Angels' Will

Chapter 25

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Last shout out to everyone! THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPPORT!

Sabine - Wow! I think that is the longest review for my story! Haha, thank you so much for your support once again and I hope I don't disappoint you with the "scene!" Please don't feel stupid! Don't worry about it! I will answer your first three questions at the end of this chapter...

Hollypaw888 - The first part of your review scared me, but then I understood as I read, haha! Thank you for your wonderful idea and undying support!

urufushinigami - Haha, I'm glad you love it and it WOULD be horrible! Yes, I'm sorry but this is the end! However your support won't be forgotten.

punk lolita23 - I'm glad you thought the sword was beautiful! Haha, so did I! Thank you for your support!

Guest (not quite sure if this is Sabine...) - When Rukia and Hitsugaya marry, Rukia will lose her maiden name and then she will live in the kingdom of her husband. (Hitsugaya) Well, I'm sure the answer will lie in this chapter, haha. Thank you for your support!

Okay, so I feel this is important enough to be addressed separately rather than it being a review question thing. So this is an answer to Sabine's question about the wings and their colors.

Okay, so when an angel falls in love, take Orihime for instance, their wings take on a specific color. When an angel who is in love gets rejected, the wings' color (whatever it may be) darkens and only appears at the tips. On the other hand, if the love is reciprocated the wings will return back to white (their original color) and only glow that color when they are near their significant other.

Regarding when an angel falls in love again, the colors will basically be gradients. There will be a different color for the second love, but the first love's color will still be there. Same thing will happen if the second love is rejected. The color will darken and stack upon the first color. This will go on until the angel finds true love. The wings will resort back to their original color, void of all the other colors. Then they will only glow the color that represented their significant other. Be it the fourth or fifth color or so on.

I hope this makes sense! I apologize for not explaining this well the first time!

*sighs really loudly* DONE! IT'S DONE! Ah, finally! Thank you everyone yet again and this is the final chapter! Welcome and please enjoy yourselves with this last reading for Angels' Will. One last thing I will say for this final intro, is to check out my other HitsuRuki story, I Promise You.

Anyway, ONWARD!

Toshiro felt something heavy on his chest as he began to regain his consciousness. Behind his closed eyelids he could tell that his surroundings were very bright. A gentle breeze flowed across his body and caressed his hair.

"Master," Hyourinmaru's voice softly called out.

Toshiro slowly lifted his eyelids but quickly shut them when they let blinding bright light through. He heard chuckling beside him and whatever that was on his chest moved a bit. He attempted to open his eyes again, but this time he shielded them with his hand. They adjusted to the lighting and he looked down and discovered that Rukia was sleeping on his chest. He smiled, glad she was back to her human form, and reached out to run the back of his hand along her cheek.

"Where are we, Hyourinmaru?" Toshiro asked without looking up.

"We are in the world that the two of you have created. It is one within both of your minds," Hyourinmaru answered.

Toshiro finally pried his eyes away from his princess and took a good look around their world. The bright sun shone amidst an endless expanse of clear blue sky. Toshiro and Rukia lay upon a blanket of clouds that stretched to the horizon and gave the impression that it didn't end there.

"It's empty now," Shirayuki suddenly said, making her presence known, "but you two have a lifetime to fill it up."

Toshiro nodded and his eyes fell back to watching Rukia as she began to stir. Her beautiful amethyst eyes slowly opened. They seemed unfocused for a moment before finally focusing on Toshiro's gaze. She immediately blushed once realizing their position and hurriedly sat up.

The zanpaktous both stifled their laughs at the princess' actions.

The wind picked up in their peaceful world as clouds began to fill the once clear sky. Rukia looked around in wonder and awe before turning to Toshiro when he pulled her into a warm and tight embrace. She leaned into his welcoming warmth.

Shirayuki looked around and let out a tired sigh. "You two make a lovely pair, but your friends are trying to wake the both of you."

"Yes, it's time to go," Hyourinmaru agreed. "Feel free to visit whenever, though."

As if on cue, Toshiro's wings flared out and engulfed both him and Rukia. They slowly began to glow before flashing very brightly once and disappearing. Shirayuki gave Hyourinmaru a warm smile before taking her leave as well.


