Oh yesh! More Vegeta angst. Okay, first of all I'd like to say that this is not my style. I've changed it kind of... completely. Although it sticks TOO MUCH with the actual story, it is still very different. This is for Vegeta lovers and Vegeta's angst lovers. Just like me :3
I much appreciate ideas, feedbacks, criticism (cuz i dont really care) and well yeah, kind of everything.


Earth is a place where a lot of alien races have settled including the remains of the Saiyans.

He sighed as he painfully got up and limped out of his room. His whole body hurt badly… not that it was something unusual. He blinked a few times to clear his mind and entered his brother's bedroom.

"Awww… Vegeta, I feel sick!" complained Tyler.

"I don't believe you. Now, get up and come downstairs so you can have breakfast."

"I feel sleepy!" whined Josh.

"That sucks, but here I am all sleepy and you don't see me complaining. Now, get up! You're gonna be late!"

"I 'ont wants to go to school." Complained the younger one, Jeremy.

Vegeta sighed and pulled the covers from over the boys. Once he was sure they were heading downstairs, he entered his sister's bedroom and a similar scene happened. Once his six younger siblings were downstairs, having breakfast, he leaned on the window and stared at the grey sky.

"You have an owie." Jeremy said. He turned around and realized all his brothers and sisters were looking at him.

"Again." Jill, the oldest of the girls, said.

He sighed. It was not something weird. Most of the mornings he would wake up with bruises along his face and pretty much his whole body. His step-father would beat him almost every night without apparent reason. Sometimes he was drunk, sometimes his business friends would join him, sometimes he only needed a stress relief. Whatever the reason was, Frieza would beat him almost every night.

If the bruises were too severe or there were any broken bones, he would allow him to stay home, so that the teachers wouldn't ask him what had happened. Not that they didn't ask him when the injuries were simple but still there, but an excuse was easier believed if they were not that bad.

This had been happening since his father, Vegeta, had died 'mysteriously' and left them with their mother and step-father. Vegeta didn't know why his mother had decided to marry Frieza, but he didn't know either why she had divorced a year later and left with her boyfriend, leaving her seven kids with the ruthless alien. The night she had left was the first night he had beaten Vegeta, and threatened him with his siblings. Many times had Vegeta begged his mother to let them live with her and her fiancé, but she refused. Frieza always either left too early or slept until too late, so Vegeta had to wake up his brothers and sisters, give them breakfast, get them ready for school and kindergarten and… hell, and practically raise them on his own.

"Yeah." He said after a long silence. His siblings didn't exactly know what happened. They were too young and too naïve, but they knew it was Frieza's fault. Frieza was not what one would call a loving father, but he had never hurt any of them. Still, they slightly feared him. "Now, go and take a bath. I don't want you to be late."

They nodded and got up. "I'll be the last!" he heard one of them calling upstairs.

He gently touched his swollen cheek and sighed. He had a blackened bruise under his left eye and a big one on his cheek. There was a small red cut on his temple surrounded by a light, small, purple bruise. He then looked at his arms. Those were wrong. Full of purple, black, and red marks, as well as his torso and legs.

"Vegeta!" called Jenny from downstairs. He took a deep breath and walked down the stairs. His six brothers were at the front door, waiting for him. He smiled and opened the door. The first bus, kindergarten, rounded the corner. Jeremy, Jenny and Josh's bus. He helped them on and gave the bus helper their bags. She always looked at him with pity, but he ignored her and barely spoke to her.

Five minutes later, Jill's, Tyler's and Lauren's bus arrived.

Once his siblings were gone, he went upstairs to take a bath and get himself ready for his own school.

Bulma Briefs was scared. She had been to lots of schools but she could never get over it. She sighed as she looked at herself into the mirror once more. She had a pink skirt and white sleeveless shirt. She knew she was beautiful, hot, smart and nice. A bit shy but not too much, but still… it scared her. She hated her father's job because of that. She walked downstairs and smiled at her mother.

"Hello, sweetie. Ready for school?"


One of the things that scared her the most was that she was going to get into the school in the middle of the year. Groups were already formed, people knew each other, and they all would look at her strangely. She grabbed her backpack.

"Oh, that's your bus!"

She smiled weakly and her mother kissed her cheek.

"Bye, mom."

"Good luck, Bulma. You'll do great!"

She nodded and walked up to the bus.

Vegeta sighed as the bus neared the corner. His tough skin had already lessened the bruises, but they still hurt and were still there. He knew Saiyans were one of the strongest races that had settled on Earth, and were liked because of their humanoid aspect. He wrapped his tail painfully around his waist and got on the bus.

He never really did pay attention to the people on the bus, although he knew they were looking at him. He was… he was different. He was dry, and dark. Mysterious, temperamental, angry, didn't really like to talk. And the girls were all over him. The girls loved him. He was the 'hottest man in the Universe' as they so lightly liked to put it, along with his friends Radditz and Kakkarot. And the men… well, they were jealous. That, and the fact that all of them wanted to know why he was always hurt. But what caught his attention was the blue-haired girl he had never seen before. She was beautiful, and looked nice…. But the thing was, she was sitting on his spot.

