A Naruto/Kamen Rider OOO





"Demon/Greed speech"

I don't own either Naruto or Kamen Rider OOO

Chapter 3: Exams, Snakes, and a Suna Beauty

After leaving wave, the teams from Konoha plus Zabuza and Haku were ready for some good old R and R, Zabuza and Haku were adjusting well to their new life in Konoha, Zabuza was made a Jonin while pending a trial period so he doesn't betray the village because of his missing nin status. Haku was made a Chunin and signed up to become a med-nin, thanks to her knowledge of herbs and medicines she was fitting in just fine, Hinata and Ino went home and told their parents about the mission and they were blown away that they were able to complete an A-rank mission, Hiashi and Hitomi were so proud of their daughter and Hanabi saw her as a powerful ninja. Inoichi congratulated Ino and her mother was going to cook a special meal for the occasion, Sakura's mom was holding her while crying tears of joy that her baby didn't lose her life on the mission. All the girls parents offered to up their training or scrolls with techniques for them to learn, all of which were accepted fully. The girls didn't tell anyone of Naruto's ability to transform because Naruto made them promise, he was waiting for the right time to reveal his true power to which they all agreed.

(Naruto's Appartment - night)

Naruto was getting ready for bed when he thought about what happened during the mission, hearing a strange voice in his head did scare him a little but figured it was Kyuubi and went to sleep.

(Music cue – Nobody's Perfect… Kamen Rider W)

(Naruto's Mindscape)

After closing his eyes Naruto thought he would be swimming in ramen but found himself in a sewer, deciding to explore Naruto found the hall he was in lead to a room with a huge cage like door held in place by a piece of paper with the word Seal on it. Taking a look around he heard the voice again but it was coming from the cage.

"So, my jailor comes to pay me a visit." Said the voice, "who's there, is that you Kyuubi" said Naruto looking around trying to see who was speaking. "That is just a title, you can call me Ankh" said the now identified Ankh. "NANIIIIIIIIIII, the same Ankh who was with my Grandmother?" asked Naruto in total shock, "Who is this woman you speak up kid" asked Ankh for once puzzled, "My Grandmother was Hina… she said she came here with you and a Hino Eiji" said Naruto. "WHAT! YOU'RE THE GRANDSON OF THAT HAIRLESS GORILLA" yelled Ankh in total surprise, "HEY DON'T MAKE FUN OF MY GRANDMOTHER FURBALL" yelled Naruto in an attempt to defend his Grandmother. "You misunderstand kid, the reason I called her that is because she had the physical strength of a gorilla I mean she nearly broke my arm just from squeezing it lightly" said Ankh trying to explain things.

"Well that explains a lot" said Naruto thinking about all the times he didn't know his own strength. "Anyway what brings you here kid" asked Ankh while eyeing him, "Well I was wondering what that voice was back in wave that told me to use Haku-chan's medal" said Naruto "That was me, I thought it was best to help my jailor in a situation that could kill me" said Ankh. "Alright so what are you gonna do now, I mean are you gonna help in the future or just be a total dick" asked Naruto with a total flat look on his face. "Seems I rubbed off on you more than I thought kid, I knew that happy go lucky baka was a mask. Anyway I will help out since you are in a sense Eiji and my legacy" said Ankh with a smirk on his muzzle.

"I'm your what" asked Naruto "Legacy kit it means that you are following in our footsteps sort of like a son to a father, the belt and medals came from me and other greeeds, the reason you use it is from Eiji. The guy tried to help anyone who needed help… the guy tried to help in a war and it changed him into the wandering baka I met and partnered with" said Ankh with a thoughtful look on his muzzle.

"Alright so how exactly will you be helping me" asked Naruto "I will provide you with knowledge on different medals and give chakra when you need it, especially with those girls of yours if you get that far" said Ankh. "What do you mean by that" asked Naruto, "Kit you have five hot girls with crushes on you the size of hokage mountain and you haven't even taken one of them on a date" said Ankh. "Look I wasn't even aware of their feelings until before getting my hiate and I don't want them to put up with the same bullshit I did when I was younger" said Naruto.

"While I am sorry about what happened 12 years ago, I can't exactly take credit for it" said Ankh, "What do you mean by that" asked Naruto "What I mean is I was trapped in a Genjutsu and forced to attack your village by a man with an orange spiral mask and what looked like a red and black eye with a pinwheel design" said Ankh. "That kinda sounds like the Sharingan then if what you're saying is true than you were forced to attack by an Uchiha" said Naruto.

(Music Henshin – Anything Goes… Kamen Rider OOO)

"What are you going to do now Naruto" asked Ankh, "I'm going train harder with and without the belt and medals… and you're going to help me" said Naruto with a smirk on his face that seemed to spread to Ankh. "Alright kit I'll help, I need to get even with that Uchiha bastard and this is the perfect way to do it… we'll start after your team meeting" said Ankh "how about after my date" said Naruto. "Date… what date, oh wait which girl are you going to ask out first?" asked Ankh "Sakura, Hinata, Ino, Haku, and then Kin although asking them is gonna be a chore" said Naruto. "Alright kit you have a plan and it's just about time to wake up for the meeting" said Ankh, "Oh crap I forgot all about it" said Naruto "I'll open a mental link between us so we can talk to each other and help out when needed but to speak to me just think what you want to say and I'll hear you, you don't want people thinking you're a nutjob do you?" asked Ankh "Right later Ankh" said Naruto before disappearing.

