My first Hetalia fic. I hope I did semi-well...

This story will take place in a school setting, so real names are used.

Italy: Feliciano Vargas

Romano: Lovino Vargas

Prussia: Gilbert Beilschmidt

Germany: Ludwig Beilschmidt

Spain: Antonio Fernandez Carriedo

France: Francis Bonnefoy

Other characters will appear later on.

Rated T for language and minor sexual themes. Rating might change later on, depending on how it turns out.

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia or its characters

It was the beginning of the new school year, and freshman Feliciano Vargas walked into the school building. As he looked around, admiring his surroundings, many different students caught his eye.

"I can't wait to meet some new friends this year, ve~!" Feliciano smiled. "I wonder if big brother Lovino is here already...he wasn't at the house..." Feliciano shrugged and walked over to the bulletin board where all of the student schedules were. As he was looking over them, he finally found his name.

Name: Feliciano Vargas

Per. 1: Algebra

Per. 2: Biology

Per. 3: World History

Per. 4: English

Per. 5: Art

Per. 6: Physical Education

"I have to wait till 5th period for Art?" Feliciano frowned, but was still content on his schedule. "There's still some time left before 1st period starts, I should find my brother!"

Feliciano walked down each aisle of the large school building, looking into each classroom along the way. Feliciano's brother, Lovino, was a sophomore that year. He was often hot-headed, and was very protective of his little brother. Finally, Feliciano found him standing with someone he believed to be his good friend, Antonio Fernandez Carriedo. He was a junior.

"Hey, Big Brother Lovino!" Feliciano shouted, running towards his brother and Antonio.

"What the hell do you want?" Lovino asked him.

"Aww, don't be mean to Feli-chan!" Antonio said. "He's just so adorable!"

"I don't know where everything is in this you think you can show me around?" Feliciano asked with sad puppy dog eyes (which was funny, since they were still closed).

"Of course, he'd love to, Feli-chan!" Antonio smiled happily. Feliciano smiled back, just as happy.

"Wh-What the hell? Don't go volunteering me for damn things, you bastard!" Lovino yelled furiously.

"Hey, what's with all the yelling, mon ami?"

"Kesesese looks like a lover's quarrel!"

Feliciano looked in the direction of the voices, to see two older guys walking towards him. He recognized them to be friends of Antonio: Francis Bonnefoy, and Gilbert Beilschmidt. They were seniors.

"Oh hon hon hon hon...who do we have here? He looks just like our little Lovino, no?" Francis smiled, putting a rose to his face.

"I am Feliciano Vargas, Lovino's brother! I'm a freshman this year, veh~!" Feliciano said happily.

Francis grabbed hold of Feliciano's hand, and tenderly kissed his palm. "Nice to meet you, Feliciano..."

This action caused Feliciano to blush.

"Hey, hands off my little brother, you frog sucking bastard!" Lovino yelled. He then turned towards Gilbert. "And YOU. We were NOT having a lover's quarrel! We're brothers!"

Gilbert shrugged. "...What does it matter if you're brothers or not? As a matter of fact, why don't the two of you surrender to the awesome me right now? Threesome!"

Lovino took that opportunity to kick Gilbert where it hurt the most. Gilbert fell to the ground in pain. But of course, he was NOT going to cry. Crying was for sissies.

"That looked painful..." Antonio cringed a little, while at the same time trying to put his arm around Lovino's shoulder.

"...And just what the hell are you doing?" Lovino asked Antonio with a demonic tone in his voice. Antonio took that as a sign to not make a move on Lovino for the rest of the day. It was then that the bell rang, and Lovino and Antonio walked off in their separate directions. Francis ran to catch up with Antonio...leaving a distressed Gilbert on the floor (who was NOT crying, of course).

"Ve~, are you alright, Gilbert-senpai?" Feliciano looked concerned, and knelt beside Gilbert.

'Gottverdammt...' Gilbert tried his best to stand up. "I-I feel just fine, Feliciano! I'm too awesome to NOT be alright!" But his struggle to stand said otherwise.

"H-Here...let me help you to the nurse's office..." Feliciano helped Gilbert up, putting his arm around Gilbert's waist.

