Authors Note: Hey guys, this is a little thing I'm trying. (since as you probably know I'm still a rookie at this)

This just came up in me and I thought I'd write it down so here goes. ^_^ BTW Spelling/Grammar errors will be corrected as soon as I reread it myself and that may take a while.

Summary: What if Kendall and Logan were actually Fraternal Twins separated at birth because one of them was kidnapped? AU contains abuse Don't like Don't read.

Srry I suck at summary's, and I hope I'm right about the fraternal part its where twins don't look alike right? Anyways on with the story. ^_^

Disclaimer: I DO NOT and WILL NEVER own Big Time Rush or its characters.

Kendall remembers it like it was yesterday when his mother told him. At first he couldn't believe it, he was kind of mad at her for not saying anything sooner, but he could understand that she thought he was too young to understand. -After all he could act like a 8 year old sometimes, so he didn't blame her.- After a while though he started to like it. He always nagged his mom about something like it. Oh you're probably wondering what I'm talking about, well it happened like this.


A 12 year old blonde boy was lying on his bed looking through magazines full of the newest and most popular hockey equipment in town. He was just looking though he already had good equipment, but looking never hurt right?

He was about to open the next one and look inside when his mom called for him to come down for a minute, so he put it down and took the stairs 2 at a time wondering what his mother wanted.

'Ugh, I hope I don't have to baby-sit Katie again.' He thought. Katie is his 6 year old baby sister and even though she was still young, she could be a real handful whenever their mother had to go grocery shopping and left Kendall in charge of taking care of her. She usually found a way to get him in trouble.

When he came down and entered the living room he saw his mom sitting on the couch.

"Hey honey," She said, "C'mon sit down, I need to tell you something." She looked hesitant as she waited till he sat down.

So, as she asked, he sat down, a little confused though since his mother never has been as serious as she seemed now.

"Alright honey..." she started, she didn't know where to start. "Okay its like this, you know how you've always wanted a little brother? We-" she couldn't finish because then Kendall yelled, "OH MY GOD YOU'RE PREGNANT?"

"WHAT? NO , no, no, no. It's not that at all." She responded. "Aawww, too bad." He muttered. He really hoped he'd get a little brother, even though he already had Katie as a younger sibling he really wanted have a little brother too, it sucks sometimes to be the only boy in the household. Well that and he wanted someone to look up to him. Katie preferred to annoy him every chance she gets instead of looking up to him, it was sometimes fun to banter with her and tease her back but it'd be cool to have someone looking up to him.

"Oh don't be disappointed I'm sure you'll like what I'll tell you, its just that its not really happy news either you know?

Anyway, when I was pregnant with you, you weren't the only one I was pregnant with." As she said that he looked really curious as to what she'd say next. "And before you ask, yes , you do have another sibling. To be specific a little brother, and yes you were born first, so even if you're technically just 10 minutes older, it's still your little brother."

At first he looked shocked, "I-I-I-I have a little brother?" he asked a little stunned. His mom nodded. 'I-I can't believe it! I have a little brother!' he thought as his expression turned from shocked to extremely happy. Suddenly though he got confused so he asked his mom, "But where is he then?" His mother's expression saddened a little.

"I don't know honey," She said, "After they got you guys cleaned up they brought you guys to the nursery, since I had to stay overnight. It was already night by the time you guys were born, I was very exhausted too."

She looked like she was about to cry when she continued, "The next morning, after I was ready to go home, the nurse had gone to get you guys from the nursery. But when she returned, she only had you with her. When I asked where your brother was she said 'What you had twins? You are the Knight family right?' At first I was shocked she said such a thing but she said she'd take another look to see if she maybe walked past him. When she returned though, she was empty handed and told me and your father: 'I'm sorry mr. and mrs. Knight, there is no other baby with the name Knight.'" She took a deep breath to calm down and continued, "They searched everywhere but they never found him, we reported it to the police, but they never found him and told us to move on. Although I made them promise that if there ever came a case where a boy that was born in the same year as you, who is looking for his biological family to give us a call, so that we can confirm it with a DNA test and all." She finished letting her welled up tears slide down her face.

Hearing that really changed Kendall's happiness at finding out he actually HAD a little brother al along , to being sad about what happened. His eyes started to water too. "Don't worry mom, I'll find him, I promise I will. No matter how long It'll take I'll find him I swear." He told his mom.

~End Flashback~

And that brings us back here, 4 years later, and still Kendall holds true to the promise he made his mom all those years ago. He hasn't and sill will NEVER break his promise. After that day he started to think of ways on how to find his brother, and that very night he had that one dream he has had many times before, when he had that dream for the first time he was really confused. In that certain dream there always was this strange boy he'd never seen before. The boy seemed to be crying and begging for some sort of help, but every time Kendall asked what was wrong the boy started either crying harder or screaming in pain. At first he brushed it off as just some random nightmare, but after he had that same dream for the 10th time already he started to think that he was supposed to help this boy not in the dream but in real life.

There was only 1 small problem, he had no idea WHO it was. So he started paying attention at school at the hopes the boy was going to the same school as him. But sadly no luck at all. After a while he started to ignore it. But after his mother told him he had a twin he got suspicious again about that boy in his dreams. He thought that maybe it was someone that was close in contact with his little brother. He even thought that the boy WAS his brother but he wasn't sure, they didn't look alike in the slightest so he let it slide. Until his mom mentioned a certain thing about him and his brother.

They weren't Identical Twins, but Fraternal Twins, after hearing that he concluded that the little boy in his dreams, indeed IS his brother. So now he at least has a clue as to what he looks like, still it didn't help him much. The dream comes back every so often and he wakes up either drenched in sweat, crying or screaming. Sometimes even 2 of the 3 or all 3 at the same time. Of course because of that his mother has walked into his room asking if he was okay, he said it was nothing that he just had a nightmare. But he couldn't keep up the charade and eventually his mother found out.

He sighed. He still was at square one, the only progress he made was finding out how he looked like, but no name or a clue as to where he is.

"Kendall honey, its already 11:00 PM c'mon turn that music off and go to bed." His mom said from behind his closed door.

"okay mom, Goodnight." He replied. "Goodnight sweetie." So he turned the music off and got ready for bed.

Once under the covers he closed his eyes and slowly drifted off. Hoping that he'd maybe get some kind of clue as to where his brother is.

'Please! Someone, help me!' Cried a voice and so the dream repeated itself once again.

A/N: well that's it for the first chapter. I hope you guys liked it ^_^. I'll see if I can get another chapter done soon but I won't promise anything. This IS my first multi-chaptered story and I never write much as you probably know. And again srry for any spelling/grammar errors, I'll try and fix em either tomorrow or sometime soon but for now I'm gonna go to bed its… hey how ironic is this, its 11:00 PM here too, lol well again I hope you enjoyed it and now I'm really going, cuz I'm starting to ramble on bye-bye ^_^