A.N. After a year of hardships and pain, I think I'm ready to come back to fanfiction again. Sorry to my loyal followers who have been kind enough to keep reviewing my stories despite having not been updated at all. Now that I'm back, I'll try to get my ass in gear.

Problem is, I can't remember most of the plots I had for my stories. Most have probably noticed that I never really start out with a plot, and kind of work my way from there until I get smacked in the face with inspiration.

Which means it's time for rewrites. As such, I'm marking all my 'Originals' as completed, and completely re-doing them. No more PWPs, unless otherwise stated. It's been difficult for me this past year, and I think I can tell what happened if someone wishes to know. However, it's been a real eye opener, and I've realized I've been really immature with not working out what I'm writing first before just... typing.

I'll most like start a story dump for the things that I just type, if you wish to read that.

Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read through this. As a reward, I'll copy-paste what I had written for Chapter 6 of my crossover, Strawberry Basket, below for those of you who have read it, and wish to know why Ichigo was suddenly taken into her Inner World.


Now! In Strawberry Basket!

Chapter 6:

Ichigo groaned when she came to, glancing around herself with confusion. Sideways... blue... buildings...! She was in her Inner World! She cursed, rather loudly, and turned around quickly, watching for her Hollow.

"Calm down, Queen. Season's over." the pale man sighed, gold-on-black eyes gazing at her with controlled fury. She sighed in relief, taking her time to try and pin-point what brought her here.

"If it wasn't you, and it wasn't Zangetsu... who pulled me in?" she asked wearily, stepping closer to her Hollow when she couldn't feel the reassuring weight of Zangetsu's blade on her back.

"No clue, but once you appeared, Old man disappeared. I don't know where he went to..." Shirosaki grumbled, glaring at a flare of reiatsu in the distance. Wait. What! Ichigo glanced towards the flare, pulling her Hollow in that direction.

"Let's go check that out, it's not right if you and I are here and Zangetsu has the same signature." she murmured. Shiro 'tch'ed as he rolled his two-toned eyes.

"Yeah, sure, go towards the mysterious pressure that might try to kill us. Smart Queen, smart." Ichigo growled, slapping the Hollow upside the head.

"Shut it you. And when did you become logical?" Shiro smirked at the question, squeezing the strawberry's ass. Ichigo gasped as she swiped at him, face burning like the inner inferno she had in her eyes.

"Since I jacked off to the thoughts of actually getting you to agree to mate." he chuckled, making a motion that had her reeling in disgust.

"Of course, only I could get the perpetually horny, perverted Hollow. No one else! Only me." Shiro gasped, clutching his heart in mock pain. The reiatsu flare seemed closer, as if they were walking (well, jumping building to sideways building) to the same point.

"Oh, Ichi, you wound me so! And right when I thought I had finally gotten a heart, you tear it to pieces!" he cried before laughing his warbling laugh. Ichigo scoffed, hopping to the next building when she bumped into something. Er, correction – someone.

"Oi!" Ichigo called, pissed off that someone had bumped into her in her... Inner... World... "Dude, what the fuck!" she yelped, stumbling back into Shirosaki. "How the hell is he here?" she screamed, looking at the man clad in white. Brown hair styled back with a lone strand sitting between equally chocolate eyes. An unnerving smile sat upon his lips as he watched the two interact. "This is... But I... How...? This isn't possible!" the orange-haired girl stuttered. Shiro pulled his black-clothed Inverted Zangetsu from his back, one arm wrapped protectively around his master.

"This ain't funny. How are you even here? We killed you!" he hissed to the man.

"Aizen." The man smirked.


Watching her form toss and turn was... aggravating to say in the least. How no matter what we did, she never woke up. Although, she was muttering 'no, not him' every so often. Talking in her sleep? Mr. Kurosaki seemed unsettled by this, but I wonder why? Was it not normal for her to do that? I guess I don't know her as well as I thought. Despite that, I'm going to try harder to understand her, so things like this won't happen again.

"Kurosaki-san..." Shigure called from the door. The three of us turned around to face him, eyes wide. "Can I talk to you," he gave Yuki and I a look, "alone, if possible?" Mr. Kurosaki nodded as he got up, giving us the same look that screamed 'stay here'. After he and Shigure walked away, Yuki glanced over at Ichigo and sighed.

"If this continues on, the stress of this will definitely make us change." I nodded, silent and not going off on the rat like I normally do. There really isn't anything we could say at a time like this. Ichigo twitched, and anyone else would have missed it, because it was so quick. Her eyes were screwed shut, as if she were in pain. Her lips formed a straight line, pressed together so tight they turned white.

I know what you're thinking. "I waited a year for this?" I'm sorry, very, very sorry for not finishing any of my stories. As I said before, a lot has happened in the past year, and finishing up stories that I couldn't even remember what I was thinking before...

I ask that you please wait a little longer for the revisions to come out. Hopefully, they'll be better worded than the originals.

Matta ne, min'na.
