A/N: So...Here it is. The last chapter. I think it is anyway, not completely sure though. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the reviews/favourite story/story alerts. You have no idea how much they mean to me :):)

Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyer owns Twilight. Nicole Thomas however, belongs to me.

Nicole Thomas

"So...Which one's first?" I looked at Charlie.

"I don't know. How about we take the youngest one first and then work our way to the top?"

"Sounds good to me."


We both stood up and made our way into the living room. All the boys except Dr Cullen were there. Two of them were playing some kind of video game and the third one stood beside a piano looking at the keys. I cleared my throat and all of them looked up.

"Hi..I'm Nicole and, as I'm sure someone has told you, I'm here to ask you a couple of questions."

The biggest guy smiled at me and paused the game.

"Hi Nicole!" Well, at least one of them isn't trying to kill me by glaring at me. If looks could kill I would be dead by now. Good thing they can't.

"So...I figured that I would start with the youngest of you, whoever that is." I looked around.

"That would be me." The bronze-haired boy looked at me.

"Okay then...?"


"Okay then Edward, shall we?"

We walked into the kitchen and sat down, while the his brothers continued their game in the living room.

"So...You probably already know why we are here."

"You think Alice and Esme and probably Rosalie are abused." It wasn't a question.

"There are some people that suspect that yes."

"I can assure you that they have never been and will never be."

"Maybe, but I still need to ask everyone. For all I know you could be lying."

"Why would I be lying?"

"To protect someone."

"Why would I want to protect someone? I'm telling the truth."

We talked like that for about half an hour, until I finally realized that I wouldn't get anything else out of him.

"I give up." He smiled at me when I said that.

"Well, it was nice talking to you."

"You too. Could you please tell one of your brothers to come in here?"

"Will do."

"I'm starting to think to think they're telling the truth." Charlie rested his head in his hands and yawned.

"Me too. But now there's only three of them left."

Just after I said that the blonde boy who was the main suspect according to Charlie, walked through the door. He silently took his seat at the table. I smiled at him, which he didn't return. He seems fun.

"Hi, my name is Nicole. What's yours?" I smiled at him.


"We are just going to ask you some questions." He nodded. Not much of a talker, this guy. Charlie told me that he was dating Alice. Talk about opposites, really.

"Were you and Alice in the petrol station earlier today?"


"Someone noticed that Alice had blood on her face and that you seemed angry. What were you angry at?"

"When we were driving, some idiot almost crashed into us."

"And the blood on Alice's face?"

"When I stopped the car she wasn't ready. She flew forward and hit her face on the car window."


"Yes. Didn't she tell you?"

"Actually we didn't ask her."

"We tried but she never really answered any of our questions. She just talked and talked. It was nice." I shook my head. What was I thinking? I was here to ask questions, not having a tea party-thing. Suddenly I felt absolutely sure that nothing bad was going on in this house. I don't know where the feeling came from. I tried to shake the feelings off me, but they just wouldn't disappear.

"And what about the bruises under her eyes?"

"She hasn't been sleeping well for a couple of days."

"Why not?"

"She's been having nightmares about her...biological family."

"What kind of nightmares?"

"Let's just say that her parents weren't the kindest people on earth."

I watched his face for any lies but couldn't find any. At all.

We talked a little bit more, yes, talked more than asked questions because I still couldn't shake the feelings away. The funny thing was that when he left the feelings slowly started to disappear. Weird.

Then the last brother came in. The one that didn't look like he wanted to kill me. Ironically, he was the one that could have killed me the easiest out of all three of them. He looked like he went to the gym two times a day or something.

"Hi." I smiled at him. He sat down in the chair opposite mine and grinned.

"Hi. I'm Emmett."

"Nice to meet you Emmett."


He did the same thing as Alice. Talked and talked but he never really answered our questions. Not right away anyway. If you listened hard enough you could detect the answers in all his babbling, but it wasn't easy. After doing that for half an hour both Charlie and I gave up.

"Just one left."

"At last." Charlie looked like he would fall down on the floor dead because of fatigue.

Carlisle Cullen stepped through the doors to the kitchen, took one look at Charlie and told him to sit down. Then he started making coffee for both of us.

"What about you?"

"I just drank a cup in my office."

"Oh..I'm Nicole by the way."

"I know, Esme told me."

I asked him the same standard questions I had asked the others, but a bit more about Alice's birth parents. He told me he didn't know much about them since Alice rarely talked about them and the file that came with her really didn't say much about them. He basically didn't want to tell me anything about his children's life before they came to him and his wife. Which was understandable.

"What do you think?" Charlie turned to me after Carlisle had disappeared back to his office.

"Honestly, I think they're telling the truth."

We said our goodbyes to Esme and thanked her for letting us ask all the questions. She said we were welcome back any time we wanted. When me and Charlie were walking back to the car, I turned around to take one last look at the house. But what I saw wasn't the house.

My gaze fell upon Alice and Jasper. They were standing on the porch, gazing into each others eyes,smiling, looking so much in love it hurt. I smiled and turned around, letting them have their privacy. Maybe, just maybe, the Cullen's would be alright.

A/N: Please review!