Rukia opened her eyes and laid their gaze on her friends' worried faces as they stared down at her, calling her name. She smiled and brought a hand to rub the tiredness out of her eyes. She tried to push herself into a sitting position but a pair of hands pressed themselves against her shoulders to keep her from doing so.

"Your body is still exhausted, Rukia-chan," Orihime stated gently.

Rukia blinked a couple of times before finding Orihime's face. She immediately smiled and then relaxed against the bed. Senna's face appeared with a big smile.

"Ah, I'm so glad you're awake!" she stated happily.

Rukia nodded. "I'm glad that all of you are safe."

The girls all made 'of-course-we-are' faces.

"And Hitsugaya-sama is alright too!" added Orihime. "I think he's woken up because the guys were making so much noise a second ago."

Rukia nodded again before asking, "But what happened? How did I get here?"

Orihime let out a squeal, but Senna quickly shushed her.

"I'm going to tell it!" Senna said, giving Orihime one of her looks.

Orihime pouted, but sat back anyway.

"Well," started Senna, "as we were rushing towards Hitsugaya-sama, you were nowhere in sight! When we came closer Hitsugaya-sama just fainted and his sword disappeared before a bright light flashed and then suddenly there you were! Well, to be more specific, you appeared on the ground right next to him."

Rukia nodded, only remembering the part when she too had lost consciousness. "I see." She gave a tired smile to her two friends. "Thank you, but I think that I'm just going to sleep a little bit more."

Two months had passed since both Toshiro and Rukia were discharged from the hospital. Throughout the duration of this time, neither were able to see each other for they were busy righting their kingdoms from the chaos that Aizen caused. Their main contact consisted of writing letters to each other.

Toshiro had been consumed with the task of dealing with the casualties of his armies and making sure that others were being recruited and trained well. He was also caught up with addressing the public with "It's over now" speeches and apologizing for the trouble the war caused for his people. Hyourinmaru had also returned to his Pegasus form for the time being.

"Master, you will ascend to be king of this kingdom very soon," commented Hyourinmaru as Toshiro gently brushed down his fur.

The two were in the stables after Toshiro had taken Hyourinmaru for a quick ride.

Toshiro nodded, "I know."

Hyourinmaru shook his head back and forth, letting out a neigh as he did so.

"Stand still, please," Toshiro said, a little annoyed at his Pegasus' antics.

Hyourinmaru internally smiled. "I heard that the Kuchikis' princess is getting much attention from princes and kings all over the land," Hyourinmaru stated in a nonchalant manner, hoping his master would take the hint.

"She should," Toshiro replied back dryly. She's beautiful after all.

Hyourinmaru turned his head to stare at his master. "Well, are you planning on doing anything?"

As a matter of fact, Toshiro did have something planned in mind, but he was suddenly in a shroud of doubt. With all the attention Rukia was receiving, would she still choose him? Deep down inside he was sure she would, but he couldn't bring all of himself to believe that.

"I don't know," Toshiro finally muttered. He stopped brushing Hyourinmaru and stared at his hand. "We haven't seen each other in so long and in her letters she seems to be getting along fine without me."

Hyourinmaru snorted. "Do you doubt her feelings for you now?" When Toshiro remained quiet he added, "Well, you never know until you do something. Right, Master?"

Rukia threw aside yet another proposal letter and groaned in irritation. She leaned back in her chair and let her head lay back as she closed her eyes. It's been two months! Two months and he hasn't done ANYTHING.

One of Rukia's maids entered her quarters and bowed before the princess.

Rukia sensing another presence sat upright and nodded to her maid. "Yes? Is there something that you need?"

The maid nodded towards the pile of letters on Rukia's desk. "Princess you are very popular."

Rukia too looked towards the unsightly pile. Yes, but apparently I'm not popular with the one that I want to be with. "Indeed."

"Kuchiki-sama is requesting you to meet him in his office, Princess," the maid said, remembering what she was sent here for.

"Okay, thank you for telling me, you may leave."

The maid bowed again and quietly left.

Rukia stared after her for a moment, silently reminiscing in the time when she was a maid. A funny thought entered her mind as she thought that any of her maids could be undiscovered princesses. With that she left her room to go to her father.

Dusk fell upon the peaceful kingdom of Sakura no kuni as Toshiro and Hyourinmaru stealthily snuck into the castle grounds. Hyourinmaru had landed behind the castle in the garden. Toshiro slipped off, carefully minding Hyourinmaru's wings.

