Title: In the Bathroom

Author: Kathea

Rating: T-M

Pairing: Derek/Casey

Category: Romance

Summary: Oh the things that can happen in a bathroom

AN: Okay, not anywhere near my normal fandom and not really sure what compelled me to write this but here it is. I think LWD came on Disney America after I got out of college, so I'm a little overage. This is set towards the end of their senior year.

Chapter 1: What a sight

It was bound to happen. Five kids and one bathroom, despite the most detailed of schedules, would easily lend itself to the occasional snafu. It was the little push needed to head down a very slippery slope.

Under normal circumstances, Derek Venturi would never have been up at the ungodly hour of 4am. It was against his religion. But if hockey team captaincy was to remain his, he needed to beat his teammates and coach to the rink. Since pre-dawn was not his prime operating hours, checking Casey's colorful schedule didn't occur to him, if he could've seen it through bleary eyes. The door knob turned easily under his hand and Derek stumbled into the steamy bathroom. Only a single light was on, pouring misty light down on the shower's lone occupant.

Being a young male, Derek instantly woke up to admire the slender female figure illuminated behind the shower curtain. Casey was swaying to whatever song she was softly singing. Derek's eyes tracked the shadowy movement of her hips. The realization that he was quickly becoming aroused by his step-sister coincided with the water shutting off. Derek pulled the door silently closed just as slim fingers curled around the curtain edge. Derek bolted to his room, breathing heavily. It would be a cold shower at the rink. Hopefully a couple good knocks during practice would shake loose the memories of a wet, shadow Casey from his head.

Casey stepped from the tub and quickly wrapped a towel around her body. She shivered and shrugged into her robe. Puzzled at how the bathroom could be so chill, Casey hustled to her room to dry her hair. She should have at least an hour extra to study this morning. It would be a good day.


Derek's absence from the breakfast table was conspicuous but pleasant, so Casey chose to enjoy the gift. Ed mumbled something about early hockey practice and Casey groaned. It meant Casey was walking to school. Casey shouldered her bag and trudged out the door. Emily was waiting for her on the porch.

"Hi!" Emily chirped brightly.

"Hey Em. What are you doing here?" Casey asked confused.

"I saw D and the Prince leave this morning and knew you'd be walking. I figured you'd like the company."

"Em." Casey sighed. "We've talked about this." She did not relish having yet again a conversation about the perils of crushing on Derek Venturi.

"It's not like that, " Emily replied blushing. "Not entirely. I only watched as he pulled out."

"Uh huh," Casey responded unconvinced. "Let's get a move on. It won't do for him to beat me to school."


Casey had to mark today up as one of her better days. Klutzilla moments were kept to a minimum and Derek had avoided her all day. No pranks, no teasing, and no hustle for lunch money. If he seemed unusually quiet and avoidant, Casey wasn't going to complain. Talking about it would surely mean the end of it.

If George and Nora noticed the strangely peaceful dinner table, they didn't comment. After the kids had scattered to their various evening pursuits, they thanked whatever deity was listening and escaped to the quiet of the basement.

At precisely 9:15pm, Casey knocked firmly on the bathroom door.

"Derek, your time is up. Clear out." No sounds emerged from the other side of the door. The minutes ticked slowly by until Casey was fuming. Stepping to the door, Casey reached for the knob to have it turn under her hand. The door whipped open to leave her staring nose to wet, naked chest with Derek.

Her mouth went dry as the watched a drop slide down over a firmly muscled chest. Casey was aghast at her own urge to catch the errant drop on her tongue. Eyes wide, she forced her head up to meet familiar chocolate eyes. Instead of the snarky, rage inducing comment, Derek looked strangely pale. Muttering a strangled "All yours, princess", he rushed to his room. Casey shook her head and tried to firmly put the incident from her mind.