Hime-chan: *Sigh* I an really starting to love this story...

DISCLAIMER: Is this necessary...? *Sigh*

…...Kagome's POV

It was night and everyone was in the new place we bought. I went to the kitchen while everyone sat in the main room. "This place must have been a store" I mused looking around. I noticed a cabinet and opened it. I saw several cups and then I opened the cabinet next to it. There were some tea ingredients. I looked over at the stove to see a kettle."I'm going to make some tea! Anyone want some?" I shouted to the people in the main room. Everyone agreed except Mokona, who wanted hot chocolate. I take quick glances to my left and my right and then grab my black bell on my choker.

My bell flashed white and I removed my hand. There was a white light in my hand and then it took a form. The light vanished and then there was a box of hot chocolate mix. I filled the kettle with water and placed it on the stove. I turned it on and left it to heat up. I got down six cups and filled five with tea ingredients and the last one with hot chocolate mix. I waited calmly for the tea to- 'Screech~!' -do that.

I looked over. I walked over and turned off the stove. I picked up the kettle and poured the water into the cups. I set down the cup and shook out my hand. That was hot. I bent down and opened a cabinet. There was a silver tray. "Lucky!" I exclaimed quietly. I picked it up and set it on the counter. I put the cups on the tray and held it in one hand as I walked to the others. "Your tea and hot chocolate are ready!" I said, walking casually into the room. I handed everyone their tea and handed Mokona the hot chocolate. "Thanks Kagome!" said Mokona after sipping its hot chocolate.

I sat down on the floor and sipped my tea. I yawned and set down my cup. I noticed I still had my armor on from the last world. I sighed and grabbed my bell again. My clothes flashed and I was in my orange monkey pajamas and had my yellow blanket. I picked up my cup and finished my tea. After a while, everyone else finished and I took their cups. I went to the kitchen, my blanket draped over my shoulders.

I set the cups in the sink and left the tray on the counter. 'I'll clean it in the morning' I thought. I walked pack into the main room. I laid down with Kita curled up to my neck. I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

-Dream Sequence-

I was in a field of blue flowers, with a small girl. "Where am I?" I questioned and I saw the little girl turn. She had on a red and white priestess garbs and she looked like... "Me? When I was alive?" I breathed. I don't remember my living years, seeing as one never remembers once they become an angel. I died when I was 15... The girl smiled before running towards me. I stared and she passed through my legs. I gasped and spun around to see little me run towards a shrine. A name escaped my lips, a place I don't even remember.

Moonlight Shrine.

The scene changed and I stood in a dark forest. It was damp and I could smell something foul in the air. I saw a trail with a faint light at the end. My eyes widened at the familiarity of the place and I began to walk towards it. I touched the edge of a tree for support. My eyes adjusted and I saw...I suddenly awoke to a strange energy.

-End of Dream- Third person POV

Kagome awoke and opened her eyes. She knew only Sakura and Mokona were actually asleep right now. "Are you awake?" asked Kurogane with closed eyes. "Yes" answered Syaoran, looking like he was sleeping. "I've got a bad feeling about something" said Fai, who probably had his eyes closed, Kagome couldn't see him. "So you guys felt it too" sighed Kagome. The lights on the streets flickered off and a large hand broke through the glass window. A demon was in the window and slashed its claws at Syaoran. Fai grabbed Sakura and Mokona was saved by Kurogane. Kagome yawned and sat up in a slow manner. She stood up and looked at the demon with a bored expression.

"Just when we found a place, we have a sudden visitor" said Fai. "But we didn't invite it" said Kurogane. Kagome rolled her eyes and said "Really?" The demon attacked again and Syaoran jumped out of the way, but when he was in the air, he got cut by the demon. Kagome noticed one of Syaoran's eyes reflect some light from outside oddly. "He's blind…?" Kagome asked under her breath. The demon attacked again and Syaoran managed to kick it in the head. The demon disappeared in purple lights. "Odd" Kagome said to herself. "It disappeared?" asked Syaoran. "Good job!" exclaimed Mokona.

Kagome walked over to Kurogane. "Did you see…?" asked Kagome. Kurogane nodded. "Cute girls greeting us right when we arrive, then helping us find such a beautiful place, I thought this was really a nice country. It must be dangerous too, after all" said Fai. Kagome looked at the hole in the wall. "Man, now there is going to be a draft" she whined. Everyone went back to sleep and yes, there was a draft.