She raised her eyes to meet his and giggled nervously. "Hello." She said. He cocked his eyebrow.

Whoa. Maybe this school wasn't that bad. This guy here was just so perfect. His hair was shooting upwards in flames except for some rebel hairs that were over his forehead. His face and body were perfect. He looked mysterious and… wow. He was just perfect for her. Although… Were those bruises on his face?

She smiled and decided to give the first step. "Hello."

"Hn." He answered, nodding slightly. She felt her mouth watering. Even a simple gesture as that one melted her. Usually, she would be all grumpy because the guy had not said a proper hello, but this guy was different… And he didn't move.

"Uh… What? Am I on your spot or something?" she laughed. His eyes darkened even more, but she couldn't figure out what was happening inside him. He was expressionless.

"As a matter of fact" he said slowly "you are."

"Oh. Uhm…. Mind to sit beside me?" she said, smirking sexily and pointing at the chair at her side.

He cocked his eyebrow again. "Fine. But the window is mine, girl."

She giggled and moved, leaving him enough space to get in. She saw him wince as he sat. "Bulma." She said, smiling.


"My name is Bulma."

"Good for you."

She scowled and crossed her arms. He leaned his head on the chair and sighed, closing his eyes.

"What happened to you?"

He opened one eye and looked down at her.


"Your… face. It's bruised."

He looked away. Good thing he was wearing a black sweater that covered his body as did his pants. "Not your business." He muttered just loud enough for her to hear. She frowned and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Last night, too?" Kakkarot asked, clearly concerned, as he saw Vegeta leaning on the wall beside them and glancing at his injuries. Kakkarot and Radditz were the only two people in the world –besides Frieza and his mother – that knew what happened in his house. The two brothers, the last of their race besides their parents Bardock and Celipa, Vegeta's mother, and their P.E coach Nappa, looked at each other with worry written on their faces as Vegeta nodded.

"Why now?" Radditz asked. Vegeta sighed.

"Something about him being sued… I don't remember too well." He muttered. Kakkarot put a hand on his shoulder and pulled it back when Vegeta winced.

"At least… at least he didn't…"

"At least you're at school today." Radditz finished. Vegeta chuckled bitterly and the bell rang.

Bulma sat on a chair, pleased at all the male eyes that followed her.

After some minutes, a black haired girl sat beside her and smiled.

"Hello! New, are you?" she said, cheery. Bulma smiled.


"Nice! We needed something new and different to happen over here! My name is Chichi." she said. Bulma laughed and told her her name, and suddenly the teacher entered the classroom.

"Silence!" he bellowed. "Okay, we have a new student today! Mrs. Bulma Briefs, will be accompanying us. We hope you enjoy your stay, Mrs. Briefs."

"Thank you" she said.

That's when the guy she had met in the bus entered the room. She smiled inwardly and crossed her leg intentionally to reveal some of her leg and get his attention… which clearly failed.

"You are late, Vegeta." The teacher said. So that was his name.

"I'm sorry. The Principal stopped me on the way here."

The teacher looked clearly concerned. "Vegeta, how did…? What happened?"

"Nothing." He answered, turning around and ignoring the looks on everyone's face.

"Damn, he's a jerk." Chichi said, crossing her arms. "He may be hot and all, but I hate him so much!"

Vegeta sat on a chair at the end of the classroom and leaned his head on his hand. He looked extremely tired.

"Hey… Hey Vegeta!" someone whispered. He raised his head and cocked an eyebrow. Hm. It was Carmen. She was half earthling, half some species he didn't know and didn't care. She was one of those plastic girls… and she seemed to be the leader. Most of the other girls looked up at her with a look of 'your wish is my command'.

She was pretty, there was no denying it… but, she was not Vegeta's style, she was a bitch, and she was so fucking goddamn intense. He looked at her with the whole purpose of intimidating her… but for some reason, his intimidating look that made weaklings coward and whimper in cold fear before him, seemed to attract the girls on the planet. "Why don't you hang out with us this afternoon? We're going to the movies."

"I can't." he said simply. Not because it was Tuesday, but because he had to be at home to wait for his brothers to get home from school and let them in, prepare some food, help them with their homework… since they were but toddlers and there was nobody else who cared about them. That and the fact that he was absolutely terrified of leaving them alone with Frieza in case the lizard decided to show up earlier.

"Oh, come on! What are you gonna do?" she said. He scowled and ignored her.

"This is Eighteen and this is Krillin." Chichi said. Bulma smiled.

"Hi. I'm Bulma."

She couldn't help to notice that they were holding hands. Krillin was a bald midget and Eighteen a tall pretty woman. They didn't really fit well as a pair, but oh well. Love's love. She began to tell them about the school she had been in and blah, blah… the usual, when three men entered the cafeteria. She smiled. Vegeta was the shortest of them, with his arms crossed and his usual scowl, looking at the floor. A handsome tall man with spiked hair and a hot one with long, messy hair followed him and seemed to be in a funny conversation since they were laughing. Vegeta smirked time to time, but didn't laugh. She froze when they stopped right before their table. Krillin seemed to be scared of them, and Eighteen was annoyed, just as Chichi. She looked up at Vegeta, who looked back at her with a cocked eyebrow. She smiled and he didn't.

