After hunting we regrouped and Jane showed us the trick to running with a full length cloak. As we were running Alice came up along side me and took my hand and telling me how proud of me she was and how lucky she felt to be my mate. How special I was for not losing my temper, and how I made the right choice, and I was so wise, and fair. I was a little embarrassed and was about to tell her to stop gushing when Emmett ran up on the other side with Rosalie riding his back.

Emmett said "Huge balls!" Rosalie followed with "Gigantic!"

I Laughed and said "What do you mean?"

Emmett Laughed. "We mean it in the best way I swear, You are amazing! You get a break from all of my teasing for a month. I will submit to anything you want, you want me to order a pair of those pants in my size and wear them for a month? Done deal. We are so proud to have you in our family Bella, We all love you more than you can believe. The way you stood your ground, and totally owned those sanctimonious wolves, I was impressed!"

I laughed "Sanctimonious? Really Em? That is a big boy word, now I am impressed..."

Emmett rolled his eyes, and just smiled. We continued on following Demetri towards Victoria, and before long we had reached Seattle, and came upon a warehouse in a run down section of town. It had and Available sign on it, so It was an empty warehouse. This is where Victoria made her base.

We all surrounded the building since it was daylight we stuck to the shadows figuring everyone would be holed up inside but taking no chances, Demetri did a quick search of the surrounding neighborhoods.

Demetri then came over to where I was hiding. "Bella, I can smell 27 different vampires inside. How in touch with your gift are you? Can you surround a building that large? We could just burn it to the ground while you keep anyone from escaping."

"I don't know let me see." I reached out with my shield, feeling the building as I went along, but there was a range on my gift, I was only able to get about half the building. "Nope, I can only get about half the building."

"Alright, then we need to flush them out, but we need to do it in a way that we can control where they come out at. What we don't want is for them to scatter and run all directions there are more of them than there are of us, so we would end up out manned and having to spend weeks chasing down all the newborns. It could get messy and public quick. A youtube video of a newborn rampage would not make Aro happy."

I thought about it for a minute. "Well, let's keep it simple then. How about I walk up to the front of the warehouse when the sun sets and just call Victoria out. She is sure to send her newborns out to attack me, and I could hold them while we offer them the chance to join us or, well you know. Then if Victoria doesn't join them or runs out another way, you could take Emmett and Edward and go after her. Emmett because of his strength, if you can get hold of her, he could hold her down, and Edward could hear her thoughts in case she has anything up her sleeve?"

Carlisle had joined us at that point. Demetri looked at him and said. "I like it, I don't think I could have come up with a better plan myself, what do you think Carlisle?"

"I think that is the safest plan. I hope we are able to convince most of these newborns, but there is no telling what lies Victoria has told them to ensure their loyalty. I will go tell the others what the plan is."

Carlisle then moved off to tall everyone how we were going to proceed. Alice was looking into the future and looked very sad. "What's the matter Allie?" I asked reaching out and rubbing her back.

"I see your plan working, just like you expected, but the newborns are not going to listen. Victoria has whipped them into a frenzy about feeding grounds, and who controls the blood. They think we are a threat to their food source. I can't be sure but we only have one or two possible newborns we can save. It is such a waste. None of them asked for what Victoria has done to them, and their lives will be forever ended all because she loved a psychopath."

I was sad to hear what Alice told me, I new my family would be too, but at least we would end it today and stop Victoria from adding to her army or doing this to anyone else. I was very nervous too. My plan was relying heavily on me being able to use my gift, If for some reason it did not work things would go very wrong very fast. I could not imagine losing Alice, or any of my family for that matter. I understood Victoria's wanting revenge. I felt sorry for her I did not hate her. It all comes down to the man she loved was evil, she is seeking revenge for a lost mate, it is just sad.

As the sun set there were signs of movement in the warehouse. It had been quiet as a church on a weekday up until now. Alice jumped off my lap and gave me a kiss then I got up and began walking quietly to the Warehouse while the signal was given around our perimeter that I was starting forward. Jane, Jasper, Carlisle and Alice moved into position to support me, and to deal with the newborns. I was going to hold them Jasper was going to send waves of calm at them while Carlisle spoke to them Jane was going to do what she does if we had any who wouldn't shut up to listen. Alice I really tried to get to wait back at the perimeter, but she refused, saying that she could fight if it came to that and she said I was crazy as a march hare if I thought I was going to put myself into danger while she was back in relative safety.

So I called out to the warehouse, all of the surrounding area was quiet, the few security cameras on the surrounding buildings already having been disabled. "Hello? Victoria? It's me Bella? Someone told me you had something for me? Here I am," I was interrupted when the roll-up door in front of me came crashing down as Victoria and one of her newborns tore it off the wall. She walked out behind her newborns I reached with my shield to feel and she was just out of reach. Her newborns continued forward while she stopped. Still just out of reach. The newborns were snarling and ready to attack. I tried to goad Victoria forward, by taunting her, but it had to have been her gift for evasion, she knew somehow that she should not come any closer.

