I don't own Harry Potter. It belongs to Jk, but Artimes is my own creation. I make no money off of this because if I did I certainly wouldn't be on this site anymore. I've not given up my other stories. I will continue to write them, but I've had this idea for awhile. If anyone wants to beta any of my stories then let me know. Now enjoy the story.

'Their thoughts'

Harry sighed as he listened to his brother and sister get into another fight over who she could and could not talk to while in school. The two had this fight every year since her first year and now she was a third year and his brother was a fifth year and actually managed to become the male prefect.

"mom make them stop please." he begged when the two began to argue who he could talk to and who he couldn't. It was bad enough Marcus had given Artimes a bodyguard and he knew the two would give him one as well.

Sarah couldn't help but laugh at her children antics. She had never been so glad to have blood adopted Harry as she was now. It brought a certain peaceful atmosphere into the family. They had told all the three the truth when he was just five, but that didn't matter to them.

"Well they care a lot about you and this is your first year Harrison. Just let them be and before long it won't even bother you."

"Mom they are deciding who's going to be my watch hound."

Sarah finally sighed. "Alright. Marcus, Artimes stop trying to decide whose' going to be your brother's watch hound. Besides don't you three think you should get ready for the Hogwarts express."

That seemed to do the trick because next thing Sarah knew all three kids were out of the kitchen and making sure they had all there things packed for school. She let out a giggle and knew that soon enough there were going to be owls written to her and John about who was doing what and who wasn't listening to what who said, but she wouldn't change that for anything else in the world.

In no time at all they were at the train station. John and her didn't teach their children that muggleborns and half bloods shouldn't be allowed to learn magic because that would be calling the kettle black and they knew how important new blood needed to be brought into the bloodlines unless they become inbreeds like the black families. Though they did tell them to be cautious.

John laughed when he noticed Romeo Montague coming toward his daughter. Though she said that Marcus appointed him her guard hound she did consider him a friend. The two were often seen together, but he doubted those two would ever get married. Besides he often noticed a young Gryffindor that would often gaze at his daughter. He recognized him as Oliver wood because his son often complained about him.

Oliver couldn't understand how come he couldn't go up and talk to Artimes Flint. She was beautiful even if she was the sister of his sworn enemy. Though he noticed Marcus didn't complain when she talked to Percy Weasley. He couldn't help, but get jealous when Percy and her would talk about things. this year I will talk to you and tell you how I feel even if it kills me. He thought to himself.

Percy was quite proud of his status as prefect he went to find his friend Artimes. "Artimes!' he called out to her when he spotted her.

Artimes smiled at her friend. "Percy congratulations on being a prefect." she said giving him a hug.

"Thanks." he said returning her hug. He was finally happy someone realized his hard work. He blushed when he realized his mother was watching them both. Probably thinks we're dating or something. She's like my best friend and she understands me. A guy like me wouldn't stand a chance with a girl like that. Would I? I wouldn't want to ruin the friendship we have with one another. Besides she probably likes guys like Wood. How can I compete with someone like that?

Molly saw her son with the girl he often talked about at home. She couldn't help, but smile when she saw the two hug. It made her want to start planning for a wedding and the thought of how cute her grandchildren would be when the time came. Although for now she decided she wouldn't pressure him or her. She didn't want to scare them off.

Artimes felt eyes on the back of her head, but didn't notice anyone out of the ordinary. Though she thought she saw a brief glance at the Gryffindor qudditch captain, but it could have been her eyes playing tricks on her. "Oh crap Percy I need to make sure my younger brother finds a compartment on the train. "It's his first year."

"Ok. Meet me in the last compartment later like usual."

Artimes just nodded her head as she boarded the train with the others and began to look for her brother as the train took of toward Hogwarts. Hope he's not mad at me for ditching him to talk to some friends. Nah he's not like that. Better find him before Malfoy does.

Harry in the mean time had finally found a compartment to himself and was plotting ways to cause his older siblings pain. He couldn't believe how quickly they left him to talk to friends they hadn't seen forever. Though he too like their father noticed someone looking at his sister. The boy with brown hair looked to be his brother's age. Not that'd he'd let someone like him date his sister. No he thought the red haired boy with glasses would be a better match for his sister. So he began to plot ways to get his sister a boyfriend.

While he was plotting the compartment door opened and a red haired boy poked his head in. "Excuse me do you mind if I sit here. Everywhere else is full."

Harry looked up. "No I don't mind at all. I'm Harrison Flint." he said indicating where the other boy could sit in the seat across from him.

"Ron Weasley." he replied sitting down. "So which house do you think you'll get into? I'll probably get into Gryffindor. My whole family has been sorted there."

"I'm not for sure. Although I would say it's gong to be a toss up between Ravenclaw and Slytherin. That other red haired boy with the badge is that your brother?"

"Oh Percy yeah. I have two other brothers named Fred and George that are in their third year. What about you do you have any siblings?"

"Yeah. I have a sister named Artimes third year and a brother named Marcus fifth year."

Soon the boys were exchanging their hobbies and how home life was when the compartment door opened again. "Ah there you are. I was just making sure you got on the train safely." Artimes said with a small smirk.

Harry sneered. "Yeah some thanks to you. Besides I'll get you back for ditching me."

Artimes chuckled. "So you say little brother. Don't be surprised if Marcus comes looking for you as well." Then she spotted her brother's friend. "Ah you must be Ronald Percy's youngest brother." she said.

"Yeah I am." he mumbled while blushing darkly surprised that Percy would talk about him.

"Now if you'll excuse us we will continue our discussion without anymore interruptions from you."

Artimes just laughed. "Relax I have to go meet someone anyway. Catch you later." she said closing the door while continuing to laugh.