Suddenly, the tall one with spiky hair leaned over and kissed Chichi. "Hi, Goku" she said, happily. "Bulma, this is Kakkarot, or Goku for short. He is my boyfriend!" Bulma smiled.

"I'm Bulma."

"Kakkarot." Vegeta said suddenly. They all looked at him. His ebony eyes pierced Goku's lighter ones but the taller one just smiled sheepishly. "We'll be in the usual place if you need anything." He said began to walk away and so did Radditz.

"Ugh. He pisses me off." Chichi said.

"Awh, he's a nice guy. He just has a difficult life" Goku said, smiling. He was actually a nice guy, kind of stupid, but nice all the same.

"Vegeta, what if he does something awful to you next time? What if he rips off your tail or something?"

"And what am I supposed to do, Radditz?" Vegeta countered. Both males looked into each other's eyes for a while before turning back to their food. "Besides, it's not like he'll kill me or anything."

"How can you say that? Damn, he beats you every fucking night! And badly!"

"And? What's your point? Do you want me to kill him? And then how am I supposed to maintain my siblings?"

Radditz sighed and nodded. "You know Kakkarot and I…"

"Are there for me, yes. Thank you."

Vegeta sat on his usual spot in the bus and… Bulma sat next to him.



"You know… Today I met your friend, Kakkarot. He is a nice guy." She said.


She frowned. Heck. She was GOING to get him to talk to her!

"So… How was your day?"


"Oh… Well, in case you were wondering, my day was awesome! Your school is nice! It was a great first day."

"I wasn't wondering."

"Why are you so cold?" she said, crossing her arms and leaning over so that he was looking directly at her.

"I am tired."

"Oh. I am, too. Hey, Vegeta… are you an Earthling?"

"Ha. No."



Her eyes widened. Saiyan? They were supposed to be extinct! But here she was in front of one of them, no less. "Really?"


"I thought… you were…"

"We weren't. There's few of us left."

"I thought the only one alive had been the seven Princes."

"The princes, the Queen, and five others."

Finally. He was talking. She licked her lips and continued.

"So… where are the Princes now?"

"One of them is right beside you." He said, smirking weakly.

"WHAAT?" he winced at her high-pitched voice. "You are a Saiyan Prince?"


"Does anybody know?"

"I don't know. I don't think so. Kakkarot and Radditz know. And their parents."

"And your mother."


"Who's the other Saiyan?"

"Nappa. The P.E coach."

"Whoa. Must be cool."

"Sure, being one of the last survivors of an extinct race, because everyone else was destroyed. It's awesome." He said. She blushed at his sarcasm and tried to change the subject.

"So… you live with your mother."


"Your… father? Didn't he…?"

"He's dead."

"So… who do you live with?"

"My step-father."

"Where's your mother?"

"Somewhere else."

Something told her she was nearing a dangerous territory and let it go. After a few moments, he grabbed his backpack and looked at her. "Move."



She giggled and picked up her legs so that he could pass. She stared while he limped – damn, he was hurt – back to his house and entered.

Vegeta sighed for the millionth time as he stared at his knees. They were scraped and bruised.

He was on the floor. He knew Frieza was there but he couldn't move, couldn't even roll into a ball to protect his body. He heard the claws coming toward him. "Get up."

Only by sheer will power did he push himself from the floor and got on his knees, already abused from crawling so much. "S-stop this." He said. Frieza scowled.

"The bastards sued me."

"I-I… It was not my fault, father." Yes, the bastard made him call him Father.

"Neither was mine." He said coldly as he kneed him in his stomach and he once again fell to the floor, this time backwards. "Get up!" Once again, he managed to get onto his knees. "I should've killed you when your mother left. You are just a burden." He began to punch him until he was on the floor once again, this time with no hope of getting back up. "I hope you find your way back to your room. You're going to school tomorrow."

A ring snapped him out of his memory and he got back up and opened the door. His three little brothers were there. He smiled and let them in. "Hello. How was your day?"

The three toddlers ran inside and put their bags on the couch while they sat on the small table inside the kitchen and chattered about their days. Vegeta smirked as he prepared sandwiches and half an hour later the three others arrived. Happy family moments. The few that he had.

Once he was sure the six of them were in bed, he headed to his room, but the front door slammed open and his heart sank.

"Monkey! Get down here right now!" Frieza bellowed. Vegeta went to meet his step-father. He was angry, but at least he was not drunk. "Make me some dinner."

"What do you want?"

"I don't know. Anything. Just do it fast before I beat you." He said tiredly. Vegeta shuddered ever so slightly and headed for the kitchen.


Did you like it?

BEFORE YOU KILL ME; I know it is not GREAT, and pretty much doesn't stick to the DBZ story.

Thank you anyway and I appreciate Reviews :)