Hey everyone! The awaited sequel is here! Here is the first chapter and I hope you all enjoy this very much! If you have anything to say, please don't hesitate to let me know at all! =) I hope this is just as good as the first one! Thanks for the support guys!

Disclaimer: I do not own Fantastic Four or any of the characters


Darkness. Pure darkness inhabited the Earth, or was it Earth? The planet was as large as Earth, and the atmosphere structure was almost identical to the planet, but something was different; Something was astray.

'Where am I?' A woman in her early 20s stood in the darkness as she tried to find her way. She reached out, looking for something to guide her. 'What's going on?' she asked herself as she took a careful step forward. Her eyes widened as a sudden flash blinded her, making her stumble back. She winced, shielding herself from the light. She waited a few moment as the light slowly began to fade. She looked between the cracks of her fingers and her eyes widened as she slowly let her hands fall to her side.

'This is not home,' she thought as she took a weak step back. She glanced around the planet and began to feel her heart beat quicken. 'What…What happened here?' She looked around the destroyed planet, any sort of life completely erased. She covered her lips as she closed her eyes, strange emotions engulfing her. Sadness, fear, horror, hopelessness, these emotions were not her own, but someone or something else.

'…Who is that?' The woman raised a brow as she found herself staring at a shining figure in the distance. She took a few steps forward, hoping to get a better look. 'That is not a person,' she quickly decided as she stumbled back a few more steps. Her pupils dilated as she watched the figure begin to make its way towards her.


Her eyes widened as she stared at the thing walking towards her. She gaped as she examined it more closely. It wore no clothes, but he didn't need any. He shined because of the fact his skin was like metal. He had no hair and his face seemed blank.

'H-How did it know my name?'

"Lily," it repeated.

"Lily!" Said woman's eyes snapped as she quickly sat up and blinked, looking around. She sighed as she found herself sitting in a cab, the car stopped out in front of an airport.

"Did someone have a bad dream?" a playful voice joked. Lily rolled her eyes as she turned to the door of the backseat and glared at her best friend/teammate.

"None of your business, Johnny," she snapped as she climbed out of the car, nodding a thank you to the driver.

"Don't be like that, Lils," Johnny said as he grinned and wrapped an arm around the 24 year old's shoulders. She chuckled as she gave her friend a soft punch in the gut. He pretended to be in pain as Lily shook her head and grabbed her things from the trunk of the cab. She sighed and smiled at the airport.

"Good to know we're finally going home," she said as Johnny smirked and nodded his head.

"Agreed. I miss everyone."

"You mean your booty calls?"

"Is that what we're calling them now?"

"Come on, do I gotta baby-sit the both of you?" The two shared a smirk.

Lily smiled as the stone-like man stood as tall as a pillar, a smirk on his face.

"Alright, big guy." As Johnny and Ben began to walk ahead, Lily stopped, glancing up at the blue sky. She frowned as memories of her dream began to play over in her head.

"We're flying with or without you!" Snapping out of her thoughts, Lily looked over at Johnny as he stood by the doors, waiting for her, a playful smile on his face. The black haired woman chuckled and nodded.

Chapter One: A New Adventure Begins

"Last night, the FAA was forced to round up all the aircrafts." As the TV screen played the news in the rather busy airport, two viewers watched carefully, sharing concerned glances. "In other news! The much anticipated wedding of a fantastic couple, Reed Richards and Susan Storm, will take place this Saturday!"

The concern for the previous matter and disappeared.

'I can't believe this,' the blonde woman thought as she gave her soon-to-be-husband an astonished glance. Reed gave her a glance as he turned his attention to the article he had been reading. He rolled his eyes as he saw an ad on the corner of the page.

'Scientist or celebrity? Scientist, of course.' Reed frowned as he shook his head.

It sometimes baffled him. The media had come down to that? What happened when news talked about serious issues and informed the people about things that were important? Now it was all about what was entertaining and what people wanted to hear, which was clearly all about The Fantastic Five members. Mr. Fantastic was disappointed to say the least.

"Unbelievable," he started. "Bizarre anomalies occurring all over the world," he said as he closed the newspaper. "And all the media wants to know is what china pattern we picked out."

"Hey, which one did you pick?" The engaged couple looked up at the sound of a curious, deep voice. "The blue ones with the little flowers? Cause I really liked them," Ben said with a grin on his face. Reed chuckled as he shook his head, Susan smiling weakly at her friend. Before Ben could engage himself into a conversation with the two, an older woman approached the rock man, a request in mind. Susan watched as the woman dragged Ben towards her son and frowned as the thoughts and worries she had pushed aside for their last mission came back to her.

