Chapter Four

Severus Snape had made a reservation for two, despite feeling incredibly uncomfortable under the somewhat disbelieving scrutiny of the headwaiter. He had made a trip to Gringotts in order to ensure that he would not embarrass himself when the check came. He had taken a long shower, shaved carefully, brushed his teeth (twice,) and put on his freshly laundered best robes. He was, essentially, ready.

Now he just had to work up the nerve to actually go meet Tonks.

What if she didn't show up? What if she showed up and realized that she was making a mistake? What if she took one look at him and threw up? What if she laughed at him?

What if he was over thinking this way too much? She probably hadn't given it a second thought. He imagined she went out to eat with friends all the time... Who was he kidding? He could barely believe that she was willingly spending time with him in any form. Even if she spent the entire evening discussing how hot she was for Remus Lupin, Severus would listen to her until his ears bled.

He would be late if he delayed any longer, so, using all the courage in his possession, he stepped into the floo and shouted, "The Diagon Dragon!"

Stepping out of the grand fireplace, Severus brushed off the soot from his robes and looked around. Tonks didn't seem to have arrived yet, so he walked towards the podium to claim his reservation.

Reaching the podium, he saw a stunning brunette following the headwaiter to a table. The woman was wearing a dark blue dress which fit her like a glove, and Severus realized with a start that he was staring at his date. She hadn't seen him yet, and he awkwardly followed them to the table.

Tonks sat down with her back facing him, and he heard the waiter ask if she was waiting for a date.

Tonks murmured something Severus couldn't quite make out, despite his straining ears.

"Ah, but Mademoiselle is not sure?" responded the waiter to her murmur. "You would like it to be though, am I right?" he added with what Severus thought was an entirely inappropriate wink.

"Rather!" replied Tonks, still unaware that Severus was standing right behind her.

Severus decided that he would be perfectly justified should he faint after that announcement. Had Tonks actually just said that she wanted it to be a date? Impossible. He had been almost certain that he was luring her here under false pretenses. Women like Tonks did not knowingly go on dates with men like Severus. It was absurd. He must have misheard.

Tonks turned around and squeaked at him. Severus realized she was probably surprised to find him right behind her. Perhaps a more gentlemanly thing to do would've been to cough or somehow make her aware of his presence. Not eavesdrop on her telling the waiter that she wanted to be on a date with him.

Tonks said something, but having been wrapped up in his thoughts he completely missed it. Hoping a nod would suffice as an answer, Severus quickly sat down opposite her.

Luckily, Tonks busied herself with the menu and didn't seem to notice or mind Severus's complete inability to stop staring at her.

Severus was far from experienced in the area of dating, but he was fairly certain that silence was not a good sign. To his relief, Tonks took care of that by asking him if he had any suggestions for what she should order.

"Well," answered Severus, hesitant to open his mouth in case he should somehow mess everything up, "You might enjoy their steak." Somewhat hesitantly he added, "Their oyster dish is very good."

Without missing a beat, Tonks responded, "Aren't oysters supposed to be aphrodisiacs, Severus?" She smiled at him, and Severus wasn't entirely sure whether she was mocking him or not.

Uncomfortably, he replied, "I believe some people think so. However, it is not scientifically verified." Clearing his throat, he attempted to appear as though he frequently discussed aphrodisiacs while on dates with beautiful women.

Tonks winked at him and declared, " I guess I'd better order them then. In the name of science!"

Arching an eyebrow, Severus replied, "I'm sure it isn't necessary for you to sacrifice yourself for science."

Laughing, Tonks acknowledges that she would really prefer a steak. Severus did enjoy the oyster dish though, and so, feeling a bit self-aware he decided to order it. If his dinner choice entertained Tonks, well, that couldn't be helped.

After the waiter took their orders, there was a brief pause before Tonks once again broke the silence. "So," she began, "You never answered my question the other morning. Do you have any hobbies?" Laughing, she joked, "Mine is tripping, as you already know."

Severus couldn't help but smile. Tonks was so incredibly CHARMING. Answering her question, he said, "Actually, I cook. I find it similar to potions."

Tonks stared at him, her jaw dropping open. Darn it, why did everyone think of cooking as a feminine thing? It was a perfectly respectable hobby.

Somewhat defensively, Severus continued, "I realize some people wouldn't view cooking as a masculine hobby. I assure you, I only cook the most masculine of meals."

Tonks giggled a little, and he went on, "Like meat. Yes, I only cook meat, because meat is masculine and so am I." He nodded emphatically, widening his eyes for comic effect. Lord, he was playing the fool for a woman ten years his junior. "And," he thought, as she laughed happily, "it was completely worth it."

Calming down, Tonks joked, "Severus Snape, will you marry me?"

Smiling at his first marriage proposal, Severus replied in kind, "This is all so sudden, Miss. Tonks."

"What can I say?" she said. "I love to eat!"

They spent the rest of the evening in a similar fashion, with Tonks asking questions and Severus making her laugh as much as he could. As the finished their meal, Severus tried to figure out how he should ask for a second date. After Tonks insisted on splitting the bill, the two of them began to slowly walk towards the floo.

"You have good taste in food, Severus. That steak was amazing." Tonks sighed, seemingly content.

Drawing himself up, Severus replied, "If you would like, you could try my linguini with meatballs. You could come over for dinner at my house." He hoped she wouldn't think he was still joking.

Tonks positively beamed at him, her hair unconsciously turning violet as she nodded her acceptance. "You can cook for me anytime!" she answered, her eyes sparkling.

Severus allowed himself to relax in the face of her obvious pleasure. "Perhaps Thursday evening at six?" he asked.

"I'll be there!" Tonks responded cheerfully, still grinning.

"You know my address, of course?" Severus confirmed.

"Sure do!" Tonks chirped. She then proceeded to defy the laws of physics by literally falling head over heels... into the floo. As she disappeared into the fireplace, Severus tried very hard to suppress his almost hysterical laughter.

Clearly he hadn't needed to worry about whether he was expected to kiss her goodnight.

A/N: Please, please, please review!