"No, that's fine! Just take me to my next class, if you don't mind." Gilbert said, unaware that he was slightly blushing.

"Are you sure?" Feliciano asked. "Well...alright...where's that?"

Gilbert pointed down the hall. "Room 1-B; Geography."

Feliciano nodded and walked towards 1-B, and opened the door. Class had already started.

"...Class has already started..." The teacher told them. "...Ah. Gilbert Beilschmidt, I'm guessing?"

Gilbert nodded. "The awesome me is ready to learn, sir!" He stood up on his own, and looked at Feliciano. "It's not in my nature to thank someone, but you helped me out, so...thanks."

Feliciano smiled and nodded. "Don't mention it!" And ran off to his own class.



'Sigh, my first day here, and I've already been late to my first four classes...' Feliciano thought, whimpering under his breath. He had finally made it to his Art Class (on time!), and sat down in his appropriate seat. Then, the bell rang.

"Is everyone here?" The teacher called out, checking all the seats. "I see that we are missing someone...oh. HIM."

Feliciano was a little confused as to who the teacher was referring to, but his answer soon came through the door.

"Sorry I'm late!"

The whole class turned its attention towards the young man who entered. Feliciano's eyes widened in surprised.

"Late again, are we, Mr. Beilsmchidt?" The teacher sighed. "This has been going on since you first came into high school...and why are you taking a freshman level elective?"

Gilbert scratched his head. "The principal told me that I needed to take at least one elective this year, or else I'll fail." (As if the awesome me would EVER fail, Kesesesese!) "But all the senior electives were boring and wouldn't stand up to my awesomeness, so I chose Art."

" can sit..." The teacher began looking around the room again. "...Ah, right next to Mr. Vargas."

Feliciano raised his hand, smiling. Gilbert smiled as well.

"That would be just fine!" Gilbert said.

The teacher looked at him. "...Oh, and no pets allowed on campus, Mr. Beilschmidt."

Gilbert was confused, but sat down in his seat, right next to Feliciano.

"I'm so happy I finally know someone in this class!" Feliciano said quietly. "The only ones I vaguely know are those Nordic exchange students, but I don't talk to them very much."

Gilbert shrugged. "Eh, they're all douches, anyway."

Feliciano didn't understand what Gilbert meant by that arrogant comment he made, but decided to keep his mouth shut.


As class continued, the teacher gave them the instruction to draw something cute. They also had to use a reference.

"Ooooh, can I draw that bird sitting on your head?" Feliciano asked Gilbert.

"...Bird?" Gilbert asked, confused.

"Ve~, that bird sitting on top of your head! It's so cute!"

Gilbert reached to touch the top of this head, and a yellow bird flew off and rested itself on Gilbert's shoulder. "What the hell? How long has that been there?"

Feliciano chuckled. "So, can I draw it?"

"Huh? Oh, sure you can, Feliciano-chan!" Gilbert smiled. "Then...can I draw you?"

Feliciano nodded. "Sure you can!"

Halfway into their drawing, the bell rang.

"This will be done tomorrow at the beginning of class. Any unfinished work will be homework tonight." The teacher told everyone.

"...Since we didn't you want to come to my house?" Gilbert asked.

"Sure, I'd love to!" Feliciano told him cheerfully.

"Great!" Gilbert replied back.

Feliciano smiled, then looked at the clock. "Waaah! I'm late for P.E! Bye, Gilbert-senpai!" And with that, Feliciano ran off.



After school, Feliciano was waiting patiently in front of the Art building, humming a song to himself.

"Hey, Feliciano-chan!" Gilbert hollered. Feliciano looked at him, and waved. He was then caught off guard by the person walking beside Gilbert. He was tall, and had a muscular build, with blonde hair pulled back by gel. He looked rather...intimidating.

"H-Hi, Gilbert-senpai..." Feliciano said, still eyeing the young man next to him.

"Haha, enough with the formalities, just call me Gilbert!" He laughed. "Oh! I'd like you to meet someone!" He pointed towards the blonde man. "This is my younger brother, Ludwig! He's a freshman this year, just like you!"