"It's happening again, isn't it?" Reed raised a brow as he looked over at his beautiful fiancée. He shook his head as he saw the disappointed and defeated look on Sue's face.

"No," he stated firmly. "We're not postponing anything! Not this time," he assured as Sue stared at the ground, not sure whether to believe the man or not. "This is going to be the wedding you've always dreamed off, and I'm not going to let anything get in the way of that," he said with a soft smile. "Not even the mysterious transformation of matter at the subatomic level."

Susan smiled as her heart filled up with happiness. She tried not to seem like a little girl as she leaned into Reed. "That's the most romantic thing you've ever said to me," she said quietly as she smiled more. Reed returned it with a loving expression as he slowly leaned in and kissed Sue's soft, awaiting lips. Before the moment could go any further, it was ruined.

"That's really pathetic, if you think about."

The two looked over at Sue's little brother as they rolled their eyes at the chuckling man. After enjoying his moment, he raised a brow, noticing he didn't get his usual scold from his babysitter. He looked over at the seat to his right and he stopped, a soft look in his eyes.

"Is she sleeping again?"

The Human Torch looked up at his older sister as she left Reed to deal with business with the airport. Sue frowned as the two Storm siblings watched Lily sleep.

"Do you know what's wrong with her?" the blonde woman asked as Johnny thought for a moment. He shook his head as he glanced up at his worried sister, who sighed, turning her attention back to her fiancé.

To be quite frank, Johnny had no idea what was running through the woman's mind lately. For two years he had tried to keep up, and still, he had yet to understand what she was thinking. What made matters worse was the fact that, although he wasn't too sure, he was almost positive Lily was doing her best to avoid him. It was subtle, but that was to be expected from the woman. She was smart, after all.

Deciding to take things into his own hands, Johnny gently grabbed the woman by the shoulder, shaking her carefully.

"C'mon, princess, time to wake up," he said playfully as he shook her. Lily groaned as she shook her head. Johnny rolled his eyes as he chuckled to himself. "I forgot you sleep like Ben," he muttered. He raised a brow as he stopped his shaking, listening to Lily's soft voice.

"…Please..don't…" Johnny's eyes widened as Lily flinched. Panicking slightly, Johnny quickly grabbed her a bit more roughly, deciding to seriously wake her up.

"Lily, seriously, get up," he said sternly, finally getting Lily to respond. Her eyes snapped open as she blinked a few times, trying to get a hold of herself. Johnny sighed as he gave his friend a smile. "Thought you were gonna sleep forever," he said as Lily sat up and sighed. She rubbed her head as she looked over at Johnny.

"How long was I out for?"

"A good 20 minutes," he said as he noticed the troubled look on her face. Wanting to lift her spirits, the flame thrower smirk. "That's understandable. I'd like to stay asleep too if I was dreaming about me." That caught Lily's full attention. She snapped her head towards the comical man. She narrowed her eyes playfully.

"You are such a pig, do you know that?"

"If 'pig' is another term for 'hot' then yes, I do."

Lily couldn't help but laugh at that as she shook her head. She gave Johnny a smile as he smiled back and for a moment, they were locked in each others eyes.

That had been happening a lot. The two seemed to always share moments that they just couldn't bring themselves to break. They didn't know it, but both loved the way the others eyes sparkled in the gaze; as if nothing else existed.

"Hey, guys." The two quickly broke their staring contest as they faced Reed.

"Looks like we're flying coach."

'I can't believe this..' Lily frowned as she stared out the window of the plane. She glanced at the three random strangers in the middle and aisle seat. Turning her attention back to the fluffy looking clouds, she sighed, her mind tangled up in many different thoughts. 'I've had that dream for the past couple of weeks,' Lily thought to herself as she leaned back in her seat. She glanced over at Ben and chuckled as she found him squished between a rather irritated woman, and a more docile man. She shook her head and yawned, looking over at Reed and Susan to see them comfortably next to each other. She smiled as she replayed the last two years in her head.

So many things had happened in that time, and it was hard to believe that Reed and Sue's wedding was already coming up. The five had made it so far together, it was crazy to think that just years before, they had been normal people, living their lives regularly.

"Wow.." Lily chuckled to herself as she looked out the window and something caught her eyes. She rolled them as she smirked, shaking her head. 'That idiot,' she thought to herself as she stared out at the man on fire. He flew on his back as he enjoyed the day's perfect breeze. He closed his eyes, making sure to keep up with the plane, and sighed, feeling relaxed.

