A/N…And on to the last chapter. Thanks to all the people who have stuck with it this far and alerted and reviewed!

For disclaimer see chapter 1

And so we're back at the Job. Jason isn't here anymore but there are lots of other people. Aaron is David's new best friend. I remember him and I think he remembers me. I like Aaron. He's like a mix of Jason and Max but with none of Max's bad parts. There are two young ones whose names I can't remember – one is quite big and fierce and strong but is also very gentle and one is very, very clever. There are three ladies as well and none of them make Dave sad. All of the ladies he's ever known seem to make him sad, so it's good that these three don't. One of them is called Garcia and she's crazy and happy and brilliant. I don't know the other two's names – there's a Yellow one and a Brown one, just like the ladies that David loved, but they are kind and lovely so that's different. I like being at the Job more now – Aaron is in charge and so David doesn't have to worry so much or get so angry.

Only one horrible thing has happened since we came back and that's when I thought that I might lose David. His bad dreams had been getting worse for a while and he was more sad than I'd seen him for a long time. One day, he took me out of his Pocket and I realised that we were in the place where I lived with the Lady and the Man and the Little People! We'd come to my very first House! I didn't know why we were there and then he put me back in my Pocket and I didn't know what was happening for much longer than usual. The next time I came out, three of the people from the Job were there with us and they looked like they were talking about me and what happened to my Lady and the Man. He let them hold me, which meant that he was starting to trust them and so I relaxed. It felt funny to hear him say what had happened. It had been so long since anyone really talked about it. I couldn't stop thinking about it after that though. All of the bad memories came back.

I still don't know exactly what happened after that because I spent far too much time in my Pocket. I do know that the drumbeat was very fast for much longer than normal. He was either very excited about something, or very upset, or maybe both. There were lots of angry words and lots of voices that I didn't know. The next time I was out of the Pocket, outside of the place where we were staying, we were back at my first House. David was talking to a young lady that I had never seen before. There was another young lady and a young man there too. They were very happy about something. It's funny, but I thought that the young lady looked a bit like my Lady. I know it's silly, because my Lady is gone, but she still looked the same. I was so busy looking at her and the younger one that kissed David on the cheek that I didn't notice him put me in the young lady's hand. I didn't worry for a minute, because I was used to people holding me, but then he started to walk away! He was leaving! After everything we'd been through, all the times that I'd been his closest and best friend, he was leaving me with strangers. I was helpless as I watched him walk away and open the Car door. If I could have cried, or screamed or done anything but lay there and watch, I would have. My David was leaving me. I thought that if he got in the Car and drove away, I would never be happy again.

I don't know if the young lady could tell that I was sad but she seemed to decide something and ran after David. When she put me back in his hand and closed it tight around me, I thought that I'd explode from happiness. I don't know why he was leaving me there, and I was angry with him for a little while, but I thought that there must have been a very good reason even if I didn't know it. He would never hurt me. Not my David. Not my best friend.

That was a while ago now and David has been much happier since then. He still takes me places but sometimes now he doesn't put me in his Pocket. I stay in a warm and soft little bag in his bigger bag. It means that I don't get to feel the drumbeat everyday but I've got used to it now. We've been together so long that maybe it's good we spend some time apart. It just makes it even better when he takes me from my bag and holds me. He smiles at me now. He never used to. Not ever. He's always been gentle but he didn't smile. Now I think about it, I suppose it's quite strange that he never did that. We are best friends after all.

But then, like I said, people confuse me. They always have done and they always will do. But I don't mind being confused, as long as David is there. I don't mind anything much at all when he's with me.