Disclaimer: I do not own the Mentalist

A/N: Hi, everyone sorry for deleting the last story I felt that I let you down in some way. I thought this was an interesting approach in this fic, it's a different idea in some ways but hang in there it will get better. Tell, me your thoughts, and be honest even if it will bring tears to my eyes be honest. It will improve my writing; I don't want you suffering by my grammar and poor punctuation! So, enjoy. Take two and action!

The Mentalist DREAMS IN RED

Assumption. It was something that everyone relied on in times of trouble. 'He's probably dead already no sense risking other peoples lives.' 'She already bought the groceries I'm sure she remembered the butter,' all assumption does is give people an excuse to do something or prevent them from doing a certain task. Now, let's say that in a hostage situation where several civilians are being threatened do you assume that the criminal is unarmed or do you assume that he is willing to negotiate. Unfortunately, the opportunity is a locked door so even if it does knock you can't answer it in fear that it will cost you their lives. Life should be cherished and guarded but what if you were that one individual, that one person that saw that risk as a mere challenge? Who was willing to open that door not because he didn't think those civilians lives were nothing short of meaningless but because his life was meaningless.

What would you do when you see that individual cross that barrier between life and death and risk all that he had to save those lives? You would go after him, to try and stop him from his madness but it's too late as he thrusts himself in to dangers waiting arms. You hold your breath for what seems like forever, your hands gripping your gun poised for action, ready to rush in at that one word, then you see them several people rushing out that door like a herd of terrified sheep released from the slaughter house. As everyone lets out a sigh of relief your eyes are still waiting on that individual that would throw away his life so carelessly.

You flinch at the sound of two loud pops, forgetting protocol and regulations not even waiting for that one word. You bolt through that door into the mouth of the monster running down the corridors to find that door crossing that barrier yourself; your eyes grow wide at the sight in front of you. Ignoring the monster lying in a heap on the floor growling in hurt and anger, you kneel down beside that one person placing your hands against the wound, blood seeping through the cracks of your fingers as you call for help.

As both our whisked away in an ambulance you assume he will make it, after all he is strong but like you said assumption is an excuse in times of trouble.

Agent Teresa Lisbon learned this lesson, setting aside assumption she fell back on prayer in hopes that the individual that threw his life away so carelessly, god would be gracious and give it back.

A/N: I know the beginnings weird but I want to catch the readers. Did I catch you? Worth continuing?


Flirty Angel.