Notes: Don't you just love it when FF writers talk to you in these? ISN'T IT SO DESULICIOUS? /trollface

Mootycakes gave me a good idea, thanks bro ;D

I'm not going to beg you to review, 'cause that can get annoying and I'm just happy with people reading and then ditching if they want, but I will say that every time I see a review on it I jump up all super happeh and have a troll face smile all day.. Kinda like now ;y

Melinda If you're still out there somewhere, I love rping, you can usually catch me on Skype as tingfangwarble :D

~•º*Coon and Friends REBORN*º•~


Bebe was the first one to wake up the next day; the first one to feel the heavy atmosphere that still hung between them all from the night before, and she was glad that the rest were asleep so that she didn't have to feel it's full force. But that wasn't the only thing she felt, and looking down at the slender, well manicured hands that grasped so tightly around her middle in a deep sleep, she was forced into the dull recollection of what had happened the night before in a strange flashback montage that gave her a migraine.

"HOW THE FUCK IS THIS ALRIGHT? WHAT'S HAPPENED TO ME?" The echo of Token's voice even seemed to carry outsde of the hospital, provoking some nesting crows to fly from the hospital roof out into the night sky in fright.

The crows' movement in the moody blue of the night was a disturbing image, haunting even, but it was exactly the image behind Token as he sat there, disturbing even himself with all of the wires and glass wrapping around him. But he was still under it all, the same as ever.

"Calm down!"

Token exhaled, and the deflation of it carried on for far too long, as though he were ridding himself of every minute gram of air in his lungs. "How the fuck can I be calm?"

Bebe licked her lips tensely, she had done it far too often that night, and it was beginning to show. "Uh, Tokes.."

"Yeah, what?" His reply was too short and snappy, utterly unlike his usual laid-back attitude,but when it was such a serious situation she couldn't find it in her to be angry with him, only pity him further. All of them there were as much scared by the situation as he was. Other teens she guessed, like maybe the famous four, wouldn't have even blinked at Token's change.

But she wasn't like those four, she was Bebe, not Kenny, and she was more than shaken.

"It's okay, alright? We'll sort this.. It's only temporary they said.."

Clyde shook his head, and she could see how much of an idiot she must have sounded in his expression.

It wasn't something temporary, and the doctors could have said that until their voices broke and paper resources ran out; but when they looked at him like that there was something more than just calculations and readings, the imprecise intuition was enough to tell them that he was stuck like that from then on.

Wendy pinched her arm, squeezing it tightly, and she was sharply reminded of her again, of the fact that she hadn't let go of her arm the entire time.. Which was odd, considering how distant she had been before that night, how she had been actively ignoring and avoiding the blonde before then.

She looked down at Wendy then, half expecting to see the same hurt expression in her eyes as she had all the week before, the unexplained hurt that she hadn't ever been able to rationally explain. She didn't even care to go over what had happened the night anymore after she was reminded of that, it had been irrelevant, a distant buzz of noise in her head..

At first her nails traced over Wendy's hands, almost linking them,but then she instead prised them away from her tummy, although she really didn't want to.. But there was only so long she could go enjoying the moment when she needed to go out and talk to a doctor, the huge gash on her arm wasn't going away any time soon, no matter how hard she tried to deny it's existence.


The room was dark and pulsating with loud bass lines. The club packed out with people, so many that they were indiscernible yet so different and colourful that each one stove out with blinding neon clarity; women in low cut revealing dresses, boys with nothing but the tightest jeans their asses could fit.. Yet Butters couldn't see anyone he knew in any of the mess of people dancing on and with each other.

He turned back, trying to get back out of it all outside.

They had stood him up again, he knew it.

'Why did I ever trust those infected assholes?'

Was all that he could think as he stormed to the bar, ready to get as shitfaced as he could before the night was over. He could have a good time without the whores, he didn't need them..

Sure, it wasn't as if he'd had any reason to trust what Token had said in the first place, but out of all of the boys in his year he had thought him to be the most trustworthy. Besides, Token was one of the cool guys, he had been psyched up to finally be invited out with them.. Even if it had been one of the scarier rave clubs.

