Disclaimer; I don't own Harry Potter, I just enjoy playing around in the wizarding world.

A/N: This is an AU story that I came up with during the summer of the Half-Blood Prince. I have had several lovely prompts from readers wanting more so I will be posting when I can to them as I have a file folder that has a series of various, miscellaneous Hp stories that need typed /edited before I can even post.

Reviews are love ! Meanwhile this is the day in the life of Ron and Harry. Enjoy!

The flat of Ron Weasley and Harry Potter sat on the edge , barely even a corner, and right outside of Diagon Alley and merely a block away from what was considered the bad part of town. This hadn't been either a concern for the two young men when they had decided to rent the place as roommates as it really had everything they needed for a place.

It wasn't as if they were going to be at the flat much anyway since they had started their training as Aurors almost directly after the war had come to an end.

The two best friends were well into their training and had in fact just returned the previous night from a harrowing assignment in Tinsworth of all places.

These days it was hard to tell where one rogue Death Eater would show up but they had captured him, finally. Once they had dropped him into Azkaban then filled out the necessary paperwork, they arrived home , dropping their trunks in the middle of the small living room, and exhausted , stayed there. Harry had fallen a sleep on the old arm chair and Ron had sacked out on the sofa until a beam of light from the sun broke through the window, reflecting off of Harry's glasses that he had forgotten to remove the night before, causing him to wake with a start.

Harry had been having quite the interesting dream including his girlfriend , Ginny, himself, and the tower room up at Hogwarts. Groaning at the brightness of the light shining in his eyes, he adjusted the glasses on his face and sat up.

" Must be morning," realized Harry," wonder what time it is?"

A loud snore was the only response he received from Ron. He glanced at the clock on the mantle (it had once belonged to his godfather, Sirius Black) and noted that it was nearly ten in the afternoon. He and Ron had really slept in.

" Ron," called Harry, moving from the chair," get up. We only have two days off and this place needs cleaned before your Mum decides to pay us a visit "

" Go away, Harry," mumbled Ron," too damn early. Trying to bloody well sleep here'

" Your not sleeping the day away," Harry picked up a pillow, tossed it at him," we have too much to do" Ron let out a disgusted sigh and slowly opened his eyes.

" Consider this practice for when you and Hermione are married . You know, she's an early riser and I expect she'll want you to get up when she is…."

Groaning in disgust, Ron let out a wide yawn , stretched his long arms over his head, and proceeded on trying to wake up. " I hate when you make sense, Harry"

" You're the one marrying Hermione " reminded Harry with a grin.

Ron rubbed his eyes, scowled at his friend." I'd rather visit Mione "

Harry picked up a bag og opened crisps off of the floor, helped himself to a handful , and bit into them. " ugh, " Harry spat them back out," stale. I'd like to see Gin too but we don't have enough time this week, Ron. "

He surveyed the living room and the small kitchen that was just off of it; it looked as if it had been ransacked by Voldermort himself it was so messy. Their trunks sat side by side in the middle of the room, their robes were strewn on the back of the chair and footstool, socks, Quidditch accessories, empty glasses, and bowls filled the lone table while the kitchen sink was piled high with a week and a half's worth of dirty dishes.

Two boxes of cornflakes, an empty milk carton, and mail took up the rest of the counter.

It was worse than the boys dorm up in Gryffindor.

" it's going to take us hours to wade through all of this " said Harry, simply.

" We should hire Milly," suggested Ron of their friend Verity dolohov's mother. She worked and lived nearby them in town," I bet if we offered her a Galleon she'd be glad to clean for us. I wouldn't mind paying the money out for that…."

Harry considered it." I don't know, Ron, " reminded Harry," I mean, it is our place, Ron. I really don't want to clean it anymore than you do but we're adults here. I mean its not the worse thing we have done so we should just clean it up ourselves …I mean, we kept our dorm clean. This is no different than that and besides I think it would be worse for us if your Mum found out we hired Milly instead of just cleaning it ourselves"

" Mum would probably murder us both," agreed Ron, striding into the kitchen to stare into the refrigerator," I didn't think about that. It probably wont take us all that long, if we divide all the chores between us "

" Are you starved, Harry? I could eat a graphorn, I'm so hungry. "

" Starving but you were the one that didn't want to eat with Bill and Fleur '

" I didn't want to spend 2 hours finishing up the bloody paperwork either or we could have ate with them," commented Ron," we need to fix us some breakfast before we start cleaning "

However, the contents of the fridge didn't offer them many choices .

" I'll just have a bowl of cereal,' said Harry, taking a box off of the counter.

