A/N: The following conversations come from original Hetalia scenes. Speakers: first two scenes—Holy Rome and Chibitalia; third scene—a bodyguard, Holy Rome, and Chibitalia; fourth scene—Hungary, Shotalia (teenage Italy), and Austria.

"Um…Italy…would you mind teaching me how to paint?"

"Sure! Holy Rome, I…didn't know you were interested in painting."


"Here, do it like this."

"I, uh…I think I've had enough for one day."

"Holy Rome? Where are you going?"


"Eep! Don't worry, I'm cleaning, I'm—"

"Italy, help me rebuild the Roman Empire. Together, we can be the strongest nation in the world!"


"Come on! You don't want to waste your life like this, do you?"

"Of course not…ve…but Grandpa Rome was, well, he fell because he got too powerful! At the end he was covered in scars…I don't want to see that happen to you, Holy Rome."

"Holy Rome, let's get you moving. You know, you could've left the paintings behind; they're so bulky. Wait—isn't that your girlfriend, the servant?"

"No—I just—"

"Well then, it's deadweight. Leave it."

"Oh, Holy Rome, you're here."

"Italy? How did you know where…don't come any closer. Don't! You run away when I chase you, but when I stop…Look. There's something I have to say. I'm—I'm sorry for everything. I'm leaving now, so you'll be fine."

"Wait—Holy Rome, you're actually leaving? Wait! Take this with you!"

"A push-broom." I suppose it makes sense. "Thank you. Now, I suppose—what do people in your country give people they love?"

"A kiss, I think."

"All right."

"You know, I've loved you ever since the tenth century."

"Really? Ve…"

"Goodbye, Italy! I'll come back when the war's over!"

"I'll wait for you! Don't get hurt, okay?"

"We'll see each other again, don't worry! No matter how many centuries pass, I'll never love anyone more than you!"

"Mr. Austria! I've got great news. (Go ahead, Italy.)"

"Mr. Austria! Listen—my voice changed! It sounds weird…ve…ve…ve…"


"Italy, I'm so happy for you!"

"What's going on?"

"Mr. Austria, you didn't know?"

"Oh, Miss Hungary, I wonder what Holy Rome will think of my new voice!"