A/N: We've come to the end of this tale! Special thanks to everyone who has reviewed every chapter - you have inspired me to finish this story and helped me through my writer's block. Enjoy all the McAbby goodness in this chapter!

"I know I let you down

But it's not like that now

This time I'll never let you go
I will be all that you want

And get myself together

'Cause you keep me from falling apart.
All my life, I'll be with you forever

To get you through the day

And make everything okay."
-Avril Lavigne

Grayed out scene: Close up shot of Jethro, Tim's dog

Saturday 4:15 P.M.

"Agent Gibbs! May I ask what you're doing outside Mr. McGee's room?"

"Drinking coffee."

Dr. Hart frowned. "Yes, but your chair is blocking the doorway."

"It is? Huh," Gibbs shrugged a shoulder and took another sip of coffee.

"I really must insist that you find another location in which to drink your beverage."

"And I really must insist that you give my agent some privacy."

"Your-" Dr. Hart sputtered. "Agent Gibbs, Mr. McGee is a patient in this hospital and his health is my primary concern."

"Mine too."

"Then please step aside."

"I'm afraid I can't do that."

Dr. Hart took a deep breath in an effort to regulate his pulse. "May I ask why?"

Gibbs seemed to consider that for a moment. "He's in the middle of a delicate conference and cannot be disturbed."

"I am his physician!"

Gibbs shrugged.

"If you don't step aside, I'm afraid I'm going to have to call security."

Gibbs gave him the look. "Really? Why? I'm not disturbing the peace, am I? McGee's not in any physical danger, his monitors aren't buzzing or going off, are they?"

Dr Hart continued to bluster. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to report you to your boss, Agent Gibbs."

Gibbs smiled. "Go ahead. I'll wait right here while you make the call."

Abby and Tim were oblivious to the drama going on right outside the door. Abby's emotional storm had subsided but she continued to lie in Tim's arms, as she retold the horror of the last twenty four hours.

"I can't believe Watkins is dead –" she shuddered. "You should have heard him, Timmy. Mikel kept trying to explain his actions away on his love for me. Like that somehow made it all okay! How could there be anything 'ok' in killing your own sister?" she moaned against his chest.

McGee pulled her into him tighter. "Abby, Mawher went completely nuts – don't try to understand it. Nothing of that is love – that's obsession. He was obsessed with you. He was watching my apartment, your apartment, following me, you, us – he was obsessed, all right? I'm just so glad Gibbs got to you in time."

Abby's hand came up to cup his cheek. "What I said before – Gibbs told me you remembered where the cabin was-" she sat up so she could see his face. "You're the one that saved my life, McGee."

He blushed as he shook his head. "No, Abs, how could I? I was lying here in a hospital bed, miles away-"

She placed her finger over his lips, silencing his protests. "You provided the vital clue to my location – Gibbs didn't know where to look, he told me so himself. I was slowly dying out there, McGee, of the head wound Mawher had given me. And then – I don't know if they told you how they found me-" her voice trailed off and shudder ran through her body.

Tim's eyes darted to the bandage around her neck and his throat went dry. He removed her finger as his other hand slowly went to the side of her neck and her trembling increased, but her eyes never left his. "You mean, he – he was-"

She nodded and collapsed against him as his arms closed around her once again. "Oh Abby," he breathed against the bandage around her neck. "My Abby."

Just then the door opened and Gibbs stuck his head in. "Hey kids, you got about five minutes before Dr. Hart busts up this little reunion party." The door clicked shut again.

Tim kept his very red face buried in Abby's neck as he whispered. "Why do I feel like we just got busted by your dad?"

She smiled against his cheek and wrapped herself around him tighter. "Just hold me – please?"

Saturday, 5 P.M.

"Here we are again, Sweet Cheeks."

Ziva slapped his shoulder. "You really need to stop calling me that unless we are alone, my little Furry Bear."