(Naruto's Appartment - morning)

Naruto woke up to see it was morning and for once not smashing the god awful alarm clock from hell (I'm sure all of you know why I call it that) after getting a shower and fresh clothes and gear he ran for the training ground and hoped he beat Anko there, but on the way he heard people yelling and making a big racket so he thought he'd check it out. Upon arriving he saw Sakura trying to convince a guy who looked like he was wearing kitty pajamas and raided his sister's makeup with a bundle on his back trying to strangle Konohamaru while two kids were staying near Sakura, and a cute girl with dirty blonde hair in four pigtails with something strapped to her back.

(Music Henshin – Greeed Showdown… Kamen Rider OOO)

Naruto dropped down from his hiding place and slammed the guy holding Konohamaru in the back sending the kid flying only to be caught by a Kage Bunshin while the original jumped back to get ready for the counterattack if any, "Alright who's the dead man" said catman while turning around and everyone got a good look at the new arrival "Naruto" said Sakura with a grateful look in her eye, the girl was checking him out with an appraisers eye "Not a bad tactic and I must admit he is cute" she thought while her friend was grabbing the bundle on his back to let it loose. "Kankuro you're not gonna use Karasu on this guy are you" asked the girl with a little worry in her eyes "He deserves it Temari… first that kid and now this guy, this is all just pissing me off" said the newly identified Kankuro "Well even though I love a challenge I think your red headed friend would disagree" said Naruto pointing to a tree causing both of them to look and see a ninja with red hair, bags under his eyes the size of a cow, a tattoo of the kanji for love on his forehead, and what looked like a giant gourd on his back with a cork in it.

"Kankuro, you are a disgrace to our village" said the redhead while jumping off the branch to land on the street. "Gaara I was…" said Kankuro before receiving a glare from Gaara shutting him up.

Garra looked at the one who handled Kankuro so easily with an appraisers eye, he wanted to make sure he would get some good blood for Shukaku or as he likes to call it mother, "What is your name" asked Garra "Sasuke Uchiha" said Sasuke with a smirk on his face only to be shot down when he heard Garra say "Not you, the blonde one" "Naruto Uzumaki" said Naruto while getting an idea "and Who is the lovely lady on your team" asked Naruto with a foxy grin on his face causing Temari to blush "T…Te…Temari" she said getting a snicker out of Kankuro only for him to get hit in the head with her fan.

"So what brings Suna ninja to our village" asked Naruto, "We are here for the Chunin Exams" said Temari after calming down and getting over her blush. "Well maybe we'll see you in the exams" said Naruto "I'm sure we will… mother want's your blood" said Garra before the three Suna ninja shushined away. Naruto was about to leave to when he spotted a small pouch in the middle of the road, he grabbed it and opened it to see if there was a name or address but all he found was a new medal. This one was yellow and was one he didn't have but after thinking about it for a second Naruto figured it was one of the Suna ninjas and was going to give it back to her during the exams.

[Music Henshin – Hina no Omoi – Kamen Rider OOO]

(Suna Hotel Rooms)

After meeting some of the local ninja the sand siblings wanted to get some rest but after putting away their things Temari made a discovery "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH" Temari screamed at the top of her lungs causing Garra, Kankuro, and Baki to rush in, "What's wrong Temari" asked Baki "I can't find mother's heirloom" said Temari with tears in her eyes. "Maybe you misplaced it or left it back home" said Kankuro, "Never… I always kept it with me" said Temari thinking about when she got it


A 3 year old Temari was looking for her mother one day and found her reading a book in the living room of the kazekage mansion, "Mommy" said Temari while running to her mother to give her a hug "Hello Temari" said Karura. Temari tried to give her mom a hug and would have succeeded if her mother wasn't 9 months pregnant, "When will my baby brother get here mommy?" asked Temari while rubbing her cheek on Karura's stomach, "Any day now… and I'm sure he is just as exited to meet his new family" said Karura while placing a hand on Temari's head. Suddenly Karura's eyes went wide for a second "I almost forgot" she said while getting up, "What mommy… what did you almost forget" asked Temari following her mother. Karura went to her room and took a bag out of a dresser drawer "Temari I need to give this to you" said Karura while giving Temari a pouch. "It's a good luck charm in our family… it's supposed to help protect you and lead you to your soul mate" said Karura. Temari took out the contents of the pouch to see a coin with a cat symbol on it "It's really pretty mommy" said Temari, "As long as you have that with you Temari you will find that one special boy that you one day be calling husband" said Karura "Boys are yucky" said Temari while sticking her tongue out. Karura chuckled before a splashing sound was heard and she grabbed her stomach "Temari, get your father… it's time" she said in pain, Temari ran to her father and both her parents went to the hospital. After Garra was born Shukaku was sealed, Karura disappeared without a trace.

[End Flashback]

"I have to find it" said Temari, "Maybe one of those leaf ninja we met earlier found it" said Kankuro. "Maybe… I'll ask them during the exams" said Temari with a hopeful look.