He smiled a little, remembering it, but his face soon fell again when he was zapped out of his dreamlike state as a drink splashed over his back.

For a moment he stopped still, acknowledging the cold, sticky feeling of whatever cheap alcohol it was sink through his shirt, to his skin.

Then the rage bubbled inside of him.

Everything, everything that had ever annoyed him, however slightly, the shoves in the hallway, the always too hard thumps people gave him on the back in greeting, the way everyone always forced him into doing things, the look his mother's face every time his father left for one of his weekly visits to the gym that he had been going to since before he was born, the gym that they all knew din't exist yet kept the charade of it up anyway..

Everything snapped in him, and he could feel that bubbling inside of him taking over, overflown, drowning out all reason, all that he kept plastered over his face in a passive, happy and delirious expression darkening into a cruel frown, a small smirk the only evidence of the smile that had once lived in those small, pale pink lips.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry, sweetie! Are you okay?" He recognised the voice. Lexus.

How long had it been since he had last been with her? Or at least thought she was.. Not after he had found out about her 'on the side' hooker job sleeping with everyone she could in town behind his back. His eyes narrowed, the blue icy cold and glacial, and he stood up sharply.

He turned to her slowly, all the while trying to calm his breathing, trying to shallow it out into a state where he wasn't at least hyperventilating.. But the anger was winning out, the hate and hurt inside of him was too much for him to numb with simple controlled breaths. "What do you think, slut?" He snarled.

The girl widened her eyes, her hands nervously reaching up to play with her shiny, full waves of reddened brown hair.. He had always loved that hair, the way it felt between his fingers as he had once stroked it, laying back on his bed together.. She glanced back, looking around her for some kind of help from the others who had stood still at his insult, looking just as shocked as she was.

"Um, Butters?" The question provoked a spark inside of him, it was as though she had already forgotten his name, as though he were nothing to her. Just some other guy she had decided to screw over for some spare cash.

He ran a hand through his hair, though the action didn't soothe or calm him at all, only made him angrier as it reminded him of what he had already once recalled before. He laughed, a sarcastic, ironic sound. "I'm surprised you remember, I thought guys like us only went by numbers, what was I again? No.435, was it?"

She chewed her heavily lipglossed, and uneasy smile, but it finally relaxed as a bigger guy, looking something like a bouncer, muscled in through it. "Maury." Her breath of relief made him laugh again.

Was he really so dangerous? What had he ever done to give her that opinion of him?

He narrowed his eyes, shrugged, then rolled up his sleeves.

"Oh, come on, big guy. You don't want to do this in front of all these people do you?" Maury said, trying to coax him out of it, folding his arms over his gay ass little black tank top. Strange how he could hear both of their voices over the music. Yet, despite it piercing through the sound waves, it wasn't enough to pierce through his mind and stop the pain inside of him, it only intensified it.

"Whatever I gotta do." He replied, his tone too cold and icy, nothing at all like what it had been before. He adjusted his sleeves, though didn't put on his fingerless gloves to stop his knuckles from cracking and bruising if the fight would happen, he would really welcome the sensation, the feeling of breaking the other's meaty bones under his fist, sending his whole body into chaotic spasms.

Chaotic. He liked that word.

"C'mon, buddy, you've had too much to drink.."

He laughed properly, and loud.

He wasn't anything like the drunken douches this guy was used to, he hadn't even touched a bottle so far.. A few words in a calm tone of voice wasn't going to quell anything inside of him, it wasn't going to stop what happened to him day after day, the bullshit he put up with.. No. Had put up with.

He wasn't ever going to put up with it again, and that man's blood was going to make sure of that, even if his blood had to fall as well with that oath.

"Let's take this outside, shall we?" The blonde made a small gesture, signalling out of the door.

At first Maury hesitated, as did Lexus, but then he gave a short nod. It was on.