Tony glanced around the lab in surprise. "Ziva, we ARE alone."

She smirked. "I meant, alone in-" the ding of the elevator interrupted her. "Have you processed the hair from the baseball bat yet?"

Ducky strode into the lab. "Good afternoon, children, are you playing nicely in Abby's lab?"

"Don't worry, Ducky, everything is still working-" Tony was interrupted by a blaring alarm from Major Mass Spec. "Oh no no no- I was so careful!" he moaned as he ran over to the machine.

Ziva snickered. "What brings you by, Ducky?"

"I just finished the autopsy on Mawher – and I found something quite interesting."

Tony was beginning to swear and it was difficult to hear Ducky over the alarm bells. Ziva held up her hand and went over to Major Mass Spec, pressed a series of buttons and the alarm stopped.

Tony whirled on her. "Well, why didn't you just do that in the first place?"

"You always tell me to stay out of it, so-" Ziva smiled and turned back to Ducky. "Doctor Mallard has found something interesting in Mawher's autopsy."

Tony groaned. "Please tell me we have the right guy, Ducky."

"Oh, it's Mikel Mawher, all right. No, the interesting thing I found was a malignant tumor in the temporal lobe that was spreading to the frontal lobe."

"Was it in his medical records?" Tony wanted to know.

"Not in his prison ones – and he hadn't been to a doctor since he got out."

"Could this have affected his personality?" Ziva wondered.

"Possibly," Ducky was cautious. "Mawher was always obsessed with Abby but this tumor might have tipped him over the line into insanity – and it was inoperable. He would have been dead within the year anyway."

The news sobered Tony and Ziva.

"Doesn't change the fact that he's killed two people, Ducky," Tony reminded him.

"And attempted to kill a third," Ziva put in.

"Of course not. I just found it interesting is all. Now – do you two need my help with anything?"

Ziva and Tony looked at the mountain of evidence still on the table and smiled. Ziva shoved a box toward Ducky.


Two weeks later

"All right, Mr. McGee, if you will just sign here, I'll be right back with your prescriptions, outpatient care instructions, and wheelchair."

Tim grimaced. "Is that really necessary?"

Nurse Stephanie smiled. "I know you think you can walk out of here on your own two feet but I assure you, it's a long walk to the front door from here! Besides, it's hospital policy and you wouldn't want me to lose my job, would you?"

He shook his head. "Of course not – don't lose your job over me." Tim scrawled his name and handed Stephanie the clipboard.

"We're going to miss you around here, McGee, you and that beautiful girlfriend of yours."

Tim blushed. "I don't know who you're talking about."

"Oh, I think you do."

"Timmy!" Abby came jogging into the room, her side ponytail bouncing over one shoulder, her smile bright enough to illuminate the entire room.

"Hi, Abby," Stephanie greeted her and glanced at McGee with a smirk. "I'll be right back."

"Did I interrupt something?" Abby asked with a frown as she watched Stephanie leave.

Tim sighed. "No, Abby. The nurses have enjoyed teasing and tormenting me these past couple of weeks and are sad to see their reign come to an end, that's all."

She went and sat beside him on the bed, took his hand and looped their fingers together. "Well, how do you feel about getting out of here?"

He squeezed her hand. "I can't wait to get home to my own bed."

"Really? I didn't know how you'd feel about going back to the place Mawher-" her voice trailed off and she bit her lip.

"Abby," he whispered, letting go of her hand to put his arm around her and pull her close. "We've talked about this, remember? I know he had an apartment across from me and was watching me. And yes, he did shoot me in my own living room. But he's dead and I'm still here. You're still here. I won't live my life in fear."

"I stayed there, you know-" at his frown she continued. "I went to your apartment to get your computer after your surgery and cleaned up. Then I took a shower, put on some of your clothes and slept in your bed-" she cleared her throat. "I hope you don't mind."

He felt his mouth dropping open. "Mind? Abby, do you have any idea the images you just put in my head?"