'Sometimes I really wonder about you,' Lily joked as her eyes softened and the playfulness inside of her disappeared. She frowned as she quickly averted her eyes from Johnny's form.

She had been acting strange. Although it was almost unnoticeable, but to those who knew Lily, she was. The one who had caught on first was Johnny himself, the person Lily had been acting strangely towards. Of course, the young man said nothing; at first he had thought it was just Lily's mood, but as time passed on, he began to realize that her "strange mood" was permanent. She had been going out of her way to talk to him as little as possible, and very little did they ever truly hang out anymore; something that use to be an everyday activity for them. How long had she been avoiding the man? Who knows, it was never really noticed until a few months ago. Though the two still had their quarrels ever so often and their witty banter continued, things seemed to be different.

'It's ok, Lily. Once you calm down, you and Johnny will be perfectly fine,' the one known as Tide said to herself. Glancing one last time out the window, her eyes widened as she found Johnny flying by her window. He smirked at her as she rolled her eyes and shook her head. He chuckled and winked at her as she smiled and laid her head back. Staring up at the ceiling of the plane, she closed her eyes.

"The snowfall came with no warning and no temperature change. It covered the pyramids in two inches of snow!"

The two scientists of The Fantastic Five sat in the lab, one listening to the report, the other typing rapidly on his palm pilot. As the raven haired woman listened to the newscaster, she raised a brow, punching in a few letters into the computer. As she read her information, she glanced at the time and sighed, standing up.

"Reed, you know if Sue finds out we've been working on this stuff on your wedding week, she's going to kill you," Lily warned as she pulled her thin rimmed glasses off her face. Reed glanced back at his daughter-like figure and smiled as he turned to face her.

"Don't worry, this won't get in the way of anything, I swear," Reed promised as he turned his attention back to his palm pilot; Lily rolled her eyes. She glanced through the clear doors of the entrance and chuckled.

"I shouldn't be the one you promise that to."

"Hey, honey?" Susan walked into the lab a she glanced over at Lily and smiled, the young woman nodding her head with a sweet look on her face.

"The city's trying to fine us for three squad cars we destroyed."

"I only remember two!" Lily stated as she walked out of the lab. Sue chuckled as she turned to her future husband and found him either listening and playing with his toy or playing with his toy and not listening to her. She frowned as her irritation level began to rise.

"Reed?" No answer.

"Alright, alright. I'm listening," Reed said with a playful smile on his face as he set his now invisible palm pilot on the table. He looked over at his frustrated fiancée and his eyes softened, the amounts of stress on Sue's back almost visible. "You were saying?"

"I have a fitting in a half an hour, the musician's after that." As The Invisible Woman began to name her list of things to do, the happy look on her face disappeared, a more nervous and anxious one appearing in it's place.

"Hey, don't worry about it," Reed said comfortingly. "I'm sure between the two of us, we'll get it all done."

"And, what exactly were you doing when I just walked in?"

"I was just inputting my to-do list."

"Really?" Sue asked suspiciously as Reed smiled, holding his right hand up.

"Scout's honor."

"Hey, guys." The two looked back at the entrance to the lab and watched as Johnny walked in, holding a strange version of the Fantastic Five uniform. "New uniforms just came in. What do you think?" he asked as he held it up. The dark navy and black colored uniform was covered in different labels of companies and brands, not very flattering to the look. Sue looked at the outfit with disgust in her eyes as she shook her head, walking past her brother.

"I think there's no way we're wearing that, Johnny," she stated as she exited the lab.

"What do you have against capitalism?" he shouted after her as he shook his head, tossing the uniform on the table. Turning his attention to Reed, he noticed a covered contraption in front of Reed's desk and raised a brow.

"What's this?" he asked curiously as Reed smiled, feeling proud of his work so far.

"It's a little hobby of mine."

"Yeah? Would it make a good toy or is it something uh..." He thought for a moment. "Sciencey?" he asked as he looked over at Reed, who chuckled, shaking his head.

"It's a little bit of both," Mr. Fantastic said as he typed in a few last things into his pilot really quickly. Johnny watched, not knowing whether to be impressed or completely grossed out by the movement of his thumbs.

"Hey, Johnny," Reed started as he stood from his desk and walked over to the main control desk of the lab. "Keep this quiet," he said as he began to type a few things in the computer. "Lily and I crossed referenced and analyzed the global disturbances," he said as Johnny followed him and sat in the wheelie chair beside Reed's. "They were caused by cosmic radiation, unlike the one's that gave us our powers."

