Disclaimer: I own nothing.


Kiba always thought she was Juliet; his perfect angel. He was persistent and so was she, so he asked her out again and again until she couldn't say no, and sooner or later, she was feeling it too. He had always noticed this girl, and in his dreams, she noticed him as well. He remembered their first date together. She took his heart right out of his chest, but she didn't steal it from him, she replaced it with hers. She truly fell in love with him, and he was extremely happy. To this day he still feels like she can never stop being beautiful.



"What is it?"

"Ha, oh, I just think it's funny that the garden doesn't like me."

"Why do you say that?"

"It doesn't want to grow for me," She smiled at him. Kiba laughed and kissed his girlfriend.

-End Flashback-

Kiba always loved when his girl never wore makeup. He always thought that it hid her natural beauty. She hated not wearing makeup, but if it was before her morning cup of coffee, she didn't care… yet. He also loved that she would sing along to every song she heard, even if she sang the wrong words. He would always laugh and give her a kiss just for trying; he loved to hear her voice. Some mornings she would wake up in his arms and have lines on her face from sleeping on him. He always laughed and she seemed to laugh too.




"Umm… I lost my key…"


"Yes, can you come open the door please? I know you're at work, but please?"

"Be right there love."

-End flashback-

One day, which he remembers really clearly, she had told him that she was going to get a dog. Kiba of course smiled, he loved dogs, and had Akamaru already, but more dogs could be fun. When Kiba came home from work that night, Akamaru didn't have just one new friend to play with, but three! Kiba looked at his girlfriend confused and she smiled at him innocently.

She turns heads every time they walk into a room, and Kiba couldn't love that moment anymore. She was his, and he was hers, and nothing would take that. She was so kind to everyone, who could hate and angel like her? She could have gone with Sasuke, who was 'Romeo' but she declined him to stay with Kiba. No one imagined it ever happening, but it did, and Kiba loved the face on Sasuke when she said no. Priceless.


"What flowers are your favorite?"

"Rose's but don't buy red"

"Why not?"

"Because Red Roses are classic, and are sooo… boring."

"So, pink Roses then?"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

-End flashback-

Another night Kiba had come home and got ready to lie in bed, when he saw 46 pillows covering the bed. She was in the middle of them, and smiling widely at him. She even guessed the punch line to every single joke he told her, apparently he told too many. But he always told them to her, he wanted to see her smile, and that is what they made her do.

"What did I ever do to deserve a girl like you?"

"Well, you're a guy like you, I guess that's all you needed"

"But come on, you could have had Sasuke, the most popular guy in town, yet, you drop him for me?"

"Of course, he's 'royalty'. I love you Kiba, and there is no one in this world that would make me change the way I feel about you." She blushed. "But why me?"

"Because, you're perfect!"

"I love you Kiba."

"I love you too"

Can you guess who the girl is? I know it can be any girl, but I had one in mind.