"When I suggested you do something, I didn't mean do something criminal!" Hyourinmaru harshly whispered to his master.

Toshiro let out a quiet laugh. "It's not that serious. Now you go find Shirayuki and I'll set things up here."

Hyourinmaru snorted, but quickly shot off to follow his master's orders.

"That's why we're hoping for an heir," Hisana said with a sweet smile.

Rukia stared at her parents in shock. They were expecting her to give them grandchildren! "B-But wait-"

"I understand the situation between you and Prince Hitsugaya, but if he doesn't propose, then there isn't much we can do," Byakuya interjected. His face had a scowl on it and his eyes had hardened when he mentioned the prince.

Hisana gave a playful, but meaningful push to Byakuya's shoulder. Although she was smiling, she gave her dear husband a look that caused him to inwardly shudder. Hisana looked back to Rukia. "I would gladly go talk to him if you want me too, dear."

Rukia blushed and shook her head no. "No, it's alright." In a quieter voice she muttered, "I don't want to force him into anything."

"There are other princes, Rukia," Byakuya pointed out. Though he admits that he would probably would give them a less of a chance with his daughter than the white-haired prince.

Rukia nodded, albeit disappointedly.

Suddenly the doors burst open as a few servants stumbled in. They were red in the face and panting hard. The royal family turned to look at them in one motion. Byakuya and Hisana were astonished, but curious to see why their servants were in such a state.

"K-Kuchiki-s-sama," coughed out one servant.

Byakuya immediately stood, assuming that their castle was under attack.

"Princess, your Pegasus," started another servant.

Rukia, upon hearing that, shot up to a standing position immediately. She went and knelt before the girl who had spoken. "What about my Pegasus?"

The servant looked Rukia in the eyes as she said, "She flew off with another Pegasus before we could stop her." The girl then buried her face in her hands as she cried. "I'm so sorry Princess!"

Rukia comforted her and then asked, "What did the other Pegasus look like?"

The servant mumbled her answer and the only thing Rukia could make out was "teal."

Rukia just sat there, utterly shocked. That word brought on so many feelings that she simply did not know how to handle the wave of emotions. Byakuya almost groaned at hearing that one word.

Talk about timing, Byakuya thought.

Another servant ran in and accidently tripped over one of the other servants who were still lying on the floor. Byakuya rubbed his forehead in annoyance.

"Princess! You need to come to the garden!" the servant shouted in excitement. "You must see this!"

Rukia stood up and started running towards the garden without saying anything. It's him right?

The servant who had fallen quickly got up and bowed to the king and queen before chasing after the princess.

"Shall we take a trip to the garden, love?" Hisana asked with scheming smile.

Byakuya stood up and offered his arm to his wife. She took it and the two began their stroll. Byakuya gritted his teeth while thinking of the many ways he could torture the prince.

Rukia pushed open the double doors leading into the backyard garden and was met with the perfumed scent of the night air. She stumbled outside and looked around in disappointment. The garden was the same as always, just dark. Rukia walked further down a stone path and looked around in discontent. The beautiful sakura trees rippled under the soothing moonlight.

Sighing she turned around and started walking back to the castle. Had that servant lied to her? Her footsteps were muffled by the many fallen petals and leaves that laid upon the pathway.

Rukia's eyes widened as she looked down at her shadow that was suddenly framed by light. She whipped around and tears immediately began filling her eyes. There stood Prince Toshiro Hitsugaya.

He stood at the center of the garden in the midst of lanterns that were strung up around the surrounding trees. Ice bouquets that surrounded him shimmered and reflected the warm light that the lanterns gave off. Toshiro had effectively created a winter wonderland amidst the beauty of spring.

Toshiro held out his hand and smiled. His sea-foam green eyes spoke words that could never be accurately portrayed out loud. Rukia walked forward, feeling as if she were in a dream. She placed her hand in his and was pulled to his chest.

"Rukia," Toshiro breathed, simply loving the sound of her name coming from his mouth.

Rukia hugged Toshiro back and just nestled her face into his chest.

Toshiro finally pulled himself away from Rukia, causing her to look at him in confusion. Her confused face quickly changed to a shock one as Toshiro got down on his left knee. He smiled again as he brought out a small blue box from behind his back. He opened it, revealing a gold ring with a circle-shaped diamond on the top. A ring of smaller diamonds surrounded it.