"Wow, that sounds really boring," Johnny said, not even bothering to pretend to be interested in anything Reed had been telling him.

"So, listen," Johnny began as he glanced around at the knick-knacks in the room. "I have a very important wedding issue I have to talk to you about."

"Yeah, of course."

Johnny smirked, trying to picture the face Reed was going to make. "Your bachelor party." It was a very funny face.

"No," Reed stated as he pushed himself to the other side of the round table. "Seriously, Johnny."

"John." Reed raised a brow as he looked over at Johnny, the boy leaning back in his chair. "Tests showed that Johnny skewed to sound a little young,"

Rolling his eyes, Reed ignored the comment, returning the conversation at hand. "Johnny, no bachelor party, it's not my kind of thing," Reed insisted as Johnny shook his head, not giving up. He pushed his way across the area and stopped right beside the man.

"Do it for Ben," he said as Reed shook his head, trying to zone everything the younger man was saying. "It means a lot to the big guy, you're gonna break his heart," Johnny said as a playful expression appeared on his face. "He's got some sort of rock-like heart, doesn't he?"

"I've got too much to do before the wedding," Reed reasoned as Johnny shook his head. He knew Reed needed the party, if not to have fun, just to relax, seeing as the man was always up and about 24/7.

"And frankly, Sue might have a problem with it."

'I didn't want to have to do this to you, Reed.' Johnny shook his head as he smirked, pulling out the big guns.

"You know what I think Sue would have a problem with?" Johnny asked as Reed hesitantly looked over at his younger teammate. "If somebody told her, that you were actually investigating global disturbances and cosmic radiation instead of actually focusing on the wedding, like you promised." As the young man pretended to think everything he said over, he smirked in his head, knowing who had won the battle of this argument.

Reed shook his head as he rolled his chair next to Johnny's admitting defeat. He and Johnny stared at each other for a moment before the scientist shook his head, a smile spreading across his face. "A bachelor party could be fun."


"But no exotic dancers," Reed declared as Johnny shook his head, thinking for a moment. He held his hand out as Reed chuckled, shaking it with his own.


"Hey, Reed-" Lily walked into the lab as she held a folder of information in her hands. She looked up and raised a brow as she watched the two men shake hands. She thought for a moment before she rolled her eyes, walking up to the two.

"You actually let this idiot talk you into having a bachelor party?"

"Hey, I resent that!" Johnny said as Lily ignored him. Reed chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head, sheepishly.

"I guess I did, you're more than welcome to come," Reed offered as Johnny nodded his head.

"Why not, you should come to support dear old Reed before his big day," the torch said playfully as he gave Reed a pat on the back. Lily rolled her eyes as she smirked, setting the files on the table.

"Sorry, afraid I can't." That caught Johnny's attention.

He stood to his feet as he began to follow Lily, Reed watching with a small smile.

"Why not?" Johnny asked curiously as he walked alongside Lily. The black haired woman ignored the dirty blond as she looked back at Reed.

"That's the last of the information I came up with. I can try looking more up later," she offered as Reed shook his head with a smile.

"You've done more than enough," he said as she returned his smile and nodded her head. Turning to the man next to her, she gave Johnny a deadpanned expression as he stood in front of her, waiting for her answer. She sighed as she walked around him, knowing he would follow on his own.

"Seriously, you can't possibly already have plans."

"Actually, I do, you ass," she snapped as Johnny smirked. He always loved getting under her skin.

"What are you doing?"

Lily glanced up at Johnny and smirked as she walked into the elevator in the hall. Johnny followed along as he pressed the button to Lily's floor.

"You really want to know?"

"Why do you think I'm asking?" Johnny retorted back as Lily scoffed.

"I have a date."

"A date?"

"Yes, a date," Lily confirmed as Johnny thought for a moment.

"…Is it with that chump, Travis?" Lily frowned at that.

"He's not a chump," she snapped as Johnny shook his head. Turning to face his best friend, he gave Lily a wary look, Lily staring at him with a more unmoving expression.

"You're kidding, right?" he asked as Lily sighed with defeat. The elevator door opened as the black haired girl walked out, Johnny following with a determined gleam in his eyes.

"What is so bad about Travis?" she asked, deciding to humor her friend.

"For one, he's a total mooch."

"Oh, come on, Johnny, really?" Lily snapped as Johnny continued on.

"Second, he's a total loser."

