SimonSeville27: Yeah I agree that I find some things like people posting annotations but never take them down somewhat annoying and the fact not everybody follow the rules. Nobody can help it. Not to mention it gets tiring after a while when one posts a story and others will soon follow with a similar plot like that one person who did a story of both Chipmunks and Chipettes getting Facebook and now there are others that follows.
And what rumor are you talking about? I don't like rumors hence most of the time it ain't true and not to mention it's a pain like chained web mail.
The last time I checked, this IS a story!


The Chipmunks are an American music group of singing anthropomorphic chipmunks owned and operated by Ross Bagdasarian Jr. and Janice Karman under Bagdasarian Productions, formerly Bagdasarian Film Corporations.

Bagdasarian Productions owns the rights to the fictional anthropomorphic chipmunk singing group The Chipettes that first appeared on the 1983 Alvin and the Chipmunks cartoon series.

Rancid Rabbit is a fictional character in the American animated television series CatDog created for Nickelodeon by Peter Hannan.

Panchito Pistoles (Panchito Romero Miguel Junipero Francisco Quintero Gonzalez III) is a character who appears in Disney's The Three Caballeros as well as several Disney comics.

Chance Furlong, alieas T-Bone and Mister Kat, is a fiction character in the animated series produced by Hanna-Barbera and Turner Program Services called SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron, created by Christian Tremblay and Yvon Tremblay.

Chief Rancid waits tensely as the elevator quickly passes deck after deck, his mind running a mile a minute, thinking of the importance of the pod's contents he's transporting and what's going to happen. He looks up at the elevator holographic screen. From DOCKING they left thirteen levels below, the MAIN DECK thirty seven levels up and the BRIDGE another kilometer forward through the deck. As much of a large-scaled technological wonder and achievement the Axiom is, he hated having to travel so far through a maze, especially to just relay something vital to COMMAND and he's gonna have to go through passengers once he gets on deck, something not very well liked by most of the crew. At least he has an independently running transporter tram, one running in its own directions instead of lighted paths for the hover chairs, speeding things up a lot.

Rancid glimpses a look behind him, thinking he heard a sound. There is nothing but the obedient yet oblivious SwatBots standing at attention patiently waiting to transport the pod. He turns his attention back to the elevator door, wishing they were there by now.

Simon hid behind the transport, behind the guards as the chief looked back. The elevator ride smooth and without a peep, almost quiet as travelling aboard the Axiom Reconnaissance Vehicle. Only hearing his breathing, Simon betted these robots had excellent attention spans and will spot the chipmunk any moment. Simon held his breath, trying not to expose himself, praying the elevator ride wouldn't last much longer. He looks away, inwardly sighing in relief.

Still hiding behind the transport, Simon looked at the catatonic Jeanette through the chassis. He pats the side of the pod her head is on.

It's going to be alright, Netta, I'm here. He chased after her without any foresight to whatever lies ahead. The way she is now, even at the hands of other being like himself, she seem to be in some form of harm in his eyes, still frozen, and completely unsure what 'Code Green' meant. Could it be she is to be harmed? Taken away? Or any other way that could separate or end in pain for him and Jeanette?

The elevator doors open, drawing Simon's attention to the tram already moving out. It comes to a stop outside the elevator, waiting for something. Simon risks a peek from the corner of Jeanette's pod to see a long passageway filled with things moving by at high speeds. Wait, those things passing by are beings, anthropomorphic cats, dogs, primates, rodents, amphibians and many more! All of them on trams just like Jeanette's, all moving about at whiplashing speeds. They are all crew of technicians, engineers, mechanics, welders, electricians, SwatBots, painters, cleaners, suppliers and so on. There are about eight outlined paths for the crew in the florescent lit long sterile corridor, four each going in opposite directions. It's a maintenance level in rush hour, everyone on their way to their directives throughout the ship.

