Disclaimer: I don't own Macross or Battlestar Galactica 2003.

Version 2

Chapter 1

Colonial Liberation Fleet
1,000 light years from the Sol System

Among the massive ships stood at the head of this, 200 strong warships known as Battlestars, the Jupiter, a Warstar-class, the flagship escorted by 5 Glorious-class battlestars and behind them is the Mercury-class battlestars in wedge formation followed by the rest of the fleet.

Admiral Nagala stood and watches his fleet with pride at an observation deck that overlooks the entire fleet, unaware that their movements have been observed by a VF-17 Stealth Valkyrie from the New U.N. Spacy or N.U.N.S. for short.

This fighter along with its Stealth Cruiser ship 100,000 kms behind the colonial fleet, have been tailing the colonial fleet ever since it left Picon Anchorage in the Cyrannus system several weeks ago. Their purpose is observation, gathering information and intelligence.

Their mission is important because the colonial fleet intention is invaion.

It took the CDF over two years of politicking, then planning, and then the stockpiles of munitions, and equipment and building new ships for the invasion of the territories of the thirteenth tribe, specifically one of their colony planets named Demeter.

Demeter, a lush and fertile planet is the colonial's first target for invasion and the place where first contact was made and they now believe to be the descendants of the thirteenth tribe.

Demeter the goddess of grain and the harvest, and daughter of the Titans Cronus and Rhea in Greek mythology

It was on that world that, 2 years ago when a colonial deepspace mining explorer ship made first contact with Demeter's colonist, and it would have been a delightful first contact, if not for several Genomese priestesses, took torches and flammable liquid and set fire on two of the Christian Churches named Church of Sta. Barbara dedicated to the patron Saint of Builders and Church of Saint George, patron Saint of Farmers.

The colonial discovery of humans worshipping another religion other than their own is a shock but even more shocking to them is that they stop worshiping the Greek Gods.

Seeing this, the Genomese priestess declared their religion as heresy, saying that the thirteenth tribe has been misled by false prophets and the only way for them to be forgiven by the Gods is thru fire and death cleansing.

Fire, means burning the churches, Death, means by killing the priests and in this case, they slash their throat in front of the colonist.

Soon afterwards, they headed towards a Jewish Synagogue when Demeter's colonists decided to put an end to their cleansing by fire and death is by beating the crap out of them.

Needless to say, everything went sourly downhill as Demeter's colonists demanded their colonial guest to leave their planet in peace and never return.

The Colonial's of Kobol or Kobolians are now unwelcome guest, but instead of leaving peacefully, the Kobolians came back and this time they came back armed to subdue their thirteenth tribe cousins

The Demeter colonists however, realized that they are coming back armed and most likely will cause more trouble, immediately organize their militia forces where thankfully, 90 percent of Demeter's colonists are either trained or veteran soldiers in the New UN Spacys.

That along with a dozen M-21 (-21A1) Anaconda Heavy Tanks that they have hidden for protection.

Seeing that the colonists are well armed, the Kobolians made a hasty retreat back to their ship.

Back at the surface, twelve anti-ship ion cannon emplacements on top mountains protecting their settlements started to power up and began targeting the Kobolian ship should they try to do something they will regret afterwards.

When the Kobolian explorers returned to their ship, they were just in time to see a New UN Spacy patrol ship, an Oberth-II Class Space Destroyer, the Agrippa approaching them with two squadrons of VF-11 Thunderbolt.

The Agrippa was on patrol in the nearby system when they heard a distress call from Demeter and immediately change course and arriving just as the Kobolians were leaving.

Several weeks later, that same ship came back and this time they brought friends.

Six Battlestars from the Colonial Defense Forces, the explorer's came back and this time they demanded that, Demeter surrender to them and hand over of all priests that preach religion not of the Kobolian Gods.

One of twelve of Demeter armed cargo ships facing the colonials gave the first response.