The next day, Fai and Syaoran went to city hall to ask about what happened last night. Kagome got out her I-pod and listened to some music while they were waiting. She began lip-singing and nodding her head. Her hand began to tap with the beat of the song. Sakura asked what she was doing but Kagome didn't hear her. Sakura waved a hand in front of Kagome's face and that was when Kagome noticed her. She paused the song on her I-pod. "Yes?" she asked. "I asked what you were doing" said Sakura pointing at her I-pod. "Where I come from we have this device that allows us to listen to our favorite songs instantly" answered Kagome taking an ear bud out. She handed to Sakura and told her to put it in her ear. Sakura did so and Kagome hit play on her I-pod. Sakura went wide-eyed and blinked a couple times. "Wow!" exclaimed Sakura. "I figured you would do that" said a smirking Kagome.

Sakura and Kagome listened to Kagome's I-pod until Syaoran and Fai came back. They waved and then went back to listening to music. "Kagome, this is totally awesome" said Sakura, talking like Kagome. "True that" responded Kagome. Syaoran asked what they were doing. Kagome smiled and said, "Nothing!" Sakura smiled and agreed. Fai asked, "Oh, then what is in your ears?" Kagome's smile fell slightly for a moment and then went back to normal. "Classified female information that can only be told to cute bunnies by the name of Mokona" she said. Sakura giggled next her and Mokona gave a cheer. Kagome and Sakura high-fived each other, something Sakura learned from Kagome.

"So Sakura, which song do you like the best?" asked Kagome. "Oh, I don't know. Probably 'Sonic Boom' by Mayaa Sakamoto." answered Sakura. "Good choice, good choice" said Kagome, with a nod. "And yours?" asked Sakura. "A song you haven't heard yet" Kagome answered mysteriously. Sakura pouted and Kagome laughed at her. While the girls were talking, the guys talked about being Oni slayers. Apparently, onis are the demons that attacked them last night. "This flower has the same name as Sakura" said Fai, holding up a flat, plastic cherry blossom flower. "They said these are called Sakura" continued Fai. "Sakura?" asked Sakura. "Yep, little Sakura is a flower. How cute!" cooed Kagome, putting an arm around Sakura's shoulders.

"And also, when you fight an oni, money will be deposited into this emblem. I guess you can say we'll use it in place of a wallet. Convenient, don't you think?" said Fai. Fai stood up and gave the emblem to Syaoran. "Well then, both of you do your best" he said. Kagome said, "Yeah, good luck, boys" "You guys aren't going to do it?" asked Kurogane, not hearing the puppy comment. "The rule says that Oni Slayers must travel in groups of two. Besides, I already picked another job" said Fai stretching. "What is the other job?" Sakura asked. Kagome leaned forward and said, "Spill it, Blondie" Fai looked back at them and smiled.

….. (Later on)

Kagome walked behind Sakura who was in a black and white maid's outfit. Kagome also sported a new outfit, but not one from her bell. Yes, she actually bought this in this country again. Kagome now had on a short royal blue kimono, it went to her lower thigh, with a silver moon on the back, a low v-neck and long sleeves with a white flame design that covered her hands. She had on a white obi with a silver stripe in the middle with a royal blue stripe in the middle of that. Her hair was up in twin pigtails with royal blue ribbons. She somehow managed to have her bangs show her forehead without any product and on her forehead, she painted a silver crescent moon with a blue outline. She had bandages from her ankle to her upper thigh on her left leg. She wore silver strings around her legs and she painted her toenails blue.

Sakura took a peek around the corner and said, "Excuse me…" Kagome peeked around Sakura and looked at everyone. Fai was in a butler outfit, Kurogane in hakamas, and Syaoran in what looked like a male's black school outfit. "Princess" greeted Syaoran. "Everyone's changed already, huh?" asked Sakura. "Yes, with the reward money we got for dealing with that oni, we got clothes from the western clothes shop" answered Syaoran. "But Kurorun had no clue how to wear that" said Fai. "This is a hakama" said Kurogane, looking irritated. "Did they have those in your country too, Kurogane?" asked Syaoran. "Well, something like it" answered Kurorun. Kagome giggled and said "Me too!" She then pushed Sakura out and exclaimed, "Presenting Princess Sakura in her maid outfit!"

"Hyuu~!" said Mokona. "Hyuu~!" said Kurogane. "Is this ok?" asked Sakura. "You're the cafe waitress, after all" answered Fai. "Yep!" exclaimed Mokona. Sakura turned and said, "Presenting Kagome in her -uh, what is it called again Kagome?" Kagome mouthed the word for her. "In her kimono!" Sakura exclaimed, a slight blush of embarrassment on her cheeks. Kagome took a deep breath and walked forward. She twirled around once before putting a hand on her hip, saying. "Ta da!" Mokona hopped onto her shoulder. "You look so cool" it exclaimed. "Thanks" said Kagome with a smile. "I admit, you look pretty hot" said Kurogane. Fai and Syaoran agreed. Kagome blushed and looked down. Sakura giggled at her friend. "Oh? And what are you laughing at, cherry blossom?" Kagome asked, over her blush. "Nothing at all, Kagome" answered Sakura. Kagome blinked twice before saying, "I don't believe you". Sakura smiled and turned away, "Have fun with that" Kagome put her in a loose headlock, "I will, thank you!" The two girls laughed for a while. Kagome let go of Sakura and straightened out her kimono.

