Note: Hey sorry this chapter is so short and it's like completely pure fluff but I needed to like get this scene out there. Next one will be longer! Enjoy!

It had been two weeks since we'd given the tips about Christian to the police and so far nothing had happened. Cooper was calling every day to check on the progress and they said that they were still investigating. On one hand it made me mad on the other I felt like I didn't need the stress of being involved in a huge court case on my hands. The gloom that had settled over everyone faded away and things had finally gone back to normal. I hadn't told Nat about my decision yet though. I was looking for the perfect way and perfect time but it never seemed to come.

"What if I got him a father's day card?" I asked. I was lying on the couch in Patty's living room while she sat on the floor, typing away at her computer as usual.

"First of all it's May, there are no father's day cards right now. And second that's so impersonal...and it's a little strange." she replied. I sighed.

"I can't think of anything!" I exclaimed.

"Why don't you just tell him in a normal way? You know...a conversation?" she asked.

"Because this is huge and I feel like I need to make a gesture out of it!" I replied. She shot me a look.

"Rosalina, it's a big enough gesture that you're agreeing to raise his child with him." I considered this and nodded.

"Yeah I guess you're right. Oh you know what happened with Amber? I gave her my number but she never called..." I said. She grimaced.

"Amber's parents made her...get rid of her baby." she said, uncomfortably. I gasped.

"What?" she nodded.

"I mean she's only fifteen and scared and so used to obeying everything they say. They guilted her into it." she replied. I felt my heart sink.

"That's so sad..." she nodded.

We sat there in silence for a few minutes. "Try not to think about it. You have enough going on." Patty said. I sighed and tried to push the thought out of my mind.

"We should get going, I told Cooper we'd meet the band at the studio during the lunch break." she said, standing up.

"Why?" I asked.

"To meet the new bassists." she replied, avoiding eye contact.

"Wait...bassists? As in there's more than one?" I asked. She gave a nervous laugh and nodded.

"Yeah's a girl but she's so nice, you'll like her a lot. And I think she's already crushing on Thomas so we're good. And the other is this guy who's super nice. I think he's gay. But Cooper doesn't want to tell the band because he thinks Thomas will get all awkward and start trying to be funny with offensive jokes." she said. I nodded. I knew I was being ridiculous but the thought of a girl replacement bassist annoyed me.

"Is the girl pretty?" I asked. Patty bit her lip and nodded.

"But you know Nat only has eyes for you." she added. I nodded but still couldn't help but feel threatened as we made our way out of the building and to the studio.


When we got there, the band was sitting in a circle on the ground eating pizza. Cooper got up to come greet Patty and Nat did the same, coming over and kissing me.

"Nice pizza breath." I joked crinkling my nose. He laughed.

"Hey you didn't throw up, can't be that bad." he joked back. I laughed and he put his arm around me, walking me over to the circle where I sat beside him.

"Nat?" A ridiculously good looking, well groomed guy said, nodding towards me.

"Oh yeah, Rosalina this is one of the uh...temp bassists. Eric." he said. Eric reached over and kissed my hand flamboyantly.

"You are even more lovely than he let on." he replied. I smiled and thanked him shyly.

"And this is Claire." he said. I looked over at Claire and felt myself getting anxious about her spending so much time with the band. Even though she was sitting I could tell she was tall and thin. She had a tan despite the fact that up until recently the city had been cloudy, her long blonde hair fell in waves down to her lower back, and she had bright blue eyes. She looked like a Barbie I'd had when I was little.

She got up and ran over to me, throwing her arms around me.

"I'm so glad to finally meet you!" she exclaimed. I smiled and hugged her back.

"Same here." I replied. The worst part was she wasn't even being fake nice. She was just genuinely that happy.

"Nat talks about you all the time! It's so cute!" she squealed, returning to her seat next to Thomas.

"Aw." I said, elbowing him. He laughed and nudged me back.

"Hey Rosalina?" Patty called from where she and Cooper were having a more sophisticated lunch than pizza on the floor.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Didn't you have something you wanted to tell private?" she asked. I glared at her, but then I realized she had a good point. It wasn't the type of thing that one made a huge deal of. All I had to do was inform him of my decision. And yet my heart felt like it was pounding so hard it was going to fall out.

Nat looked at me questioningly. "Uh...yeah. Come on." I said, standing up. He followed suit and we walked out of the room, down into the stairway where we'd fought so long ago. Except this time it was different. This time it was good.

"Not such a great place for us." he said, lightly but I could tell he was nervous.

"Well...I think it's about to get better. Come sit down." I said, taking a seat on one of the steps. He sat next to me and I took one of his hands in mine.

"So remember that couple I told you about? The one Cooper found?" I asked. He tensed up.

"Yeah..." he said, hanging his head. Great. He thought this was bad.

"Well a couple weeks ago they kept calling Cooper to ask about my decision. To see if they were wasting their time. And so he asked me. For my final decision. And..." he looked up sadly.

"And I told them to find another girl." A look of shock and confusion washed over his face.

"What?" he asked.

"This baby's ours Nat...and that's the way it's going to stay." I said. A huge grin spread across his face.

"So after she...or born, you'd better be prepared to wake up in the middle of the night and-" he didn't even let me finish, he grabbed my face and kissed me so enthusiastically we almost fell over.

I laughed and pulled him into a hug. He was laughing and smiling which in turn gave me the same reaction and we sat there laughing and smiling like idiots. Two extremely in love idiots.

"You have no idea how happy you just made me." he said, caressing the side of my face and then kissing me again.

"I think I do." I replied smiling as I realized tears had formed in both of our eyes.

"You're shaking." he said, reaching for my hands. I took a deep breath.

"Well that was extremely nerve wracking to tell you. And I'm kind of scared." I said. He leaned his forehead against mine.

"I am too. But we can do this. I know we can." he said. I nodded and he smiled, pulling back.

"Have I ever told you that you're my never ending love, Rosalina?" he asked. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"I think once or twice cheesey. But it's ok cause you're mine too." I replied. He wrapped me up in a hug.

"I love you." he whispered.

"I love you too."