Harry Potter Yu-Gi-Oh crossover – Disclaimer: I own neither

/Ryou and Bakura mind link/

Koe – Voice (What Ryou calls the spirit of the ring)

Yadonushi – Landlord (What the spirit calls Ryou)


The millennium ring hovered innocently above the table with five sets of eyes watching it. Obtaining the ring had been simple. The boy was fast asleep, tired from his day, and Alistor Moody was able to carefully pick his way over and take the item by the strap. That it had been so easy was absurd. All of the chasing and the fuss over this boy and his ring, and just like that, they were parted? Then again, Albus had mentioned the boy had been separated from the ring at least twice while at school, so perhaps parting the two wasn't as difficult as Sirius led them to believe.

So there it was, dangling in the air through a levitation charm, looking ordinary and causing no mischief. They had each cast their own detection charms to try to see what was it that made the ring so unordinary, but it gave no responses, as if it were a muggle creation. For a fleeting moment, they wondered if they had been wrong. That the boy was the magical source, not the ring, and that he channeled through the ring instead, but Sirius proved that theory wrong when he physically touched the ring with intent to return it. They had detected not a drop of magic, yet the ring was pointing upstairs towards its owner magically. Sirius rested it on the table, and just like that, the pointing stopped.

"Sirius….maybe it's reacting to your magic?" Remus supplied but Moody grunted to draw attention from the group.

"I doubt it. Without that ring, I can see that boy as clear as day. Even if that hunk of metal was reacting to Black's magic, it would still have to be magical to do it. It's hiding its magic like it was hiding that boy. He's awake now, by the way. In a panic, too," Alistor noted, settling into his chair.

"Of course he's panicked if this ring is so important to him," Sirius growled, disliking the state of things, "We should at least tell him we have it."

"Hold on a moment, Sirius…and let us see if Ryou is drawn to the ring like the ring seems to be drawn to him," Dumbledore spoke, making Sirius bite his tongue. He still didn't like this.

The sound of thumping briefly echoed from the floor above going every which way, then the thudding of someone racing down the steps. Sirius glanced at the door when the frantic footsteps paused. It was quiet for a heartbeat, then a knock.

"Anou….Sirius….? I need your help," Ryou called, his voice hesitant, "I think your house ate my ring." He didn't come through the door, already feeling like he was interrupting. The Order glanced at the ring sitting just one room away from the boy, yet he couldn't tell it was there. Right there.

Sirius had enough of this tomfoolery. "Come in here, Ryou," he called to the door. A few moments ticked by before the doorknob turned and Ryou poked inside. He seemed nervous as he glanced around at all the faces before gold glinted in the dull light of the room. His eyes widened and he hurried to the table.

"Hold on a second, Ryou, hold on," Remus placed a hand on the boy's shoulder just before he could make a grab for the ring. Ryou's eyes flitted up to the man, though his hand still remained partially outstretched towards gold.

"I want you to take this," Remus had pulled out a wand. Ryou's full attention snapped to it, the hand that had been reaching for the ring now turning towards the delicate woodwork. His fingers curled around the polished handle. "Now, do you know any spells? Did you learn any while you were shadowing at Hogwarts?" Remus asked and Ryou nodded. "Good lad. I want you to try to cast something. Something small and easy. Do you know the light spell?" Again Ryou nodded and Remus urged him on.

All eyes were on the boy as he focused and flicked the wand with a small call of 'Lumos'. All eyes waited as nothing happened. Nothing at all. Even Ryou seemed horrendously disappointed.

Remus patted him on the shoulder. "It's alright, Ryou. This was just to check something. Do you feel anything from the wand at all?"

"No…Was I supposed to feel something?" Ryou asked as he handed the wand back. This time when he went for the millennium ring, nobody moved to stop him. Moody made an agitated noise when he put it on though, the man's magical eye swirling to lock on to Ryou before flickering away.

"Not necessarily, but we had been curious to see if you were the source of power for that ring of yours. Wands channel the magic of the wizard. If you can funnel your magic through your ring, then theoretically you could do the same with a wand," Remus explained and Ryou just smiled, shaking his head.

"But the ring is what's magic, Professor, not me. The only time magic ever happens is when I'm wearing it," Ryou just barely flinched as someone in the back of his mind told him to shut up. To not speak so freely. The flinch did not go unnoticed.