Butters didn't look at Lexus as he left, he didn't need to, perhaps she was blushing. Perhaps the red of her face was shining through the heaps of makeup she plastered on daily, perhaps her long, claw-like, fake nails were balled up in shaking fists as she watched him go.. Or perhaps even she was just ordering another drink.

But he found that he didn't actually care what she was doing, the only thing he cared about was keeping tabs on the hulking form behind him, making sure that he wouldn't take a snide swipe at him as soon as they went out of the door, there was no doubting as soon as those fire doors clicked behind them it was going to be a dirty fight. And the winner would be whoever was the quickest to figure that out and counter it.

But there was something inside of Butters, something he could only just feel poking at him, something telling him to stop the stupid shit he was getting himself into, something telling him to get back in there and apologise to Lexus. But right then he was practically deaf to it and he would have rather died than let it take over him again right when he was tasting some small version of freedom. The wild, chaos filled, every man for himself version.


Kenny stood atop of the bank, a disturbed look twisting through his handsome features, he was confused.

Hell yes he was confused.

Everything seemed so regular still, people were even going out to start their weekend shopping, it seemed so unlikely that really crazy things were about to go down. But then, it was South Park on a weekend, so that much was obvious in itself. The blonde couldn't remember the last time he'd had a normal, relaxed weekend with nothing unusual in it whatsoever.. But at the same time, he couldn't' remember one that he hadn't died somewhere in the middle of it.

The sun was breaking through the clouds over to the east of him, and with it brought a comfortable heat, hot enough for him to unzip his jacket down to let the zipper rattle in the wind.

It was odd, knowing that he wasn't going to die, even if he were to casually lean over the side of the bank and fall, nothing would happen.. Bones clicking back into place, and then the strength to stand up.. It would've him going down the stairs, but it would hurt like hell.. Decisions decisions..

Just as he was about to lean off the edge, simply for old times sake, he heard a click behind him.


Oh great..


He rolled his eyes as he jumped back off of the ledge, but he didn't turn round to Cartman, he already knew his panting, red-faced, and overweight friend enough to see him without turning around. "How'd you make all those steps?" He asked, pulling down his hood, and his messy blonde hair blew back from the wind.

"Oh.. Good t-to.. To see.. You too, asshole." Eric breathed back. "But.. I need to talk to you about something.. Urgent..!"

Kenny waited a while, looking out at the town with an even more confused look in his face. "Good, I've got to talk to you about some shit too."

He turned around finally, and was met by the sight of Cartman, somehow even scruffier than him.. Brown hair stuck up in every direction around a rounded face, dirty knees on his jeans, the crumpled state of his shirt and.. Wait.. WHAT?

Cartman's eyes steadily met his, and he seemed to have gotten enough breath, because he stood up from a half-crouch to properly face him, chucking his frayed black bag to the floor. "Yeah, I know," He tugged on one of the small, furry, catlike ears on his head. Then rolled his eyes. "I've had it all morning so not from you too, 'kay?"

"Dude! What the fuck have you got on your head?"

The brunette pulled a face. "Or not.. Dude, what's up with your voice."

Kenny stared at his self-proclaimed best friend and the fluffy tail that moved behind him, but ignored his question. "What did you do to piss of Kyle this time?"

"Nothing! This isn't some jewish curse, okay? This is real!"

"Real?" He scrutinised the tail, but there was no denying the lifelike twitches and sways of it. "Okay.." He paused. "Who did you piss off then, if it wasn't Kyle? Is that why you ran out of school so fast?"

"No, I just felt like jog.. OF COURSE IT'S WHY I RAN OUT SO FAST, ASSHOLE!" The brunette's tail stood on end and his ears jerked up with his shout, acting out his anger just as a cat's would.

"Well.. Fuck, dude."

Cartman rolled his eyes. "See? I knew you'd be the one to come to for great advice, the one person whose long monologue would somehow give me a greater sense of purpose for it all.. Not." He huffed. "Really? Is that all you have to say? Just 'fuck'?"

The blonde narrowed his eyes in response. "Fuck is a pretty good word to summarise all this shit up."

