Disclaimer: People! It's called Fan Fiction for a reason! If you need any more proof that I DON'T own Charmed, then you have some serious issues!

Hey Guys! I've wanted to write this FanFic for quite some time now, but life kind of got in the way. I don't know how often I will be able to update, I don't know if I'll keep writing this at all actually. It depends on the feedback that I get from you guys. So please review. Constructive Criticism is always welcome!

This story beta-ed by the most awesome beta in the world... SkyHaze (Thank you!)

Warning- This story has many spoilers for most of season 6 and maybe some from other seasons but I can't think of any right now. Also, there might be content not suitable for younger people, hence the rating.

Summery- After getting kicked out by piper, Chris gets kidnapped by his older, twice-blessed brother. Wyatt decides that torturing Chris is the only way to get him to join him in his plot to take over the world. During the torture, Chris has flashbacks about how things used to be before Wyatt turned evil, and after he turned evil. But when someone else that is very unexpected comes from the future to make the charmed ones believed Chris, can the charmed ones and Leo figure out where Chris is and save him in time, or will they be too late, and find that Chris has already turned his back on a better future.


Chapter 1- Abandoned

Chris's eyes blinked furiously as he tried to keep the tears from falling. The events that just happened kept running through his head. I understand them not trusting me, with all that happened, but did they really have to kick me out? God I screwed up big time! My own family hates me!

He kept picking his things up off of the dusty floor of the back room in P3 and throwing them into an old suite case he had lying around. He doubted that the sisters would allow him to stay in this old storage room. I mean, mom told me she never wanted to see me again, right? He hated hearing those words, and thinking of them just brought more tears into his eyes.

He had finished putting everything into his worn out suite case when he heard someone come through the front door of the club. Crap! Mom must be opening up the club. Forgot it opens at seven! He quickly closed his suite case and orbed out just in time to see Piper come into the small storage room and look up at him. She hadn't had time to say anything, but Chris knew that if he had been there any longer, he would have gotten a long Piper lecture.

He orbed to the first place that popped into his mind, The Golden Gate Bridge. He stood there looking over the city, trying to forget how it looked after Wyatt had destroyed it all. He remembered all the death and destruction that his twice-blessed older brother had brought on the place that he had called home. The scene that had sent shivers down his spine. Hopefully I won't have to go back to that, he thought to himself, as he laid down his suite case. If only I can make it on time. He had known that what happened to Wyatt happened before he was born, but he hadn't told the sisters. Well, what have I told the sisters?

Everything Chris had said from the moment he had stepped out of that portal had been a lie. But it's not like he could tell the sisters the truth! That would have been a disaster! "Hi I'm Chris, your future son and nephew that has come back to the past to save his big brother, your other son. Who, by the way, has become the source of all evil and has destroyed all of San Francisco, and half the world. And not to mention, ordered the attacks that killed you and your families." Yeah, that would have been the perfect thing to say!

No, Chris could not have told them the truth, even if it killed him to lie to his family. But right now, he could not think about them. Right now, he had to think about the issue that mattered most, the reason why he came here, only to receive distrust and hatred from his family.


Now that the sisters and Leo no longer wanted to help, it was going to take a lot longer to save him, especially with the deadline so close. God, the stupid deadline still loomed over his head. He needed to be conceived. Because you just can't cease to exist at a time like this. It just doesn't cut it.

But Chris knew he couldn't do this big of a job by himself. That's why he went to the sisters in the first place. Because if he hadn't needed any help, he would have steered clear of his family the whole time and did it by himself. But it just doesn't work that way.

So now, he needed help, and fast, if he was ever going to save his brother and make the future worth looking forward to. "I'm going to save you Wyatt." He thought out loud to himself, but apparently, someone had heard him.

"But I don't want to be saved, Christopher." a voice from behind him said.


Chris turned around to attack, but it was too late. Wyatt threw a potion down at Chris's feet. A grayish cloud surrounded Chris, and then slowly vanished. Chris tried to throw his brother using his telekinesis, but the power didn't work.

"What the hell did you do to me?" He asked Wyatt. Wyatt stared at him for a moment, and then grinned.

"Isn't it obvious Christopher? It's the potion that blocks your powers, temporarily."

Chris's face paled. If he didn't have his power, that means that can't orb off the bridge, he can't escape.

"I see you're surprised to see me here. Well, what did you expect? I didn't like the way your little visit ended last time. So I decided to come back, and give you one last chance to join me."

"I told you before, Wyatt, I will never join you. And if that's all you came to ask of me, then you might as well go, because the answer is still no. Besides, I'm busy."

"Busy with what? It's not like you have the sisters to go back to. Didn't they kick you out?

Chris stared at him, "How did you know that?"

"Let's just say... I've been here awhile."

"You've been spying on me?"

"Well, I wanted to see how far you were in changing time. But it doesn't seem like you've made any progress. In fact, the only things that you have really managed to do are make your own family hate you, and screw up your own existence."

Chris was getting very annoyed now. I don't have time for this! "Yeah, that's why I'm busy, so I can make progress. So if you don't mind, I'd like my powers back so I can go do what I came here to do. And, how did you get here anyway? I took the time traveling spell with me, so you couldn't follow me." Which obviously didn't work!

"Christopher, you should know by now that I have memorized almost every single spell in the Book of Shadows."

Dammit! Why the hell didn't I think of that? "Well you're wasting your time, because I'll never join you. So again, if you'd please, my powers?"

"Oh, I forgot how naive you can be Christopher." Wyatt said softly, an evil grin etching on his lips. "You really think that I'm just going to let you go? This might be my last chance to get you to turn, and I won't pass it up. So if you don't come to me by choice," demons shimmered in around us in a circle, "then I am taking you by force."