She grinned and buried her face in his collarbone. "McGee, I-"

"Here we go, Mr. McGee, your chariot!" Stephanie announced as she sailed back into the room. "Are you ready to go home?"

He didn't look away from Abby's eyes as he answered in the affirmative.

Tim was nearly tackled in the foyer of his apartment building by Michael.

"McGee! I'm so glad to see you – you have no idea! The last time I saw you, you were-"

"That's enough, Michael!"

"Oh, Miss Abby, I didn't see you there. Are you bringing McGee home?"

"Yes, and staying with him for awhile."

Tim looked at her in surprise but didn't say anything as he looked back down at his landlord's son. "Abby told me it was the two of you that found me."

Michael nodded. "Man, Jethro nearly knocked us over when Miss Abby unlocked your door and then you were just lying there – I didn't think you were still alive but Miss Abby didn't give up on you for a minute!"

Tim smiled at Abby as her hand found and closed around his, holding on tight."Michael here is also quite the junior agent – he kept an eye on your apartment the whole time you were in the hospital," Abby added.

Michael waved the words away. "Oh no, I didn't do anything really."

Tim clapped a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Well, we'll have to see what we can do for him, hmm? But right now I think I really need to get inside and sit down."

Michael's eyes widened. "Oh gosh, I'm sorry! You just got out of the hospital and everything – well, can I come see you later – maybe tomorrow?"

"Sure – we can play a game."

"Great. Later, McGee!" Michael bounded down the hall to his apartment.

"He's a good kid – just lonely for a big brother or father figure," Tim whispered to Abby.

She leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Then I'm extra glad he didn't lose you."

Tim surprised her by turning his face and brushing his lips softly across hers. "Me too. Come on, I really do need to sit down."

Abby led him the last few feet to his apartment door and they stood staring at it. "Ready?" she asked, cocking her eyebrows.

He sighed. "It's silly. I told you I didn't want to live in fear, and I don't –but I remember what happened the last time I was here and-"

Abby brushed her lips against his. "I'm here. Come on." She used her key and swung the door open.


Tim and Abby jumped in surprise as their friends and co-workers yelled at them from the living room. Ziva came from the kitchen with a cake as Gibbs let an excited Jethro out of the bedroom.

"Aw, I think we got them good, Gibbs," Tony chortled. "McScaredypants looks like he is going to wet his pants!"

"Tony!" McGee growled as he straightened up from rubbing Jethro's neck.

Gibbs reached over and head slapped Tony.

Abby gave Ziva a bone crushing hug that almost resulted in her dropping the cake before she could set it down.

Palmer handed Ducky the knife to start cutting. "Some things never change, do they, Mr. Palmer?"

Abby had never slept well. She attributed it to being a workaholic, drinking too much Caf-POW, and the simple fact that she suffered from insomnia.

But ever since she had been abducted by Mawher, she had been downright afraid to go to sleep at night. Every time she closed her eyes, he loomed above her with that rope in his hands, and it would be back around her neck squeezing the life out of her.

Sleeping in her coffin was out of the question. In fact she was seriously considering selling it and getting an honest to goodness bed. Gibbs knew she wasn't sleeping well and she had been ordered to get therapy before returning to work full time. She had had a couple of sessions but talking about it hadn't seemed to help – her guilt over the deaths remained and she didn't know if she would ever be able to get past them. Ducky had told her about the tumor – told her that it had most likely pushed Mawher over the edge into insanity but somehow even that failed to comfort her. She was looking for reassurance she wasn't sure existed.

After everyone left McGee's welcome home party, she helped him get ready for bed and then got ready to spend the night on his couch. He watched her with worried, quiet eyes but it wasn't until she snapped off the overhead light in the bedroom and was leaving that his voice stopped her.

"Where are you going?"

She kept her back to him. "You need your rest, McGee. I'm going to sleep on the sofa."