There was a young teenage girl, who stopped while the rest of the newborns kept marching forward. Victoria yelled at her "Bree, don't you dare refuse to fight! These people are your enemies!" several of the other newborns called out to her as well taunting her. Bree just sat down and crossed her arms. "No I don't believe Victoria something is not right about this whole thing, I didn't ask for this, I didn't even need blood before she did this to me. So they can have it, they can kill me. I don't want this!"

I could tell Victoria wanted to go to Bree and hit her, but it would put her in range of my gift so she didn't I knew there was no chance of Victoria coming to me so I grabbed the newborns in my shield, and I moved closer to try to get Victoria too, but she bolted back into the warehouse, and out the back from the sound of the crash I heard. So she was up to Demetri, Emmett, and Edward. Now we had to deal with the newborns. Jasper came forward and tried calming them. While Carlisle spoke to them.

"We are not your enemies like Victoria told you. Most of us do not even feed on human blood, but on the blood of animals. If you will let us, we will help you, you have been made pawns in Victoria's sick game of revenge. Please do not make us destroy you..."

Jasper was really struggling to calm the group of newborns, I could tell by his concentration and he was visibly shaking he was straining so hard. He was also reading their emotions. "Carlisle, most of them are lost, beyond newborn rage, they are little more than animals. Victoria broke them psychologically before she changed most of them. I am sorry but there is nothing we can do to help most of them."

Carlisle looked down sadly. "We are sorry. If you can reason, and you understand we are offering you help and will not harm you. Just sit down, If you are sitting we will not harm you. Without further conversation. And though you have no reason to trust us yet, I give you my word we will not harm you if you cooperate."

Only 2 more sat down looking confused, and upset, and frightened, they calmed because they stopped fighting Jasper the rest seemed to grow even Angrier. We were now joined by the rest of those who had been on the perimeter, they swept the warehouse, and since there were no stragglers they came and surrounded the group of newborns. I held them in place while my family carried out the grisly task of dismembering them to be burned. A fire was started in the warehouse, and they were thrown into it to be destroyed. Once that was done I released the ones sitting down and my family moved in to talk to them. Jane I saw going over to the first defector Bree, and she was sitting there consoling her.

Finally after several hours Demetri, Emmett, and Edward returned Demetri walked up to Carlisle and nodded. So it was done, they got Victoria. A very sad chapter in my life was closed. I just turned to Alice and held her both of us sobbing over the terrible thing we had just been forced to do. Esme came over to us and out her arms around us comforting us. I knew she was as full of sorrow as we were but her nature to support us and nurture us made her comfort us instead of sobbing along with us. I was so grateful to have a second mother as terrific as Esme.

Emmett was giving a play by play of how they had cornered Victoria in a canyon, and he tackled her, after Edward had caught her arm, and Demetri had taken her head in one quick move. They destroyed her right there.

Jasper walked over "OK Carlisle we are going to take these 2 newborns back to Denali with us. They will need a lot of work. They have been through a very traumatic experience, and their whole understanding of what was going on being turned on it's ear. I think it is safest to take them there since it is so remote I can protect them and the human population."

Carlisle agreed and I realized there were 3 newborns we did not destroy so I looked around to see if there had been another one who had to be destroyed. And I saw that the one they called Bree was gone, and I looked around and saw Jane was too. "Hey, where did the one they called Bree go, and where is Jane?" I asked.

Alice looked off into nothing and then smiled and Alice and Edward said simultaneously, "Looks like Jane has finally found a mate!" I spun and took Alice's hands and we jumped up and down screaming in joy. Everyone staring at us. We got some kind of happy ending out of this terrible tragic day.


We had returned home, and began learning what normal was. No crisis, or drama on the horizon. Jane had taken some time to finally call us. She went off on her own for a couple of months with Bree. She fell instantly in love with her, it turns out they were both the same age when they were turned. It took Bree a full week to finally tell Jane that she had feelings for her and that is when Jane spilled the beans and explained she felt the same way and explained mates, and how they were tied to each other, and how Jane wanted to take it slow, allowing Bree to come to these realizations on her own without any pressure, given how badly treated by Victoria she had been. Bree said that was sweet, and When Jane finally returned to Volterra, Aro was so delighted that Jane had found a mate, he made Bree an honorary member of the guard. Then to their surprise they discovered that Bree was also gifted. She had the gift of knowing the truth. That is how she knew Victoria was evil and lying, and how she accepted Jane so quickly, knowing that when Jane said she loved her that Jane was telling the complete truth.