(Next Day – Naruto's Appartement)

Naruto was just waking up and getting ready for the day when he heard a knock on his door, "Coming" said Naruto while getting dressed, he opened the door to see Sakura, Ino, Hinata, Kin, and Haku at his door. "Hi girls… what's up" asked Naruto. Sakura took the lead and said "Hi Naruto… any chance we can come in" "Sure" said Naruto while opening the door for the ladies. After everyone was inside he closed the door and looked at them "So what brings you here" Naruto asked Curiously, "Naruto we've been thinking about who should be the one to have you as a boyfriend" Sakura began while Naruto started to blush "And since none of us want's to lose you" entered Kin, "We've decided to share you" said Ino causing everyone to blush deep red, "I'm flattered that you don't want to fight over me but why would you want me in the first place" asked Naruto. "You have a heart of gold and treat us like princesses even though we haven't even had a date yet" said Hinata, "About that… I would have asked you out on a date but because of the Chunin Exams and the villagers…" Naruto left it. "Just being with you is like a date, we never know what's gonna happen with you and We've agreed on a way to fix that" said Sakura while pulling out her Core Medal, Hinata and Ino doing the same leaving Naruto in shock "You have Core Medals…" said Naruto. "Our parents gave them to us… their good luck charms" said Hinata "During the Exams we are gonna play a game" said Ino, "You have to find us in any part of the exams and take these Core Medals from us… if you do… the one you took the medal from will give you a prize at the end of the exam" said Sakura "And what happens if I get all three" asked Naruto "Then all five of us will give you a very special gift" said Haku while wrapping her arms around Naruto's neck. The other girls started to hug him as well, not trying to pull his limbs off… it felt great. "We better get to the exams" said Naruto "Hai" said all the girls with a groan in their voices.

(Konoha Ninja Academy – Meeting room)

"Wow there's a lot of ninja here" said Naruto while looking around, "Well of course… this is the Chunin Exams" said Sakura while Sasuke just grunted looking a little worse for wear. "Hi guys" said Ino walking up to them with Shikamaru and Chouji in tow, "So you guys are in this too, how troublesome" said Shikamaru like the true slacker he is. "Wow it's like a reunion of the rookie 9" said Kiba while Akamaru barked, "You guys are making too much noise" said a guy with grey hair and glasses "Who are you" asked Kiba "My name is Kabuto" said Kabuto "What are those things you have" asked Chouji while munching on some chips. "They are Info Cards I use by adding chakra and I can show info on anyone all I need is some basic info" said Kabuto.

"Rock Lee, Garra of the Sand, and Uzumaki Naruto" said Sasuke getting a shock from everyone, "What the hell Sasuke…" said Naurto acting like he got a knife in the back.

"You know their names, that makes it easy" said Kabuto while beginning his search,

[I'm just making these stats up]

Name: Rock Lee

Sex: male

Village: Konoha

Teammates: Hyuuga Neji, Higerashi Tenten

Sensei: Maite Gai

Taijutsu: Remarkably High

Genjutsu: N/A

Ninjutsu: N/A

Mission History: 105 D Rank, 4 C Rank, 0 B Rank, 0 A Rank.

Notes: Can't mold chakra due to birth defect but tries to make up for it with Taijutsu, Knows 3 - 4 different Taijutsu styles and wears weights.

Name: Garra of the Sand

Sex: Male

Village: Suna

Teammates: Subaku no Kankuro, Subaku no Temari

Sensei: Baki

Taijutsu: N/A

Genjutsu: N/A

Ninjutsu: Very High

Mission History: 206 D Rank, 16 C Rank, 1 B Rank, 2 A Rank.

Notes: Uses Sand in battle and has never gotten a scratch.

Name: Uzumaki Naruto

Sex: Male

Village: Konoha

Teammates: N/A

Sensei: Anko

Taijutsu: Medium

Genjutsu: N/A

Ninjutsu: Very High

Mission History: 50 D Rank, 0 C Rank, 1 B Rank, 1 A Rank

Notes: No Genjutsu to speak of and has weird style of Taijutsu, Able to use Kage Bunshin, first C rank mission moved up to A rand after confronting Zabuza Momochi. B Rank mission *UNKNOWN*

After hearing the stats on the three ninja everyone was a little surprised about what they heard, but before they could do anything a man wearing a black trench coat and bandana appeared and called everyone to order.

[Music cue – Naruto ost – survival exam]

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE TAKE A SEAT" yelled the man, after everyone was in their assigned seat he started talking again. "My name is Ibiki and I am the Procter of this part of the exams, it will be a written exam and anyone caught cheating will be ejected along with their team" said Ibiki while the test was being passed out. During the exam Naruto looked around and saw his friends and girls and spotted the suna nin Temari sitting next to him, "Well Well nice to see you again" said Naruto getting Temari's attention. She looked up and saw one of the ninja she met yesterday "Um do you mind if I ask you something" said Temari looking a little nervous, "As long as it's not to cheat on my test… I suck at written tests" said Naruto getting a snicker from the Suna kunoichi, but before Temari could reply "EVERYONE PUT DOWN YOUR PENCILS THE TEST IS OVER" yelled Ibiki.

[I'm gonna skip the 10th question so it's canon]

After the test was passed in a black blob smashed into the window and a banner popped up reading, "THE SEXY KUNOICHI ANKO MITSURASHI IS HERE" with a lady in front looking over the room "27 teams Ibiki… you're getting soft" said Anko. "We just have some good ninja this year" said Ibiki "ALRIGHT EVERYONE REPORT TO TRAINING GROUND 44 FOR THE NEXT PART OF THE EXAM" yelled Anko while walking out the door.

