Daphne's Diaries

Season 1, Episode 5: Wolf Man at Whitcomb

That Monday morning I woke up refreshed and excited. After I took a shower and get dressed I heard a car pull up in the driveway. I looked out my window to see Fred looking up at me, leaning on the mystery machine. He waved to me. I smiled and gestured for him to come inside. As he started up the path to the house I grabbed a few last things and went downstairs. As I came down the stairs I heard my dad talking to Fred.

"Nice to see you son," my dad told him.

"You too sir, how was Europe?"

My parents began telling him about their trip just as I reached the last step. Fred looked to me and smiled, his hands in his pockets.

"Have you got everything?" my mother asked.

I nodded, "I think so."

She nodded and looked to Fred, "Make sure Daphne's safe out there, alright?" she asked him.

Fred nodded and reassured her, "You have nothing to worry about."

"They'll be fine dear," my father told my mother.

I was worried my parents would be a little hesitant about Fred since Mayor Jones had made me tell them I had slept over at their house. But my father had surprised me and simply told me he liked Fred and he trusted him. Fred reached for my suitcase as I hugged my parents' goodbye. I followed him outside and around to the back of the van. As he reached for the door I grabbed his wrist. He gave me a puzzled look. I put my finger over his lips as he tried to say something. When I pointed to the van and then my ear he nodding realizing Shaggy and Velma would hear. Then I took his face in my hands and kissed him. He smiled at me between kisses.

"Fred?" Velma questioned through the window.

Fred frowned as we broke from each other and opened the door to the van.

"Hey guys," I smiled at everyone.

"Hey," Velma smiled. "You look like your ready for the woods," she noticed.

I smiled as I explained I had to buy a whole new wardrobe just for the trip. When everyone laughed Fred shut the doors and I started to make my way to front. He pulled my arm, pulling me back to him. I smiled after he kissed me again.

"Come on kids, don't moan! It's only three hours; it won't kill you." Mr. Holterman yelled over us as we all boarded the school bus. That was easy for him to say, he had a seat all to himself. I was squished between Fred and Shaggy. Velma, who was sitting in front of us, turned and smiled at us. I glared back at her because she only had to share a seat with one person.

"What's this place called again?" Shaggy asked.

"Camp Whitcomb," Freddie told him.

"What's the point anyway?" I asked as I felt the heat and claustrophobia set in.

Freddie reached up and opened the window. I smiled at him.

"I'll tell you what the point is," Shaggy smiled. "Smores!" he cheered happily.

When I laughed, I realized I was the only one. I looked to Fred to see him trying to hide his annoyance. I sighed and leaned back to look out of the window. We got to the camp a few hours later and everyone got off the bus. The camp was strangely quiet, and empty. I looked around and watched as Mr. Holterman came out of the office with a quizzical expression.

"There's nobody here," he told us.

Fred's brow furrowed.

"What are we going to do?" I asked him.

Mr. Holterman frowned, "Maybe they all went on a hike. Let's make ourselves feel at home."

I looked to Velma to see my reaction play out on her face, she looked surprised. Mr. Holterman had always been the kind of teacher with no rules and a 'do whatever you want' attitude.

"Listen up," he yelled to the group. "Everyone take your stuff into your previously assigned cabins and meet back here in thirty minutes."

I knew Velma was bunking with me so I said goodbye to the guys and walked off with her.

"Is he crazy?" she asked me. "What are we supposed to do with no one here?"

"I guess this means we have a mystery to solve," I told her.

"That's just what I was thinking," she agreed.

So after we brought our things to our cabin we went snooping for clues. We looked first in the office. Everything looked to be in order, there was no sign of a fight or struggle.

"Hey, look at this," Velma said pointing to the ground.

I went over to her and looked to where she pointed.

"Is that fur?" I asked.

She nodded. "It doesn't look like dog fur either."

I agreed. She picked it up and placed it into a little plastic baggy she carried around. When we left the office we ran into Fred. He smiled at us.

"Where's Shaggy?" Velma asked.

He shrugged.

"We looked around the office, Velma found some fur." I told him.

"So its safe to say they were scared off, not forced?" he asked.

I nodded, "There's no sign of a struggle."

"Well whatever this fur came from they're probably looking for something and needed to scare everyone off to do it."

Velma nodded. "How do we get Mr. Holterman to get the class out of here?" she asked.

"I'll figure out a plan," Fred said.

Just then Mr. Holterman's voice came threw the loud speaker.

"Everyone to the main hall!" he yelled.

We started on our walk to the main hall when suddenly Scooby and Shaggy came running through the trees.

"What's going on?" Velma asked them.

"There's something out there, it's huge!" Shaggy exclaimed. "It looks like a giant wolf man."

My eyes went wide, a wolf man? Our classmates were in danger if we didn't get them out of here as soon as possible. Shaggy and Scooby came with us to the main hall. While everyone was chatting noisily Fred and I took the opportunity to talk to Mr. Holterman. As we sat down at his table he narrowed his eyes.

"What?" he asked.

"You have to get everyone out of here, there's something in the forest," I tried to tell him.

"You haven't been reading the camp legends, have you?" he asked with a smile.

I sighed and let Fred take over.

"There's an animal out there, Mr. Holterman. What are you going to do about it?" he asked him.

Mr. Holterman shrugged, "Ignore it and it'll go away. Cant you kids just go have some fun?" he asked.

