1. It's gonna be a bumpy ride

Everything was just absurd, Christine knew he was most definitely not the man for her. She also knew his caramel eyes were glued to her, though she wasn't looking back at him.

She was driving faster than usual that night, subconsciously wanting to run as far as possible from her morbid attraction to the man in the passenger's seat of her Ford Mustang.

As hard as it may have been, she managed to keep her eyes on the road.

He was looking for something in the dashboard.

"Is there any candy left, dollface?", he asked, frustration deepening his voice.

"I don't know."

"Chocolate, lollipops… anything."

Christine shook her head. "I guess you ate it all."

He snorted. "Never mind. So what was I saying? Ah, yeah, Thor's hammer. So…"

"Gabriel, we don't necessarily have to have a conversation. Just keep quiet and let me drive", she cut him off. The man smirked: he knew exactly why she didn't wanna talk to him, and he just loved playing games.

"But I'm bored" he complained, a fake frown on his gorgeous but devilish features.

"Your boredom is not my problem. Just count all the red cars or something…"

"Or something" he replied, an evil grin spreading on his face, while laying a hand on her thigh.

"I'll cut your hand off, Gabriel." She stared deeply in his eyes. Ah, if looks could kill… Gabriel had no reason to be scared though, and on top of that, her british accent turned him on.

"I'd like to see you try" he teased, squeezing her thigh ever so slightly.

Christine let out a menacing roar from the back of her throat, and curved her lips into a grimace, just enough for Gabriel to see her pointed fangs. He took his hand off of her.

"You're such a show-off. I don't go around flashing my halo at people."

"Evil creature of the night here. Deal with it."

"Oh, bite me, you freak."

"I might just do that if you don't shut up" she said firmly, turning her attention back to the dark road ahead of the car. Another word and I throw his angelic ass out of the fucking car, she thought.

"Why are we even riding in this thing?" he asked, reading her mind. "If you let me carry you we'd be there in the blink of an eye."

"Ok, first off: do not read my bloody mind, and second, I like driving ok? Makes me feel like a bloody normal human being."

"But there's nothing normal about you, sweet cheeks."

Christine was on the verge of telling him to fuck off, but she couldn't bring herself to speak another word. She just stared blankly at the road, narrowing her brows and grinding her teeth.

"I didn't mean to…" Gabriel started, but didn't really know how to finish the sentence.

"Save it" she whispered. "Look, there's a gas station. Go get yourself some candy" she said in a monotone, nodding at the station, a few feet ahead of the car.

"Yay, candy!" he rejoiced. "You want anything?"

"I highly doubt they sell blood, you dork."

"Then get off the freaking car and eat the clerk."

"Come again?" Christine was bewildered at the angel, she could tell he wasn't joking this time.

"We've met three days ago, and I haven't seen you eat anything yet. C'mon, his life sucks anyway."

Christine stared at Gabriel, looking for any sign of mockery. She found none. The reason she hadn't eaten since they met, was that she didn't want to… disgust him. She rarely ate people lately, usually she stole blood from hospitals…

"Christine, there's no hospitals around here, and you're starving. Believe me when I say, I've seen and done worse than eating a clerk."

"I thought I told you not to read my bloody mind!" she yelled at him.

Gabriel smiled, pretending to be sorry, and his caramel eyes were warmer than ever. Christine let out a deep sigh of frustration, then she reluctantly got out of the car. They walked in silence to the station, then the angel held the door for her and they got inside.

"Chocolate bars!" he happily said, pointing to a shelf on the other side of the room, then he started walking towards it.

Christine looked around. Not a soul.

The clerk was behind the desk, reading a magazine. She sniffed the air, smelling his blood. The man's pulse guided her to the desk, she sat on it, then spun around to face him.

"Yo, lady, what are you doing?" the clerk blurted out, looking rather stunned by her actions, and also by her other-worldly beauty.

"You'll feel a little sting now" she smiled sensually, then grabbed his shirt and pulled him close so his neck was inches away from her mouth, with a strength that, the clerk thought, couldn't be a woman's. That was the last thing he ever thought. Christine dug her teeth into his carotid, not minding his agonizing cries.

Gabriel was still next to the chocolate bars shelf, but he saw everything. She was unusually graceful for a vampire. But then again, she wasn't a regular vampire. Gabriel was hypnotized by her, he'd been since he met her three days before.

Christine could feel his burning stare on her back while she sucked the clerk dry. When his veins were completely empty, she let go of his corpse, which fell loudly on the floor.
She hadn't spilled a single drop, Gabriel noticed, she hadn't even stained her white blouse. Classy chick, he thought, for an evil creature of the night, that is.

Christine licked her lips and jumped off the desk. She grabbed a pack of cigarettes and headed out, without one glance at Gabriel, who took all the candy he could fit in his pockets before following her outside.