" You cant have those," informed Ron," no milk. O'I , we can each have an egg and two sausages . There's enough pumpkin juice for us to each have a glass "

" So we can add a trip to the store on our list," Harry sent the empty box into the rubbish

Bin. " maybe we should have flooed to Hogwarts for breakfast "

" I'm all for that ," Ron rolled his eyes in despair," I know, I know, we cant but I bet Mum would feed us if we dropped in for a spell. She thinks we're peaky anyways .."

" Your Mum was going out to visit Fleur and Victorie today," recalled Harry of Ron's sister-in-law and baby niece. His brother Bill was away on business for Gringotts.

" It was just a thought," admitted Ron, wistfully," Mum makes the best breakfast. Though I guess I'd better learn to cook better than what I do if I ever plan to surprise Hermione "

Harry suppressed a chuckle." breakfast in bed ? Hermione would be gob smacked if you did that for her. Even more so if the food wasn't half-burned "

" Shut up," Ron called over his shoulder as he retrieved the only pan that was clean and set out to cook the sausages," you've eaten Mione's cooking. She 's not that good at it herself for a girl that's bloody brilliant at everything else that she does…"

Harry nodded , lifted his wand and set the dishes to washing.

" I love magic " commented Harry , ironically. The cleaning spell was simple and one of the first that George had quickly shown them how to do . It was faster and much more efficient than the old -fashioned Muggle way…by hand. Since Harry had spent most of his life living with the Dursley's and cleaning up after them, he had been thrilled to be able to clean the magical way. Aunt Petunia would have been outraged!

" I need to write Hermione," brought up Ron," I haven't had time to answer her last letter yet . Don't want her freaking out cause she thinks I'm wounded or something.."

Harry laughed " Wasn't she still freaking out over that test in Advanced Arrhythmic ?'

" That's the one and she more than likely scored perfect on," continued Ron, knowingly of his fiancée," same letter she informed me that she'd told her parents about our plans on getting married rather than wait for me so we could tell them together. '

" She was awfully nervous about it. I don't know if I should be either , I know she doesn't want to hurt her folks but we are of age. Mum and Dad were cool about it"

" Hermione is firm when she decides something," said Harry," or she would have named 20 reasons why she couldn't and turned you down flat. She loves you, she said yes.

Don't go borrowing trouble, Ron"

" I don't want to borrow anything, Harry' pointed out Ron, flipping the meat.

A loud rap sounded on their door and they exchanged looks. Who knew their schedule?

" we weren't supposed to help out at the shop today," asked Harry of Fred and George's shop," were we ? I cant remember when we offered to help out…do you?'

' I thought Angelina was helping out today," answered Ron of Fred's own fiancée.

" Good," Harry opened the door and gaped openly as Ginny launched herself into his arms and a friendly kiss. He pulled her back, slightly, from his neck," Ginny"

" Hi" beamed Ginny, her whole face alight with happiness," surprise "

Ron leaned across the counter and scowled at his sister.

" Ginny," remarked Ron," what are you doing here? Why aren't you up at Hogwarts? Bloody hell, Sis, is something wrong ? Is it Hermione? "

Visions of Death Eaters attacking the castle once again invaded his thoughts and putting awful , horrid images involving the woman he loved , into his mind.

" Nothing is wrong," explained Ginny, sauntering in," Hermione is still at school. I'm on a field trip to the Ministry of all places with Slughorn. Actually all of the Fifth and Sixth years are and I snuck out to surprise my boyfriend , who has been working so very hard at his new job . That I hardly ever get to see.."

" That's great, Ginny," started Harry, torn over wanting to spend time with her and also knowing she could get in trouble over this." And your a beautiful sight after the week we've had but if Slughorn realizes that your not with the group, you'll be in trouble"

" Luna is covering for me" answered Ginny, smartly. She leaned in to cuddle her boyfriend and her nose crinkled at the smell. " did you sleep in those clothes?"

Harry was rueful." Haven't showered or changed yet," explained Harry," we captured one of those missing Death Eaters last night so got back home and sacked out "

She took in the state of despair that was their home. " this place is a sty," observed Ginny, walking into the tiny living room as a stench caused her nose to wrinkle," is something burning ?"

" Bloody hell, the eggs!" Ron turned his attention back to the frying pan, wrenching the pan off of the stove with a colorful curse. He dropped the slightly singed eggs onto the table and plunged his hand into the water in the sink.

" Potholders, Ron," reminded Harry," did you burn your hand ?'

His friend scowled again at him." I'm fine. Hurts a bit since it was damn hot '

Ginny couldn't resist giggling at her older brothers stupidity.

" Don't open your mouth, Gin. ' Ron flung angrily at his baby sister who was amused.

" Wouldn't dream of it, you foul-mouthed idiot," said Ginny, good naturally," maybe I ought to suggest to Hermione about getting you blokes the household healing book"

" probably would be something we'd actually use " muttered Ron, under his breath.