"All this? I haven't even told you the worst of it yet."

"The worst? What could be worse than a jackass like you having freaking neko parts? I mean, why couldn't it hap to Stan, or Butters or someone cuter.." Kenny's lamenting was strong as he looked back out to the town with overly dramatised sniffs.

"What the fuck is a neko?"

"Are you aware that there is such a thing as google?"

"Are you aware that we're on top of a building without a laptop?"

Kenny held out an imaginary sword and then drew it back into an imaginary holster. "Touche." He then cleared his throat, but it didn't help the hoarse depth of it. "But seriously, E, what the hell is going on?"

Cartman scratched the side of his head frustratedly, biting his lips in trying to figure out some way to explain it. "Right, so you know in the middle of class? Right before the giant douche gave me the detention?"

"Oh yeah.. Oh yeah!" Kenny exclaimed, pointing his finger at Cartman. "You were supposed to tell me who you liked, asshole!"

Cartman had also forgot about that, his throat became dry. "Er, yeah, well.. That's not important right now.." He tried to evade, laughing nervously.

"The hell it is!" He shouted, still pointing. "I waited too long for that goddamn bit of paper, you will give it up, bitch!"

"Ay! Don't call me a bitch, bitch!"

The blonde facepalmed. hard. "Just tell me already, E."

"No.. It's not the right moment.." He dropped his gaze to the floor, thinking of Kyle's reaction if he ever knew.. But it was no use, he couldn't even really imagine it. Every time he did he could only get pure disgust from the redhead's imagined features, disgust and.. In his own little dreamworld of happiness, some ridiculously cute Kyle beaming from ear to ear as he told him.

But for some reason, and he assumed it was purely due to some kind of jew mind trick, he found that he actually preferred the version with the jew's disgust. He had more to work with there, and at least it was more realistic than the faker latter version.

"E. It's not losing your virginity here. It's just telling me, your best friend, second only to your own shadow.. Who you like, that's not hard, is it?"

"Yes." Eric monotoned back.

"Just tell me."

"…" Cartman pulled his hair, he really didn't want to do this, not now.

Kenny wasn't backing off. "If you don't tell me, then you give me no choice but to get Token and the girls involved, you know if they do it'll be-.."

"AHH! That's right!"

Kenny was bewildered, blue eyes wide.

"Token! Token was in an accident with Clyde and Bebe and Wendy!"

"Wait, what? Is he okay?" Kenny was too startled, and completely sidetracked.

"No, no he was in surgery or something, I don't even know if he's alive! Oh shit, what the hell am I doing here?" He ran his fingers through his hair, completely stressed out, and it was obvious to Kenny just how Cartman's hair had managed to stick up in all those different directions when he was sure he had been doing that all night and morning.

"Dude, seriously, chill the fuck out." Kenny said calmly, patting his friend on the shoulder. "It's gonna be alright, okay? Token hasn't died."

"What? How would you know?"

Kenny knew how ridiculous it would be to get into how he knew when something like every single person's death happened in the South Park radius, especially how complex and annoying it would be to explain to Cartman his ties to hell.

So he just shrugged.

"Just take my word for it, 'kay?"

"Okay..? But I heard from Kahl it was pretty serious.."

"You heard from Kyle? When? I only talked to him last night when.. Ohhh.. So that's why he said your name.."

"What, when?"

"When I rang him last night, he said your name when I picked up."

"Oh, yeah, I was bugging him I guess, then I went to his."

"What? At like four am?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

Kenny looked impressed. "You've got balls going to the Broflovski's so late, Sheila would've skewered you if she'd caught you."

"Yeah, well.. She didn't. She wouldn't have been able to catch me either, she's a fat bitch."

Kenny laughed, though it was still a hoarse, choked sound from the deepness of his voice.

"Oh, and yeah, Kyle can fly." The brunette said, stupidly natural as Kenny exploded.


"Yeah.. Pissed me of no end, but I think I'm doing okay against him, I mean.." He curled his hand a little to show the blonde, then laughed at the blonde as he jumped back at the sight of metal needlelike spikes jutting just from the tips of his fingers. "That's gotta be pretty cool, right?"


