The tree by the lake at Hogwarts was deserted, as were the grounds surrounding the castle. Deserted by all but one.

Severus Snape sat underneath the large, bulky tree, hiding from the rest of the student body, who took it upon themselves to tease and ridicule him, a select few also decided to beat him up on a weekly basis.

He was a lonely boy and he wasn't considered handsome by the female population, what with his pale complexion, long and greasy black hair, brooding attitude and crooked nose. This left him completely friendless, life was meaningless to him.

The skies were stormy, clouded with dark greys and streaks of purple, casting a dark shadow over the school and it's grounds, but Severus didn't mind. He liked the dark as nobody could see him cry.

As Severus sat under the big, old tree, he never would have expected another student to be out when it looked like it was about to storm, but then he saw her.

Emerald orbs met obsidian as an angel-like girl looked down upon the lonesome looking boy.

Severus noted how beautiful she was almost instantly, she had vibrant auburn hair, pale skin with lovely rosey cheeks and captivating green eyes.

As he stared into said eyes, he felt as though she could see into his soul, and all of his sins were forgiven and forgotten, and for the first time in his life, Severus Snape felt warm.

The girl, whom in Severus' opinion looked like an angel, spoke in a voice like wind-chimes.

"Hello, you're Severus right? How come you're sitting here all by yourself?".

Severus was amazed that this angel was alone and not surrounded by a large group of friends, but what amazed him even more was that she was kind. Unlike all the other beautiful girls who were rude and arrogant.

"Why wouldn't I be? It's not like I have friends or anything." he replied sadly.

Pity flashed across the girls expression, but in her eyes there was something else... admiration? Hope?

Severus quickly shoved those ridiculous thoughts out of his mind, an angel like this could never admire a 'greasy git' like him.

He was drawn out of his thoughts quickly when the angel spoke once more.

"Why wouldn't somebody want to be your friend?" she asked curiously, the unknown emotion still lingering in her dazzling eyes.

"Because they prefer to bully me by calling me names such as 'greasy git', 'Snippety' and 'Snakey Snape', along with beating and hexing me until I can't walk.", tears brimmed in Severus' eyes as he admitted this. He had never trusted anybody very much aside from the Headmaster, but for some strange and unknown reason, he felt as though he could spill all his deepest, darkest secrets to this angelic girl.

Upon seeing the tears in his eyes, the angel sat down next to him and did the most unexpected thing.

She hugged him.

Severus was shocked at this display of affection, he had never been hugged before by anybody, his parents abused him and he had no friends or other family.

But as the girl held him to her, he felt a warmth growing in his chest, a warmth which he was sure didn't come from the heating charm put on his robes.

And as the angel pulled away, she looked into his now slightly wet eyes and said, "I'm Lily Evans".

The angel he now knew as Lily reached for his hand and held it against her heart.

"And I want to be your friend".

And as he gazed into his new friend's captivating green eyes,

Severus knew he was in love.