(Training Ground 44 – AKA – the forest of Death)

Everyone involved with the exams was at the big forest surrounded by a huge fence, Anko having already said her piece and the scrolls were passed out went over to Naruto "You ready for this" asked Anko, "Of course" said Naruto… "Well then as your sensei I'm giving a restriction… no use of medals unless in a life or death situation" said Anko. "Got it" said Naruto with a smirk on his face "Alright gaki get going" said Anko while Naruto went to his gate to wait for the starting signal.

He didn't have to wait long for soon the second exam was under way and Naruto was on the prowl, after an hour Naruto had to go but before he could start some Ame ninja showed up "Give us your scroll and you can leave with your life" said the leader of the Ames' all Naruto did was form his favorite handsign and say "KAGE BUNSHIN NO JUTSU" 20 clones appeared and managed to knock them out fast, "Let's see what scroll you bozos have… well well well a heaven scroll, since I have an earth scroll I win… but I have to find the girls for their Core Medals" thought Naruto when all of a sudden he hears an ear splitting howl… from some kind of dog and the only dog he knew that was here was Kiba's partner Akamaru.

Deciding to go help his fellow leaf ninja Naruto runs toward the sound and finds Kiba, Akamaru, Shino, and Sasuke pinned down by a grass nin

[Music Cue – Naruto ost – Orochimaru's theme]

"Who the hell are you" he hears Kiba yell, "My name is Orochimaru" said the nin while he was pealing off his face "And I've come to give the Uchiha a gift" said Orochimaru soon after opening his mouth like a snake his neck stretches and goes after Sasuke.

"FORE" everyone heard someone yell before Orochimaru gets his head smashed away from Sasuke by a large tree branch causing his head to shoot back like a baseball taking his body with him. Kiba and the others see Naruto with a log in his hands.


A snapping twig gets everyone's attention to see Orochimaru was back and he was pissed, Naruto hid the medals in a seal he made so he wouldn't lose them

[Music Cue – Naruto ost – Orochimaru's fighting theme]

Orochimaru charged in after Naruto who drew a kunai and they were slashing at each other like nobodies business "So this is the Kyuubi container… I better make sure he doesn't interfere with my plans again" thought Orochimaru "SENAI JASHUU" shouted Orochimaru trying to catch Naruto with snakes coming out of his sleeves, Naruto was able to dodge but got wrapped up in his tounge.

"GOYUU FUIN" [not sure how to spell it]

Orochimaru slammed his hand onto Naruto's stomach which caused the boy to lose conciseness after Orochimaru did that and gave Sasuke the Cursed Seal he left with team eight finding them after


[Music Cue – Naruto ost – Sasuke's theme]

All the Konoha ninja were taking shelter in a cave of tree roots, making sure everyone was alright "How are you guys doing" asked Sakura "We'll survive" said Shino "That's good to hear… who did this to you guys" asked Hinata "The guy said his name was Orochimaru, he had white skin, a long tounge, and slit yellow eyes" said Kiba.

After hearing that Kin started to shake uncontrollably in fear, "Kin are you alright" asked Hinata looking concerned "Orochimaru is a horrible man… he was the one who left me in that cave to die" said Kin. After hearing that everyone hears shuffling in the bushes. It was the sound team "Can Sasuke come out to play" asked Zaku with a crazy looking smirk on his face, "Why do you want Sasuke" asked Shino "We were ordered to kill the Uchiha as well as pass the exam" said Dosu, "So hand over the pain in the neck so we can get out of this fucking forest already" said the sound kunoichi.

[Music Cue – Naruto ost – avenger]

Before they could reply they all heard groaning and felt a fowl chakra in the air "So you want to try your luck against an Uchiha" said Sasuke while purple chakra was coming off him in waves, the fight with Sasuke started with Zaku who shouted "ZANKUUHAA" and blasting air and sound from his palms at Sasuke who dodged and ran to get close. While the fight was going on Naruto started to stur and no one was paying attention to him as they were too into the fight of Sasuke and the sound team, "Damn what the hell hit me… Ankh can you hear me" thought Naruto without getting any reply from his new favorite demon, Naruto figured that last move the snake humper used on him was the cause and vowed to find a way to fix it. After he got his bearings he spotted everyone looking at the fight and knew they didn't know he was up and saw Sakura and Hinata watching and figured he could try for their Core Medals. He found Sakura's in her pouch on her hips… it was a Condor Medal, and he somehow managed to find Hinata's in her ninja pouch on her leg, it was the missing Lion Medal he needed for a Combo. All he needed was Ino's Medal to win the game, but then he saw Sasuke about to rip out Zaku's arms.

"SASUKE WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" yelled Naruto surprising everyone even Sasuke who when he heard Naruto's yell the purple chakra receded and he let go of Zaku, after that happened Dosu offered his scroll and got his team and left.

[end music]

[I'm gonna have a skip to the tower up to the fights so canon break!]

