Once James was back at Lily's house Sirius had became an almost permanent addition. He'd sweep in at random times, bouncing around the house along with James. Who was a lot happier now he had a friend around. I however, was not. Sirius and James' favourite game was annoying Lily. Well..no. It was their second favourite game after Vernon watching. A horrible game that left them gagging more times that not.

"Mum!" I yelped running down the stairs. Crashing into the kitchen and stopping when I saw the dumb duo helping her making sandwiches.

"Sweetheart why aren't you dressed? We're leaving soon"

"leaving? Where are we going"

"the beach"

"the...the beach? With them?" I asked shocked pointing at James and Sirius who both wore equal shit eating grins.

"Of course"

"but..it's an hour drive away." I moaned

"I'm aware of that sweetheart, that's why were leaving soon. Now go get into your costume. We're almost done and everyone else is ready"

"You know i'm feeling a bit sick, maybe I should just stay here"

"nonsence go change. Quickly" I couldn't help but groan as I slowly made my way back up to my room and pulled out some clothes and my bikini. I changed quickly before slowly walking back down the stairs.

"Lily hurry up! Vernon and Petunia have already left" I glared at James and Sirius as they waved behind mum.

When we got to the car dad had already taken the driving seat, mum sliding into the passenger seat and James and Sirius taking the side seats leaving the middle seat free. Meaning I would hve to climb over one of them to get in. Pulling the door open again, I quickly clmibed over a smirking sirius mumbling an 'I hate you' as I did.

"Come on Evans, you know you love me" He had replied easily.

A car journey couldn't be more painful if she had pulled out every tooth with a plastic spoork. Jammed it in her eye, crashed into a nuclear powerplant and blew up the earth.

Jumping from the car I ran down onto the beach, ignoring my mums cries for help carrying stuff. I wanted to run away for good. But knew that would seem a bit weird. So instead I found Petunia and Vernon's towels. Petunia was still on hers. Vernon apparently was off somewhere buying food. Because he really needed more.

Unfortunately Sirius, james, mum and dad found them. The boys immediately began stripping their tops and shoes off and barrelling into the sea. Screaming like excited children as the splashed there way through the waves.

They actually left me alone I thought happily an hour later. Towel soft under my back as I laid in the glowing sun. my skin feeling slightly hot, but not yet burnt. Obviously..Thinking that wasn't a good idea. Vernon and Petunia had decided to swim. Dad and mum where somewhere inspecting fossils...or something and so no one was there to warn me that i had two, annoying, horny, teenage boys about to grab me, lift me and run me down the beach whilst I kicked and screamed before they threw me into the sea. I came up spluttering and coughing.

"I'm going to kill you!" I growled out as they stood laughing.

"we thought you were a bit hot and needed to cool down" Sirius said innocently.

"Idiot" I hissed as I began to trudged out from the water.

"Evans" James moaned "play with us. Stop being boring!"

"I'm not being boring i'm"

"slowly sitting there getting skin cancer. Now play with us so at least you're having fun whilst killing your skin" Sirius interupted

"I am having fun i'm"

"lying down silently doing nothing. That's not the sort of thing to do at the beach!"

"What sort of thing do you do at the beach then?"

"well, you swim, and you have water fights, and you dig holes in the sand and make castles and you have sand fights and" Sirius was cut off by a lump of wet sand splashing across his face.

"Oh evans you're in for it now"

She was covered, her hair was matted and sandy, no matter how many times she went under the water it wouldn't all come out. Sand was stuck under her nails and itching inbetween her toes. Down her bikini.

I fell to my knee's next to Sirius and James, who where now 'building' a big hole. Smiling as the dug further and further down.

"you realize you're like 5 year olds right?" I asked sighing slightly as they grinned up at me.

"What it's fun!" James cried happily.

"It's digging"

"Would you find it more fun if we did something else then Evans?"

"Depends what it is black"

"First names potter..Wait" I laughed as james looked down confused after speaking. Sirius chortling beside me.

"what shall we play then?" Sirius asked, wiggling his eyebrows at me in his usual. We shall play the game where I try to get into your pants without actually trying because James would be upset, Game. It was my least favourite.

"I have an idea!" James exclaimed jumping up then suddenly began using his hands as binoculars looking around. "Captian look! It's a beached whale!" James yelped pointing to where Vernon was lying near the water so it would just wash over his smell, cheesy feet. I should have guess when Sirius had yelped 'oh golly you're right' and ran to steal a childs bucket that it wouldn't end that well..even if it would be hilarious. Following them, at a distance I watched as Sirius filled the stolen bucket (the child was trying to run after him crying slightly) with sea water and ran towards Vernon.

"You push it back in whilst I keep it wet. We can't let it dry out" And then Sirius threw the bucket over Vernon who snorted himself awake tried to get up, but couldn't monover round his chub enough to do so. James began trying to drag him out as sirius re filled the bucket.

"EVANS WE NEED YOUR HELP IF THIS WHALE IS GOING TO SURVIVE!" Sirius had screamed as james failed at pulling vernon more than an inch. The child now grabbed onto the bucket. Petunia was screaming at them to leave her Verny alone and then, with an almight crack. Vernons foot smashed into James face and James tumbled onto the floor. Sirius yelped at his friend and threw the bucket, and somehow the child a few feet and ran to his friend whilst Petunia screamed at him whilst trying to hoist Vernon of his fat behind. I ran towards the slowly waking up james, who's face was covered in watered down blood. Waves kept tumbling over his face as he blinked around confused.

"Jamsie ? You okay?" Sirius asked, gripping one arm whilst I gripped the other and pulling him so he was sitting. James gave an awkward nod before trying to stand up on his own and almost falling over.

"Evans find my wand it's in my bag meet us in the toilets" Sirius mumbled dragging James up the beach, leaving blood drops staining the sand. Walking past the small child craddling his broken bucket and cut elbow.

When I got into the boys bathroom James was sitting on the counter. Blood covering his face and chest as sirius forced him to put tissues to his nose. Sirius quickly grabbed his wand, and once he was sure no one was looking mumbled episkey and james' nose gave a sickening crunch as it righted itself.

I quickly left, found the nearest shop, bought a bucket, spade and a few little sand shaper things and walked back to the beach. Spotting Sirius being told off by the mother I quickly ran over.

"my friends really sorry. It's just the man they where doing it to has really bad skin and he needs to hydrate it often and falling asleep in such sun meant he was unable to so my friend her was just trying to do a favour. He even gave me the money to buy these see?" I held out the bucket, other gifts inside nervously, the mother glaring at us for a moment before snatching it.

"I'm really sorry about breaking the bucket..and your child. It's just my friend was bleeding a lot and I got a bit freaked out" Sirius added making me tried not to laugh as the woman glared at him took her child and stalked off.