Simon's neck gets sore from trying to process the fast-moving vehicles and anthropomorphic beings inside them, fascinated by it all. He wonders how in Forthright's name is he gonna get through that with Jeanette as he looked at her, only to notice the transport is gone.


Adrenaline spikes in his mind as he realizes Rancid's tram left without him! He had to think quickly, her pod moving fast and has only a split-second to figure out what next.

"Oooooh boy." He looks at the speeding traffic, gulping at the thought of trying to go after her through here. The road too narrow on the sidelines, he has to go into the flow of traffic.

His heart pounding, Simon spots an opening between two passing hover trams, moving fast but far enough apart for Simon to jump through. At least he thinks so…

Risking being squashed or rammed over if too early or too late, he times it carefully.

Simon makes his move and jumps in between the passing vehicles.

"Whoa!" a red Mexican rooster in a sombrero and reddish brown pants driving a hover tram stops suddenly.


The rooster ends up causing the next tram to crash into him and the next one to crash into that. Simon has created a pile up.

No one injured but Simon almost killed himself and the drivers there. He reassesses his surroundings, the maglev highway too narrow for him to walk between, so if he can just climb onto one of those transports, it would make his trip a lot easier. Simon still has to move! Jeanette is getting farther and farther from him!

Ah, screw this. Simon rather jumps onto a vehicle to carry him there, not walk in between and harm anyone else.

A freight tam passes by and...

Simon grabs onto the passing tram, which yanks him off his feet. Feeling his arms been ripped out off, he collects his composure as he stands up on the freighter. The oversized owl driving hasn't noticed him yet. As he looks ahead, there's an intersection coming, the paths splitting into other directions, Jeanette going straight ahead, but his tram isn't. He waits for another vehicle to pass him at the right moment.

Simon jumps again…

Boarding onto another freighter, he hits the ground hard before hitting the ground and skids to a halt. Simon winces and whines at the pain, banging his knees and elbows along with a newly forming bruise on the side of his head. A tan, buffed cat wearing aviator's goggles on his head driving the freighter shouts curses at Simon but he doesn't care. Simon looks around, noting his glasses fell off and he retrieves them before traffic ran over them. Placing her glasses back on his face, Simon sees he is right in the middle of the intersection, not standing on any of the lines, he's safe for now.

The traffic is chaotic as vehicles pass by, missing each other by inches as they change directions. Not remembering where Jeanette went, Simon begins to panic at being lost.

In the distance, a tram with a cryogenic pod made its way up a slope, a sign reading AFT MAINTANENCE CORRIDOR-TO–AFT PASSENGER CORRIDOR overhead.

"Netta!" Relieved and drawn, Simon immediately runs through the passing intersection vehicles after Jeanette, oblivious to hover trams almost running him over and the resulting pile up as they braked to stop.

Simon continued running up the sloped passageway, not caring to realize the passageway he came from not too narrow to run through anymore.

Simon reaches a set of different hover lines. Instead of white lighted paths, they're blue. Simon noticed a strange looking hover vehicle in front of him. The small craft seemed automated, guiding itself along the blue-lighted maglev lines on the floor. He runs up to see what it is.

The vehicle is a hover chair and sitting in it… a creature. It's a big creature, a really, BIG creature! Morbidly obese is actually a better word.

Wait a minute, Simon notices the tan skin, face, and features of a human body. The creature is actually a human!

This was certainly the fattest human Simon ever seen. A male Buy N' Large passenger who looked like a giant human infant, weighing four hundred fifty to five hundred pounds, his skin bloated like a blob, and soft to the touch like gelatin wearing a red jumpsuit bearing a Buy N' Large logo. His arms and legs short and stubby, like not meant for usage.

Is it physically possible for humans to be like that? Simon wondered as he looks at this strange new being.

Reclined in the chair, a holographic screen seemed presented right in front of his face with speakers mounted on the headrest, blocking the passenger's peripheral vision. The man conversing with someone on the screen, completely lost in his own world.

