James Norrington stood amidst the endless desolate plains of Davey Jones Locker. The blue of the sky blended with the white of the land somewhere off in the distance. He had no idea of how long he had been there, for time seemed to pass so slowly that it appeared not to pass at all. James remembered everything which had led him here, all of the wrong decisions to choices he should have never been faced with. He lost everything for Miss Swan and now he was condemned to roam these plain for eternity it would seem. James let out a sigh and pulled himself off the ground. He removed his cumbersome wig and used the black ribbon to tie his hair back. He then tossed the wig back to the ground and began walking forwards. James had no idea where he was going, or what, if anything he would find, but he was sure of one thing. He had to keep moving, he was always a man of action and he wasn't about to change that now.

James had been walking for what felt like an eternity, but never once had the sun moved in the sky above. Ahead of him he saw something white lying upon the ground. Summoning a previously unused amount of strength he jogged up to the object. Upon closer inspection he discovered that it was the wig he had abandoned earlier. In front of the wig were footprints, his footprints to be exact. It shouldn't have been possible and yet there was the evidence lying right in front of him.

The frustration and the heat finally took its toll on James and his gentlemanly demeanour. A harsh string of expletives streamed forth from his mouth and he kicked the dirt. James was not sure how much more of this torture he could take.

A low whistle sounded from somewhere behind him but before James was able to address the whistler a female voice announced "with a mouth like that you must be a sailor of some sort, but, if you are indeed a sailor then where is your ship?" she paused, but before James could give a reply she started again, "but then again, why would you be wearing such a ridiculous costume if you weren't one of His Majesty of England's finest?" her voice trailed off. James could not help but notice the voice had a slight accent to it, but it was not one he was familiar with, he only new for certain that English was not her native tongue.

James's hesitation to turn around or acknowledge this new female presence disturbed the woman, "I'm not a figment of your imagination you know, and if you are as high ranking as your costume suggests then surely it is rude for you not to at least turn around and acknowledge me, I do so hate being ignored."

"My apologies Madam, I meant no offense, however this place has already pulled so many tricks upon me that I find it is best if I simply ignore them," James said as he turned around slowly, mentally preparing for yet another hallucination. Although why a hallucination should have such an implacable accent was beyond him, maybe this place was getting to him more than he had originally thought.

The sight he was met with was stunning to say the least. Firstly, she was standing far too close to him for how distant her voice had sounded only seconds ago. Secondly she was a true beauty, unconventional by British standards, but a beauty none the less. She had a strange eye colour which was neither blue nor green; it was the colour of the ocean and seemed to move around in much the same way. The more he stared, the more he found himself unable to look away from her striking eyes. Her skin was porcelain white without a single blemish to speak of and it served to make her raven black hair stand out even more. She couldn't have been much older than 18 and her stature, while not as diminutive as Lord Beckett, was still far from reaching his own height. She slowly cocked her head to the side and stared back at him, "I think I liked it better when you were ignoring me, Do I have something unattractive on my face, or do you just like to stare?" she asked.

"No, no," James stuttered out, "there is absolutely nothing wrong with your face. In fact, I have never seen one so stunning. " Before James could stop his words they were out of his traitorous mouth.

The woman tentatively reached out and pinched James hard on the shoulder. He yelped and wrenched her hand away, holding it far away from where it could once again inflict pain upon him. James glared at her, "what the devil was that for?" he asked, anger entering his voice.

"I was merely testing if you were a hallucination or not. I don't think I have ever been complemented like that before, so I simply had to test if you were real."

"I believe you are supposed to pinch yourself in order to test that theory."

"Now why on earth would I want to inflict such pain upon myself when I have come to the same conclusion but pinching you?"

James opened his mouth to voice some retort, but found he had none, "I still don't appreciate being pinched Madam," he finally said curtly.

"I'm hardly a Madam you know, and sorry about that, but I was hardly going to carry on a conversation with my own insanity now was I?

"I suppose not. If you are not a Madam, then how shall I address you?

"My name is Synnove Nordenburg, so I suppose you may call me Synnove."

"Calling you by your first name is terribly improper, I must insist on calling you Miss Nordenburg."

"And who is it that will be enforcing said rules of propriety?"

"No one I suppose."

"Well then, there is simply no need for it, is there?" she said smiling up at him.

"I suppose you are once again right Miss Synnove."

Synnove rolled her eyes in reply, "Now then, what is your name?"

"Admiral James Norrington of His Majesty the King of England" he replied bowing elegantly to her.

"An Admiral you say, how spectacular!" Synnove exclaimed, " I think I shall call you Admiral James."

"I believe that your apparent glee is unwarranted, being an Admiral is hardly spectacular," James replied in a low drawl.

"I beg to differ"

"It landed me here now didn't it?"

"I suppose it is finally your chance to be right then Admiral James, but I wouldn't get used to that feeling," Synnove said with another smile.

James smiled back at her, his first genuine smile in years, "what do you suggest we do now then?"

"I think we should go that way," Synnove said pointing left of the direction James had been travelling in recently, "after all, you've been going the other way and ended up right back where you started, so maybe we will have more luck if we go that way."

"I suppose there is no harm in exploring."