"Boy. Bakura was it? Wait outside the door. The adults need a word," Alistor stood slowly. Ryou seemed frozen to his spot before Sirius patted his shoulder.

"Go on, Ryou. But don't go far," his voice was reassuring and finally Ryou made quick work to get out of there. Alistor cast a spell on the door to stop eavesdropping.

"So the boy isn't magic, and the ring is. I am siding with Remus on this one. We should permanently separate the two," Kingsley spoke as he watched the door. Dumbledore folded his hands, smiling softly.

"It is unusual, isn't it? A wizard channels their magic through their wands, but here we have a wand that channels its magic through its chosen wizard. Fascinating."

"As fascinating as it is, it doesn't make it any less dangerous. The boy was already becoming difficult to keep an eye on the second he put the blasted thing on," Moody growled as he pulled a small vial out of his pocket, "And he knows more than he's letting on. Black, get your house elf to bring in tea. We're going to…" he cut off as something caught his attention. A weird type of fog by the door. He squinted his magical eye at it, the fog condensing into the vague shape of something before it just vanished. Poof.


None of the others had seen it. Alistor's eyes narrowed in suspicion. Some men would have said they had been seeing things, but some men were fools. Alistor was no fool.


Ryou stood outside the door, the room on the other side completely silent to him. He didn't really care to listen in anyway. They let him have the ring back without fuss, and that was all that was important. They were good, they wouldn't try to take it from him for real. He smiled softly even as he tucked the ring under his shirt. Just in case.

/Yadonushi. They will offer you tea in there. Do not drink it./

Ryou glanced up and tilted his head. "Why not?"

/They are going to put something into it. Something they want you to drink but not realize you're drinking./

"Are you sure? They're nice people. They wouldn't do that. Even though the one is kinda scary…"

His thoughts were cut off as the door opened behind him. He jumped and turned, but it was only Remus. "Come, Ryou. We just have a few questions. You've already spoke to me and Sirius, but some of the others would like to hear your account first hand," he assured the boy. Ryou sighed but nodded. No doubt they'd be asking the same 'what, when, where, how' about the ring again. He stepped into the room.

Lo and behold, there was a chair for him, and a cup of tea.

"Anou…" he picked his way over to the chair, but only stared at the tea.

"It's for you, Ryou. To help settle you," Remus sounded tired and when Ryou glanced towards Sirius for reassurance, the other wouldn't meet his eye and finally just excused himself with an annoyed bark at Moody. He slammed the door when he left too, making Ryou wince. The room was silent for a long moment, Ryou sitting there awkwardly. Not drinking.

Remus sighed. "Alright. Let's start with where you got it. Why don't you tell the Order how you got the ring originally," Remus had started, soothingly, but Moody tapped his walking stick impatiently.

"And drink your bloody tea!"

Ryou flinched away from both Moody and tea.

"I'm just…not thirsty right now," Ryou tried, though honestly he was parched.

"A load of crass. You just woke and have had nothing to eat or drink. What's wrong, Bakura? Is our tea not good enough for you? Is that it?" Moody didn't sound teasing with his words, eliciting an 'Alistor, please' from Remus to the side when they made Ryou elicit yet another flinch.

"No, no, It's not that, I just-"

"JUST. WHAT?" Alistor slammed his hand on the table.

"You put something in it!" Ryou shrunk in on himself even as the words left his lips. The room grew quiet.

"….and what makes you think that?" Moody's eyes locked onto him as Ryou fidgeted.

"Anou….last time somebody really really wanted me to drink tea, it was Professor Umbridge….and it tasted funny."

The order took this in silence. So Professor Umbridge had slipped a potion to students? Snape had told Dumbledore as much in a report from the school, but he did not know she tried it with Ryou too.

"Fine, we put truth serum in it, now drink it anyway. It won't hurt you," Moody settled back in his chair, hands resting on the top of his walking stick.

"But I am telling you the truth," Ryou pleaded, but Alistor Moody was a man on a mission.

"Well consider me a skeptic. You won't drink. There must be a reason why, boy. If you don't drink it, I won't trust a word you say."

Ryou sighed in defeat. At this rate, this little interrogation was never going to end. It should be fine…they just wanted him to repeat what he had already told them, right?


Ryou took the cup and started drinking.