The day was a perfect day for a hammock, not too warm, not too cold, cloudy, but not overcast or ripe for rain, and it was windy enough to blow a warm gust of wind to rock the hammock gently.. Yes, it was like one of those days in the summer that people seemed to neglect, the ones without wasps, without sticky melted ice cream, and without summer rain.. Except it was autumn and the place was covered in snow, so none of that made any sense.

But still, a perfect day.

And yet, to Stanley Marsh he had never felt at such unease as he turned about the hammock, making the tree branches that held him strain and wobble with the jock's weight.

He felt a horrible sixth sense within him, an intuition that he didn't want, an intuition that made him uncomfortable to sit still in, even as cold and as chilled as his drink was it wasn't enough to relax him and keep him still in that old hammock.

Finally, after a lot of persistence, he got up out of it.

He grumbled under his breath as his dad practically ran to it, jumping onto after waiting the whole morning to take his place, six pack of beer held aloft over his head in victory. But the branches were ready to give way with his dead weight, Stan could already see it happening, but he didn't feel the need to stay and see it.

To Stan, all he could think of was Token in hospital, and his friends who were with him in there. he had tried ever since he had gotten the phone call from Clyde to get into the hospital to see them, but the reply had always been the same. Quarantine.

In other words, hell no you can't see them.

For a while he sat in front of the flower bed, just thinking, his eyes looking over the delicate little petals and leaves as he thought.


Damien's bedroom was one of the least acknowledged bedrooms in hell, mostly because he wasn't a famous whore like his father, but also because he wasn't well known himself, so many people didn't know him enough to know that he even existed or whether he had a bedroom to exist in. But, it was one of the best designed bedrooms in hell.

It was just a maze, literally, pacman ghosts moved about the black, neon blue accented walls, random plates of fruit in some corridors, a bed in one, an en suite bathroom somewhere along it. But the maze also changed every time you entered it.

Oh, it was also one of the most annoying bedrooms in hell.

And Damien stormed around it, pacing as he had the night before and growling deeply under his breath as he did.

He could easily say he had never been more pissed off in his life, he had killed three maids, burned four passing cameo roles and stabbed a guy in the arm with a wooden stake; just for good measure.

Even if they revived themselves it made no difference, they still had annoyed him, and he had still killed them just the same.

How dare his father ground him just for doing what was basically done to him himself every day.

What was so bad about getting laid?

He kicked one of the maze's walls, hard, and knocked it over so that piece fell off and broke to the floor, only to regenerate a few seconds later. Geez, just as annoying as that Kenny.

Fuck, he was the one to start all that shit anyway..

Ah, fuck it, he was going to go up anyway, grounded or not grounded, Pip or no Pip..


Talk of the.. Ah, screw it..


"Kyle, for the last time, take those ridiculous glasses off!" Sheila ordered her son, buttering her third slice of bread as her other free hand hovered over the salad with her spoon, ready to strike.

Kyle's glare would have been more evident if it weren't for the fact that it was completely secreted by the blacked out aviator shades, but it was better that it was hidden, for the harshness of it was scarily intense for the mild jew; only because of the pain behind it.

Even as he sat there he was fighting the urge to rub them raw, something he had already done before he had gone downstairs to the table, his eyes were stinging so painfully that he had to scrunch them up shut. He couldn't even see what he had put on to wear that morning, or what anyone else had besides a few darkened blurs.

"Hey, it's no big deal, I like 'em." Ike shrugged, winking at his mother with a sly grin.

"You like a guy screaming abuse at you at full volume in your ipod." His dad quipped back.

"Exactly, it's why I'm the coolest guy in this family." He smirked back, slicking his thick black hair back in a mock image of cool, sweeping the bangs that covered his face to show it's fullness and his round blue eyes rimmed in thick black eyeliner.

"You wish.." Gerald mumbled back, tilting his chair back and rocking on it, the three males looking as stupid as the next in their style don'ts.

