Hey guys,

So I know it has been a long time since I have updated this story and some of you probably thought this was a new chapter. Unfortunately, it is not. After a long consideration on continuing this story, it pains me to have to say I have to discontinue the whole series entirely. This decision has been very tough for me to make because I started writing this series almost ten years ago. But I just don't have time to continue this anymore.

I have too many works in progress projects on my hands, plus my writing style has changed considerably in the last ten years, and I don't feel right mixing the two styles. On top of that, this series was my very first one on this site and I don't have the heart to take it down and re-write it as it shows my progress through the years, and I am quite proud of where I have come from.

I'm really sorry to any of you who hoped to see the story continue. I feel as though I have let you down, but I have to follow my gut at this point. It was really hard for me to come to this decision. I never regretted writing the Kara Cutter series. It was such a privilege to share my series with you all, but now it is time to give this series a rest.

Thank you for every single review, favourite, and follow, I received throughout this story. I enjoyed each and every one of them from the start, and I will always cherish them forever. I won't leave the Primeval fandom at all, but I just won't writing for this series anymore.

I won't be deleting the Kara Cutter series, nor will I be putting it up for adoption. It holds a very dear place in my heart and I couldn't bear the thought of parting with it. So I apologise to anyone to wants to take on this mantle, but I just can't do it.

Again, thank you for all the encouragement you have given me in reviews and feedback. There was always a smile on my face whenever I checked my email to see someone had left a review or favourited this story. But no it must come to an end.

PS. To save you all the heartache of thinking Kara perished in the past. She doesn't. She does return to the present day, with her daughter - Rebecca Abby Cutter. She departs from the ARC with the intention of raising her children away from the chomping jaws of prehistoric and future predators.

Thank you all again,

Until next time...