"Look man, I've been in my cabin all morning, so why don't we say we hover over to the driving range and hit a few virtual balls into space?" The Caucasian sounded bored out of his mind.

"Nah, we did that yesterday I don't wanna do that," the African-American man on the holographic-screen complained.

"Well then what DO you want to do?"

Lost looking at the man, Simon doesn't notice the exact man he's talking to right next to him.

"I dunno, somethin.'" Simon looks over his shoulder to finally see the second man, another Buy N' Large passenger just as fat and baby-looking like the other man, lost in his own world of the hover chair. Simon looks at them, the two humans have no idea they are within each other's presence.

"Huh," Simon slows down his pace as he reaches the entrance to the MAIN DECK. Simon merges in, and pauses in amazement.

The corridor bustled with human activity. There must be hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of other humans everywhere.

They are ALL fat in hover chairs with the same red jumpsuits and holographic-screens in their faces just the ones he saw a second ago. Blue lines crisscrossed one another on the floor, a maze of perplex directions of hover chairs. Simon's mind can't process all of them, moving in all directions, and talking nonstop.

Simon carefully makes his way through passing line after line of hover chairs toward another concourse, until getting into the same direction of the traffic flow. He realizes not one person noticed him yet. Who couldn't? He remembers he is the skinniest and filthiest human on the Axiom, he can't be hard to find walking dirt against a sterile environment, not to mention comparing his fur and bones appearance, he really stuck out like a sore thumb. Everyone remains oblivious to their surroundings, glued to their holographic screens, trapped in their own virtual realities. Each one of them had over-developed fingers tapping commands into their chair's armrest keypads. Simon sees one woman complaining she's hungry. Out of nowhere, a pink and white rabbit in white top with mauve skirt matching the bows on her elongated ears ran to her, bringing an unbelievable large three-litter cup of a liquid food like substance, like a fast food kind. The server puts the cup in the passenger's open hand and she gulps it down. She didn't move a muscle, if she had any.

Simon looks around again. All the passengers ordered food, playing games or chatting, all without moving. The deafening commotion amazed and disgusted Simon. These people the ultimate example of couch potatoes.

Simon passes through another tunnel entitled AFT PASSAGER CORRIDOR-TO-MAIN DECK. The lit end of the tunnel shined brightly as Simon sees clearly before him, in complete awe, the MAIN DECK.

A feminine voice echoes throughout the vast open space.


It's a city-sized ultra mall, a half metropolis/half consumer-goods shop inside a giant starship.

Living quarter rooms rose hundreds of floors up and elevated hover lines move in all directions like freeways. In the distance are shopping centers shaped like futuristic skyscrapers showing endless holographic Buy N' Large advertisements where the direction of the voice seemed to endlessly barrage people with its consumerism. Beyond that, was the sky? Impossible, he is in space. Simon noticed the image of a fake sun above her, projected on the inner dome of the Axiom's hull hundreds of meters high, high enough to call the sky. On the sun's face was a Buy N' Large logo, the time read 12:16 PM and the temperature 72˚ F. The Axiom feels A LOT bigger from the inside.

"Hey waiter!" Simon snaps back into reality when his senses register someone is addressing him.

A man to his left hovered up to him and tries to hand Simon his empty cup, still unaware that Simon isn't a waiter nor of any surroundings like everyone else.

"Here, take the cup."

Simon backs away a bit but the man asks again.

"I said take the cup," the man sounded like he is becoming slightly annoyed. He tries to reach out further to Simon, finally breaking his eyes from the holographic-screen in front of him.

"Uuh.." Simon tries to utter he isn't a server but the man presses on.

"Come on! Take the cup!-Whoa!" He reaches out too far and falls to the floor.

Now stuck on the floor, the flails his legs and arms like an upside down turtle, his limbs unable to move him. Simon grabs the drink out of the passenger's hand as ordered.

Red lines appeared under Simon's feet and immediately two SwatBots brush pass Simon, almost shoving him over to where the man fell.