Ginny waded around the trunks, lifted a brow at the empty bottle that had been fire whiskey, and settled on the sofa. " Harry," brought up Ginny," I have only about 20 minutes or so with you then I'll have to use your floo back to the Ministry'

Harry sat down beside her." Where exactly are you going to floo to, Ginny?'

" Dads office," explained Ginny, who had given this plan considerable thought," there's a good chance he wont be in it and even if he is , I'll tell him that I was using myself as an example of how efficient the network is in network. I think Dad will buy that "

" What if he doesn't ?' asked Harry, unable to resist sliding his hand through the fine curtain of red hair . She made a little sigh of contentment," I cry '

" Mhmm, don't stop what your doing, Harry " murmured Ginny, sexily.

Ron shoveled the burnt egg in his mouth and kept an eye on his sister." Slughorn's not a complete moron, Gin. Doesn't seem like he or Dad would believe that rubbish "

" Go away, Ron," dismissed Ginny then turned her focus back on Harry," so ,can you spare a little time out of your busy day to snog your girlfriend, Harry Potter ?'

She slid an arm around his neck and lingered her lips across his, just a nip to tease. He took control of the kiss, slanting the angle of it, the intensity that fueled them both surged through the kiss. It had only been a couple of weeks since they had seen each other but that had been way too long and as their mouths fused, heat and longing filled them both but now wasn't the time to take it any further they both realized.

Reluctantly and with more restraint than he thought he had, Harry drew back from her.

" Honey, you really need to get back before your missed .."

A pout formed across her red lips and her toffee colored eyes beguiled him.

Ginny wasn't quite ready to leave just yet. " it really doesn't bother me much," murmured Ginny, softly in his ear," much, Harry, that you're a bit stinky this morning '

He groaned , sliding a hand down to stroke her back, and recalling many hot make out sessions after Quidditch practices before they had even gotten to the locker rooms.

" Sorry," stammered Harry," I know I need to take a shower…"

Ginny feathered little kisses along his jaw line." Mhm," whispered Ginny, a teasing lilt in her tone," you do surprise me, Harry, and as appealing as that sounds, I don't have that much time…"

The fork flew across the room. Ron , who had been avoiding the whole scene in the living room, by focusing on eating his and Harry's breakfast couldn't miss overhearing his sisters very loud suggestion to Harry.

What was she doing torturing Harry? The man wasn't a monk or a priest, for Gods sake !

" No," Ron strode in to face the couple," there will be no showering here, Ginny Weasley! I don't care if Harry's your boyfriend or bloody not ! Snog each other all you want but you two aren't having sex together here..in the shower! In the shower that is ..in our flat! Mum would murder the lot of us if she ever found out ! I could be blinded for life if you two did and I ..knew about it !"

" Ron," Harry's voice held a warning," keep out of our love life "

" That's right ," Ginny raged on," Harry and I haven't said a word about yours. Merlin knows you and Hermione sneak out to the Shrieking Shack to make love every time that you come up to visit her. I don't give a rats ass if you two are engaged! Same difference ! If I wanted to have sex with Harry on the kitchen table here then I would !"

" UUUGGGGG!" Ron covered his ears with his hands and glared violently at his sister.

It was Harry that decided it was best to defuse the situation before Ron and Ginny's Weasley tempers had them revealing all sorts of things that he was afraid to consider .

" Ron," ordered Harry," why don't you leave the place. Go food shopping since we still don't have any in the house or better yet, go take your shower so that I can say I proper goodbye to Ginny without your head exploding "

" I've never given you details about me and Hermione " muttered Ron, quietly.

Harry narrowed his eyes as if to say' remember the breasts and her shrunken pink jumper incident ? Because he didn't want to mention it out loud with Ginny present.

The look was all it took because Ron obliged and headed for the bathroom.

" God, he's a thick-knot headed moron with the brain the size of a turnip' swiped Ginny, aggravated at her brothers old-fashioned ideas .

" play nice," Harry steered her towards the fireplace," your still 10 years old to him"

" I know," Ginny smoothed the wrinkles in his tee shirt,' makes me so mad "

" it's a good thing he cant read mind ' told Harry," you are very tempting , Gin"

He drew her into a sizzling kiss," I do mean that "

" Good," Ginny let out a dispirited sigh," and I am going to be really late if I don't go now. I have missed you , Harry .Very much so.."

" I always miss you," Harry kissed her firmly," I love you, Gin, but please just go. I don't want your Dad wanting to murder me after Ron and your Mum, please "

She kissed him, smartly, picked up a handful of powder, then stepped inside the fireplace.

Blowing one last kiss to her boyfriend, Ginny tossed it and said," Ministry of Magic "

Then she was gone, leaving Harry staring wistfully at the spot she had kissed him earlier and reconsidered making a new set of rules regarding their personal lives.