Things were going smoothly, in all honesty. Ryou had correctly predicted the questions they'd ask. Where did he get it? From his father years ago, as a birthday present. Where did his father get it? He bought it at a stand in an Egyptian market near where he was working. Did Ryou know it was magical? Not for a few years. Had Ryou ever experienced magic before the ring? No. Did he know the ring would hurt people who tried to wear it? Yes. That was the first question that he answered that really caught everyone's attention. They had then gone on to ask if he knew why it would hurt people. Ryou simply said the ring chose it's wielders like a wand chooses a wizard. When they asked if he knew why the ring chose him, he honestly didn't know. The spirit had told him why he could wield the ring, but never why it had chosen him specifically to wield it…though, Ryou managed to leave that part out of his answer. The next round of questions he was asked was where things started to get…interesting.

Why was he so protective of the ring? Because it was a precious gift from his father, and because he didn't want it to fall into the wrong hands. Whose hands were the wrong hands? Anyone who could not wear the ring. Anyone who the ring would kill if they wore it. Had the ring killed someone before?


Ryou slapped his hands over his mouth when the answer slipped out so easily. A necklace that pointed to things that only he could use, that was a thing people would find fascinating but maybe not make a fuss over. A weapon that could murder people…that wasn't something as easily over looked.

"Ryou….has it…killed anyone recently?" Remus asked, looking at the boy concerned. Ryou wanted to say no, but…did he really know? All those blank pages of his memory…

"I don't know…" he answered honestly, looking concerned.

"What about how. Do you know how it killed someone?" Remus tried again. Ryou shivered.

"Ah…I didn't see it, but I was told…that it was worn by a muggle that it didn't like. It pierced the man's skin and burned him from the inside."

/Yadonushi, enough. Stop talking to them/

"It's alright, Ryou. Take a breath," Remus was trying to calm him down…he hadn't even realized his breaths were short. Ryou took a deep inhale to steady himself.

"Tell me, Mister Bakura…You have been told about horcruxes. Perhaps what you weren't told was that the soul within the item will sometimes have an effect on the person holding it. So answer me this. Does that ring influence you?" This was the first question Alistor had posed since this little Q and A began, and his gaze was drilling in on the boy.

"What?" Ryou's eyes went wide.

"You heard me, Bakura. Now Answer."


"I can't, I…" Ryou spoke to the spirit, heart pounding. He couldn't lie, he could feel his mind compelled to answer truthfully. A lie wouldn't pass his lips thanks to the tea.

"You can. It's a simple question, Bakura. Does the ring try to make you do things?"

"It…I…"Ryou's answer cut off before he could finish. His eyes rolled back and he passed out, courtesy of an ancient Egyptian thief that was so not ready to be revealed to the world through such a stupid way.


The order stared in surprise at the unconscious boy.

"I've never seen veritserum do that before," Shacklebolt noted, brow raised.

"Yes, well, we still need to hear his answer," Alistor flicked his wand towards the boy with a quickly muttered 'enerviate'. What happened next he didn't expect. The simple spell to reawaken someone who was knocked out collided with that fog he had seen before. It had appeared out of nowhere, directly between the boy and his spell, took the hit, before it vanished just as easily. The rest of the order hadn't seen it. They had only seen the spell seem to vanish prematurely like it hit an invisible wall just an inch above the boy's chest.

"What happened?" Remus asked, glancing between Alistor and Ryou. Alistor's grip tightened on his wand.

"Something is blocking the spell. It's from that blasted ring," he growled, magical eye zeroing in on the boy's chest. He couldn't see the ring, but he bet it was there.

"I have heard enough to justify removing the ring from the boy anyway. It can kill, and it has already. Let's just take it now, while he's unconscious. Then we can get more answers," Kingsley nodded at the boy. A few seconds later, Ryou groaned and seemed to wince. The order watched him, but he didn't wake.

"What was…" Remus had started but stopped as something started to just barely dot Ryou's shirt. The werewolf sprung up and pulled open Ryou's button down. "….Kingsley…I think it heard you," he spoke with a grimace, stepping out of the way so the rest of the Order could see. The Millenium Ring had buried its five spines into Ryou's skin. It wasn't like when it stabbed the student at Hogwarts, where the spines had gone straight down. Here they seemed to burrow just under the epidermal layer, causing the skin to bulge around the obtrusive metal like a blanket around a body. If they tried to yank out the ring by force, it would literally tear Ryou's chest to pieces.