The SwatBots redirects the flow of stopped traffic around the man.

The man looks up at the SwatBots helping the other oblivious humans but him. He tries to get the SwatBots attention.

"Uh, SwatBots, hello? A little help? Please?"

One SwatBot turns to the man on the floor, regarding him with an empathetic electronic voice.

"Please remain stationary, sir, service will be here to assist you shortly," he said in a practiced line.

"Uh, anybody? Help?" he tries to ask the crowd, all too busy ordering food, playing games or chatting. Simon feels a ping of guilt for the man, he could've taken the cup and he never would have forced himself to fall over. The two SwatBots, as broad and strapping as they were, aren't doing anything much other than making sure these people get to their destinations on time. He must feel embarrassed for causing the delays of the passengers, and no one else is even offering to listen to the poor helpless man on the floor, inconsiderately passing him by. To correct his actions, Simon takes the matter into his own hands.

Simon stuffs the jumbo size cup into his utility bag out of curiosity before he picks up the man by the back.

"Whoa! Wha-What's going on?" The man looks shocked.

Simon grunts as he strains against the man's weight, lifting heavy cubes before and developing a practiced lift, but not of this man's mass, likely four hundred pounds. Simon manages to lift him high enough to drop him back onto his hover chair, the man groans as he lands on his belly.

"Are you alright?" Simon asks the fat man.

The fat man looks surprised as he sees Simon before him.

"Uuuuh…yeah…thanks," was the reply. He had short blond hair, freckles, brown eyes and he clearly doesn't know how to respond to the dirty, thin chipmunk before him, like he's the strangest being he's ever seen.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Simon," he introduces himself, trying to shake his hand with him. It's pretty awkward with his mechanical hand against a bulbous palm of a hand.

"Uh, I'm Jon."

He seemed confused as if unable to get his bearings, must've been in a virtual stasis for a long time, isolated from the outside world like Jeanette.

Jeanette! It hit him like a ton of bricks. The awesome structure of the ship made Simon almost completely forget his search for her!

"Netta?" Simon blurts out, frantically scanning all directions for her.

"Uh, no, it's Jon," the man corrected.

Simon spots an open maglev monorail in the center of the deck lobby. Not that it is the only noticeable structure other than the thousands of identically dressed people, but the familiar pod attached to a tram boarding the monorail with Rancid and his SwatBot escorts.


Simon sprints after the monorail, already forgetting Jon, leaving him even more confused.

"Uh…bye, Simon," Jon shyly waves farewell.

That was interesting, Jon wonders if he will see that strange chipmunk again.

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

The monorail about to depart, Simon guns it with whatever strength he has into his legs to make it!...

Simon successfully leaps on just as the last car pulls out, but ends up hitting his shin.

Simon now has more pain to wince at but he caught up with Jeanette. The monorail picks up speed as it cruises down the central parts of the city-ship.

As the tram made its way down, Simon takes another minute to be confound in wonderment at the scenery, a total blast in comparison to what he grew up with his whole life. He sees a day care center full of fat infants being taught Buy N' Large predesigned education and fed treats by an obese grandmotherly duck in a floral lavender dress and a pink apron matching her collaret. Two pins held her graying hair in a bun, bangs curled.

"'A' is for 'Axiom,' your home sweet home. 'B' is for 'Buy N' Large,' your very best friend," the fowl lectured.

They pass a Buy N' Large food court, all the people seemed to be preoccupied mostly by eating or drinking nonstop out of 'lunch-in-a-cup' as the ship's computer voice called it. He also notices everyone had those large sized lunch-in-a-cup at hand, most preoccupied with eating, guess that explains the obesity.

The tram passes a 'Feel Beautiful' beauty salon. Simon sees many female passengers entering to get their hair done, new makeup, their skin tuned and so on by anthropomorphic beauticians.