"I can't have fun when I know my classmates are in danger," I told him.

As another student came over he waved me a Fred off.

"Now what?" I asked him.

"Plan B," he said.

I nodded. Later that night we put Fred's plan into action. Scooby was dressed up in a wolf costume that Velma had made and he was going to scare Mr. Holterman so that he would pack up and everyone would leave. It seemed to be going smoothly. As I waited in the darkness of the trees, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see a frightening wolf man mask.

"Scooby don't scare me like that," I sighed.

He didn't respond.

"Scooby?" I asked with a gulp.

He growled at me. I screamed and made a run for it. As I ran I could feel his giant steps shaking the ground behind me. I knew Fred was supposed to be on look out somewhere near by but I wasn't sure exactly where. As I ran I suddenly smashed into someone. I sighed as I saw Fred's face in the moonlight.

"You okay?" he asked.

From my place on the ground I looked behind us to see that the wolf man was gone.

"The real wolf man was chasing me," I told him.

"Its okay, you're safe now," he told me as he tried to pick me up.

I gasped in pain as I put pressure on my ankle. Fred let me down and handed me his flashlight. He told me to hold onto it and picked me up. I tried to tell him he didn't have to carry me back to camp.

"I don't have to, but I'm going to," he told me kindly.

I kissed his check.

As we approached the cabins, Velma furrowed her brow from her post in front of the office.

"Are you okay?" she asked me.

I nodded as Fred set me down to sit on the steps.

"The real wolf man is out there," I told her. "Where's Shaggy and Scooby?"

She shrugged, "They're somewhere out there. Hopefully they're okay."

I handed Fred his flashlight. "You guys go take a look, I can stay here and be on lookout," I told him.

Fred furrowed his brow, "I don't want to leave you alone."

I told him I would be okay. Before they left he let Velma get a bit ahead on him and leaned down to kiss me quickly. I smiled at him as he left with her. While I was on lookout I heard something rustle in the bushes.

"Shaggy?" I asked. Suddenly he popped out of the trees. "I don't know where Scooby is," he frowned sadly.

"I'd help you look but I hurt my ankle," I told him. "I'm sure he's fine."

Shaggy didn't look like he believed me. I hugged his shoulders lightly. Suddenly he was screaming. When I looked behind me the wolf man was back. I screamed as I couldn't do anything to get away. As the wolf man grabbed me Shaggy tried to attack him. He easily pushed Shaggy away and into the office building, knocking him out as he hit his head. I couldn't see where the wolf man was taking me because it was so dark and he kept covering my eyes with his hand. He soon dropped me into what seemed to be a hole in the ground and left me there. I looked around to see a few lanterns. As I limped through the underground tunnels I saw what looked to be very human things. There was a sleeping bag, a compass, a few maps here and there. I went back to the entrance and screamed for help. A few hours later I heard footsteps outside the hole.

"Help!" I called.

Suddenly Shaggy appeared.

"Help me out of here," I asked him.

He nodded and reached his hand down to me but suddenly he was pushed in with me. As I struggled to get up with Shaggy on top of me I saw the wolf man again. I sighed as he had beaten us again. I asked Shaggy if he had talked to Velma or Fred. He said he went looking for me right when he woke up, that he didn't see either of them. The sun was starting to rise and my ankle was feeling better so I told Shaggy to give me a boost. I could almost reach the top but I wasn't quite tall enough. I yelled for help. Suddenly Scooby ran up.

"Go get Fred and Velma, Scooby." I told him.

He nodded and ran off. As Shaggy lowered me back to the ground, I sighed. We were finally going to get out of here. A few minutes later as Shaggy and I sat waiting I saw the beam of a flashlight from inside the tunnels.

"Who is it?" I asked.

Suddenly Fred appeared. I ran to him and hugged him. As I let him go he kissed me passionately. I tried to push him off but he held on tight.

"Fred, stop." I whispered.

He asked what was wrong before he noticed Shaggy. He sighed and brought his hand to his head. Shaggy wouldn't make eye contact with me. Fred quickly changed the subject and told us to follow him to get out of that place. As I followed him Shaggy trailed behind sadly. Once we were out of the tunnels we met up with Velma and Scooby. Fred began discussing his plan to catch the wolf man but refused to let me help because of my leg. I tried to tell him it was fine but he refused. So once again I sat lookout near the office as everyone else worked to catch the wolf man. Pretty soon I heard a net spring and knew they had caught him. I took my flashlight and walked over to the noise. I looked up to see Scooby in the net. I looked to Fred in question.

"Let's get some sleep gang," he said, defeated.

I walked with him back to his cabin. After we said goodnight I walked to my cabin. Then next morning I awoke to sounds of my classmates running around. When I got dressed and went outside I saw everyone packing up their things and loading their things onto the bus. I was glad we were leaving. We might have not solved the mystery but at least everyone would be safe. I grabbed my things and took them to the bus. As I walked over to Fred's cabin I saw Shaggy. He was sitting on a bench alone.

"Hey," I said softly.

"When were you going to tell me?" he asked.

I pretended to not know what he was talking about.

"About you and Fred," he said.

"There's nothing to tell, we've kissed a few times but that's it."

He nodded and said oh.

"Come on," I said reaching out my hand to him. "Let's get good seats," I smiled.