Author's Note: Hey I'm back wtih another story. This is something I whipped up a while back, hope you guys like it.


Valhalla Cemetary

Aug. 4th

It was a somber day as the hero community was forced to say goodbye to one of thier own. The man buried before them was a relatively minor hero in his own right, but a hero nonetheless and deserved the proper sendoff. Dr. Garrett Sandford was an inexperienced man, new to the game that had somehow gained the powers and costume of the Sandman. The second man to earn the name, Sandford was able to enter the dream dimension and protect kids from their worst nightmares. Pratically useless in the real world, Sandford saw himself as a guardian of children who would die in the real world if thier dreams became too violent. Because of the extreme limitations of his powers he became trapped in the dream dimension and was driven driven mad as a result. With Sandman out of control the League was forced to enter the dream dimension and sedate him. In the end Sandford realized the extent of his madness and took his own life to their horror. Upon his death Sandford and the others were released from the dream dimension allowing him a proper burial.

Now standing at his graveside, the hero community stood quietly in reverence giving him their moment of silence. Standing amongst thier mentors in the League were Young Justice, who were being taught the consequences of hero life. The young team stood at the front with Megan in her civilian clothes looking down at the wooden casket with tears in her eyes. Superboy quietly placed a hand on her shoulder as she looked up at him and saw a brief glimpse of a smile as she wiped her eye. The minister closed his bible and started to pray for the deceased. They bowed their heads and a moment later the service was concluded. As they started to depart Wonder Woman looked back at the team who were standing before the coffin.

"Do you think it was wise to bring them out here?" she asked Batman.

"They have to know what will happen if they arent careful. I know I come off a bit rough, but they have to know the full consequences of hero life. We dont always win, any one of us could be in that casket. They have to be faced with mortality so we dont end up burying them before they're time." he said softly.

"I hope you know what your doing Bruce. They're still just kids." she said before walking off. The Dark Knight narrowed his eyes before looking back at her.

"So do I." he whispered.

Megan cupped her hand over his left elbow as she continued to stand before the coffin.

"Come on, let's get out of here." Wally said trying to get her mind off it.

The team trudged off as the coffin was left to accept its fate while Robin remained behind.

"I just think its sad you know? That it ended like that." she said.

"I know but what can you do?" Wally asked.

"These things happen, we're no different than cops or any other rescue personal." Superboy said rather callious. Megan looked back at him but didnt return the glance as he kept walking forward.

"Batman wanted to show us that we're not always in control of a situation. He was using that to instill that point in us." Kaldur said.

"But at the same time its not something we should dwell on. Sandman was just one of the more unfortunate cases." Superboy interjected.

"That's what I was about to say. Hey has anybody seen Rob?" Kid Flash asked.

The Boy Wonder remained as he was infront of the grave of the second Sandman and stood there looking at the stone across from it bearing the name of the first.

Wesley Bernard 'Wes' Dodds

The Sandman

'The Grainy Gladiator'

Gone But Not Forgotten

"Hey Rob!" Kid Flash yelled. Robin snapped out of his daze and looked back at the team as they approached him.

"Oh hey guys." he told them.

"What are you still doing here?" he asked.

"No reason. This is a cemetary of superheroes I was just thinking about what some of these guys must have been like." he answered looking back at the tombstones of the two Sandmen. With the most recent one now reading 'Sandman II' on his grave.

Wally placed a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"Come on this place is starting to give me the creeps." he said pulling him away.

"Wally!" Megan said keeping her voice down.

"You should have more respect. This is a resting place for those that came before us." Kaldur added looking across the plain at the monuments to other superheroes.

"We should be getting back, we're invited to the funeral dinner at the Watchtower." Superboy said before walking off.

As they left the scene, the tomb of Garrett Sandford had another honor bestowed upon it underneath his heroic name.

Dr. Garrett Sandford Ph.D

Sandman II

'The Guardian of Children's Dreams'

On a Watchtower a while later, the various heroes conversed and reminicenced on the Sandman legacy, and the brief and ultimately tragic tenure of his successor. With the costumes of both Sandmen enshrined in glass cases with a collection of heroes standing before both. The former was from a bigone era, consisting of a green business suit with a dark cloak draped over the shoulders, with a matching green fedora and antique gasmask. While the latter belonging to Sandford was a bright yellow jumpsuit with red gloves, boots, trunks and yellow and red cowled mask, along with a bright red cape and big red hourglass on his chest.