"Kyle..!" His mother warned.

Kyle groaned. "Please, mom, can you just leave it?"

The plump, redheaded woman threw down her knife in outrage, spearing the hummus in the middle of the table perfectly. "Kyle! How can you talk back to your mother in such a way! I swear, Gerald, it's all this tv he's been watching.. Poisoning his pure teenage mind..!"

The poor, beaten down old man sighed as he saw the first signs of his wife's big rant.

And Kyle and Ike, they too seeing those signs, made their way out of the back door..


"Okay, so can we talk about this for a second so I can understand why you have a tail?" The gruff voice asked again from beneath the hoody.

"Kenny, you're starting to piss me off."

The blonde paced in front of Cartman, stopping then and again to look at him and then just sigh heavily. "Okay, so, you were serious about the whole.. Er, flying thing, weren'tcha?"

Eric raised his eyebrows. "Weren'tcha..?" He repeated, lip curling at his friend's way of speaking.

"Oh, shut the fuck up, as if my speech is the most important thing.. Look at you! Fuck! Why'd you have to come to me with your problems.." His head tilted down for a moment, and his blue eyes darkened from sky blue to a midnight. "There are bigger things to worry about, the curse is upon our city, it's inhabitants nothing more than mammals, obese and dying on their own shit while they..!" He shook his head, then frowned as he saw that Cartman was staring at him.

"Okay.. So, that was weird.."

Kenny glared at him.

He carried on. "Well, clearly I have these spike things.. Which are pretty awesome.." He indicated by forcing the needlelike metal things out, where they jutted out just above his fingernails. "I could mess someone up real good with these.." His eyes seemed to glimmer with his dark, evil intent for mutilating people for life.

"Or you could open a can of beans at best." The blonde smirked.

"Ay! I don't see you with any awesome powers, asshole!"

Kenny sighed again, rolling his eyes. "I can't die, remember?"

Eric's lips tugged with his amusement. "Yeah.. Right.. I forgot.." He sniggered.

Kenny growled at him, which would have otherwise been a smirk but for the low tone of his voice. "Try me then, if you don't believe me, ram those gay ass fingernails right into my heart and see what happens."

"Yeah, like I'm gonna do that and be a murderer, dick for brains." He said, not even mentioning about the fact that he would be killing his alleged best friend, more concerned about being labelled a killer.

"It's what you want, isn't it? You want to try killing a human at least once, no one will suspect it's you with no murder weapon, you can say you found me if it doesn't work."

Temptation flitted through the brunette's face, but he shook his head. "No.."

Kenny grabbed his hand then, and by force pushed the other's hand right into his chest. He smiled as the fingers dug deeper into his hoody, through the fabric until they met with the soft press of skin and past even that to dig into his chest cavity.

It was as though Cartman's hand was right around the blonde's heart, he could feel the gentle beat of it only inches away from his fingertips and the spikes that protruded from there. He pulled his hand away in shock, an automatic reaction, although he was totally intrigued by what he had felt. He looked down at his hand, laced in a deep, dark red liquid that dripped slowly to the floor of the bank's roof. He then quickly returned to look at Kenny, who was opening his hoody quickly, lifting up his undershirt to show him the five deep holes in his chest that were already closing.


"You're immortal!" He gasped, wiping his hand quickly on his jeans, despite wanting to lick the blood away instead.

"Not immortal, it wasn't like this before.. I used to really die before.."

Eric's mouth hung open.

"Now, that's pretty cool, right? Better than a fluffy tail~"

His lips pursed stubbornly, trying to fight for emotional control over the situation. "It's not like these are the only powers I have!" He protested stubbornly, though he had no idea what he was talking about.

"Oh really, can you fly like Kyle then?"

He bit his lip.

"Ohhh, you can walk through walls?"

He chewed it.

"No, no, I've got it, you can read my mind?"

"No! I can.." He thought for a moment. "I can jump off of really high buildings and be totally fine, have crazy agility, hear things from miles away and.."

"And? Are you going to jump off the bank then?"