Sasuke vs. Akori… winner Sasuke

Kin vs. Shikamaru… winner Shikamaru

Naruto vs. Kiba… winner Naruto

Shino vs. Zaku… winner Shino

Temari vs. Tenten… Winner Temari

Sakura vs. Ino… Tie, Naruto carried Ino and snatched her Core Medal

Kankuro vs. leaf nin… Winner Kankuro

Dosu vs. Choji… Winner Dosu

Garra vs. Lee… Winner Garra

After the fighting everyone had to pick a number [same as canon] and were told to train for a month so they could show off their village to potential clients, so now we see Naruto looking for Anko to train but he found Kakashi instead "Naruto… Anko asked me to tell you she will not be able to train you this month" said Kakashi "Why" asked Naruto, "She is in the hospital after fighting Orochimaru" said Kakashi. "Her too huh" said Naruto "So you will have a substitute sensei pointing to Ebisu "Not the closet pervert… I can take him out with one jutsu" said Naruto clearly not happy with the choice of ninja

"Closet pervert" asked Kakashi confused Ebisu clamped his hands over Naruto's mouth and ran with him to get away from Kakashi.


After getting away from Kakashi and a village game of hide and seek Ebisu was training Naruto in chakra control, but soon Ebisu heard a giggle and spotted someone peeking into the woman's bath, he tried to stop him but the man summoned a large toad and it's used it's tounge to slam Ebisu into the ground knocking him out in one shot. "Geez do you want to get us both busted" asked the man, Naruto tried to wake up Ebisu… even tired the "THOUSAND YEARS OF DEATH" but Ebisu was completely out of it. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FROGMAN WHO ARE YOU"

[music cue – Naruto ost - Jiraiya's Theme]


"Toad sage?" said Naruto confused, "Exactly" said Jiraiya while the toad disappeared, "WELL YA ERO-SENNIN WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT THIS, THAT GUY WAS SUPPOSED TO TRAIN ME FOR THE CHUNIN EXAMS AND YOU KNOCK HIM OUT COLD" yelled Naruto clearly pissed off. "Well he shouldn't have interfered with my research" said Jiraiya, "Research" said Naruto even more confused than before. "You see… I'm a novelist, I am a writer of great books… like this" said Jiraiya while pulling out a book from his vest. Naruto seeing the book is shocked that it was the same book he saw Kakashi reading with a blush on his face and giggling, "Wha… you wrote that" said Naruto while pointing. "Yes I see you know it" said Jiraiya while thinking "I'm famous and it's not even on paperback yet", Naruto busted his bubble by yelling "YOU CALL THAT PERVY TRASH A NOVEL… RESEARCH YEAH RIGHT, JUST AN EXCUSE FOR YOU TO PEEK AT GIRLS IN THE BATH HOUSE " after that there was screaming heard from the onsen and Jiraiya yelled "LOOK AT WHAT YOU HAVE DONE, YOU HAVE RUINED MY PEEKING… I MEAN MY RESEARCH" "Dirty old man" said Naruto with a blank look on his face. "You little, there's nothing dirty about it… I happen to be a serious artist who is inspired by youth and beauty that all" said Jiraiya while Naruto replied "Yeah whatever… like anyone believes that, who cares what about my training".

(borrowed from the anime…I'm going to hell)

"You mean the water walking exercise you were having trouble with" asked Jiraiya "Yeah I probably could do it right if that snake humper didn't do something to me" said Naruto getting a raised eyebrow from Jiraiya, "And who would this *ahem* snake humper be" asked Jiraiya "He said his name was Orochimaru but I just call him that because of what he did you Anko sensei" said Naruto "Alright kid I'll see what I can do… first lift up your shirt and focus some chakra" said Jiraiya

[Music cue – Naruto ost – Confrontment]

Naruto did as he was asked and the seal on his stomach appeared, Jiraiya studied it and found the alteration Orochimaru made and prepared to fix it.


Naruto landed on his butt from the force was getting ready to thank Jiraiya when he heard a small ding and looked at Jiraiya's feet and saw a Core Medal "YOU HAVE A CORE MEDAL" yelled Naruto while picking it up, "So that's what it's called… I got it in Ame even my teammates have one, Orochimaru had the one with a horn and Tsunade took the one that looked a one of the old man's summons" said Jiraiya. "Now what" asked Naruto well I've decided to take you as an apprentice so I'll be teaching you how to summon toads" said Jiraiya "ALRIGHT" yelled Naruto.



Everyone was excited to see the fights and so were the participants, even if Sasuke wasn't there, "Hope Sasuke doesn't get any special treatment" thought Naruto. Sarutobi was looking down form the Kage-box with the Rai-kage and the new Mizu-kage: a busty redhead named Mei. "Yo old man" said Jiraiya in greeting "Jiraiya what brings you here" asked Sarutobi, "I want to see what the big surprise my apprentice said would be here" said Jiraiya soon after the Kaze-kage arrived the event was about to begin.

Genma came out and said "We'll start the exam momentarily… will everyone but Hyuuga Neji and Uzumaki Naruto please leave the arena", after everyone was ready Genma looked at both participants and yelled "Begin".

[Music cue – Naruto ost – survival exam]

Naruto ran toward Neji ready to punch but threw some kunai instead which were deflected and returned by Neji, Naruto used his favorite handseal "KAGE BUNSHIN NO JUTSU" creating 10 clones and tried to get a hit in but Neji just ducked and veaved while using the Jyuken to make the clones disappear, Naruto made more but this time they attacked all at once but Neji did more until he attacked one Naruto with a jyuken to the chest "You're the real one" said Neji, one by one clones started to dispel "it's over" said one of the procters, "yeah did he really think he could win against one of the Hyuuga clan" said the other "Naruto… don't give up" thought Hinata. "It's over" said Neji but Naruto just chuckled and said "I told you not to count me out" then dispelled "What… it was a clone" said Neji while looking around and saw two narutos attacking him, it looked like Naruto would finally get a hit on Neji but he was ready "KAITEN" Neji yelled destroyed the clone and knocking Naruto back. "Too bad Naruto but if you get too close that's when Neji's special defense kicks in"

Everyone was in shock when Naruto's attack didn't work, they thought Neji would go down especially the girls while Hinata and Hiashi recognized that move. While Naruto was getting up Neji got close and said "You are within my divination… HAKKE ROKUJUU YONSHOU" (64 point hands) and closed Naruto's tenketsu, Neji looked at Genma and said "I win… he can't fight anymore" said Neji while Naruto got up. "You're wrong about that" said Naruto.