"How could someone wear a costume that ugly?" Conner said from the buffet table.

"Honestly I never understood that myself." a twenty-something said standing next to him. Conner's eyes widened as he turned and looked back at the young man.

"Sorry, I shouldnt have said out loud." he apologised.

"You should have seen the one the original Sandman wore for a while." the man told him nonchalant.

"You were his sidekick werent you?" he asked. The man nodded.

"I am, Wes Dodds was like a father to me. I hate to say it now but when I was growing up with him I was known as Sandy the Golden Boy. I used to wear this redicilious costume that was the same color scheme as Garrett's. I never really thought about it. It was fun while it lasted though. Sorry I havent introduced myself." he said looking back at him.

"Your Sanderson Hawkins arent you?" Superboy asked.

"Yeah I guess my old nickname still stands. That was sort of the thing back then, your mentor would just give you a name on the spot. Some of us, that nickname became your codename. Kind of a halfassed thing to do, but it worked." he said earning a chuckle from Conner.

"I guess I sort of lucked out then." he muttered.

"So then answer me this, if your the sidekick of the original Sandman how are you..." Conner started to trail off.

"Still young? You catch on fast, there was an accident a few years back that turned me into something...Wes did everything he could. I was turned into a silicon monster in the 40s, Dodds put me in cryostatis to stop my rampage until he could find a cure. And I remained that way for several years. Eventually I was broken out of cryostatis and found I could control my powers. But you know in all that time I was never mad at him, because I knew he was trying to help me." he said.

"You seem to have a better relationship with your mentor than I do." Conner told him.

Sanderson raised an eyebrow at the young man next to him.

"I was created by Superman's DNA, I was made to be a weapon...Kal-El wants nothing to do with me." he said.

"He's probably still having trouble processing it all. I mean they did manage to steal his genetics. In a way that's like meeting the son he never knew about. I'll be honest if I was him I wouldnt know how I'd react to that either. Just give him a chance I'm sure its all pretty jarring to him...just like it is for you." he told him.

Superboy looked down at the buffet table before them.

"I guess your right. So what about you?" he asked.

"What about me?" Sandy asked.

"Well now that Garrett's gone, do you plan on...?" he trailed unsure how to phrase it.

"Taking the mantle? The soil hasnt even settled on his grave yet, but no I dont think so." he answered.

"Why not?" he asked. Sanderson paused for a moment as he tried to sum up an answer.

"Its sort of complicated. I mean Wes was a great mentor and all dont get me wrong, but at the same time I'd like to strike out on my own. I'll always be part of the Sandman legacy, but I'm not sure I want that right now." he answered.

"I understand." said Conner.

"Just because your someone's sidekick doesnt mean you have to take up thier cosutme once their gone. Because I'd kind of like to know that I earned it, and not have it thrust upon me because someone says so." the twenty-something added.

"Hmm. So then what do you call yourself?" the Boy of Steel asked.

"Well obviously if anyone called me Sandy the Golden Boy nowadays they'd get thier butt handed to them. I havent really settled on a name as of yet, so for now I'm just Sand." he told him.

"Guess your destined to have some part of it as your name." Conner mused, the older man chuckled.

"Eh I guess your right. You know the one good thing is that I'm not just limited to my sand powers anymore either." he told him.

"Your powers have evolved." said Conner.

"I guess you could say that. I can control rocks and soil now along with my sand monster form. Its kind of funny when I was a kid I didnt even have powers. I guess there's a reason for everything then." Sandy noted.

"Hmm. Guess so." Conner chuckled.

"Well it was nice meeting you Conner." Sandy said shaking his hand.

"You too." he replied.

"Best of luck to you." Sanderson added before leaving the buffett table.

"Yeah...I'm gonna need it." he muttered before looking back at Superman who stood next to the costume exhibit with the rest of the League founders.

Author's Note: All right so what'd you think of that? For a while now I wanted to write a fic that dealt with the Sandman chraracters. The original along with Sandy Hawkins are from the Golden Age of Comics of the '30s & 40s. Meaning they were some of the earliest superheroes to appear in comics. The second Sandman was a minor and forgettable character created in the 70s but for some reason I wanted to include him. Anyway I thought it be nice to show Conner having a male bonding moment with another former sidekick. That and I think Sanderson is a cool character. Let me know what you think.

Please review,

Green Gallant.