"He is not!" the irritated woman defended as the two stopped in front of her bedroom.

"And third, he's a complete nobody."

"Not everyone can be as amazing and famous as you, jackass," Lily snapped as Johnny sighed, shaking his head.

"Think about it," Johnny said as he wrapped an arm around Lily's shoulders. She gave the fire controller a warning glance, but he ignored it, continuing with his explanation. "See it from my point of view."

"Do I really have to?"

"You see your best friend, who's smart, hilarious, and pretty damn hot." She rolled her eyes at that.

"And she decides to go for some guy who she barely knows."

"I've known him for two years almost!

"And has a horrible job."

"He works with the state!"

"And is poor off his ass."

"He makes more than I do."

"It's obvious that he's just using you," Johnny stated. Lily closed her eyes as she pinched the bridge of her nose, counting to ten in her head. Taking a deep breath, she turned the door knob to her door and glared at Johnny.

"If you're done babbling, I'm going to go meditate and pretend we never had this conversation," she snapped as Johnny frowned.


"No, Johnny," Lily snapped, Johnny realizing just how far he had pushed her buttons. "If you really think I can't get a guy who actually likes me for me, you're wrong," she snapped, the rage evident in her eyes.

"This wouldn't even be a problem if-" Lily's eyes widened as she stopped in the middle of her sentence. Johnny blinked as he watched Lily quickly turn away, avoiding his gaze. A frustrated look appeared on the young man's face. 'There she goes again.'

"Just go away-"

"No," Johnny wasn't going to give up this time. Before Lily could slam her door shut, Johnny shoved his foot in the doorframe. "Not this time."

"Johnny, move your foot!" the angered woman snapped as Johnny did his best to try and open the door. Surprisingly, Lily's strength was pretty great.

"Go away!"

"No! You're not running away."

"Who says I'm running?" she snapped as Johnny rolled his eyes.

"What do you call this?" he asked plainly as Lily thought for a moment. She glared at the man as he frowned at her. Before he could process what was going on, Lily quickly shoved Johnny back, making him stumble a bit, and slammed her bedroom door shut. Lily sighed as she turned around and leaned back against her door.

"Lily! You're gonna have to talk to me about whatever's going on sooner or later."

"Why do you say that?" she snapped as she glanced at the door, Johnny standing on the other side.

"I may seem stupid, but I'm not," the other snapped slightly as Lily closed her eyes, frowning more. "Seriously, Lily," Johnny said as he placed his hands on the doorframe. He stared at the door, waiting for some sort of reply from the woman.

"..I'm fine, Johnny," Lily said with a sigh as she cracked the door open slightly. Johnny smiled slightly, happy he even got a reply back. Lily stared up at the dirty blond as he returned her gaze. "You're overreacting."

"I'm not," he argued as Lily shook her head with a smirk.

"Is little, baby Johnny getting all worked up?" she joked as the man rolled his eyes.

"Didn't I tell you? It's John."

"Since when?"

"Since the tests showed Johnny's a bit young."

"Seems to fit perfectly then," Lily said playfully as Johnny smirked. He sighed, shaking his head as he crossed his arms.

"Fine, you can date this guy."

"Like I was asking for your permission," Lily retorted back as Johnny smirked. He began to walk down the hall, but stopped as he looked back at Lily with a more sincere look on his face.

"…You know, you could do so much better," he said gently, throwing the black haired girl off guard. She stared at Johnny with a shocked face as he gave her a sincere smile. He held his hands up in the air as he gave her a chuckle. "But if you want to date the dude that bad, good luck to you," he said as he turned around walked down the hall, turning right around a corner. Lily stood with a awestruck look on her face, a small blush appearing. She covered her mouth as she frowned, shaking her head. She quickly went back into her room, slamming the door shut. She shook her head as she sat down, pulling her knees close.

"Why does he have to do that?" she asked herself as she squeezed her eyes shut, Johnny's voice echoing in her ears. "Why does he have to go and make me feel this way?"

As the world continued to spin, the humans inhabiting it continued on with their day and night. For the ignorant and unknowing, everything seemed completely fine, but something was about to change that.

In the sky hovering over the country, Latveria, a silver shadow flew through the air at an almost unthinkable speed. As it passed over a dark castle, something hidden inside began to stir, something that would come and make the lives of many tiring.

'I can feel it, my energy, my strength,' a man thought to himself as he slowly snapped his eyes open. He glanced around his metal cage and glared through the glass in front of his eyes.

'Reed, this isn't over.'