[Music cue – Naruto ost – Hinata vs. Neji]

"I've got too big of a beef with you to just quit I mean what could have screwed up your way of thinking to hate someone who has never done anything to you" said Naruto, Neji said nothing while he removed his head band to show a seal on his forehead. "This is the Cage bird seal forced on the branch house of the Hyuuga clan, you see my father and Hinata's father are twin brothers but since Hiashi was born first he was made the head of the family while my father was banished to the branch family… this seal is used for two things, the first is to seal the Byakugan so it can't be stolen after we die, but the second allows the main house to treat us like slaves, all it takes is a special handsign and some chakra to cause someone with this seal unimaginable pain before our brains turn to jelly, just living with this mark gives the fear of the main house using it whenever they want on whoever they want" said Neji.

"I'm sure you've heard of the Konoha/Kumo alliance right… but the Kumo representative tried to kidnap Hinata and was killed by Hiashi the Kumo village said that we were in violation of the treaty and demanded recompense, the leaf village wanted to avoid another war so they made a deal… a life for a life, Kumo demanded that the one who killed their ninja die. If there was to be peace Hiashi was to die, the leaf village agreed to the deal but what people don't know is that Hiashi sent my father to take his place… that bastard sent my father, his own brother to his death, they were so much alike but their destinies were determined long ago when one was born a few seconds after the other" said Neji.

"This match is the same… your destiny was sealed the moment I was chosen as your opponent… it's your destiny to lose to me" said Neji "Yeah right… we won't know that until you beat me" said Naruto taking deep breaths, Neji puts his headband back on "I get that your angry about your father getting killed but that has nothing to do with destiny" said Naruto before Neji slams Naruto in the chest knocking him down, Neji starts to leave but hears Naruto start to get back up again. "I'm not done yet" said Naruto "Naruto" thought Sakura, Ino, Hinata, Kin, and Haku while everyone was just watching "You brat… why should I waist my breath telling you… we are all given a destiny at birth… you don't know what it's like to be branded by a mark that sets you apart… a mark that can never be washed away" said Neji while pointing at him.

Naruto just panted and started to unzip his jacket, after he was done he lifted his shirt and focused some chakra to show the seal on his stomach "I understand better than you know Neji" said Naruto.

[Music cue – Nobody's Perfect… Kamen Rider W]

All of the people in the arena were curious about the mark on Naruto's stomach "You're not the one with a mark that can't be removed… and didn't you ever stop to think that Hinata might be suffering just as you… it's not her fault her father was born ahead of yours, all she wanted was to improve herself and earn your respect, after all that crap you said about your destiny to serve the main house, you try to kill it… you don't believe a word of that destiny garbage do you" asked Naruto.

"What is that seal for" asked Neji, "I'm sure everyone is wondering that so since you've had your story time it's my turn" said Naruto with a smirk. Everyone was paying attention to Naruto curious about that mark "I'm sure you know the story of the Kyuubi right" asked Naruto "Yes… the fourth hokage killed it" said Neji, "That's a total load of BS" said Naruto getting everyone's attention "No-one can kill a biju the only way to beat Kyuubi was to seal it into a newborn baby and guess who was picked" said Naruto. Everyone was in shock especially the rookie nine, Tenten, and Neji. "So he's like Garra but why hasn't he lost his mind to the demon" thought Temari "And that isn't the kicker" said Naruto, "What could be more surprising than that" asked Neji "Turns out the only way for the sealing method to work was to have a relative do the sealing" said Naruto.

Neji thought about what Naruto said until he got a wide eyed look "If that's true than…" said Neji before Naruto cut in saying "The Fourth Hokage was my father", if the people in the arena weren't shocked before they were now, to think that the deadlast goofball was the son of the greatest ninja in the world. Naruto put his shirt back and put his jacket back on.

[Music cue – Kamen Rider OOO – Anything Goes]

"Since the match is still on I guess I should stop holding back" said Naruto getting a shocked look from Neji "YOU MEAN YOU WEREN'T FIGHTING ME WITH ALL YOU HAD" yelled Neji, "Yeah I wanted to have something for Garra but I guess I'll still have some tricks for him" said Naruto taking a buckle and some coins out causing Neji to chuckle. "Do you honestly think those will help you" asked Neji while Naruto attached the buckle to his waist and inserted the coins.

"DEFINATLY" yelled Naruto while he took the scanner and swiped the coins each getting a chime higher than the other. "HENSHIN!"




TatoBa, TatoBa, TatoBa

A set of five coins started spinning like a slot machine around Naruto until they landed on the ones that matched the ones on Naruto's belt, after that the medals fused to form a chest plate with a red top, a yellow middle, and a green bottom with black armor. Naruto got into a ready stance, while Neji and just about everyone who hasn't seen the armor before freak out "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SUPPOSED TO BE" yelled Neji. Naruto smirked not that anyone would see it, said "My name is Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, but when I wear my family's armor I'm called Kamen Rider OOO" while doing the kabuki thing Jiraiya like to do.

