Aziraphale blinked. The man who had splashed him with the holy soda blinked as well. Aziraphale blinked again. So did the man.

"That was rather rude." Aziraphale said as he removed the sanctified carbonated beverage from his person.

The man responded to this statement by pulling out a silver knife and stabbing him with it twice before he pushed the rather uncivilized lout away.

"And, that was even ruder." Aziraphale said as he pulled the knife out of his chest and looked down in dismay at the hole in his rather nice houndstooth check jacket and the additional stain that had been made by the blood that had escaped from his stab wounds before said wounds had closed.

It was at that point that Crowley appeared. Aziraphale's Crowley, not the Crowley of that universe who was rather pissed off over being dunked in angel manufactured holy water, as his deal with Castiel was supposed to prevent such things.

"You're not going to believe this angel, but one of the guys we encountered when we first arrived in this hellhole was running around without his soul." Crowley said as he picked up one of the babies who had been making a break for it at a rapid crawl, intent on harassing the ducks.

"That's an odd thing to go without." Aziraphale commented as he repaired the holes in his jacket and removed the stains in much the same manner as he had done the soda.

It was at that point that the hunter who hadn't had any luck even fazing his opponent who had pretty much forgotten he was there after Crowley appeared decided to go for an easier target. Bad move. Crowley spotted the man's attempt at harming one of the babies he'd just rescued earlier, and turned him into something far more unpleasant and surprising than the thing he'd once turned a pursuing police car's engine into back in his old world. The other hunter, having seen what had happened to his partner who in his opinion was an idiot, decided that discretion was the better part of valor and that he should be elsewhere at the moment, preferably at his mother's bedside. He hadn't visited his poor old mother in the nursing home in quite a long time, and now would be as good a time as any to drop by...


Sam and Dean stared down into the wastebasket that had been handed to him by the demon from another world, who could technically be considered an angel who had sauntered vaguely downwards as the only fallen angel in hell - besides Michael - was Lucifer. All of the demons in their world were human in origin, as far as they knew. Contained within said wastebasket were a pair of bright lights which were presumably Sam and Adam's souls which had been rescued from The Pit.

"Do these look sick to you?" Sam, who had been shaking the wastebasket which still had one of those little basketball hoop things attached, asked as he studied the pair of souls which were contained within.

Dean could understand his brother's concern, as Castiel had hinted that Sam's soul wouldn't be all that intact if they ever got it back, and putting it back inside him could kill him or worse. The souls which were almost too bright to look at didn't look shredded or anything like that, but they did move rather sluggishly and seemed somewhat disoriented. Part of that could be because Sam had been shaking the can for about five minutes at this point sending the poor souls bouncing from one side of the can to the other.

"Yeah, they kinda do look a little unwell." Dean said as he studied the contents of the wastebasket. "We can have a better look at them when we get back to Bobby's. Until then, stop shaking the trash can, it's probably what's making them sick."


"I hope that that one guy is okay." Crowley said out of nowhere as he set a shapeshifter baby down on a conjured cot in a house that he and Aziraphale had sort of appropriated. He'd persuaded his long-time friend into doing this by telling him it wouldn't be wrong since they would be leaving the property in better condition than when they arrived.

"I tried to put those souls back together as best as I could, but they were kinda shredded. Lucifer and Michael had been playing with them for quite a while." Crowley said as he patted the little munchkin who had decided to look like a cross between him and the angel for some strange reason.

"I'm sure everything will work out eventually dear." Aziraphale said as he cleaned bits of skin from between another baby's toes.


"What the...?" the man groaned as he sat up in the ritual circle he was located in the middle of. "Where am I?"

"Relax Sammy, we're at Bobby's." a familiar voice said from behind him.

"Sammy?" the man asked. "Why're you calling me Sammy?"

"Adam?" the familiar voice asked.

That was his name. Why was the other man so uncertain that it was him?

"Oh, shit." the voice said.

At that point the world fully came into focus, and he looked down.

"Hey! This isn't my body!"