Javier had gone through most of the day in a fog, most of his time spent catching up on paperwork or doing research into some of the more recent case files. He worked diligently but his mind was elsewhere, and his entire team knew it.

For the first time, he was grateful to Castle; every time Kate got near him, her eyes burning with questions, the big writer would head her off, peppering her with questions, comments, or random observations until Javi could clear the immediate area. Ryan covered for him several times as well with Gates, citing the Hispanic detective's mind-numbing work as being an integral effort to whatever case they were currently spear-heading. He had no idea what kind deity had given him such good and loyal friends, but he silently thanked the heavens every time they covered for him.

Finally it was time to call it a day, and Javier had never been more grateful. He was out the door so fast that he nearly left a trail of dust in his wake. As he went, somewhere deep in his mind he wondered why it was he was in such a hurry to go home. Not like there's anyone waiting for me there, he thought dismally.

But then it hit him…and it was enough to bring him to an abrupt halt when the realization fully sank in. Somewhere in his heart, hope was burning bright, that she would be there waiting when he got home. In his mind's eye he saw her, all those years ago, waiting quietly at the door as he talked to his commander and made his decision known. He was leaving the Army and that was that.

She had waited loyally for him then, even when his decision had shattered her heart. Now his heart was the one at stake, and it was thundering in his chest, filling him with the hope that she would be waiting for him now. With that single thought burning in his mind, he started moving again, even more determined to get back to his apartment sooner rather than later.

When he reached his door, he was surprised to see that the latch, deadbolt, and the doorframe had all been repaired. Hmm. The landlord sure moved fast, he thought, nodding to the officer quietly standing next to the door before the man handed him his new keys silently. They exchanged a few quiet words, then Javier dismissed him, watching the beat cop go about his business for a moment before inserting his new keys into the door and unlocking it.

He walked through the door, his eyes scanning swiftly over the area in the vain hope that she would be standing there, then he felt his heart sink when he saw no one. Turning and closing the door with a deep sigh, he locked and bolted it, taking two steps into the room before something made him stop. Slowly, he turned, letting his gaze scan the room again, only more carefully this time. Then he saw her.

She was sitting in the window seat that he had installed, her gray eyes watching the sun slowly set in the distance. Her powerful back was pressed against the wall, one of her legs stretched fully out while the other was bent at the knee. The elbow of the arm nearest to Javier was resting comfortably on her raised knee, and her entire posture was relaxed and her facial expression was calm and thoughtful.

"I didn't…think you were coming back." Javier finally said, cautiously taking a couple steps closer to her as Linnea's head turned ever so slightly towards him. Her eyes lost focus as she pondered over something, then her gaze sharpened again and she spoke.

"My sudden departure had nothing to do with you, Javi. It was a regrettable yet necessary action or I might have done something to that…woman." He heard the pause as she substituted a different word as a descriptor for Beckett. His sigh was so deep that Linnea couldn't help but turn her head to look fully at him, then he closed the distance between them and sat gently on the opposite end of the window seat. They sat staring at one another, glowing gray to sorrowful mahogany, before Javier spoke.

"I never realized just how much I hurt you when I walked away, all those years ago. Now the fates have seen fit to turn the tables, and I stand to lose just as much as you did. And if what I'm feeling now is any indicator to how you felt then, then I am truly sorry." Her eyes had narrowed at the sudden change in topics, but she studied him silently as he spoke, her eyes giving nothing away. He flinched visibly when she looked away, her gaze roaming back to the setting sun as she considered his words.

As the silence grew between them, Javier started to panic a little, his conscience warring with his heart as he silently berated himself, wondering why he had to poke at an old wound like a bloody fool. It had been years since that day, but still. Did she really need the reminder that he had left her behind? He cursed himself for a fool. If she were to leave him behind as well, then hell. He absolutely deserved it.

Finally her gaze found his again, and he was aware of his thundering heartbeat, his heart pounding against his ribs so hard that he was sure the bones would break under the strain. Linnea's eyes gave nothing away as she stared at him, and he felt his hope starting to crumble under her gaze.

"It hurt, yes, but I understood why you left. I understood you were leaving the Army, not me. And I forgave you, even though it didn't help with the hurt. You did what you wanted to do with your life, and I understood that too. Life is strange that way; it puts so many people on the journey with us, and then it takes them away. We break at the loss, then we come back stronger. It's just the way it is. You moved on and I broke, but I came back from it. Now the fates have seen fit to put us at this crossroad again. And I have made my decision, just as you did back then. The only difference now is that you have a choice in whether you want to stay or follow. I didn't have that luxury." Her words hurt, but they brought comfort as well. Javier had always known that Linnea was unusually understanding when it came to most matters. It came as no surprise that she had understood his actions without needing an explanation.

"So you have decided where you're going?" Javier had to know, had to hear the words before he said anything further. He waited with bated breath, looking into her eyes and knowing that she held the power to shatter his heart or make it sing, all with one little sentence.

"Yes, I have."

A/N: So. Been awhile. Been focused on Always There, when the muse was with me, and on poetry and everything else I have running in the background when the muse is on vacation. The muse took an extended vacation, by the way. This just came to me after a long night on guard duty. So yay for sleep deprivation!

This one is a little emotional, wee bit angsty, but I wanted the focus back on Javi and Linnea. I do enjoy how this one came out too.

To my dear readers, reviewers, favoriters, and followers, thank you as always for your continued patience with the story and my schedule! I'm hoping to get the muse back soon.

As always, love if you will, hate if you must. I will take anything that you care to dispense.

Until we meet again...
