Disclaimer: I do not own the anime/manga series "Yu-Gi-Oh." This story is strictly a work of fanfiction and no profit is being made from it.

Serenity Wheeler laughed happily as her brother Joey finished describing Tristan and Duke's latest mishap to her over the telephone.

"It sounds like you've all been having fun" she said.

"Yeah things have been pretty good lately" Joey replied from the other end of the line. "Ya know, no crazy guys trying to take over the world, no disembodied minds trying to trap us in a virtual world and steal our bodies."

He was currently in a park sitting on a bench and leaning back contentedly as he spoke into a mobile phone. All around him there were people of all ages, some playing Duel Monsters, others just out enjoying the weather.

"By the way Joey, are our plans for the weekend still on?" Serenity asked.

"You bet. This time Saturday we'll be feeling the same sea breeze we felt when we were kids." He remembered when he and his sister played on the beach as children and he smiled as a feeling of nostalgia came over him.

"Okay Joey, I'll see you then."

"I'll see you too Sis. Bye for now."


Serenity hung up the phone and smiled as she thought about the surprise she had planned for her brother. She glanced at the duel disk and card deck lying on a table in front of her. I can't wait for Joey to see how much better I've gotten at duelling she thought. Of course I'm no-where near as good as him or Yugi but I think he'll be impressed.

She picked up the deck she had constructed and began idly sorting through the cards.

Back in the park Joey also hung up. He got up from the bench and casually strolled away. As he did so he was completely unaware of the figure sitting on another bench nearby. The figure lowered the newspaper he had been pretending to read and watched him go.

"The beach on Saturday huh" he mused. "Perfect. I'll see you there Wheeler."

Joey grinned as he stood on the white sandy surface and stared out at the vast ocean stretching away across the horizon as far as the eye could see. Even now he could clearly remember making a sandcastle with Serenity.

He was so caught up in reminiscing that he failed to notice that someone was sneakily creeping up behind him, a blackjack held in one hand.

"It'll be great to see my sister again" Joey said aloud. As much as he loved all of his friends it would be nice to spend some time with just Serenity like they had as children. He glanced at his watch. "Hey I hope she's okay. She's a little late."

The stranger sprang forwards and swung the blackjack, hitting him in the head. Joey dropped to the sand and groaned dully as his assailant took out a roll of tape and began binding his hands together.

Serenity got off the bus and inhaled deeply, enjoying the sea air. I hope Joey hasn't been waiting too long she thought as she walked towards the beach.

"Hello" she called. "Joey, are you there?"

There was no reply. A feeling of worry began to form and she adjusted the strap of her bag nervously. Joey should be there by now.

She jogged further up the beach until she spotted something odd. There in the sand was a line formed by something being dragged. Curious she followed the line across the white dunes.

Serenity wasn't sure what she anticipated finding but what she came across was not it. In front of her was Joey, bound, gagged and being dragged across the sand by a young man with black hair. He wore a purple cap and a green jacket. On his wrist was a duel disk.

"Stop!" she cried.

He let go of Joey and turned to glare at her. She was afraid but managed to keep her voice level as she said "let him go."

"No chance" he replied with a sneer. "My name's Zeke Lloyd and I'm going to make this guy pay for what he did to my cousin."

"What do you mean?" she asked

"My cousin is Rex Raptor. He was a Duel Monsters champion, the most famous in the country. Wheeler ruined him. He became a joke after he lost to some rookie duellist. My cousin's reputation was destroyed and it's all Wheeler's fault!"

"But Joey didn't do anything wrong" she protested. "He duelled fairly and he won fairly."

"I don't care!" Zeke yelled. "I'll make him pay for making Rex into a laughing stock!"

"Wait!" Serenity cried.

At that point Joey stirred. His eyes bulged as he caught sight of her and he started making muffled noises and flicking his head. He thought, Serenity, get away! Run!

She had to force herself to stay focused on Zeke. "I challenge you to a duel! If I win you let my brother go."

He grinned cruelly. "And if I win, I'll get you too."

Joey shook his head frantically while uttering muffled yells. It took considerable effort for Serenity to not look at him as she said "deal."

She took a duel disk out of her bag and put it on her arm. Both of them slotted their decks into place and activated the disks, the two segments of the arm blade unfolding and locking into place.

"Let's duel!"

Hold on Joey she thought. I won't let you down; especially after everything you've done for me.