Disclaimer: I do not own Glee cause if I did Kurt and Blaine would be together by now. I also do not own Down by Jason Walker. The only thing I own is the girl at the piano a.k.a Isabel cause I created her.

Kurt was sitting in the common room studying when he heard the soft tones of a piano. Curious, he got up and walked to the rehearsal room. The door was slightly ajar so he peeked in. Blaine was sitting at the piano with a guitar strapped to his chest. The piano was being played by a girl long, curly black hair. Kurt couldn't see her face as it was bowed and her hair screened it from view. Blaine was looking at her, his hands poised on the guitar. Then the girl started to sing.

I don't know where I'm at

I'm standing at the back

And I'm tired of waiting

Her voice matched the slow song perfectly as she softly sang it.

Waiting here in line

Hoping that I'll find what I've been chasing

Blaine began to strum the guitar matching the piano as he sang along.

I shot for the sky

I'm stuck on the ground

So why do I try I know I'm gonna fall down

I thought I could fly, why did I drown

Never know why it's coming down down down

Blaine stopped singing continuing to strum his guitar.

Not ready to let go

Cause then I'll never know

What I could be missing

But I'm missing way too much

So when do I give up what I've been wishing for

Blaine joined in again.

I shot for the sky

I'm stuck on the ground

So why do I try I know I'm gonna fall down

I thought I could fly so why did I drown

Never know why it's coming down down down

The girl stopped singing letting Blaine sing alone without the guitar.

Oh I am going down down down

Can't find another way around

And I don't wanna hear the sound

Of losing what I never found

I shot for the sky

I'm stuck on the ground

So do I try I know I'm gonna fall down

I thought I could fly so why did I drown?

Oh it's coming down down down

He stopped singing and the girl played the last notes of the song on the piano. When she was done, she lifted her head and Kurt could see her face. She was really pretty with pale skin and brown eyes. She looked a bit like Blaine.

"That was pretty good, huh?" Blaine asked

The girl smiled widely, showing her straight white teeth. "You think?"

"That's cause you're singing with me."

"You know you sing pretty well without me."

"Yeah true. I am pretty good."

"And humble too."

"Yep I'm the humblest person on earth."

"Oh yeah right."

She lightly head butted Blaine on the shoulder.

"You're not so bad yourself. No wonder you're the lead."

"I'm not the lead."

"Yes you are. You're always singing the solos."

"So are you."

"I know, cause I'm the lead."

"You know, if anyone found out you were here, we'd both be in big trouble."

"Oh yeah right. You talk to the Mckinley glee club all the time."

"Well they don't come to the school. We meet them outside."

"We?" she said looking at him, no longer smiling.

"Uh yeah. Kurt and I."

"Who's Kurt? And why haven't I head about him?"

"He's just a friend."

"A friend I don't know about? Why are you hiding him?"

"I'm not hiding him."

"So why haven't I heard of him?"

"I don't have to tell you everything you know."

"You don't tell me things you want to keep secret. So why haven't you told me about him?"

"I just haven't okay?"

Blaine was clearly irritated. The girl was trying not to smile but she couldn't anymore.

"Blaine. I'm just teasing you."

She laughed. Blaine looked at her furiously.

"Come on I was just kidding. You really need to lighten up. There was no need to get all touchy," she said.

"Has anyone told you you're really annoying?"
"All the time."

Blaine rolled his eyes. The girl looked at her watch.

"I should probably go back now."

She slung her bag over her shoulder. "Will I see you this weekend?"

"Maybe I'll have to see."

"Alright, bye Blaine."

"Bye Isabel."

She walked towards the doors. Kurt jumped and hid in a small hallway. Kurt watched as she walked away wondering who she was.

A/N: For all the Grammer Nazis out there did I use the right use of your/you're? Cause I'm not sure myself. Please read and review. And again I do not own Glee, though I wish I own Darren Criss *wink* *wink*