Title: Don't You
Pairing(s) Kurt/Blaine
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~600
Warnings: Kissing, fluff, shortness
Summary: Kurt wakes Blaine up on a beautiful winter's day. Cheesy fluff and singing ensue.
Disclaimer: I don't own Glee! If I did, it would be everything fluffy about Klaine.

Klaine: Don't You

Kurt, blinking fiercely, sat up in his bed, gazing across his shared dorm room at the still-sleeping Blaine. The sunlight seeped through the closed curtains, but even the dimmest light was enough to wake Kurt up.

Stretching slightly, Kurt yawned as he rubbed his eyes sleepily. He contemplated falling back onto the inviting pillow and settling back into the fuzzy, inviting blankets, but was instantly against that idea as soon as he glanced over at Blaine again. He had other ideas.

Kurt stood up quietly, being sure that the bedsprings didn't make any sort of noise that would spoil his wonderfully evil plan. Walking in a way so that it seemed as if Kurt was dancing lightly on balloons, he walked over to Blaine's bed, stiffening when Blaine twitched, wincing when he rolled over onto his stomach so that his face was enveloped by the sagging pillow.

Bending down so that Kurt's lips barely grazed Blaine's ear, he whispered, singing, "The sun: telling me the night is done."

Kurt smiled proudly as Blaine roused with a jolt, sitting straight up in his bed, looking around frantically. When Blaine saw that it was only Kurt, he relaxed a little, and reached for Kurt's wrist, inviting him to sit down next to him, to cuddle up in the warmth of the fleece comforter.

Sides pressed together, Blaine murmured to Kurt, "Well, I refuse to let it stop our fun… Close your eyes, we'll make it dark again." At this, Blaine tenderly placed two fingers on Kurt's eyelids so that they closed. Kurt didn't even move at this; Blaine's skin against his felt so comfortable and right and just perfect. "And kiss; there's a thought," Blaine leaned in closer to Kurt. "So how 'bout this?"

Blaine now pressed his lips against Kurt's own amorously, letting them sit there for only a brief moment or two, not wanting to overstay his welcome. To Blaine, their lips seemed to be perfectly sculpted for each other, and each other only.

"Let's pretend our lips are made of candy," Kurt sang in a hushed voice before leaning in to return the kiss just as sweetly, much to Blaine's delight. "After all, we need sweets every now and then!" Kurt leaned into Blaine so that they both nearly fell over because of the force.

Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's neck, kissing all the way down the other boy's jawline; a peck for every inch, a kiss on Kurt's lips for every second they spent wrapped up together.

Kurt stood up, shaking the blanket off his shoulders, bringing Blaine to his feet with him, and made his way over to the window in-between tousling Blaine's dark curls atop his head he never knew existed. Damnit, Blaine was so cute when he wasn't wearing his Dalton uniform and was in sweats and a tee-shirt. "Who knows what could happen to us next? Here we are with nothing but this little spark..…"

Drawing open the curtains so that the bright sunlight filled the entire room and the snow covering the ground reflected sparkling rainbows of light onto Kurt's pale skin, Blaine sang in a louder tone. "It's too cold outside," a hand met Kurt's, laying against the icy, frosted window, "To lay this fire to rest."

Amber eyes upon glasz-coloured eyes, they sang in unison, "And don't you want the way I feel… for you?"

Sinking to the floor, Blaine and Kurt began to kiss with more passion as they entered a blissful world of their own. The only traces that remained of the exchange were two frosty handprints, one interlocked with the other forever.

I warned that it was short! Well, first Klaine fanfic, probably not that good, but hey! :)