"So that's the surprise he was talking about" said Jiraiya, "How could that be here… I thought it was destroyed with Uzu" said the Raikage in shock while the Mizu-kage looked at Sarutobi and asked "He said his name was Namikaze right" "That would be the case lady Mizukage" said Sarutobi "Then why the hell did you send a message saying my fiancée was dead" asked Mei with a cold voice. "I never sent any message, I wasn't ever aware of the engagement but I assure you I will straighten this mess out" said Sarutobi while still watching the match.

(Music Henshin – Greeed Showdown… Kamen Rider OOO)

"So Naruto had something like this in his arsenal huh, troublesome" said Shikamaru, OOO ran at Neji while getting his claws out getting ready to slice but at the last minute got caught in Neji's kaiten.

"I've never seen a weapon like this" said Tenten with hearts in her eyes, Neji tries to hit OOO with some shuriken but they were sliced to ribbons by his claws. "Man this just isn't cutting it I need to get in close but I can't get past that damn kaiten, maybe if I was faster" thought Naruto soon remembering the cheetah medal he found, he looked at Temari with an apologetic look then moved the driver into its original position. Neji seeing this thought he won "Do you finally see your destiny" asked Neji while Naruto removed the batta medal and held up a new one, "Yep I see me winning this match" said Naruto before sliding the new medal into place and scanned all three again.




Samething happened only instead of green legs they were yellow "Hey he has mothers herloom" said Temari, "Yeah and he is able to use it… you know what that means Temari" said Kankuro. "It means that Naruto is to be my soulmate" thought Temari

(Music Henshin – Scanning Charge… Kamen Rider OOO)

"Time I ended this Neji" said Naruto while taking the scanner and running over the driver again.


Naruto started pouring out energy until it formed 3 circles, he jumped up and flew toward Neji in a kick as he got closer he went thru a ring and got more power for each one, Neji couldn't move because he was stunned and got knocked out from the kick from OOO.

"Winner Kamer Rider OOO" said Genma and everyone started going nuts with cheering, Naruto took off the OOO driver and sealed them where he usually kept them and went to the participant stands

[end music]

Genma soon said "will Garra Subaku and Sasuke Uchiha please get down here" Garra appeared but Sasuke was nowhere to be seen, after a few minutes of waiting Sarutobi had enough "Please tell Genma that Sasuke is disqualified" said Sarutobi "But lord hokage, the Uchiha is what most people came to see… maybe we could postpone his match" said the Kazekage "No lord Kazekage I will not make any exceptions when it could cost the lives of my ninja in the future" said Sarutobi.

"Sasuke Uchiha is disqualified the winner is Garra Subaku" said Genma getting a grunt from Garra, Temari made her way to Naruto to find out a few things and to get her mothers heirloom back, "Naruto" said Temari "Hey Temari what's up" said Naruto. "I wanted to ask you a few things" said Temari, "Alright" said Naruto "Do you really have the Kyuubi sealed in your stomach" asked Temari. "Yes Temari why would I lie about something like that" asked Naruto "It's just… I've never seen another one like you… I mean I thought Garra was the only one" said Temari. "Wait… Garra has a demon sealed in him too" said Naruto clearly shocked. "Yes… the Shukaku but for some strange reason sometimes Garra calls it Kasari" said Temari, "Are you absolutely sure about that Temari" asked Naruto "Yeah… why" asked Temari. "No reason…" said Naruto while he thought "Did you hear that ankh… looks like another greeed survived like you did" thought Naruto "Yes but he isn't doing that boy any good, maybe we can draw Kazari out with his medals" said Ankh "It's worth a try" thought Naruto. "Naruto I would like to have my mother's heirloom back" said Temari "And that would be" asked Naruto "The cheetah medal you used against Neji" said Temari "Listen Temari I'm gonna need it a little while longer but I'll get it back to you soon" said Naruto then gives Temari a quick kiss on the cheek and runs off leaving Temari speechless while holding her cheek with a blush on her face.

[rest of the matches are canon here so no need to get mad]

"We now enter the Semi-finals… will Garra Subaku and Naruto Namikaze enter the ring" said Genma but before the match could begin a poof of smoke shot up and Kakashi and Sasuke appeared "Are we too late" asked Kakashi "Yeah… Sasuke Uchiha was disqualified three hours ago and he will not be allowed to advance in rank for 2 years" said Genma "WHAT… I AM AN UCHIHA, AN ELITE WHAT LOW WORM SAID THAT" yelled Sasuke only to get a fist to the head by Naruto "The Hokage and he can and probably will have your ninja license revoked after this Uchiha" said Genma with a stone face "Surely we can make an exception" said Kakashi, "No way Kakashi… you heard him, Sasuke was disqualified now I think you need to get out of here and take him with you" said Genma, soon Kakashi and Sasuke are in the stands and the match begins.

Sasuke saw Kiba and went to get some answers "Kiba how did Naruto get this far, I thought he would lose to Neji" said Sasuke, "That's what I thought when I was paired against him but he proved me wrong" said Kiba. "Then how did he win" asked Sasuke "His family legacy" said Kiba looking back to the fight. Sasuke looked too and it wasn't looking good for Naruto, no matter what he tried he couldn't get past that sand armor.