"It's the new you! You look stunning!" a tall white fur mink with long golden yellow hair matching her downy tail monotonously replied to an oblivious portly brown haired woman, as if doing this for years. The brunette and other customers probably weren't paying attention to them, reminding Simon of the female characters in Hello Dollywho worked and focused a lot on their physical appearance in order to look attractive or stylish. Only difference here is they are just as glued to their holographic-screens as much as everyone else is. How paradox, they worry about prettier looks when they don't actually look at each other. Simon never understood any of it.

He doesn't understand anything here, not imagining this way of life.

Everything so bright and clean, the sterilized air far from the toxic but accustomed stench of garbage and rot he grew up, tingling his tainted lungs to breathe in and out of this pollutant free environment. The whole ship full of humans and anthropomorphic beings felt alive, the sounds of music and cheerful voices he's never heard before, nothing like the cries and screams of workers dying or begging for mercy. No, here it boomed with peaceful life but alluring with pointless luxuries. So much so, the happy noises proved deafening, his ears sensitive after spending decades in perpetual silence.

Nothing like Earth, this is actual civilization.

Simon's attention draws to the many jumpsuit fashion holographic-advertisements. The ship's voice comes on.


"Oooo…" the passengers next him actually noticed something out of their holographic screens. They pushed a command on their chair's keypad and all of their red colored jumpsuits turneddd blue. They go back to chatting, as if nothing happened.

"Whoa," Simon states in fascination, seeing how much technology changed these people, having to lift a finger to get what they want.

Turning his sight to the front end of the monorail, she saw Jeanette's tram. He makes his way over to her but another obese human blocked his way, a red haired woman busy chatting on her holographic screen. Simon tries to squeeze through to the other side, if he could just…

The woman's chair backs up, pinning him to the wall.

"Ah!" Simon flails his arms as he tries to slip out.

His head sore and not enough room to go around the woman. He'll have to get her to move. The woman is too busy to care to notice who's around her.

"Date?" she scoffs.

"Don't get me started on the date. Every holographic-date I have been on has been a virtual disaster!"

"Excuse me ma'am?" Simon tries to get her attention, she's still oblivious.

"…If I could just meet one, one who wasn't so…superficial."

"Ma'am?" Simon taps on her headset, she still doesn't acknowledge him.

"I mean, there are no good men out there!"

"Ma'am?" Simon says loudly, tapped harder. He tries to pull off her headset.

"I know! I know because I scrolled through them all-" her headset shortens out as Simon accidentally breaks it off.

"What the—?" she gasps, her holographic screen flickers off and her jumpsuit color defaults to red. Simon backs away, as if he did something terribly wrong enough to feel her wrath.

She doesn't yell at Simon because she still doesn't notice him yet. She takes in the light, trying to focus on the far away structures of the MAIN DECK with her contracted eyes. When her vision clears, she is instantly hypnotized by looking at the passing cityscape of the Axiom, if seeing the outside world for the first time.

"Uuuh…Excuse me? Ma'am?" Simon whistles to get her attention.

"Huh?" Her eyes meet Simon's, just as confused as Jon, unsure of what to say at this weird chipmunk.

"Uuh…Can I move to the other side? Please?" Simon asks politely, pointing toward Jeanette.

The woman looks at him for a second, still fazed by how dirty he looked until she follows his finger to the other side of her chair, to the vacant spot next to a cylinder mounted on the tram. She slowly realized he was asking her to move forward a little.

"Oh! Oh, um, sure, go ahead!" The woman commands her seat to hover forward as Simon gets through.

"Ah, thank you, miss…?"

"Mary," the woman introduces herself.

"Simon," he gestures to himself as he waves goodbye to Mary, making the last few steps to Jeanette's pod.

Simon sighs in relief now he is back with Jeanette after losing her and roaming the massive ship.

He climbs onto the back of the tram. Rancid shouldn't be able to see him as long as Simon doesn't have to run after them again. He clings onto the pod protectively, not wanting to go through so many distractions and misadventures again.