But Cartman had stopped, for as soon as he had said each of those things he had felt a surge of electricity within him, like a power current had passed into him.


He breathed out, looking up at him, but he could feel a tingling still in his ears, a pestering feeling as though it were trying to tell him something. "Something bad's happening.. Down in the bank."

Kenny laughed at him, raspy with his low voice.

"No, I'm seriously, something's happening down there!" He winced and tried to rub his ears, but they twitched out of his hand's way as if they had a life of their own and didn't want to be dirtied by the blood.

"Look, you would hear something if something bad was happening, don't be such a pussy."

"I can't hear anything! I could last night but.."

"But what? It doesn't just disappear, your powers aren't nocturnal..!"

His brown eyes widened, and he pointed at Kenny. "That's it! That explains why it was so hard to get up those stairs when it was easy to do that last night! I'm going down there."

The blonde shook his head. "There's nothing down there, the police would be around if there was! And even if there was, what can you do!"

But Cartman was already backing away and heading down the stairs. "I can kick some ass!" He called back.

Kenny shook his head and went after him, zipping up his hoody back up to hide his already healed skin, brushing down the torn fabric. "Idiot.."


Butters' smile was maniacal as he stared his prey down, the crowds around him and their interest feeding into him, giving him all the energy he needed to take the other down, he could feel it sparking in his chest, threads of electricity in his veins running down to his hands though there was no physical evidence of this to the avidly watching crowds. It was like he was standing on the air itself, all of his adrenaline fused into him, shown in one small smirk. He had never felt so powerful before, the meekness inside of him pushed out by his now more dominant self, the chaos inside of him held by some control that kept it in some side of bubble, giving him the ability to take order of the situation.

The back of the club was disgusting, a blackened concrete alleyway thickened over with a dark slush of polluted snow, nothing scenic about the overturned garbage of used condoms and alcohol.. Truly an image of human society, and Butters loved it for that.

Maury's arms were crossed, and to anyone in the crowd it might have seemed bored, as though the whole affair was something he was used to and could deal with easily. But it wasn't true, Butters could see that in the threads of sweat along the side of his face, the small twitches in expression. Maury's experience with fights told him that Butters was dangerous, that battle hardened insight was telling him to even abort. "You sure you want to do this, kid?"

The blonde didn't even reply with words, just nodded. He was no longer listening to the voice of reason inside of him anymore, he wanted to taste the other's blood from his own fists, he wanted to rip him into shreds.

"Gonna hit me then?"

Butters' hand clenched into a fist. "What? You scared of me, pussy-boy?" He taunted, then steadied himself for the first blow.

The other growled low, his own hands readied and he swung straight for him, though before they could connect with what had been the easy target of the blonde's face, they met instead with his hand.

Butters' hand held the first perfectly, the force of all of his adrenaline and electricity inside of him stopping it without even flinching against it's power in a dead stop just by his cheek. His fingers dug into the joint flesh of the thumb and forefinger, deepening until they met with a crack and then a snap where he bruised the inner muscle, tearing it and snapping the small bones beneath it.

The other's eyes were wide as it happened, unable to grasp how his never faltering punch had been so easily stopped, and he groaned out in pain, pulling himself back and nearly stumbling with the pain that flooded his fist as it swelled dramatically such a deep pink. "Fuck! Fuck!"

"Don't tempt me to do that to you as well, I'd do more than paralyse you from the waist down.." He sniggered, looking at the hand that had inflicted the damage with fondness.

Maury looked up at him in horror. "What the fuck are you?" He was dealing with something otherworldly there, and he didn't even care how he embarrassed himself before the chattering and worried crowds around them.

Butters laughed derisively, and he slowly approached the other as he backed away. "Glad I have you more honest, soon everyone will know so I don't mind telling you.. I am chaos."

There was an influx of beeps as the crowd pulled out their mobile phones to film the horrors they're seeing as Butters then descended upon Maury, his fists moving so fast that their pixels became nothing more than a crazed static mess upon their screens with nothing but the screams to be the only thing clearly recorded.