"Anyway, why did you choose that job?" Kurogane asked Fai. "In a cafe, you can get all sorts of information from customers" answered Fai. "Mekyo!" exclaimed Mokona with its eyes wide. Kagome jumped from the suddenness of it all. Everyone looked at Mokona. It opened its mouth and a yellow light jumped out and landed on the table. It took a form and the light disappeared, leaving a plate with chocolate cake thingys. "Are those what I think they are…?" Kagome said aloud. "What is it?" asked Fai. "It's a present from Yuuko! They're called chocolate fondants. There's chocolate inside, and you warm it up and eat it!" exclaimed Mokona. "Yes! I love these!" cheered Kagome, doing a little happy dance.

"Why don't we all have some tea?" asked Fai. "On it!" said Kagome already in the kitchen. She made some tea in a few minutes and came back with the cups on a tray. Kagome gave everyone a cup and sat down. Kagome received her chocolate fondant and took a bite. She put a hand on her cheek, her fork still in her mouth, and gave a content sigh. Kita hopped on the table and gave her 'the eyes'. "Oh Kita, I don't know if I should…" Kagome began, but was cut off when she heard a tiny mew. Kagome smiled and gave Kita a little bit. "No more" she said. Kita mewed happily. Kagome ate some more of her chocolate with a huge smile on her face. "I don't want one" said Kurogane. "I'll take it!" volunteered Kagome, raising her hand. Anime tears ran down her face when Fai forced Kurogane to eat it.

Kagome picked up her plate and stood up. She went to the kitchen and washed it, along with the tea cups from last night. "Last night, before I began to remember who I really am…" she whispered. "I wonder what was beyond the trees," Kagome continued. Her hand went to her side, where there was a large scare under her clothes, something that was there before she arrived in heaven. "I swore to myself I would seek the truth and I still can't find it... Doushite?" she said, a couple more tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Kagome?" came Sakura's voice from the doorway. Kagome turned and Sakura gasped. "What's wrong?" she asked taking a step forward. Kagome whipped away her tears and smiled at her. "Nothing" "I don't believe you" Sakura said, walking up to her. Kagome looked to the side. "I told you, it's nothing" she said, barely over a whisper. "You can tell me Kagome. We're friends and that's what we do" Sakura said with a small smile. Kagome looked at her with tears in her eyes. Kagome hugged Sakura and buried her head into her shoulder. (Kagome is four inches taller than Sakura) Kagome let the tears escape and cried. A muffled "Doushite...?" made its way to Sakura's ears and she looked at the woman crying on her shoulder. "Why can't I remember...?" was asked from the dark haired woman. Sakura didn't understand, but she didn't want to press for information right now. She just hugged the crying Kagome until she was finished.

Kagome's tears flowed at a slower pace and she felt a lot better. She moved out of the arms of Sakura and sniffled. Kagome gave her a tiny smile. "Thanks, I really needed that" she said. Sakura smiled at her and said, "You're welcome". "So where did the guys go?" asked Kagome walking into the dining area. "Oni hunting" answered Sakura. "Fai too?" "Yeah, he wanted to watch" Kagome's mouth formed an 'O' shape.

Sakura went to a spot on the floor and started doing something. Kagome looked over Sakura's shoulder, "Whatcha doin?" she asked. "Making the sign for the cafe" answered Sakura. Mokona hummed in agreement. The bell on the door rang and Fai ran in with Kurogane chasing him. The two girls looked over. "Hmm?" they hummed at the same time. Sakura stood up with Mokona in her arms and watched Kurogane yell at Fai, chasing him. "Kuropon is so violent!" said Mokona. "What could have happened?" asked Sakura. Kagome shrugged and Syaoran walked over to them. "It's his name" he answered. "Name?" Kagome and Sakura asked at the same time. "See, when Fai was registering our names at city hall…" began Syaoran. "Well that girl at city hall said we could use aliases. But I didn't know the writing system of this country. So this is what I drew" said Fai, before holding up a piece of paper. Everyone looked at the paper and Kagome started laughing.