Ryou woke up hours later, resting on his bed and tucked under the covers. Sirius was there beside him in a chair, head in his hand and eyes closed. He wasn't asleep though, no. There was a look of worry and unease etched into his features. When Ryou shifted and moved to sit, the man's eyes opened as well, turning to give the white haired child his attention.

"Ryou, you're awake. Do you remember what happened?"

Ryou paused, the question not registering right away as his brain tried to play catch up and get past the waking up phase.

"Anou….we were talking …over tea," that was laced with truth serum. Were the effects still active? How long did that potion last anyway? "Did I black out?" Did Koe suppress him? Take over the conversation?

"Yes, you did. We were worried about you. We couldn't wake you…and your ring…"

That sparked a brief edge of panic in Ryou as his hands flew to his chest. But it was ok…the ring was there…and it was stinging a little. He winced and tugged the covers down, breath pausing briefly. This had happened before, no reason to fly into a panic. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Ryou sighed, trembling hand resting on the burrowed gold. The millennium ring was warm as it hugged his chest, buried in his flesh.

"….you don't seem too surprised, Ryou. Are you in any pain? You do realize you have shards of metal digging into you."

"Yes. I know….I…did you try to take it from me when I was unconscious?" Ryou asked, and Sirius' silence was answer enough. Ryou sighed again and shook his head. The movement sent a twinge through his body, aggravating the wounds. Ow.

"Here. Drink some water. And I promise, this time there's nothing in it. I've also brought you something to eat," Sirius frowned, looking annoyed for a moment before he calmed down. He was still angry about them forcing Ryou to drink veritserum in the first place. If they could not trust Ryou, how could they expect him to trust them?

/It's safe, Yadonushi. They have not drugged it this time./

Ryou didn't need the re-assurance from the one currently stabbing him. He would have taken the food and drink regardless. But he supposed it was kind of nice to think the spirit was looking out for him, even if he was really just looking out for himself by extension.

"…Ryou. If you're feeling up to it, Dumbledore would like to speak to you, alone. But I'll be just outside if you need me. Just give me a howl," Sirius offered him a semblance of a smile and a wink, patting his hand before he stood. He gave Ryou one last glance, then he was heading out of the room. Ryou gulped his food down, even the water feeling dry in his throat as he waited for the Hogwarts Headmaster. What did he want? It was going to be about the ring. Why oh why couldn't they just forget he existed and let him crawl back to Domino City where the only dangers he had to deal with were cocky billionaires and himself.

Ryou was startled from his thoughts as the door opened with a creek, the old wizard entering with a gentle smile.

"Ah. Mister Bakura. I am glad to see you awake, though, sadly, not quite unharmed," he murmured, looking over his half-moon spectacles at the ring still cozied up under Ryou's skin. Ryou tugged the blanket over himself.

"Anou….I was told…you wanted to talk to me."

"Yes. And here I am to do so. I'm sure you can guess the topic," he began, to which Ryou just gave a shy nod, "First let me tell you what I know. I know what you have with you has burned one of my students in the past. I know that, for some curious reason, it will not burn you. At first I thought it wouldn't harm you at all, but I can see that isn't quite the case. The Millennium Ring has to stay with you, doesn't it?"

Ryou gasped. He called the ring by name. "You….know what this is?" he asked, hesitant as he lowered the blanket and ghosted his hand across the gold. Dumbledore nodded.

"I know what is public knowledge. I do believe there is an exhibit dedicated to ancient Egypt in Japan. Where you were living before you came here?" Ryou nodded and Dumbledore continued, "There are seven of these items, aren't there?" Another nod, "Most witches and wizards do not believe them to be magical. Many things that muggles claim to be magic aren't quite so, you see, and these Millennium items have little to support anything special about them. They barely have anything to support even their existence. So they were dismissed as fairy tales attached to pretty baubles."

Ryou tilted his head. Well, that explained why he and Yugi never had to deal with these magic folk before. They dismissed the Millennium Items like they dismissed the existence of….what had Luna Lovegood mentioned once? Grumpkins? Yes. The items were apparently as real to witches and wizards as Santa. He supposed the items weren't really depicted as magical either in most stories. Just that they were supposed to grant a wish or something along those lines. Goodness were those stories way off.

