There was a figure walking down the streets of the isolated town. No one knew him, and though they were usually suspicious of strangers, this one gave an aura of light and happiness, that seemed to make everyone in the immediate vicinity brighten up. Like the sour old man who was the town Scrooge. As he passed the strange boy, he straightened, and SMILED! This was something the townspeople hadn't seen since the old man's wife had died.

What about the boy caused this? Maybe it was his bright features, almost too bright to look at. He had blond hair that fell down to mid-back, with red spikes at the ends. His eyes were a bright turquoise color that seemed to shine along with his hair. He was dressed with a long sleeved red shirt and jeans, yet he wore them majestically in a way that made him look like a prince.

Naruto looked around the ramshackle town, and smiled at the happy expressions on the faces of the people around him. He loved making people happy. Sometimes he thought it was the only thing keeping him alive, the only thing he had to look forward to in his never-ending life.

He was the Kyuubi no Kitsune now. After the final battle with the Akatsuki, the war was officially over. Unfortunately, the people of Konohagakure never survived to see the end. He was the last, and in his grief, he had lost control over Kyuubi. The last of the seal separating them had broken, and they had merged. Naruto had gained all of the demon's unending chakra, and all his memories. When he received the demon's memories, he was surprised to realize just how old Kyuubi actually was. He had always known Kyuubi had lived for millennium, but to know that Kyuubi was older than the earth itself was overwhelming. But now, it wasn't Kyuubi who was this old, it was Naruto. Naruto had become the demon.

After the initial merging, Naruto had been consumed by a demonic blood lust that never seemed to fade. He attacked the Elemental Countries mercilessly, and they fell under the new Kyuubi. When he had finally managed to control his blood lust, he had been devastated by the amount of destruction he had caused, and went into hiding for the next 800 years. For him, the years passed in the blink of an eye, while he learned to control and better his new powers.

When he awoke from his self-exile, Naruto was amazed by the new things he saw. There were towers that stretched to the sky, and shiny beasts that growled and smoked down black roads. People talked into little black squares, and they never seemed to notice all the smells that suffocated Naruto.

While Naruto traveled this strange new world, he met many creatures he had never seen before. Creatures that grew teeth and sucked blood, humans that changed into monsters during the full moon, fairies, angels, reapers, and there were so many more. The ones that intrigued him the most were the so called demons. They were incorporeal unless they possessed a human, and they had such strange weaknesses, such as salt, and blessed or 'holy' water. Was this really what his species had become? His kind, who could bring an entire village down with a wave of a tail.

Later, he learned that he was a legend, along with his brothers and sisters. They were seen as gods apparently. Gods of destruction and chaos, along with many other gods, like Kali, Ganesh, or Odin.

He also learned that all but one of his siblings had died. Gaara, the Ichibi no Shukaku, or One-Tailed Raccoon was the only one other than him who had survived.

When he realized this, Naruto searched all over the earth for his brother, until finding him in the country called 'America'. They had had an interesting reunion, where Naruto was hugging Gaara, and Gaara was standing stoically, with a small, almost unnoticeable smile on his face.

After a few years of traveling together, things in the world had started to worry Naruto. There were diseases and natural disasters all over. Gaara and Naruto had agreed to separate and find out what was happening. Naruto had later discovered that the Judeo-Christian apocalypse was in full throttle, bound to start any day soon, and the four horsemen were released onto the earth once again.

Gaara and he had begun searching for the horsemen, mostly because they liked the world as it was, and didn't want their sole sources of entertainment to be completely annihilated.

So here Naruto was, walking down the streets of a town that smelled like War. The smell was a pretty familiar smell to Naruto, and he had to fight the urge to cover his extremely sensitive nose.

Naruto looked around at the oblivious humans, sad about what was soon going to happen to them. He would have tried to stop it, but he could smell War surrounding these people, and knew it was too late. Soon they would be overpowered by the violent aura and they would turn on each other in their delusions. There was nothing he could do but wait.