He sighed. "You know we'll both sleep better if you're in here with me."

"How do you figure?"

"Because we're both having nightmares and not sleeping well-"

She gasped and turned around. "You too?"

He nodded. "Come to bed."

She shook her head. "It's not a good idea."

He cocked his head. "Why – do you bite?"

Her eyes suddenly filled with tears. "I – I get violent in my sleep now, McGee."

His eyes filled with understanding. "I'll take my chances. Come to bed."

She took a couple steps towards the bed. "What if I hit you?"

"I'll wake you up."

"What if you can't?"

"I can."

A couple more steps. "What if I hurt you?"

"You won't."

The tears began to run down her face as she reached the edge of the bed. "You don't know that."

He sat up and reached out a hand to her. She hesitated before she placed her trembling one in his. "The only way you could hurt me is if you don't let me in, Abby. I love you."

With a sob, Abby threw herself into McGee's arms. The force threw them back against his pillows and he grimaced slightly from the pain but fought hard to contain the moan that tried to escape. The pain had been minimal and was already fading as she peppered kisses across face before planting one on his lips that took his breath away.


Abby's cry woke McGee from a sound sleep and for a moment, he didn't know where he was. As his bedroom came into focus, he remembered the events of the day and he reached out a questing hand for Abby only to have it slapped away.

"Let me GO!" she screamed, as her foot landed a kick to his kidney.

"Ow, Abby," he groaned as he rolled over to face her.

What if I hurt you? Abby's words from earlier in the evening echoed in his head as he managed to grab a flailing hand and pin it to the bed. "Abby, stop ! It's me, McGee!"

But Abby was still asleep, wrestling with Mawher in her dreams. "Get OFF me!"

Suddenly someone banged on Tim's front door. "Hey, McGee! What's going on in there?"

Great, just great! My neighbors think I'm assaulting a woman in here! "Abs- Abby!" Tim rolled with her on the bed, finally pinning her beneath him though he hated to do it. "Wake up – it's me, Tim!"

With a gasp, Abby's eyes flew open, "McGee?" she whispered.

He loosened his hold immediately, his energy reserves completely tapped. "Yeah, yeah, it's me." He rolled away as the banging on the front door came again.

"Open up, McGee, before I call the cops!"

"Who's that?" Abby demanded, whipping the sheet around the two of them.

"My next door neighbor, Bill. He heard you screaming and now he thinks I'm raping you – would you please go convince him otherwise?" Tim moaned as he rolled over, trying to hide his cheek from her view.

She frowned but bounded from the bed to do as he asked, Jethro following in her wake. Tim hadn't felt the sucker punch Abby had landed to his left cheek but he could sure feel it now. And she was going to feel terrible when-

"Tim!" Abby gasped as she slipped back into bed. "Did I do that?" she reached out trembling hands to his face.

"It's not that bad-"

"How do you know? Did you look in the mirror while I was gone?" she demanded. "Stay here while I get some ice." She scurried from the room and was back in less than a minute with an ice pack. Patting her lap, Tim put his head on her knee with his bruised cheek up and let her put the ice on the fresh bruise.

"I told you I'd hurt you," she whispered.

"It's not your fault," he whispered back as he captured her hand and kissed her fingers.

"Yes, it is."

"No, it's not. It's Mawher's."

But Abby was staring into space, not even listening. "It's my fault two people are dead, Tim. How am I supposed to live with myself?"

The icepack slid forgotten to the bedspread as Tim sat up and faced her. "You don't really believe that, do you?"

Her eyes refused to meet his until he cupped her face and didn't give her a choice. "Abby, listen to me. Do you think I'm responsible for those men Landon killed?"

She tried to jerk out of his hold but he wouldn't let her. "That's different, McGee. You were writing a story and some nut job-"

He nodded. "That's right, some nut job confused my work of fiction with reality. Well, Mawher had his own version of reality, Abby. He believed that given enough time you would love him. It didn't matter who or what got in the way."

