Chapter 10- Long Night

"Why do you keep looking at me?"

"Trying to figure out how someone so annoying"

You'd think a I would have better things to do than sitting across my teacher/fiancé, arguing about whether the rock-paper-scissors game we played earlier was fair or not. I mean you would have thought we would probably be "doing it" or "making love" right now after his little demand from earlier.

"Sleep with me"

Yeah, that demand but instead were doing this…

"You're a sore loser," he was saying.
"How can I be a loser when you cheated?" I asked.
"I didn't cheat," he retorted smartly.
"I didn't lose," I sneered at him.

Then I saw that he was smiling at me. "I thought I told you not to do that."

"You're starting to hurt my feelings " He sniffled, turning to look at me as he pointed at his right cheek. "You have to kiss me now to make me feel better"

"Yah, you're pushing it."
"I was kidding"

He pulled me into his arms and placed his cheek on my head, wrapping his arms around my body. I snuggled up with him.

You know what they say if you can't beat them, play along and get what you want.

"You're awfully obedient now, can I take this as you falling in love with me?" He whispered into my ear while lightly biting it.

"No, moving on – First, introduce yourself to me properly " I told him, pushing him back.

"Well – there's me, and then there's myself, and then there's I. that's about it," Loke replied, looking like he was lost in thought.

"I'm leaving!" I said, irritated now.
"You're not gonna leave, I know you wouldn't leave until you figure me out"
"That's true, there's been plaguing me ever since I met you."

Loke withdrew a cigarette from his pockets and stuck it in his mouth. "How about you ask me 5 question and I'll answer them."

"That wasn't part of the deal!" I punched him in the arm

"You forgetting all about me wasn't part of our deal either" he said catching my fist and looking me straight in the eye. He was serious. I couldn't do anything but digress. The atmosphere suddenly turned dark and uncomfortable.

"How did we meet?" I asked nervously

"You saved me from getting run over by a car" He said pulling a lighter from his back pocket.

A green speeding car flashed in my mind; I remember walking around the city aimlessly having no plan after running away from home. I was waiting on the sidewalk waiting for the green man to light up. I was so scared and confused.

"Just as I was about to end everything, As I was about to step on the busy road. A little blonde girl with a tiny backpack reached out to me and said-"

"Can I live with you?" I said cutting him off while tears unconsciously fell from my eyes.

"Yeah" He nodded wiping away my tears with his sleeve.

"How long did we live together?" I hiccupped trying to full up the blanks of my forgotten childhood.

"A 2 years and a half" He smiled bitter sweetly.

He continued putting out his cigarette "You saved me when you were in the 1st year of elementary, lived with me throughout the 2nd and 3rd years of elementary school"

"And father took me away before the fourth year" I covered my mouth trying to hold back my coughs and shock.

"You still have 3 more questions" pulling me into his arms once again; placing me just right into his chest and wrapping me with his embrace. I soaked his shirt with my overflow of tears.

"Was I happy?"

"You did nothing but smile"

At that point; we both knew that I clearly understood who he was. We both fell silent for a while just in each other's arms; holding tight as if to make sure no one would be able to tear us apart again.

"Did you know you I fell in love with you?" I managed to say while burying my face onto his chest

No? Really? I would have never guessed" He said in a sarcastic tone following it by listing examples of things I did as a child to grab his attention. I punched him lightly on the arm hoping he would stop embarrassing me instead he kissed my forehead making me even more embarrassed.

"So…Why did you ask me to not fall in love with you?" I said recalling my earlier irritation.

"Oh that was just to get you annoy you" He said grabbing me by the waist.

"It worked" I said irritated.

"So did you think about me a lot?" He said with a smile shooing away all the seriousness of the previous atmosphere between us.

In the dark light, his smile looked so seductive. Here I was, in this position, with him. I found myself being very aware of our age difference; He was my teacher and I was his student, but it didn't stop me from making advances anyway.

"Have you started falling in love with me yet?" he muttered nervously, feeling my breath on my skin. His eyes trailed down from my high-cheek bones to my soft jaw . . .

I leaned in closer, my lips parting. "T . . . ."

He closed his eyes. Slowly, momentarily, I felt him come closer. Holding my breath, soft and sultry came his lips upon mine.

Once we parted from one another, a smile crossed his lips

"So you have fallen in love with me"

"Y –" I was speechless. "I – ARGH!" Not wanting him to know that he had hit the nail on the head with this one, I dropped pushed him off the bed and on to the floor.

"AAAAHH!" I screamed as he pulled me down with him and I somehow landed on top of him. Before I could get off and escape he locked my waist within his arms. I found him leaning into my chest listening to my heartbeat jumping.

"Get off me!"

"Not until you tell me you're in love with me"

I felt my face turn into a tomato.

"I guess I'm going to have to kiss you until you tell me what I wanna hear" he said cheekily.

It was gonna be a long night.