"We can speak in confidence, Mister Bakura. Whatever you tell me here, in this room, will stay here. It is a promise."

/Is this his attempt to win your trust? Don't listen. He is an old fool./

Ryou glanced down at the blanket as the spirit spoke. It would be easy to just blurt out everything he knew, but he still wasn't sure who to trust. Already they had tried to take the ring. He couldn't give them even more reasons to want it.

"Professor…the ring really is safest with me. I don't understand the magic it contains, but I do know that it will do whatever it takes to stay with me. Even hurt me so we don't part. Harry told me that wands won't always work for others, and the ring is the same. Its allegiance can't be won though. I was born able to keep it for some reason….maybe I was fated to be its keeper. If magic exists, fate must too, right?" Ryou glanced at Dumbledore, who's eyes merely glittered as he sat in silence with a small smile. Ryou looked away again, "If someone does take it, even if they don't wear it, it finds its way back to me. Sometimes that leaves people hurt. It won't tolerate other wielders. That's why it must remain with me, so I can keep it from other people. I can't even use it to do magic. It's only when I'm not the one wearing it that bad things start to happen," he was pleading now, trying so hard to make the professor understand. His large innocent eyes locked on to Dumbledore's once more, the two just staring at each other. Finally Dumbledore nodded.

"I understand. Don't worry. We won't try to part a natural shadow mage such as yourself from the ring again. The other members of the Order who were with us earlier today have been told as much. "

"Shadow mage….you think I am one too?"

"If you weren't before, you are one now. That ring has made you into one. Perhaps had shadow magic not been sealed so long ago, you would have been born a magician yourself. And might I add, the way you speak of the ring. It is as if it has a will of its own," he looked over his glasses again, eyes sparkling with knowledge. Ryou fidgeted. "The paintings say you talk to yourself quite a bit, Ryou….but you're not talking to yourself, are you?"

Time stilled for Ryou. Dumbledore knew.

/He doesn't know anything. He is guessing./

No, the spirit was wrong. He knew.

"Can this entity hear us now?"

/See, Yadonushi? He knows nothing./

Ryou bit his lip and looked everywhere but at Dumbledore.

"You were told that a Horcrux can influence its wearer….but it can only do just so. Emit an influence that will make you feel a certain way. What you have though isn't merely influencing you, is it? You aren't dealing with an emotion. You are dealing with something greater. Perhaps a nearly complete soul instead of a mere fragment of one?" he raised a brow and Ryou flushed crimson. Then, the blush was fading and he was shaking his head.

"What I have isn't a horcrux. It doesn't house a single soul, and the ring doesn't influence me in any way," he shook his head, "It used to have something inside….but ever since I was hit by that spell that was supposed to kill me, it's been silent."

Dumbledore sighed, expression growing grave. "Is that so? That is a true shame. The soul that had been guiding you may have been able to give us the answers we needed," Well yeah, no duh but like he'd ever give them up to these idiots, "Answers that could protect you from Voldemort and end his relentless hunt for you and your ring," Well now he was just trying to be manipulative. That Voldemort guy thought he was dead, right? So he had achieved the 'dead end' that he needed to get him off his back.

Bakura gave a tiny sigh, wiping at his eye and looking down at the blanket again, "I'm sorry I can't be more helpful. But really. The ring is safest with me. Maybe I can just leave the country. Go into hiding somewhere else. Voldemort struggled to find me when I was lost in his home country. I bet I could disappear even easier in another."

"The safest place for you right now is here. Just as the ring is safest with you. I know you have a life outside of these walls. We can't keep you here forever, and we won't. I promise."

"….you're right. You can't keep me here."


Dumbledore sat in a dimly lit room, reading over some encrypted messages sent from various members of the Order. One member was there with him, growing more and more impatient by the second.

"So? Did you learn anything from him?"

The wizened old wizard looked up. "I told him what he told me would be in confidence. But...I suspect he was not giving me the truth. At least, not the whole of it. I could not tell."

Snape raised a brow in surprise, "You? Couldn't tell if someone was lying?" The other chuckled.

"Is it so hard to believe? He is a good liar. I knew that from the day he used floo to reach my office. But I'm sure there is truth to what he has to say as well. His ring will stay with him. It will be easiest to keep them both from Voldemort if they are together, and most likely, we won't be able to keep them apart if shadow magic has deemed the ring to be his. Considering what the ring did to get back to him at Hogwarts, when he was nearby, I think it really is safest if it stays close to him."

