"Why do you always eat a tomato sandwich for lunch, Mommy?" asked five-year-old Annie.

"Because I love them so much," Harriet replied. "I've been eating a tomato sandwich for lunch every day since I was a little girl."

"Your mother is a creature of habit," added her father, Sport.

"What's that mean?"

"It means that she likes to do the same things the same way over and over again," Sport told his daughter, as Harriet poked him playfully in the ribs with her elbow.

"Would you like a taste?" she asked her daughter.

Annie took a bit of her mother's sandwich and made a face. "Peanut butter and jelly sure tastes a lot better," she said. Sport and Harriet laughed.

"Hey, Daddy, how come everybody calls you Sport when your real name is Simon?" Annie asked her father.

"Because I love all kinds of sports."

"Do you know what they used to call me?" Harriet asked.


"Harriet the Spy. That's because I used to spy on people all the time and write things about them in my notebook. I got in big trouble one time for doing that."

Sport laughed.

"What happened?" Annie asked.

"The other kids in school found my notebook and read what I had written about them. Some of it wasn't very nice, so the kids that I had written things about got mad at me and wouldn't be friends with me anymore."

"How well I remember that." Sport's eyes were twinkling.

"So what did you do, Mommy?"

"I said I was sorry for the bad things I had written, and then the kids who were really my friends started being nice to me again."

Annie looked from her mother to her father. "Was Daddy one of them?"

"Yes, he was."

"You and Daddy knew each other for a long time before you got married, didn't you?"

"Oh yes. We went to school together the whole time we were growing up."

"Why did you decide to get married?"

Harriet and Sport exchanged amused glances. "Well, we were friends for a very long time, and then when we got older, our feelings for one another changed, and we realized that we were in love."

"She is such an intelligent little girl," Harriet said to Sport, as they watched their daughter play.

"She has a lot of her mother in her," Sport commented.

"I see a lot of you in her too, all the time," Harriet told him.



Sport embraced and kissed his wife as Annie ran past them with her arms stuck straight out, pretending to be an airplane.