Kurogane was a Big Puppy, Syaoran Little Puppy, Fai Big Kitty and Sakura Little Kitty! Kagome held her sides and laughed harder. After Kagome gained control of her laughter, stated, "I have an alias too" Everyone looked at her. "From now on in this country, call me" she paused to add to the tension, "Angel Wynd!" Mokona jumped onto her shoulder. "That's a cool name, Angel! I like it!" the bunny told the angel. "Thanks Mokona, I like it too." the dark angel responded.

Kurogane then started to threaten Fai, try to hit him. "Hello again" came from the door way. Kagome looked over to see a short haired girl in a school uniform with a taller guy. "What a cute place. It must be nice to have this home, Little Puppy" she said. Kagome gave a tiny giggle at the name. She then turned back to Fai and Kurogane and their antics. Her new friends were funny!

"Whatever that is, it smells good" said the taller guy. "Oh, I made some chocolate cake for fun." ("Liar…" Kagome mumbled.) "We don't open until tomorrow, but if it's okay with you, would you like to try some?" suggested Fai. "That'd be great!" exclaimed the girl. "Ah, sorry about that, Big Puppy!" called the taller man. Kurogane, who had Mokona on his face, pulled Mokona off saying, "I told you, don't call me Big Puppy!" Kagome laughed at the face he made. "Angel, can you get some of the chocolate cake for our guest?" asked Fai. Kagome smiled and nodded. Kagome walked into the kitchen area and gave some cake to the guests. Kita hopped on her shoulder and stared at their dog. Kagome set Kita down on the counter to get a better look. Fai added some whip cream to the pieces of cake. Kagome excused herself and went to the kitchen and got down a bowl.

She filled it with milk and walked back out. She put the bowl in front of Kita. Kita eyed the dog one last time before having some milk. Kagome giggled at Kita and said kitten looked at her. "Sorry Kita" she said giving Kita a scratch behind the ears. Kita returned to her milk and Kagome smiled. "Little Kitty, why is there a little bit of water on your shoulder?" asked Fai. Kagome tensed. Sakura looked at her shoulder and then took a glance at Kagome. Kagome looked at her and then looked down. Kagome opened her mouth to say something, but Sakura beat her to it. "Oh, I was washing some dishes and Kita splashed me" lied Sakura with a nervous laugh. Kagome looked at her and smiled. She then felt the presence of an oni and so did Kurogane and the dog.

Silver began to sink into Kagome's eyes and a sharp pain hit her head as well. She put her head on the counter next to Kita. Kita nudged her head but Kagome remained unresponsive. "It looks like an oni is nearby" said the girl. The taller man turned to Fai. "Thanks for the food. How much do I owe you?" "Today, it's on the house. But I guess instead of paying me, the next time you come here, I'd like to hear a lot more from you both" answered Fai. "Sure, I'd love to stop by" said the taller man. "Well, see you later" said the girl in the school uniform. "Yeah. See you" responded Sakura. The Oni Slayers ran out. Kagome looked up her eyes silver, the pain still very intense.

"Looks like we had our first customers" said Fai. "Yeah" whispered Kagome picking up Kita and the now empty bowl. Kita whined, noticing the state of her mistress. Kagome picked up the plates, her hands shaking. Syaoran asked Mokona about the feather. Mokona said he could sense it but couldn't tell where.

Kagome walked to the sink and began washing the dishes, trying to distract herself from the pain. When she was done with that, she dried the dishes and put them away. When she came back to her friends, a cold sweat was accumulating on her forehead and neck. She hopped onto the counter and sat cross-legged. "So, anything new?" she asked, trying to act normal.

"Kuro-puu and I found out Syaoran is blind in his right eye" supplied Fai. "I figured something was with his eye" she said calmly, clenching her fists that went undetected by the two men. "Speaking of which, were is he and Sakura?" Kagome questioned looking around. "The kid is in his room" answered Kurogane. "And Sakura brought him some hot chocolate" answered Fai. "How cute" Kagome cooed. Fai and Kurogane then walked away saying something about spying. Kagome waved them off and yawned. Her head began to pound and her eyelids began to close.

Kagome slid off the counter and tried to walk towards her room. She didn't get there. She fell to the floor, having fainted. And that is how Fai found her when he went down stairs to lock up. Fai stared for a moment and picked her up. He took Kagome to her room and laid her down in her bed. "You must have had a hard day" he whispered, brushing her bangs out of her eyes. Fai heard Kagome mumble, "Fai…" before shifting slightly. He smiled and kissed her cheek. Fai walked towards the door. "Good night Kagome" He said, walking out the door and closing it. Fai went to his room and went to bed.

Kagome slept that night with pain ripping through her body, soul, and mind.


Thanks for reading everyone! ^_^