean stared at him with wide, semi-violated eyes, as if Cas had just presented him with a possum in a sandwich.

"What? I've never had sushi before, and I'd like to try it."

Dean now looked as though Cas had presented him with a possum in a sandwich and asked for it lightly grilled. But before he could protest, Cas had swept off down the street to find a sushi bar.

He sighed, and followed after the angel, but not before he'd taken out his phone and sent a text to Bobby.

"Rejected Hot Dog, stole my burger, threw both in trash and demanded Sushi. WTF?"

Dean stood, leaning against the left hand wall of the motel room. Sam was on the right and Bobby was by the front door. None of them were exactly sure how to go about this rather important first stage of a plan. Holding an intervention for any addict can be dangerous, because the first thing a lot of people do is lash out and try to get away. They had made sure that he'd have to stay there, having painted the tried-and-trusted enochian sigils on the walls, but they really didn't want to see the angle "lash out".

Bobby cleared his throat, and gave dean the nod. Dean started, slightly nervous, and closed his eyes.

"Castiel... We, uh... we want to... we need to talk."

They exchanged worried glances, but sure enough, Cas appeared, looking from one to the other.

"Why are you all staring at me?"

"Castiel..." Bobby started, not managing to maintain eye contact with the angel. "We just wanted to check that everything's... ok with you."
"You... "Just wanted to check"?" Cas narrowed his eyes.

"You've been kind of... you know..." Dean tapped his temple, shifting awkwardly. "Kind of off, lately."

"Really." Cas rolled his shoulders, standing up straight, and staring resolutely at the wall. "You call me down here, wasting my time, just to ask if I'm ok." His tone begin to rise in annoyance, shooting withering glares at the assembled men, making them feel like school children. "I am marshalling a war in Heaven, and you puny mortals think you can just interject with..."

At that point, all the lights in the room cut out, then came back on, brighter than before. Everyone was confused by this, until they noticed that there were now five bodies in the room. Then they were completely bewildered.


The angel looked absolutely furious, his hair sticking out at odd angles, glaring at Castiel with burning hatred. He spoke in a low growl.

"Found you." He hissed at Castiel, whose features had reconfigured and shrunk into a shocked, slightly guilty but mostly amused smile. "Give me back my vessel."