"Rukia Kuchiki, Princess of Sakura no Kuni, will you take the honor of becoming my wife?"

Rukia gasped and held one hand to her mouth as she stared dumbstruck at Toshiro.

Toshiro looked curiously at her, wondering if maybe waiting two months to drop the question was too long.

"Y-Yes! Wait no," Rukia said, letting words spill out of her mouth. "I mean of course I will!"

Toshiro let out a sigh of relief and put the ring on Rukia's finger. He then stood up and pulled Rukia towards him for a surprise kiss.

"Excuse us."

The couple stopped centimeters from each other's lips before reluctantly pulling apart. They looked over to see a frowning Byakuya and a grinning Hisana. Toshiro smirked a bit before wrapping an arm around Rukia's waist and pulling her body closer to his.

"Ah, he-we-I just sa-" Rukia stuttered while blushing.

"Oh we know what happened, sweetie," Hisana interrupted. She walked up to the couple with Byakuya in tow. "We are so happy for you two!" Hisana looked towards Byakuya. "Aren't we?"

"So happy I could murder someone," Byakuya replied with a glare.

Toshiro returned Byakuya's glare with a smirk of his own.

"Honey!" Hisana scolded, but she quickly turned to Rukia. "Don't mind your father, we are very happy." Hisana grabbed Rukia's hand and began leading her to the castle. "Come inside, we wouldn't want you to get sick, now would we? I'll tell the servants to prepare a room for you two," Hisana said the last part quieter as she winked at her daughter.

Rukia let her mouth fall open and she gaped like a fish while a rosy redness colored her cheeks.

One of Byakuya's veins popped out at what his wife had said. He glared daggers and swords and a whole bunch of other sharp and lethal weapons at Toshiro. The king walked up to him and leaned down next to Toshiro's ear.

"Do anything to my precious daughter and I will personally stick a sword up a place where you don't want it," the king threatened. He smirked evilly as he added in a lower more threatening tone, "All the way up to the hilt."

With that said Byakuya turned briskly and began walking towards the castle without sparing anymore glances to the prince.

Toshiro let shudders pass as he looked at Byakuya's retreating figure. Smirking he muttered, "Well I will just have to take that risk."


(Pretty much for Sabine)

Twenty-two years an night...

"Hmm, so this is the secret power?" Aizen asked as he looked up from the document he was given.

The man before Aizen nodded. "Yes, and it is reborn into a fated pair of angels."

Aizen pushed up his glasses. "Ulquiorra, who has the power if not me?"

Ulquiorra pulled out a chair in front of Aizen's desk and sat down before the other noble. "They were born a couple months back, but I was able to locate where they were."

"Really?" asked Aizen as he rested his chin atop both of his hands. "Who are they?"

"Princess Rukia Kuchiki of Sakura no Kuni and Prince Toshiro Hitsugaya of Kōri Ryū's Jūkyo," Ulquiorra answered.

Aizen frowned. "Royals? That makes things more complicated then." Aizen picked up the document and looked it over. "We can't kill them, but we can separate them."

It was Ulquiorra's turn to frown. "They are fated to meet Aizen-sama."

Aizen smiled as he pushed the document away. "Fate cannot do anything about ranks, however. Royals never interact with those of lower statuses. Not to mention those of another kingdom." He caught Ulquiorra's gaze. "Kidnap the girl."

"Kidnap?" Ulquiorra inquired. "What do I do afterwards?"

Aizen stood up and began moving to his bookshelf, scanning the titles. "Give her to the Hinamoris. After all, I heard they were quite nice when taking in abandoned babies."

Ulquiorra looked at Aizen hard. "But the Hinamoris have a daughter. She was born a year or two ago."

"Exactly," Aizen said as he pulled out a red-covered book and began walking back to his desk. "I will take their daughter eventually, so I might as well give them another in exchange."

"Very well." Ulquiorra stood up to leave, unsure of Aizen's plan and if it would actually work.

"Don't fail me, Ulquiorra," Aizen called out as Ulquiorra left the room.

Gah! I'm sorry, that was RUSHED. But I hope I answered your questions!

Anyway, my last thank you is an endless thank you!

I'm really happy to have finally finished this story, after what, about two years I think?

So thank you to everyone who had anything to do with this story! Please check out my other story, I Promise You!

And finally,