"You're speaking as if this shadow magic has a will of its own…and that boy is only a child. You're really going to leave something that dangerous with a mere boy?" Snape frowned as Dumbledore merely smiled, "If that's all, then I have places I need to be," Snape turned to leave, a flourish of black fabric. He had never been a fan of Dumbledore putting the youth of today at risk, but what exactly could be done about it?

"Of course, Severus."

Snape spent little time in transit though, going from one meeting to the next. A spy to one, a spy for the other. Snape had many words to tell Lord Voldemort. Particularly about the ring and that it was currently in the possession of the Order of the Phoenix.

"Without the ring, he was just an ordinary boy. The true source is the gold. It would seem that the charm channeled its magic through the child…but it's choosy about whom it will channel through."

Voldemort chuckled. "It will learn to love a new master in time. The loss of the wielder was a setback, but the ring still has potential. I would have preferred both boy and ring brought to me, but with things as they are….if the opportunity arrives to get the ring to me, you will take it, Severus."

"…..of course."


"You lied to him."

Ryou sat in his bed, legs curled up against his chest, cheek on his knee. His body ached whenever he moved wrong, so…he just tried to move as little as possible.

/It was necessary. He was sticking his nose into matters that he did not need to know./

"But I think he knows you lied."

/It is fine, Yadonushi. Even if he knows it was a lie, he cannot prove it. He will eventually accept it as true if it's said enough./

"Would it really be such a bad thing for him to know everything?"

/They already want to separate us, Yadonushi. You know we belong together. As you told him, Yadonushi. You are fated to bear the ring. These old fools want to control you. Giving them the information they want will just make it that much easier for them to chain you here, away from your family and your 'friends'./

"….do you think he'd let us leave? If we tried?"

/He can't stop us. The shadows are our ally, Yadonushi. If you must put your trust anywhere, trust them./

Ryou frowned and leaned back against the headrest, slowly stretching out his legs. Shadows were scary, but…at least he knew their intentions. They were a familiar scary, and he knew if he needed to get out of here, Koe was right. The shadows would be the best way. He could feel them settling on him, like an invisible cold embrace, but he didn't shirk away from them this time. They were his only chance of returning to a normal life away from all of this madness. He wasn't sure how he could use them, but maybe, just maybe, he didn't need to be afraid of them. Maybe he could learn to walk in the darkness too. The white haired boy closed his eyes and sighed. Moments later he was hissing in pain, though the pain was brief. Metal clinked against his chest, sticky with red. He blinked tears out of his eyes and looked down at the free swinging tines.

/Shadow magic is different than dark magic because of its components. Like how a shadow needs light to cast a darkness, shadow magic is a combination of light and dark magic. That is what makes it so powerful, and that is why these wizards cannot perform it. They cannot pull from light and darkness at the same time./

Ryou hadn't expected a sudden explanation of questions he had been asking about for ages now. He gripped the gold ring tight in his hands, ignoring the feeling of his own blood smearing against his skin. "Koe! You're telling me about shadow magic? Why?"

/You have accepted your shadows at last. You are finally ready to train with the shadows themselves. If you are going to learn to walk in shadow, you should know what shadow magic is./

"But I still don't understand. How do you use light and dark magic at the same time?"

/It comes from within. Shadow masters use their own ka and blend the light and dark within their very soul./

"Their own ka? But isn't that dangerous?" If you used up all of your ka, you'd die. Using your ka to perform magic was basically poking a hole into a cup of water and letting your life just flow out of the cup. "…I don't think I want to learn it…" Not if one mistake meant an accidental suicide.

/You can't access your ka since Shadow Magic was sealed. You need not worry about draining yourself. You will be using mine./

Oh. That was….a little better, he guessed? Maybe? "But if it's your ka we're using, why did I need to be the one to accept the shadows and learn all of this? Why can't you do it on your own, when I'm not wearing the ring?" There was silence for a long stretch of time before finally the spirit replied.

/…...We must stay together Yadonushi. I need your light./


Kit: Just a shout out to all my reviewers, both old and the new who only just found this story. Reading your reviews makes me all bubbly inside It's thanks to your interest that I keep coming back to this story to update it.