"That sand armor is impressive Garra but I have to ask… does the shukaku really answer to the name Kazari" asked Naruto, "Yes and he want's your blood Namikaze" said Garra while trying to bury Naruto in sand.

"Might as well bring out the big guns" Said Naruto while bringing out the OOO driver which caught Sasuke and Kakashi's eye "HENSHIN!"




TatoBa, TatoBa, TatoBa

(Music Henshin – Regret Nothing ~Tighten up~… Kamen Rider OOO)

As the armor of OOO appeared Kakashi was picking his jaw off the floor and Sasuke was thinking "Why does the dobe have that power… he doesn't deserve that power, only an Uchiha should have that armor". Soon the battle was really heating up with Naruto using the Tora claws to slash at Garra's armor and Garra trying to encase Naruto in sand but soon Garra made a shell of sand around himself and soon he was in his partial possession state and gaining ground on OOO.

Naruto was in it deep, he had a partial covered Garra and Kazari was crying for his blood and it seemed to him that nothing he tried would penetrate that sand armor of his so he decided to try the scorching combo and hope for the best, after dodging another sand claw from Garra he took out the red and green medals and got the other two yellow ready. "NO MATTER WHAT YOU TRY NAMIKAZE I WILL KILL YOU" yelled Garra with the look of a psychotic killer in his eye and giving Kakashi a wide eye, "Did Garra just call Naruto a Namikaze… but that's impossible… Sensei was the only Namikaze but he was dating that Uzumaki woman… OF COURSE TAKE AWAY THE WHISKER MARKS ON HIS CHEEKS AND HE'S AN EXACT COPY OF SENSEI" thought Kakashi.

After sliding in the two medals and as Naruto get ready to scan them Garra manage to catch Naruto. "SABAKU KYUU" yelled Garra finally getting his prey but before he could finish the job he heard three familiar chimes.




Rata Rata Rata Ratoraatah

(Music Henshin – Ride on Right time… Kamen Rider OOO)

the sand exploded to reveal an all yellow OOO with the mane of a lion for a head with blue eyes, tora's claws and the legs of a cheetah, the same symbols on his chest. Soon Naruto yelled and let out a bright light and a loud roar from a lion caused many people to cover their eyes and the surrounding plants were burned to a crisp. Garra's sand was turned to glass and his armor was shattered, the light died down and OOO got to work, running faster than most people could catch he started to claw and kick Garra without mercy, soon Garra was on his last legs when he tried to summon more power from Shukaku that's when OOO struck by scanning his medals again.


Soon three yellow rings were in between OOO and Garra but OOO ran closer to Garra to end it using his speed he ran fast thru the rings and before he reached Garra a loud roar was heard before OOO delivered the final blow, but after that he heard three screams one, went into his medals… another went into the sand and the last was Garra being knocked out cold. But before Genma could announce the winner the sand started acting on it's own and formed a raccoon/man hybrid "I WAS SO CLOSE TO HAVING THE POWER OF SHUKAKU AND YOU COME AND TAKE IT AWAY… BUT I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE OOO" yelled the monster "What the hell is that" asked OOO "I heard a monk tried to seal his soul into shukaku to control it but I never thought that it was true" said Temari "Great… I better end this quick" said OOO taking out Medajaribur and inserted three grey medals while the monster was trying to attack him, after the medals were inserted and ready OOO grabbed the scanner and scanned the medals in the sword.


After crouching down OOO swung the sword and yelled at the top of his lungs "SEE-YAH" and not only cutting the monster but everything else in the swords swing path but a few seconds later everything but the monster was fused back together as if they were never cut in the first place but the monster was destroyed in one huge explosion. After seeing Garra lose Orochimaru hidden as the Kazekage called off the invasion because Garra was a core piece and if Garra wasn't able to fight then the whole thing was a bust.

[Music change – Kamen Rider OOO - Arriving]

Genma finally announced the winner as "Kamen Rider OOO" which got everyone in the stadium cheering, Naruto took off the OOO driver and sealed them back in their hiding place and tried to take a nap while the rest of the exams finished up but after a half an hour he had to fight Temari.

Naruto vs. Temari

"So how do you want to do this" asked Naruto hoping he didn't have to fight hard, "I just found out about Garra…" said Temari causing Naruto to gulp "He can control the sand but Shukaku is no longer in him" said Temari "Uh…" said Naruto while scratching the back of his head. "Procter… I forfeit" said Temari "What" said Naruto in total surprise. "First, with that armor of yours I don't think I can beat you, 2nd… you saved Garra and hopefully he will learn to love again, and 3rd… you have my mother's heirloom which means that whoever can use its power is to my soulmate," said Temari after hearing that last one Naruto's brain went dead. Temari took this chance to walk up to Naruto and wrap her arms around his neck and whisper in his ear "I hope you feel the same for me as I feel for you… Naruto-kun" after which she kissed him full on the lips which Naruto happily accepted faintly hearing Genma yell "AND THE WINNER OF THE CHUNIN EXAMS IS NARUTO NAMIKAZE.

Really sry i haven't updated more often but a lot of crap has been happening and i hope you people enjoy this chapter/present to you all, head to youtube and paste watch?v=yszhMvFbg94 and to all my readers i wish you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!











SAI: X 1


ZOU: X 1