"SCRAM!" saying that they have no right to dictate terms to them as Demeter is a member of the Earth United Nations Government. They warned them that, if they attempt to seize their planet, it will be seen as an act of war.

CDF response is a kinetic energy round from the railgun of a battlestar and it hit the forward part of the ship which was luckily armored and energy shielded. The cargo ship with a modest 4 anti-fighter beam guns (two at the back two at the front) and anti-fighter missile launchers, return fire with one beam shot and that one shot blasted a hole clean thru the battlestar heavily armored skin which surprised the colonials. The colonial pause for a moment but that was enough time for the cargo ships fire more rounds and anti-fighter missiles at the battlestar and their fighters.

Demeter's surface guns sent a barrage of Ion beams followed by squadrons of VF-11Thunderbolt's and VF-19 Excalibur's flying up from the surface to take on Colonial Vipers and Raptors entering the atmosphere and space while the cargo ships do a dance of death with the Battlestars.

The fight went on for an hour until reinforcements arrive in the form of several N.U.N.S. ships.

2 Northampton Class Stealth Frigate and 1 Uraga Class Escort Battle Carrier (CV) with their compliments of fighters, takes on the CDF ships or what left of them.

Despite the colonials outnumbering Demeter's defenders, they retreated after losing 3 Battlestars and hundreds of fighter and then loosing 2 more from the NUNS warships.

Demeter's defenders lost 9 cargo ships, 3 badly damage and 20 of the 50 VF and a thousand lives lost in the battle.

After this, the N.U.N.S. tracks down the location of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol, and then last year they found a vessel, a Tylium refinery, the fuel that powers their vessel and Jump Drives.

They followed the ship to their system, the Cyrannus Star system, and it is there they found the Twelve Colonies of Kobol.

For over a year, the NUNS's watches and listens to them to try to figure out why there are humans so far out in the galaxy and also wonder if there are others out there.

They kept several Stealth capable ships near the system, watching them and never making any attempts of first contact for fear of repeating the last one.

They sent Intelligence teams to gather information ranging from history to military information, all to figure out why they think that Earth is their Thirteenth tribe.

Interestingly enough, they also discovered another race of humans living in another system not very far from Cyrannus. The NUNS found them when they detected a ship trying not to be seen by the colonials and during their surveillance; they detected several civilian, military ships going back and forth into this starfish like ship.

The NUNS investigated them and found them to be Cylons.

Cylons are biped machines created by the Kobolians 50 to 60 years ago, they are humanoid in form commonly called as 'Walking Chrome Toasters' and they do the jobs people don't want until a few years later, when they were made to fight their wars, where around 40 years ago, the Cylons achieved sentience and began to rebel against their creators in what was known as 'The First Cylon War' which lasted twenty brutal years.

The war ended with an Armistice Treaty twenty years ago, and the Cylons left to find a home of their own outside Cyrannus.

They went away but not very far.

Since then both sides are locked in a twenty year cold war where the Cylons evolved, creating twelve human form bodies. There are only twelve models where they are sent to infiltrate the colonies called 'skin jobs'

The NUNS were able to identify 7 cylon models and they found most of them running around the twelve colonies, infiltrating all aspects of colonial life.

For now the Cylons are not a threat to the NUNS

After two years of watching them, Intel groups gathered enough information and made an immediate evacuation.

What they brought back to Earth is a disturbing report of an imminent invasion by the Kobolians. A planned invasion into their territories is underway and they are going to start with Demeter in order to find information on the whereabouts of Earth, the supposed home of the thirteenth tribe of Kobol.

To be Continued

Note: Slight rewrite in response to Rob Reader 21 review

Robo Reader 21 was partly right about the old Oberth class about not capable of holding variable fighters. The old ship can carry three in its hanger bay, so I made an Oberth II and it is an upgrade version where it can carry a squadron.

As for the cargo ships well, they just went up against 6 battlestars in the past and not 200 battlestars and those ships are only now heading their way.