Emmett held true to his word, he did not tease me at all for a month. After the first week I kinda missed it, so I decided to make a game of it. I would act clumsy like I was as a human tripping over thin air, I would fall down the stairs, I wore the cookie pants pants for 2 days straight, even inventing a cookie pants dance and song. But nothing. Finally I just came out and told Emmett that I missed the teasing, It was part of his charm. He told me, not to worry, he was a man of his word I had a month of no teasing, but he had been videotaping all of my antics and at the end of the month it was family movie night STARING ME! I chased him around the house trying to get him to tell me where the recording was stored, and he told me, too bad he had back up copies stashed all over. And Rosalie was even helping.

Truth be told, I didn't really mind, I thought my antics were funny too, and being teased only served to make me feel closer to the whole family.

The wolves were on their best behavior. And made several overtures towards peace. But what finally repaired our peace was they gave us an invitation onto their land to attend a bonfire where they would tell their legends in a very old ceremony that they used to keep their legends and traditions alive. We would be the first outsiders to ever attend, and being that we were the cold ones of legend it was such a profound demonstration of how they had changed their way of how they thought of us that we of course attended, and it was interesting. And we learned what Paul's comment about the third wife meant, and agreed Leah indeed did show the same self sacrificing courage that the third wife did. And after their telling of all their legends we agreed that together we made a better partnership than we did as enemies. They learned while we were still a danger to them, we could still slip, we were not perfect, just like their own alpha had slipped and phased too close to his imprint and scarred her for life. We could work together to help each other be better than we would otherwise be apart.

And what gave me the most Joy, Aro gave us permission for my father to be aware of our kind, without any threat. He trusted Carlisle's judgment on Charlie being trustworthy. So Alice and I went over to Charlie's house and Surprised him as soon as my Eyes faded to gold. I loved my gold eyes, I thought they were way prettier than they were as brown. Alice told me she thought she would miss my brown eyes, but she loved my golden eyes too. My dad was startled by my appearance but he invited us in. He was happy that I was OK, and the danger to me was past. He had all sorts of questions about what it was like, and was quick to point out he did not want to find out first hand, but he still loved me, and was grateful that his only child would live on forever having found true love. He told me that was a parent's greatest wish for their children to find happiness. He was most impressed by the speed I think. He finished a beer, and started to get up to get himself another one, and I handed him one fresh out of the fridge. He didn't even see me move to get it. He felt it was ice cold, and looked on my other side where Alice was sitting saying he thought maybe I had a cooler sitting next to me. I brought him several other odd items from the fridge to prove I actually got up went to the kitchen and got it from there. After his lap was full of frozen fish, a jar of pickles, a bottle of mustard, and various other items. He surrendered. We explained everything how he had permission to know about us but we needed to trust him to keep it secret. I knew I could trust him but he swore anyway to keep what he knew to himself. When we got up to leave since it was late I hugged him gently, and the burn was fierce, and the venom flowed. I told him it was really time for me to leave because he was starting to smell like food. He laughed, I guess I know where I get my calm in the face of danger from...

I felt I would have been OK to walk the stage at graduation, but since my appearance was so different, we decided to just forget about it. After all I would have many more opportunities to walk the stage at future graduation ceremonies unfortunately... Alice and I were going to Dartmouth together in the fall. Rosalie and Emmett went last year since they were a year ahead of us and gave us the lowdown on all our classes. I was very excited and looking forward to college, as was Alice, but I knew, she didn't really care about school anymore, but to experience something with me, that was new to me was what thrilled her.

Edward had done some traveling and found her. He found a mate. Only problem is she is a human blood drinker and she does not want to quit. Edward being the control freak he is is trying to change her, I think that is why they work. She won't wilt and change to be what he thinks she should be, and she likes that he cares enough to keep trying. It is funny to watch them together. But it is unmistakable they are as in love as Alice and I are.

We are packing this house up in storage. Covering everything with dust covers, Esme has bought a new house for the family closer to Dartmouth, and She is furnishing it with all new furniture. This house will sit dormant until we return to forks many many years from now. I will miss this house. It is funny I lived in phoenix with my Mother more years by far than anywhere else, but Forks just feels like home to me. I will miss it here, Alice has told me we will come back for frequent visits if I want, so I am at peace with moving on. After all, I have the most important thing of all. The love of my dear sweet, Allie, a woman whose love completes me. And the SEX! WOW!

A/N: LOL Couldn't help myself... OK that is it for this story, I am very grateful for those of you who reviewed, it makes me happy to be able to contribute something that others enjoy as much as I have enjoyed your stories. This story came to me because I have read several Femslash that were funny and wonderful and fun to read, and then I thought in all of these situations Bella is kept as a weak human for far too long, so I decided, it is just dumb to leave her weak, then I decided since I like strong women, to make her a kick-ass chick. But retain her kindness and goodness. I think I did that. I hope you enjoyed this story. I think it is my best one to date, but would like to see some reviews please they make me happy. Unless you hated this story in which case, not so much.

Be well.