"But that's exactly my point! If those people hadn't been involved in my life – they'd still be alive today. So it is my fault."

"So now you're God? No one knows when their number is up, Abby. Cassie could have died of that terrible infection she had as a child instead of pulling through. Watkins could have died when his car was hit by that drunk driver when he went to pick up his daughter from school a couple of months ago. As for me, well, we've talked about the fact that I could die on any number of the missions-"

"Don't-" her hand came up and covered his mouth. "I can't talk about you dying. Not when you almost did."

He nodded.

"I almost lost you – he almost took you from me, Tim." Abby shook her head. "And I didn't know – I would have never known."

Tim cocked his head. "Known what?"

Abby blushed, realizing it was confession time. "I, ah, had to read some of your journal." Tim's hands slipped from her face in shock but Abby grabbed them before he could pull away from her. "It was just in the course of the investigation, to see if we could figure out why Mawher would want to shoot you and I swear I was the only one that read it."

Tim breathed a sigh of relief. "How much did you read?"

"Enough – oh Tim, why didn't you tell me that you still loved me?"

He looked at her in disbelief. "Are you serious? Abby, you remember your reaction the one and only time I asked you where our relationship was going, right?"

Abby had the grace to blush again.

He nodded. "Exactly. Look, it's all water under the bridge now anyway. I understand that you'd be upset and worried when I got shot-"

She silenced him with her lips until he pulled his away and moaned. "Don't do that."


"You know what. Look, about-" her lips were on his again, longer this time, until he pushed her away. "Abby, stop it!"


"Because you're giving me the wrong idea."

She smiled wickedly. "Oh? I thought I was letting you know I wanted you to kiss me-" she leaned in again only to have Tim lean away.

His hands came up to cup her face again, holding her in place. "Abby, now that you know that I'm still in love with you, can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"Why aren't you running?"

She smirked. "Because it's the middle of the night."


She sighed. "I'm not sure I'm ready to tell you."

He frowned. "Why not?"

The tears were back in her eyes. "Because I'm not – I don't know if I can give you what you want."

Tim thought his heart was going to stop beating. "What is it you think I want?"

"You want the same thing now as you did back then, when you asked me where our relationship was going. You want a committed relationship – a marriage, two point five kids, a dog, a cat, a house, the whole nine yards – and I just don't know if I can give that to you, if I'll ever be able to give that to you."

Now Tim's pulse was thundering so loud in his ears he was sure she could hear it. Tears were once again raining down his love's face and he wanted nothing more than to kiss them away. Instead he gently swept them away with his thumbs.

"Abby – do you love me?"

He felt her go very still under his hands as she simply looked into his eyes for several moments and he waited to see if she would say the words she had never said to any other man.

Suddenly she smiled under his thumbs. "Yes, Timothy, I love you."

The last word was barely out of her mouth before he was devouring her lips. Her arms wrapped around him and he let himself fall backwards onto the bed, enjoying the sound of her giggle. He pulled her atop him and they lay joined hip to hip, chest to chest, mouth to mouth. McGee had waited seven years to hear those words and had given up hope of hearing them long ago. It had taken the workings of a psychopathic madman to bring her feelings to light. He silently hoped that everything in their lives wouldn't need these extreme measures.

He broke their kiss and leaned his forehead against hers, breathing hard. "You," he panted. "You are all I've ever wanted, Abs."

Abby reached up and ran her hands through his hair. "Oh Timmy, but what about-"

He silenced her with his lips. "Just you," he whispered when he pulled away. "Anything and everything else is negotiable."

Jethro gave a short, sharp bark and Tim grinned. "After all, we already have the dog."

A/N: Sniff, I can't believe it's done - it only took me a year and a half! Don't worry, I'm already working on another McAbby fic - so keep your eyes peeled. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the ending. Reviews are L-O-V-E