Ludwig merely grunted. "...Pleasure."

Feliciano was taken aback by his low (and somehow, manly) voice, blushing a little. "Nice to meet you...L-Ludwig..."

Gilbert frowned. "Alright, enough with the introductions. Let's go!"


At Gilbert and Ludwig's house, Gilbert and Feliciano were sitting next to each other, trying to finish up their art homework. Ludwig was sitting across from them, eating some wurst.

"Ta dah! I'm done drawing your birdie, Gilbert!" Feliciano cheered. "I shall call it Gilbird from now on, ve~!"

Gilbert laughed. "That's an awesome name, Feliciano-chan!" He looked down at the drawing he made of Feliciano. "I think I'm done too...though it doesn't look anything like your drawing."

Curious, Feliciano took a peek. "Oooh, I love it!" He yelled, his cheeks turning pink. "The proportions could use a little work, but I look so adorable!" Feliciano then proceeded to innocently hug Gilbert.

Gilbert blushed, and then felt his pants tighten. He looked away from Feliciano's gaze, prying himself from his grip.

"Oi, West...entertain Feliciano-chan for a while...I have something to uh...take care of." Gilbert then ran up the stairs to what Feliciano assumed was his room. He then turned his attention to Ludwig.

"Why does he call you 'West', ve~?" Feliciano asked.

Ludwig shrugged. "He considers it to be an affectionate nickname, for whatever reason. I don't mind it..."

"Oh, I see..." Feliciano looked confused. "...Why did Gilbert run upstairs?"

Ludwig was resisting the urge to facepalm. "...You're very innocent and naive, aren't you? He went upstairs to...relieve himself."

"...?" Feliciano was still confused. "...Why?"

Ludwig blushed slightly. "...If you don't know the meaning, then I refuse to explain it to you any further."

"...Okay..." Feliciano and Ludwig then sat there, in awkward silence.

" and my brother seem to be awful close. It's only the first day of school." Ludwig commented.

"Oh! We met before school started, ve~! I helped him after my brother beat him up!" Feliciano said, smiling.

Ludwig was surprised by that comment. No one (except, possibly, for himself and their friend, Elizabeta) could have beaten him in a fight. "What did my brother do, this time?"

Feliciano shrugged. "Oh, he just made some kind of remark that set off my brother, Lovino. It looked painful, too..."

"Ah. I see..." Ludwig replied. There was another awkward silence, when all of a sudden...


"Who the hell would be banging on our door this late?" Ludwig got up, and walked to the door.


"Alright, I'm coming!" Ludwig yelled irritably. When he opened the door, a very angry Lovino came barging into the house.

"Alright, you damn potato bastard, where the hell is my little brother, and what have you done to him?" Lovino yelled.

Ludwig looked at him. "You can't accuse me of anything, it was all my brother's doing."

"Don't play dumb!" Lovino yelled.

"Big Brother Lovino..." Feliciano said, almost afraid of his brother at that moment. Lovino looked in his direction, a very creepy aura seeping from him.

"There you are! You're coming home with me this instant!" Lovino then grabbed Feliciano's shirt collar and dragged him out of the house.

"Ack! Wait, Lovino! You're choking me!" Feliciano tried to squirm to get free, but with no luck. He looked at Ludwig, who was still staring in shock. "Tell Gilbert that I have to leave!" And within minutes, they were out of sight. Ludwig sighed and closed the front door. Gilbert came walking down the stairs seconds later.

"Damn, what was all that commotion down here? And where's Feliciano-chan?" Gilbert asked.

Ludwig looked at him, with serious (seriously scary) eyes. "His brother came marching in here, and decided to yell at me for all the things that you supposedly did to him!"

Gilbert scratched his head. "Sorry 'bout that, West! I owe you big time, kesesese!"

However, Ludwig was definitely not amused. "...Damn right you will. I won't forget that offer." And he walked up the stairs to his room, and slammed the door shut.

Gilbert continued to laugh. "Today was actually fun, even if I hate school! Looks like things are going to be much more interesting around here..."

Well, I hope you liked it! Let me know what you think (it is my first Hetalia fic, after all. I need to know how to improve on it!).